Is green a "good" color? At least I can not imagine a green villain.
Is green a "good" color? At least I can not imagine a green villain
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In short: no, it's not.
Bonus round
It's not a creative color.
isn't he black nuclear fire
That looks green to me, user.
Green can mean nature, growth, life... But it can also mean poison, corruption, disease.
have you ever got black ink wet, it's just very very dark green
Depends on shade.
Typically warmer green is good while cooler is bad.
Very bright/fluorescent green is typically bad as well.
A druid who believes civilization is a threat that must be exterminated is a villain.
Traditionally green and purple are super-villain colors.
Green Goblin
isn't like everything that's bad green in warcraft?
Papa Nurgle loves you
Generally the unconscious association is
Green = Growth/Fertility > Good
Once you get into paler shades the association shifts towards rot, which is bad.
Rot is black.
Better version of OP image
Green isn't good or evil. it simply is. is it bad? sometimes, is it beneficial? sometimes.
Okay, I think we need a bit of clarification.
Are we talking about green simply as the color, used for a character's clothes or motif of some sort?
Or are we talking about green in magic, symbolizing nature?
>Quan Chi
In terms of MtG colors, he strikes me as more black than green.
So would Gul'Dan and the Lich
What color of mana is Communism? It doesn't seem red to me, at least once it's the establishment.
>can't think of green villain
It's still physically drawn as green, which is the point of the thread.
It's white taken to an extreme. Obsession with order and the collective good.
The same could also be said of fascism, but it's just a different stripe of white.
Nature isn't Good, it also isn't Evil.
It's about Life, yes, but for a thing to live, it has to destroy something. One day, that living thing will die to provide life for something else, so Nature is also about Death.
That being said, you can definitely have a Nature based villain. They might be justified, they might not justified, their goals just need to be conflicting with the goals of the party.
Implying he was not the hero whoville deserved
>What is a Heel-Face Turn
How about cancer ?
And he was probably green because of the phrase "green with envy".
Even if his actions were malicious, the action itself was a positive one, even heroic depending on how you view it.
Its like destroying the big bad who had enslaved millions because you thought he was too pleased with himself.
Good action for shitty reasons.
Green is not a creative color.
She is not really a good example given how she's now mostly Harley's gf, but the ecoterrorist archetype might be
Civilization is bad for nature, humans destroy everything so I'm going to destroy humans, you know how it goes
I always found Ivy's leotard look stupid.
They should either give her some decent clothes or fully commit on the plant look.
>she's now mostly Harley's gf
So Harley's over the Joker?
When you get your face cut off... The looks are kinda gone... I may be fat but I've never gotten a boner from a pound of hamburger.
She's been in a bunch of different costumes.
>I've never gotten a boner from a pound of hamburger.
I never really got the impression the relationship was ever about Joker's youthful looks.
Looks better but still meh.
If it wasn't for the plants I wouldn't even suspect this was Ivy.
I think 'invisible' is the only (kind of) color that I can't see evil wearing, because evil always has to be noticed.
So is there actually a good story reason for them being an item or is it just lazy writing equating lesbianism with strong independent womyn?
Not necessarily, green can represent disease and infection, ie. "sickly green". It also seems to be the default colour for necromancy.
I honestly have no idea
A relationship has been implied since Harley was created on BTAS. Since they met Ivy's been trying to ween Harley off Joker to get that pussy all for herself, and I guess she finally succeeded. I really don't see why people are so upset tha they just made official what we all already knew
Aren't black and bone-white the default Necromancy colours? A sickly green is number three at best.
Black is a default everything not holy color, and bone white isn't stand out enough to be anyone's default color
>eco-terrorist leader
>Lorwyn elves aka hitler elves
>druid freaking out about altering the natural order or his forest
>a big beast that stomp town when its in heat
>A relationship has been implied since Harley was created on BTAS.
I can think of exactly three episodes of them interacting, none of which implied anything beyond friendship and maybe mutual empowerment.
Not saying that you couldn't make a good story out of two characters previously established as straight developing feelings for each other and getting to grips with their sexuality, but given the hamfisted way mainstream comics usually handle lgbtq themes, I kinda doubt it.
It's Paul Dini's fetish.
But hever went beyond vaguely lesbian imagery, no?
It was poorly executed.
Which is a shame, because it had decent basis for a pseudo functional relationship.
In BTAS they were becoming close friends.
Both are also horrifically damaged goods. The idea that they might become more than friends is not too odd.
Again, not a bag guy
Hey moron, ya gonna feed me yer frickin' despair or what here?
Honestly, I pefer Ivy playing the role of the older sister to Harley.
I also, don't get why so many people want the two to become good guys.
Red, maybe red and black.
Black, maybe black and blue.
Ligier in Exalted is the Green Sun of Malfean hell. Evil is a matter of debate though.
I pity whoever's fighting that army. Even if they win, STD's and incurable plagues will kill them all horribly. Tzeentch is far superior.
Who is: Nissa in ZEN block
She's green-aligned, wears green, and loves the greenery.
>trusting the jew of change
I have no idea, but I would guess some shit about Ivy's pheromones controlling men means she can never have a normal relationship with a man.
Inb4 >hurdur women just want men as puppets anyway.
It's just titillating the nerds with lesbians. That's all.
Literally all 'isms' are white once they reach a certain point
that's not to say other colors must be individualists in a sea of chaos because there are NUANCES to that sort of thing, but when the motivating force behind action is for the sake of 'The Ideology' more so than the details... that's White.
A bunch of scientists doing science in an academy is Blue.
A bunch of random dudes yelling ALL HAIL THE ACADEMY despite not being scientists, not working at the Academy, and basically acting solely on the principle Academy=Good Not!Academy=Bad... is White
I spend fifteen years of my life thinking the guys in the front were pulling fatty along on some kind of palanquin.
Now I realize the front guy is just holding a mace.
I'm not sure how I feel about this.
>I have no idea, but I would guess some shit about Ivy's pheromones controlling men means she can never have a normal relationship with a man.
Pretty sure she has to consciously trigger the phenomones.
In any case, I'm 99% sure there are antidotes/vaccinations for that.
Isn't that elf chick in MtG they made to look like Yolandi Visser a crazy villain? Isn't she Mono-green?
Canonically Ivy has had a troubled history with men, accidentally killed her boyfriend with her powers, and becoming plant fucked with her brain a lot.
That's before you get into DC's mystical implications that she's the May Queen
Fair enough.
The color pie basically is MtG's morality alignment system, don't try to map it onto D&D's.
< even has the word "green" in his name
op lives under a bridge
Ah, yes, trolls are green too.
do you mean green as in just the irl color, or green as in MTG? because green colored creatures can absolutely being horrible wicked monstrosities.
as for general is actually a pretty commonly seen "bad" color. in just TG related stuff alone, you got things like the Necron/Nurgle, and green is a commin color for evil sorcery.
Hell, even in Disney, Maleficent(the first Disney villain) had a distinct green hue to many of her magics.
Nah this is a piece of artwork from Guild Wars 2 - the Sylvari. They're a plant race. The artwork is by kekai kotaki.
Thanks doc
That lady on the bottom of the image is all: "Whatevs, I'm done with this shit."
About green in magic.
i just realized there are little men climbing the big dude like a mountain.
>Implying Gul'dan is bad
Druids aren't necessarily nice.
My favorite Elves, hand down, are WHFB Woof Elves. They're green as fuck, but completely fucking crazy. Not the good guys.
Green can be nature and life but it can also be undeath and disease.
whats a creative colour?
its two colours combined into one, more creative than one of those stand alone colours right?
That's so fucking sick.
Man, I wish I could imagine stuff like that while playing.
Have we forgotten The Borg already?
Dont hug me im scared
As far as MtG goes (I'm pretty certain OP meant this to be an MtG thread), Vorinclex is the pure malevolence of Green.
Vorinclex destroys anything not necessary without second thought, and often without first thought. Thinking is heresy. Might makes right is the only thing. If it's not mighty enough to not be destroyed, it wasn't important to begin with.
The borg are white through and through.
im gay
there are no druids in guild wars 2 so why is it called druid senpai?
>I also, don't get why so many people want the two to become good guys.
Probably different reasons for different people. Some people can't equate a character they like with anything other than a "protagonist" Others just want to see lesbians kissing more, and them being good would probably afford more downtime for that.
I guess others might view at least Harley as a victim and not beyond redemption, maybe Ivy too.
While not exactly evil he is the antagonist of the poem.
>there are no Druids
Heart of Thorns disagrees
Cancer would be Green or White, not red. Just too much green or white. Probably green due to Cancer being a chaotic growth.