What's next for his career?
Ur anus
Depends on which gym Trazyn goes to next and what type the gym leader plays.
Isn't he dead?
He'll make a lovely hat stand.
Trazyns official older model of Cadian boypussy.
Trazyn fucking his eye hole.
playing life-sized turn based wargames with his newfound best buddy trazyn.
until the time the cop-duo style couple are called again into the maelstrom of war thatcis the galaxy.
What is Trayzan is stealing all the heroes of the IG?
What if Trayzan has Commissar Holt?
He'll have a fucking Job, the orks would rescue him. Freeboota Private investigators on the bad moon payroll the galaxy over would be onda case
Has this Mary Sue actually captured Marbo, Straken and Yarrick?
He just needs to capture that elusive Gaunt to complete his collection.
Given Cain's phobia of Necrons if this is true it would be intensely ironic.
I mean Trayzan had an entire regiment of Vostoryans so he must have entire other collections of random IG
This would be quite funny like the reason we dont see alot of the older named IG characters is that Trayzan captures them all so he can play wargames with them.
>Freeboota Private investigators on the bad moon payroll the galaxy over would be onda case
Oh my god I want this so badly now. Orky Noir.
>It wuz rainin' as Oi wen' down da alley where Oi normally met moi infor- ifoman-, knowz-stuff-git
>E's called "Snaggletoof", cause erry time I beat 'im for wut 'e knows, 'is teef come back da same snaggly way
>Afta da normal beatin' Oi fin'lly got wat Oi wanted ta know
>Of course, Oi pocketed 'is teef as Oi left
>Bein' a detektive kin be rewardin' at toimes
Trazyn is gathering IG heroes so that he can use their combined strategic prowess to finally beat Tzeench in 4 dimensional Chess.
>Snaggletoof tol' me 'e knew where ta git meself some more informa-, informio-, brain gubbinz
>'E sed I shud get meself down ta da Rusty Choppa Klub
>Da Rusty Choppa wuz da biggest krumpin' nightspot in da Rok
>Every git who fought he wuz a flashgit always wound up der'
>And den der wuz de ownah
>Big Boss Eadchoppa
>If'n you'z ever saw a man wiv mo' teef dan sense, it wuz 'im
>Only fing was though, Eadchoppa 'ad a mean streak 'bout 'im
>E'd spend days not even scrappin' wiv dah boyz
>Sez he likes "finkin'...
>Allz I knew woz dat he was a bad grot and if I played me groxnuts wrong, I'd end up in da squigpitz
more pls
Finally something in a decade Frank Miller can write.
His Tactical genius meme ability becomes canon thanks to his new understanding of tesseract matrices.
Also, theres no way Trazyn isn't the necrons main character who will show up for the hero hammer final showdown and release his pokemon. He's also going to be a convenient plot device to get characters and armies who have no business being at the final battle.
I'm actually exhausted, sadly, and just about to go to bed. If the thread's still up in the morning I'll happily continue. Hopefully some kind user(s) might add to it.
This actually makes way too much sense.
So is Trazyn like us?
He takes all this random bullshit together to make fan fiction tier battles real?
He's going to Infiltrate deploy the "Lost" planet of Cadia onto Trazyn's head.
Pretty much. he already does this in fall of cadia by releasing imperial armies right in abbadons face, i can't wait to see what he does in the final battle. I'm already putting money on him releasing one of the lost primarchs.
Random user here. I'll chip in and make a post.
>Eadchoppa wuz buzy wiv sum otha git when 'e saw me
>"Yer not welcum 'ere, Gumbootz" 'e growled before krumpin' da otha git
>Oi told 'im wot Oi wunted ta know 'an gave 'im sum o' Snaggletoof'z teef ta barta
>'E gave a snort "Gilda knowz wut ya seek" an' 'e pointed to da stage
>'Dere, I saw dis oddboy, singin' 'bout foightin' an' shootin' an' lootin'
>Summa da otha boyz were lovin' it, throwin' 'im teef 'an hootin'
>Oi just drank moi squigjuice 'an waited for da show ta end
>Neva trust an oddboy
so where does he keep them? in stasis or something?
Trazyn is a fucking mary sue.
Trazyn is as Sue as the court of Tzeentch. The whole point of his being is that he is the Necron version of Tzeentch, except instead of fucking with fate, he just lives to fuck with Tzeentch.
This was established from the beginning.
His entire tomb world is dedicated to his hobby.
His tomb world is his armory. He just happens to have a hell of a lot of fun stocking his armory, like how a Warhammer fan builds up his army.
A phobia is an irrational fear. There's nothing irrational about how Cain feels about necrons.
He's a Necron wargamer.
No, he gets kind of cthulhuesque fear jibblies around their mere presence. From the fluff, maybe it's just Jurgen being around all the time, but he's more scared of Necrons than Chaos stuff barring Emily.
I think it's a relic of the Oldcrons, honestly. They were originally supposed to be totally terrifying, Lovecraft-level "go insane with the implications" type critters in some cases. Now it seems kind of silly to be afraid of wacky space Egyptians. They're dangerous, to be sure, but mostly the ones who aren't serial killers just want you off their lawn.
Fuck newcrons
>le "I survived getting choked by the weapon that killed Sanguinius and crippled the Emperor" man
Walking meme
Nuke Cadia fgt.
Can you mourn your dead life partner while trapped in a Tesseract Labyrinth?
Timesicle in Trazyn's fridge.
>I planet and survived due to shit writing
Its funny, I was a 40k player but the shit game pushed me out. I still really enjoyed the fluff. For the past several years they are trying their hardest to destroy that too.
Who thought it was acceptable to write ever that the armless failure, a 10 year old space marine veteran armed with some of the most powerful artifacts in the galaxy, would have to run away twirling his mustache after getting beaten pair of standard humans?
And they wonder why we all think Abby is a shitty character.
>Complain about shitty writing and fail to write in the same post.
I am dumb.
Should read, my planet died and I survived due to shit writing
The sabbat world crusades ended back in 778.M41, a good hundred years or so before the IoM encountered them. So, sadly no Gaunt and his Tanith 1st making a comeback.
If you go full force from the start you won't get a chance to monologue at corpse worshipping fools. Just make sure not to leave yourself open to being stabbed by corpse brides while gloating.
Well, said sword he was shivved by is a holy blade that is believed to be the emperor's vengeance made incarnate. If there was enough warp for him to teleport back out, there is enough for the Emperor to buttfuck abbdon with Celestine's help.
You fucking cunt. The Pylons were fucking up the traitor forces real bad and the 8th regiment Cadians were rallying and charging forth to defend Creed and Celestine.
Abaddon was still reeling and half blinded by Greyfax's mental assault, was bloodied by Celestine backstab, and was drained of his godly powers. On top all of that, he was right in front of a Cadian stampede. He can choose to stay behind and finish off Greyfax, Creed, and Celestine but that would mean that his window for teleportion would close meaning that the Cadians will swarm all over him and kill him.
Abaddon choose to teleport away and crash the blackstone fortress which was the smarter move.
So, motherfucker, how is the entire 8th regiment a "pair of humans"?
Is he confirmed captured?
Trayzan never went to sleep user.
He's been collecting for centuries before the rise of the Necrons.
Let me hold creed up by the neck like a movie villain and talk. Its like a man holding a hamster, but some how I don't have time to actually kill him. Oh god a psyker, if I had known the enemy leader would have a pskyer! Oh well, I am powerful enought o get by dispite the fact she still has some powers with the weirdo pylon magic. Oh god I got stabbed in the back by the standard human I failed to kill before. WHO COULD HAVE SAW THIS COMING TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN!
Also, I am a 10 thousand year leader and I let myself get surrounded by an enemy army to kill one dude. Yes this all makes sense. Everyone walks away from a fight alive for no reason as well.
Its a bad comic book ending that ignores the fluff. Its fucking stupid.
Sounds exactly like Abbadon, whose entire shtitck of his character is "Imma bad boy and watch me gloat"
>its a bad comic book ending
You know we're talking about 40k here, right?
>defending the armless
>Oh god a psyker, if I had known the enemy leader would have a pskyer!
You god damn idiot. THE PYLONS WERE FUNCTIONING. All psykers except Greyfax were fucked. Only she had the mental power to draw upon the warp while the pylons were working (it was killing her but Celestine touched her back to health after the pylons stopped). And she was deposited suddenly on the field by Trazyn. Why the fuck do you think he should have seen it coming?
Again, you are ignoring that Abaddon was half blind and in a mental duel with Greyfax as he was fighting both Creed and Celestine. It was 3 vs 1 and the writing was against Abaddon.
All what happened with the pylons working and Greyfax being there was engineered by Trazyn.
>Also, I am a 10 thousand year leader and I let myself get surrounded by an enemy army to kill one dude.
Forgot this part.
Abaddon's army evaporated around him living his bodyguard who were tied up.
And you didn't read what I said? The Creed and Cadians charged Abaddon. He didn't let himself be anything. Prior to the pylons being switched on, he was an unstoppable demigod that cannot be harmed. Surrounded by daemons and marines.
Fall of Cadia explicitly says he has Tanith in his collection. He pulls some of them out for the big showdown.
I read what you said and I pointed out how it makes no fucking sense.
>It was 3 vs 1 and the writing was against Abaddon.
This is the problem. He is a fucking space marine. It shouldn't matter. Why is greyfax so special snowflake that she can resist the pylons? Why is abaddon's superior skill and body suddenly not taken into account? Greyfax is on the point of dying to use your powers, yet she still factors into the fight at all? Celestine should have died right away and Creed would have posed zero threat because he is an old general no longer an effective warrior.
And you just furthered my point, my army is disappearing and lets not do something worth while like killing my enemy instead I will exposition.
The reason it happened was because GW wanted it to happen so they shoehorned the whole ending to fit what they though cool. Except it is not cool. It makes characters look like morons and ignores the fluff. That is why its fucking dumb.
>living beings transmuted into hard-light holograms
So... they're all dead? Not sure how that is supposed to work.
>Why is greyfax so special snowflake that she can resist the pylons?
She resisted dying. She didn't resist her powers being drained away.
So 3 heroes among humanity should have zero effect on a space marine, even if he'st lost the blessing of his gods?
St Celestine was matching him in the duel before she lost her powers and even then she was still the greatest SOB to ever live.
Heck, even with all 3 of them fighting they won because St Celestine got off a sneak attack on him. He stomped through Greyfax and was choking out Creed until he took a backstab
>This is the problem. He is a fucking space marine. It shouldn't matter.
Cain was able to take on a chaos space marine 1v1 in a chainsword duel.
>Why is abaddon's superior skill
What IS Abbadon's WS? Celestine is sitting at WS 7. I'm not sure if she's higher or not.
>like a movie villain
>Its a bad comic book ending
Do you really think 40k fluff shouldn't be cinematic?
He clearly believes that no one who isn't a marine should be able to fight a marine and live.
It means hard light statues as opposed to stone statues i.e. their images are turned into solid light
>So 3 heroes among humanity should have zero effect on a space marine
Yes! One lost her powers, the other is engaged in a psy battle when she that is supposed to be. One is an old fucking man known for his mind not his fighting ability.
>He stomped through Greyfax and was choking out Creed until he took a backstab
No he didn't stomp anyone. He gets ready to kill someone and then suddenly they are gone even though he has them at his mercy. It happens over and over. The whole scene basically just reinforces what everyone complains about Abaddon in the first place. Any time some writes about him he just fails repeatedly and runs away. But some how in his history it is just filled with him being this huge champion the dark gods who is able to challenge primarchs for leadership of chaos. That is why everyone says he is a mary sue. He fails so much yet somehow is still in charge.
Cain has a rep for being an absurd duelist and he trained with a reclaimers prior to that fight. He distracts the marine with a quip and just fights defensive while someone else.
Creed is an old man who is known for his mind not his body. Again armless is supposed to be near one of the most poweful in the lore. Creed is way below Cain and abby is way above a standard marine.
Comic books are the exact opposite of cinematic though, as for decades every good writer and artist has filtered out of the medium.
So instead they became stale repetition of genre standards and writing that violates the inner logic of the story told.
In our case, Abaddon has literally no reason to gloat and risk his victory as he is (very obvious to himself) still noticeably away from from victory and a very integral part of Abaddon is his drive and ruthlessness. This just reinforces the image of him as a goofy Saturday morning villain while at the same time devaluing the characters who stand against him.
When it comes down to raw physique because the warp has been turned off, then a 10 000 year old warmaster of chaos should definitely fuck a sister of battle, an inquisitor and a general up, since at the end they're all generic humans.
That's not really 'Just' a Sister of Battle, Inquisitor and General. St Celestine is the greatest SOB to ever exist, even without her powers. And well...she started losing the duel without the blessing of the emperor. She won because she got a chance to backstab him.
Tough or not, that blade of hers goes through space marines like wet tissue paper. It's a couple of steps above any mere power weapon.
>Comic books are the exact opposite of cinematic though
No, most comic books are very cinematic nowadays, if only because now they're basically movie pitches.
>In our case, Abaddon has literally no reason to gloat and risk his victory
Pride and arrogance.
Pretty typical, but by no means bad, villain weaknesses.
Have you not been made aware that people have character faults? Abbadon's has always been his pride and obsession. The same obsession that gives him such drive can also be blinding.
There are ways to be cinematic while playing to story of your characters. Once you tread of your own universes lore it ruins the suspension of disbelief.
The complaint is the whole thing just makes no sense and doesn't fit into the fluff.
Celestine ain't a normal human
Wait Nork is missing? But i just got Ogryns!
>In our case, Abaddon has literally no reason to gloat and risk his victory as he is (very obvious to himself) still noticeably away from from victory and a very integral part of Abaddon is his drive and ruthlessness.
Should none of the named characters in the Iliad ever risked injury because they had soldiers and would be better off as just generals then?
>The complaint is the whole thing just makes no sense and doesn't fit into the fluff.
>Talking shit and sword fighting dosn't fit into 40k fluff
Well, *I* wasn't going to say it senpai...
Silly user. Climatic final duels between characters have no place in 40k. Can you imagine the Emperor in some such duel?
Just imagine it. Abaddon leads his army personally into battle. A princeps spots him, orders a few knights to cover him, and then unloads his Apocalypse Missile Launcher on Abaddon, while cleaning up with his Hellstorm Cannon. Gonna need a few blessings more, Abby
To be fair, Cain as an old man also took out a Chaos Warmaster (albeit one much weaker than Abby) in a 1 on 1 fight. It was even in similar conditions to the final Cadia battle (Jurgen disrupting the Warmaster's warp connections vs the Cadian Pylons).
I don't have any problems with a force consisting of a brilliant commander, a powerful psyker, a weakened living saint, and an entire elite regiment defeating a warp-starved Abaddon. Indeed, I think the odds are somewhat against a lone Abaddon in the above scenario.
My main issue is not that Abaddon was defeated, but that it was done in a silly way where Abaddon took the time to gloat, strut around, and otherwise not try to instantly kill everyone despite the rather desperate situation he was in. For him to really feel dangerous he needs to at least attempt to kill the heroes first and then gloat to their desecrated corpses rather than pretend he is in control when everything is falling apart around him. His complete disconnect from the reality of the situation flies in the face of his supposed "tactical genius" and makes it hard for him to be taken seriously as a villain.
Abaddon tried to instantly kill Celestine. Greyfax mind attacked and blinded him saving Celestine.
He only gloated to Creed who represents everything Abaddon hates (and respects) about Cadia. It was personal.
Also 7.
Interesting. He'd likely win due to having AP 2 access but her respawning 2 wounds every single turn (Plus her 1/game full heal) makes it one hell of an ungodly long slog since the Talon of Horus bounces off her 2+ armour and Drach isn't strong enough to instant kill her bodyguards.
Her main question is really 'Can she manage 4 wounds past his 2+ save in the half a game worth of rounds it takes him to kill her'
Obviously marine physiology promotes a longer life, but isn't the only reason he's survived 10,000 years of injury and mutilation because of the gods favour? I feel like Abaddon should just have withered into a husk when the pylons were turned up to 11.
If you're looking for a fluffy reason for Abaddon's failure you've got it right there.
this sounds like some ass cheesy writting rather than the actual warfare of 3rd/4rth edition.
How has 40k literature fallen to such plebeian and scrub level is trully sad.
>actual warfare of 3rd/4rth edition
>The plague stirred within him and poured out as a black cloud of Nurgle-marked flies which swarmed around the doomed Cadians. Some of them were dying of blight even before Typhus' bellow of rage immersed them and boiled their flesh into puddles of diseased matter. Typhus strode through the miasma, his dread scythe swinging before him in an unstoppable figure-of-eight that reaped men with terrifying ease. Capering ahead of him. his Nurglings chewed on the exposed faces of the fallen and dragged at the legs of those who were trying to escape.
>The Cadians fought back as best they could but their lasgun fire pattered harmlessly from Typhus massive Terminator-armoured form and no bayonet could pierce the web of death from Manreaper. As he marched along the trench he harvested the souls of the Cadians. Their officers rushed at him, their finely-crafted power swords raised, but each was dismembered in turn. After a while there was only the rain, the flies, the shrieks of the daemons and the hulking, one-horned personification of death stalking though the trenches. Like a leviathan of legend, the Herald killed men by the dozen and then by the hundred. In his wake the dead and the wounded swelled with pustules before bursting to unleash more plague flies. This battlefield was now a place of death in more ways than one. The diseases that had taken root would spread so that this, which once had been a defensive strongpoint. would now be a festering wound.
>He nodded his satisfaction. The Cadian soldiery were veterans, brave and tenacious. They could not blame this defeat on the numberless hordes of Chaos. They might try but they would know that one of Nurgle`s captains had slaughtered an entire company, and they would know terror. The knowledge would gnaw at them, the tale would be magnified, many would turn, others would falter.
to be fair the narrative and inmersion was a lot better back then.
And this is better than the new bullshit that we are getting, gw writters cannot even design proper chronologic order.
For example this is what I would have done.
Use the EOT and EOT campaign resolution from 2003.
Creed and his boys kept holding a large territory in cadia as stated.
Meanwhile the wulfen that came out in the 13th black crusade begin to come out on warp holes in the fenris system.
Inquisition gets alarmed at this having the probability to be linked to the fucking eye of terror attack and the warzone fenris begins.
The thousand sons, with cadia now under abbadon's control manage to finally have their vengance on fenris.
-no battle of the fang, that piece of shit should never exist.
13 years after the eye of terror campaign, the gathering storm happens, new heroes of the imperium decide to take back cadia from the clutches of the despoiler.
>For example this is what I would have done.
No one cares.
you seem to care enough to reply dear fucboi.
that campaign was loads of fun, imperial forces got BTFO.
He does?
Any named characters?
Nice plague lord get
No named characters. Just a bunch of snipers from that world.
No shit. So Trazyn was there when Tanith burned.
Nice, papa Nurgle has blessed me on this day.
Why doesnt Pokemaster Pokeball the emperor?
I think this works.
Also their photography doesnt tell you a story like it used to, now you jusr see a bunch of models crammed on every little space.
is there a link to the fall of cadia pdf? i need to read that T_T
No need.
Were the Kasrkins mentioned in Fall of Cadia? Did they stop for no one