In cultures where the marrying young was common. How soon did they expect comsumation? I imagine a couple of 13 year olds weren't expected to consummate the marraige on their wedding night?
In cultures where the marrying young was common. How soon did they expect comsumation...
First period usually.
As soon as they were able.
It wasn't rare to be able to marry a woman as soon as bleed her first blood.
Isn't this more a question for Veeky Forums?
I think 13 is the absolute lowest exceptable age for that.
I've read a few historical topics on that matter, one including letters of a father who's son was married to a 9 year old girl when he was 11, and consumated their marriage when he was 13 and he was 15.
She ends up with a miscarriadge and the father blaims his son for being hasty and consummating their marriage too soon on the letters.
In that culture it was common for people to marry off their children at young age but only move them in together as husband and wife like a full decade later...
>he was 13 and he was 15.
*she was 13
>How soon did they expect comsumation?
Usually at least wait until the girl's first period. In cultures were food is scarce that is somewhat later, I think 14-15 for medieval Europe since you need to be fat enough for periods to happen (one of the reason the age of puberty is earlier in our times). Unless you have a not!Islam thing going on it seems logical to only have sex with a young girl when the body is ready to carry babies.
There's a Bride's Story doujin?
What horror has been wrought?
And where can I find it?
When the kids became adults mostly. When a women got her period she was considered an adult.
>the father blaims his son for being hasty and consummating their marriage too soon on the letters
That example actually suggests it was common, not uncommon.
Is this the one with the horse?
They were to sleep in the same bed/room. Eventualy they feel a longing after a few months.
I like how this exact same thread is up on Veeky Forums but there are more, and better, posts here.
You know, it depends on the setting.
13 yo was pretty rare in any event, and mostly a middle-eastern thing for richer people anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if they usually waited 2 years or so.
You mean all of the pre-modern ones. You had to have as many childrens as eary as possible just to ensure that a cojple of them would ever reach adulthood. Even among the elite, children mortality was high. More than half of the children werent expected to survive its firat year.
Children in pre-modern time were yla vital investment. They were ready to work for you at 13 or early. When you retire, they would take care of you. The more kids, the better chances of javing a confortable late life.
Did and of you have a game where there was a public consummation of the marraige?
Based on old midwife practices and tech, consummating the marriage at 11 to 13 years old seems to more the norm and usually based on how healthy and wide the hips are to ensure the higher survival rate of the mother during childbirth.
Good thing that we still have tribes in the Middle East still practicing young marriage in current year so we can check it out.
Like all other anons said, marriage is done after the girl have her first period because the parents can't take care of the girl anymore since they have to work and travelers might prey on their daughter and make her a whore, in a sense.
Consummating the marriage as said, is around 11 to 13 years old.
>because the parents can't take care of the girl anymore since they have to work and travelers might prey on their daughter and make her a whore, in a sense.
Who knew the corruption fetish had a historical basis.
>ye olde aehgothe
Lowered child mortality is a hell of a drug.
Suddenly you go from marriage != dickings, to marriage meaning first night dicking.
Suddenly nobility doesn't care much for marriage, except that its a planned event in their late teens.
And over a few generations, the population growth grinds completely to a halt.
Islam's mohammed married a six-year-old and raped her/"consummated the marriage" when she was 9 years old.
Some girls don't reach puberty until 13, others can become pregnant as early as 7, I think is the record.
Sad but true.
>since you need to be fat enough for periods to happen
You got any proof to back that up?
>I imagine a couple of 13 year olds weren't expected to consummate the marraige on their wedding night?
Dude, even today 13 year olds fuck like crazy in high school bathrooms. What makes you think a married couple wouldn't be able to do the same?
Also, usually the man would be quite a bit older because the evil patriarchy expected him to oppress the woman with his money. A very extreme case, but Plato stated ideally a man would be 30 and a woman 15 when they married. Less extreme case: when they married Louis XVI was 18 and Marie-Antoinette 12.
To be fair, even within the Hadith it's emphasized that when their marriage was consumated, Aisha didn't have her period yet (she still played with dolls, an important factor because only little girls were allowed to do that. Anyone else doing that was considered idolatry).
So even by 7th century Arabian standards, Muhammad was already a pedophile.
Im not that user and certainly not an expert ont he subject, but I do know that girls with severe anorexia sometimes stop having their period. No idea how less severe, but more long term malnutrition affects the sexual maturation, though.
Common enough, but most people understood that a developed woman was more likely to bear many healthy children.
Single fathers didn't exactly have a great time of it back in the day, either. Toddlers aren't great at labor.
There's several.
One is the finest /ss/ vanilla.
One of the others involves a horse.
Adipose tissue is important in estrogen production. Fat guys have hormonal issues because of this, and fat girls are known to go through puberty early.
>Adult orc PC marries severely underage human boy
>Thinks humans reach reproductive age same as orcs
Fucking pervert I know what she's playing at.
Why would you need to know?
>flustered afghan girl.jpg
so how rare were virgin girls past the age of 15 were in ye old days?
This doesn't even make sense. Orcs reaching reproductive age early means they should get big like an adult early.
It's more likely the orc would just assume the human is very young, unless orcs mature like gorillas and are human sized at initial puberty and just keep on growing and growing for a longer time.
Pretty common, until they got married. Most girls were married early, though.
It is also a matter of status and local tradition. Most cultures had families exchange wealth during a marriage, and a family that couldn't meet this price or in which a father could not bear to part with a loved daughter were not uncommon to read about.
They do get big like an adult early.
I'm on my mom's computer right now (visiting her) so I can't post it right now, but on my home computer I have a chart from some research comparing how many sex partners women had prior to marriage in the 1900s compared to today.
If I'm not mistaken in the 1900s (which were already more sexually liberated than, say, the Middle Ages) about 32% of women married as virgins, with another 20% having had only one sex partner before marriage (possibly the man they ended up marrying anyway). So let's say about 42% of women fucked only the men they married.
You know the old tales of the Unicorn and virgins? There's an old joke here. To find a mythical creature, you need another one.
>They were ready to work for you at 13
3, genreally around 3-5 is when they'd be involved in farm labor or kraftwerk - there's a lot of jobs that are easier with small hands or bodies, especially when it came to cleaning equipment or ovens or feeding animals or doing fiddly end point work like tying up hay bales that would then free up stronger laborers to do other jobs.
If you've ever seen any of the docusoups about the Dugger family, you sort of see how young you can go with giving children responsibilities - their weird decentralised buddy system of childcare often sees 5 year olds taking care of 2 year olds for most of the day while the older kids are off getting qualified as midwives or real estate agents.
If you examine Plato's marriage statement, it means something entire different.
Any of these could be true:
1. Living to 30 is a sign of fertility, since living to infertility is almost unheard of. So the man at 30, has already beaten the odds
2. Bride should have reached full height, because reasons
3. Manning to 30, as a high class greek noble is a sign of being a solider, and again: Beating the odds and economic standing, not fertility
My grandpa was 16 when he married my grandma at 14
They fucked like bunnies: 12 children
Yeah, that's what I was saying. My comment about the patriarchy oppressing women with money was a snide way to refer to the man's ability to provide for the woman (for which he'd have to be quite a bit older than the woman's minimal fertility age unless he's a noble or something).
I didn't consider the 'beating the odds' argument though.
>since living to infertility is almost unheard of
>3. Manning to 30
WTF is this guy saying?!? Is this Chinglish?
>Anyone else doing that was considered idolatry
Man, no wargames in Islam then.
How many people do you see playing RPGs in Islamic-majority countries? Almost none.
It's a pretty shitty religion and much, much worse than the 1980s Moral Majority panic in America.
BIG difference between 14 and 9-year-olds, dude.
Link forva mobile fag?
Hook me up nigger.
I dunno, never been to an Islamic country to check out the local RPG scene.
>Twin brown girls in white dresses
Those are my nonsexual fetishes
TO BE A strong survivor?
Depends if they could run faster than their dads.
>How many people do you see playing RPGs in Islamic-majority countries? Almost none.
I'm not finding anything on google. A little disappointing, honestly.
Girls: After their first period.
Boys as soon as they are considered of age, which might involve some ceremony or test.
Do your own research guys, I'm not made of panda links.
Really boring answer here, which won't help you much;
Ancient cultures weren't all awesome record-keepers.
The Romans were good about recording some things. The Chinese and the British post-christianisation.
The most extensive medieval records of civil matters, like marriages, are all from western europe and Britain, post the Christianisation.
And the culture in Western Europe and Britain was not really one of marrying children, or the extremely young.
Mind you, it did happen. But it was not the norm.
So... It's a good question.
Define "ye old days"
>Western Europe and Britain
>and Britain
are you one of those "Britain isn't European" morons?
I gotchu senpai
>are you one of those "Britain isn't European" morons?
You mean normal Europeans?
Continental European here, the british isles are European, english people aren't.
>Well, think of marriage now; younger than you,
>Here in Verona, ladies of esteem,
>Are made already mothers: by my count,
>I was your mother much upon these years
>That you are now a maid. Thus then in brief:
>The valiant Paris seeks you for his love.
Juliet is 13.
"Teenager boys can't keep their dicks on their pants" common, not "it's fine and dandy, everyone does it" commmon. Something happening a lot doesn't mean it's accepted or taken for granted in a society.
Yeah, much like how the Japanese aren't Asian and the Sicilians aren't Italian.
>english people aren't
Come on, London isn't representative of the entirety of England.
It's funny how you can mix up word order like that...
>mfw artist actually bothered to have her clothed with all the cloth and earrings
No, I am not really, but Britain is to some extent a unique cultural and historical place. Britain has been britain for a very long time, with more or less the same borders, and little cultural migration.
Also, it seems like they don't think of themselves as europeans. I mean, when you go there. They always say "Europe" like "over there". Not like "here in europe".
>t. burger
As someone who is from Europe (won't say where because /pol/) believe me when I say that the British Isles are always referred to as separate from Europe.
She's also a work of melodramatic parody.
As someone who is also from Europe (I'm not a bitch so I'll say where: Netherlands) you're full of shit.
To that extent Britain is the same thing as Italy: even before being unified, it was always acknowledged as a certain geographical area with certain linguistic and cultural characteristics. Or Scandinavia for that matter. Or even the Low Lands to a more limited extent. Not enough to make it not-Europe.
also being malnourished from the start will stunt your growth and development, meaning your period would start later as well. If you were a peasant, anyways. Rich people and royals were better fed, obviously, but even they had struggles with proper nutrition since their medical knowledge was "lol bleed him til he feels better"
Weird. The only countries I've been to that refer to the UK as being European are France and Germany. And even then it's only the left wing/pro-EU among them.
Are you from the 3rd world?
Over the period of 21 years the Duggar matriarch had 17 children, averaging one child every 15 months git gud scrub.
And that's not including miscarriages, which is the main reason for that 15 month average being so long.
They say her husband doesn't do cunnilingus because the echos are off putting.
This wasn't really the point of the discussion was it? But if we are gonna debate whether Britain is europe, we sort of need to un-confuse what we are really discussing.
Are the british isles a part of the European subcontinent? Absolutely.
Are the british europeans? It seems like they don't want to be, and don't really think of themselves that way.
Would you say australians are asians?
is the republic of ireland european?
>Also, it seems like they don't think of themselves as europeans. I mean, when you go there. They always say "Europe" like "over there". Not like "here in europe".
As a Spaniard, we also say that. "In Europe they do X" is often used in comparison to Spain.
I confirm the words of mr. drugs&whores, you're full of shit. England is like the most stereotypically european country ever, only France and Germany can compete.
>Would you say australians are asians?
Of course not they're south american
>Would you say australians are asians?
I don't know, were they invaded and culturally influenced by Indonesians and Vietnamese multiple times? Do they share most of their haplomemes with the Chinese (already)?
Whether it's culturally, racially or linguistically there's no doubt that the British belong in the same group as the rest of the Europeans. Hell, to a certain extent the English may have more in common with the Germans than the Irish.
>it's a moorish rape baby pretends to be european episode
The day when australians and chinese come to defile my beach village and I can't tell them apart I'll call both of them asians.
Internal identities are irrelevant, it's like people identifying as genderfluid wolf spirit.
Please deposit your /int/ and /tv/ memes in the proper waste receptacle.
But I am?
You're the dutch guy and you just got offended because I identified your country with Amsterdam and the city with drugs and whores, right? It was banter famalam.
Church records indicate that pregnant brides were rather common
>You're the dutch guy
Nope, that's me. Unless another Dutchman joined in.
>"In Europe they do X"
Here, we have this saying towards capital of the country.
We also have fruit quality measured in three degrees:
to eat
to make booze of
to sell in capital
Well, considering 23% of all Saudi children have been raped today, I'd put my wager on that they just fucked them.
Long live USA's (2nd) greatest ally.
>23% of all Saudi children have been raped today
Is this the same 23% every day or are they taking turns?
More or less the same, but they get progressively replaced by new ones as they grow up.
They don't have any night entertainment aside from fucking and they have a lot of interest in the other gender so take a wild guess.
Why not? 13 was the age of adulthood in many societies.
13 is old enough to breed.
I'm not saying I support such things but some cultures do.
When it can't consummate because he can't get it up yet, it's awkward but handwaved. When it can't consummate because she's being a little pussy about it, it's all her fault and they split her open / get a refund.
Also, varies by exact culture and era.
probably just catholic
Age gap & Embroidery: the Manga
Muhamad fucked Aisha when she was 11, i think.
One of the main reason why girls are married off after their first period in cultures before mandatory female schooling is introduced.
Girls want to enjoy having sex and men want to ensure they are raising their own offspring.
Didn't the bulk of the peasantry married in their mid 20s rather than in their first menstruation?
In Islam, 10 is Prophet-approved.
In Hollywood fiction during puritan era, yes.
Actual history no.