Do you do cliched happy endings?
Why, or why not?
Do you do cliched happy endings?
Why, or why not?
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A cliched happy ending will always be better than a botched sad ending.
As long as you add something to make it interesting, not just "BBEG ded, go home now".
Not usually.
Idiotic murderhobos, who form a good chunk of my playerbase, don't take the sorts of actions condusive to cliched happy endings.
I love 'where are they now' endings, where the state of PCs and important NPCs is commented on in an 'epilogue' of sorts.
This. Plus "everybody jump into a freeze frame" set to corny music.
Yes, because I love cheesy shit like that.
Have to agree
99.9999999999% of people playing D&D, GURPS, and Pathfinder aren't look for a "le epic subversive dark ending". They just want the good guys to prevail and have fun playing broad archetypes.
There's a place for grim dark stuff and it's called "World of Darkness". It's kind of their schtick.
based rigby
Much easier to:
>lol you all go on to live happy lives
Than to:
>lol you all suffer and die an early death
>not simpy going "Lol gg ez you scrubs can't deal" at the end
Seems like you don't hate your players enough just yet
It's mostly why I agree with Particularly at the end of a long campaign where the PCs were mostly good. They earned their cheesy happy endings, so it feels warranted.
Depends entirely on what fits the story.
The way stories are played out, they indicate right from the beginning whether or not there's going to be a happy ending or not, and also set the tone on whether or not a happy ending is appropriate or vice versa.
As an example of something unsatisfying, consider a cheap ending that turns a supposedly (or at least wannabe) tragic story into a happy ending for no reason. Prime example, Mai-Hime.
Or the other way around. A story that sets the stage so that the audience really wants it to turn out well, but the author(s) make it bleak as if out of spite.
(perhaps it tells of something that I cannot spit out an example of the latter offhand, I know they exist though)
roll credits
Bittersweet endings are the best endings
People generally prefer happy endings. Especially when it's a story they're participating in. "Everything you did wasn't enough. It still all goes to shit." isn't a very satisfying conclusion to a game.
Depends on the game.
Gritty cyber punk one shot? Most of the PCs die in the final encounter, they ultimately achieve nothing.
4-color super hero story?
All the heroes beat the bad guy, send him to jail and the city throws a parade for them
I wouldn't play games with people I hate.
Emphasis on the plural. I might not know I hate them until at least one game.
I'm a bit of a softy anyway.
What's the context here?
The saved the universe and have come home.
The only good endings are the ones that leave hope for the future, tragedy or no tragedy.
It's not even cliche anymore because it so rarely happens.
The ending of Regular Show, the guy in the gid starts out as a lazy irresponsible manchild and by the end of the show he's grown up, gone back to school and gotten a qt gf
happy endings are for pussies
Cause I never get to the end of the fucking campaign!
Depends on the character and their actions. Some characters may receive happier endings than others, it really just depends.
Personally, I'm a sucker for a happy ending. If my players actually put effort into RP'ing, giving them a satisfying ending (or at the very least, a reasonable one according to their actions) is pretty important to me.
I've never made someone's character ascend to godhood or anything like that, but I've had players whose characters ended up becoming kings and lords.
Alternatively, I've had people who played wanderers that had no intention of ever settling down (like a Wood Elf Druid, for example) and so their characters wound up as legends and inspirational figures.
Then again, I've also had people who played unrepentant (and sometimes outright evil) assholes. One of those characters actually had a "good" ending (ended up as a fairly powerful duke in an otherwise weak kingdom, leaving him poised to claim the throne) but ONLY because his dickishness never truly backfired on him and I wasn't going to punish him because he played an asshole. Rare for that to happen, though.
Most "evil" characters aren't able to get away with it, in my experience. Whether due to dice rolls or the PC's finding out, evil usually never pays off. Most of the time they wind up dead or living pretty shitty lives.
RS ending was shit, should have just stuck with the loop.
Also making a grand story goes against the spirit of the show to begin with. It's suppose to be about doing Regular stuff like getting coffee and the crazy shit that happens on the way.
I hate when writers botch their own work for closure.
Sounds like someone is butthurt Mordo didn't end up with Margaret
Depends, if the game has been relatively light hearted a cliched happy ending can be a little "meh"
But I will say if we are playing a huge drama filled game super dark game, I NEED some levity in the form of a happy ending. There is only so much I can take and my god I have had some GM's where I had to drag them aside and just say "Holy shit you are tugging on my feels TOO hard, can you at least have a scene where the orphan we rescued bumps into there brother in the refugee camp, that scene were they tried to revive there dead mom was too real."
margaret was a self-centered piece of shit and so was mordecai
CJ wasn't much better desu
Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
I don't, the masseuse always ask insanely high money for those.
What did happen to Mordecai anyway? Did he stop sabotaging every relationship he got in?
unless you're the GM, viewer or player who didn't participate much, of course.
I dont do "happy" maybe triumphant is the better word? Focus on glory rather than the emotion of happiness. Or focus on calamity and cataclysm rather than "sadness"
Rigby moved in with his gf so Mordo moved away, focused on making his art less shit and eventually when he less expected it met a girl who he ended up marrying. He has 3 kids and looks like a hobo/hipster dad, Rigby has two daughters and sweet mutton chops
>"huh, i guess those really were our demon days"
>GM proceeds to look at me like i threw a rotten tomato at his campaign notes by referring to the gorillaz album i suggested that we use as his campaign name
your GM has shit taste, break his back with a fucking flail
The party always ruins something even after the bbeg is wamped.
I worked my ass off for my happy ending. If I don't deserve it? Sure, make it sad/unfufilling. But If I lived and did the mission and was a decent guy for it, I want my ending happy as fuck.
I mean, I'm just a huge asshole, but I always plan the "you failed ending" unless the players roll/do otherwise.
Flails don't break bones
Then you are clearly using the wrong flail.
Flails break EVERYTHING including historical accuracy
They break hearts
Regular Show just concluded with a surprisingly epic finale;
>jolly good show
I always hoped he'd get back with Margaret, but damn this is a good ending.
>muh gritty realism
It's baffling how Rigby stumbled dick first into such a great life
I usually make happy endings hard to get, but very achievable.
What I like to do most, however, is sneak in one last description of how everyone is happy, making families, friends, rebuilding kingdoms and stuff, and then implying that they didn't kill properly someone or something and that the effects won't be seen in their lifetimes.
serious question: should I get into regular show? Is it any good?
Want honest answers only please
It has its moments. When it's good, it's really good.
It misses just as often as it hits, so I wouldn't get TOO into it. Then again, I haven't watched in a few years.
Go watch 'Eggscellent' and make up your own mind
Comic has "hope" written in Hebrew at the bottom left with a missing "vav".
Jews conformed to be the cause for turning white males into beta's.
agreed, I like an ending that comes at the personal cost of everyone involved
It's a lot of fun, dumb as shit, but fun