>"does prefer working alone"
>oh well that just leaves room for developement, try giving him a habit or a quirk to make it more live-like for roleplaying's sake
>"he mumbles instead of talking normally"
Helping players with creating characters
Other urls found in this thread:
>"he's just deep and brooding and prefers to sit in shady corners"
>He was orphaned early on his life and never met his parents
>He hates people
>He enjoys berating and killing people
Why do good friends make the worst roleplayers?
This is so true...
Invited my buddy to play, a German immigrant to play, went something like this:
>tell us about your character, buddy
>"He's an accountant"
>you know you don't have to play as yourself right?
>"okay, but I want to."
Sounds like a cool guy.
>Here's my character.
>Okay, thanks. Where's her backstory?
>Oh, I know her backstory. I'll tell you about it if it becomes relevant.
>Proceed to go the whole campaign with her just along for the ride, barely RPing and being a healbot.
>"Yeah, the one thing that kind of miffed me About the campaign was that I never got a chance to RP my character's backstory.
well, it's not surprising.
Did he maybe watch the movie?
>German want's to play his daytime job
>home from far far north
>parents were unicorn hunters
>were killed by said unicorns
>char hates unicorns and wants to destroy them all
>proceeds to draw shit on tavern walls with a crayon
What movie would that be?
I know I should have predicted this would happen, but, I mean, my Ukrainian buddy did great.
We were shit housed on vodka by the end of the night, but he did awesome.
He is though. I think the problem is he wasn't drunk enough. Or maybe too drunk. It's hard to tell with him. The first combat encounter he ran away citing "I don't want to get hurt."
>The first combat encounter he ran away citing "I don't want to get hurt."
The Accountant.
That was pretty much my exact reaction
Well now I have something to go watch with him
>My character is a famous surgeon!
>First Aid skill: 2
>Medicine skill: 1
>Ranged Weapon - Shotgun skill: 5
>"he's the next king of his clan"
>what clan is that?
>...I don't know... oh, and he has a huge sword.
shotgun surgery is horrifically tedious, isn't it?
Did you know a shotgun slug can instantly remove an appendix?
And, just for good measure, another 2ft of colon.
And some small intestine.
And some hip bone.
You really have to make sure you get it all, just to be safe.
Medicine skill 1 is not enough to realize an inflammation can't metastatize.
>Shotgun pellets spread
>Cancer cells spread
Just a matter of finding the right shotgun for the type of cancer, right?
All my characters are two to three sentence pitches with no backstory or name.
Those can be added later after the character is accepted.
Is this good?
Have you tried not playing with creatively bankrupt people?
It's generally how I make my characters. My campaign is high-lethality, and it's sometimes necessary. We learn not to get attached until at least level 3 where risk taking becomes less deadly.
I also think players' characters should earn the majority of their backstory from the campaign. Characters have never been better by being built another way, in my opinion.
My latest character was "A lowly knight, of little wealth and renown. With nothing but of title of pedigree to his name, he set out to establish the wealth his lineage deserved."
Fairly generic background, but by 4th level, he established himself as very popular character from his in-game actions.
some of them sort of have to have significant backstory.
Like the old witch.
An old lady has a LIFE that happened. Though, I can take the shortcut of most of it being mysterious or outright lies, since a witch is a terribly unreliable narrator.
He didn't say he was famous for being good, just famous.
You get famous really quick when you shoot organs out
Had a player do this exactly once. They got the hint after the rest of the group took off on a quest while he sat in the corner of the tavern.
>Character is a gnoll, raised by dwarves
>Adoptive mother was devout follower of Pelor
>Married, hoped to bless marriage with a child
>Turned out she was infertile
>Took to weeping next to an underground river
>Was begging Pelor for a miracle, when she saw what looked like an animal being washed down the river
>She decided to save it
>Turns out it was a baby gnoll
>She had no idea how the baby got there
>But being the pious sort, she took it as a sign from Pelor, and decided to raise the baby as her own
>Gnoll grew up among Lawful Good dwarves, believing in Pelor's truth
>From the story of her "birth", she believes she was put on the earth by Pelor for some special mission
>Became a paladin in order to spread the sun-god's light
Rate my character.
First post, best post.
fuck off
I\d accept it
I like the twist of ((evil)) race raised by ((good guys)). It makes paladins hesitant to try to kill you
As DM, I'd accept it.
Maybe I'd work with the player about a few extra details, but this aside...
The fact that the story isn't about the character but the motivations of the character is good. Not knowing your birth parents along with a religious component without diving into abuse from said religion makes it at least leagues better then my players.
Slavbros seem to thrive in drunk fantasy campaigns. I suppose it comes from years of playing and reading related media, and, well, drinking a lot.
>"he mumbles instead of talking normally"
>Depressed alcoholic drug dealer in his late forties wants to turn his life around, joins the mage guild to become a wizard.
r8 my character
That's called infamous.
would play it/20
>Backstory summarized in a three word sentence
>"Am amoral wizard"
R8 my character('s culture)
Mainly it's just an excuse for my character to be wearing a suit that looks like that one Super Sentai pirate series
Also bonus points if you recognize the TV show I ripped the basic concept and name from.
Just tell them to think of a fictional character and play them.
If they choose Sam Vimes or Duncan Idaho, great.
If they choose Naruto they're too far gone.
But edgelords are part of every good story.
A human Paladin of Vengeance of the goddess of love.
A minotaur stole his wife, now he's going to steal their life.
muh sides
That show died before it's time. I miss it
>not stealing the minotaurs wife
Where's the JUSTICE?
A minotaur Cleric of the Demon Goddess of Unrealistic Sexual Expectations.
Every maiden that learns how bad cows really smell and a disappointing failure to launch in the nature of a hamster with a summer squash is a tribute to his dark, real bitch of a goddess.