Draw your party thread
>Inevitable PVP edition
Alright folks, if you have a group and are happy with it, why not put in a tiny bit of effort in making a doodle of them? Reposts are fine but we're always looking for new groups or updates!
Draw your party thread
>Inevitable PVP edition
Alright folks, if you have a group and are happy with it, why not put in a tiny bit of effort in making a doodle of them? Reposts are fine but we're always looking for new groups or updates!
Other urls found in this thread:
Just in case anyone still needs it.
Setting's very light-hearted, comedic, comfy, and Earthboundian.
>Dalton, quarter-Dwarf Peasant turned Warrior. Twelve years-old. Very lawful, authoritative, and generous, but not a Paladin or anything yet. Likes big hammers and breaking faces, not rules. Party Tank and legal conscience.
>Wanda, Fourteen year-old Human Mage of the Order of the Tarot, representing the Moon. . Ambitious and very intelligent, but eerily polite, slightly sadistic, and not terribly wise. Punny named intended. Party alchemist and occasional magic Deus Ex Machina maker.
>Dracio, infant Dragon Brawler(?). Hatched from an egg about a Session and a half in. Naive, friendly, and impressionable as hell, but he’s fairly smart for a Dragon. Running gag that people confuse him for a Cursed Alligator, Demon Lizard, or Sickly Lizard; Dragons thankfully aren't as common as they used to be.
>Shroomin, Twenty-one year-old Rogue/Bard Mushmin (Mushroom folk race, stand-in for Hobbits). He's snarky and more cowardly than he lets on, but he loves playing bag-pipes, unskillfully flirting with tavern wenches, and making gold. Hates mimics with a passion. Party support, face, and trap-disarmer. Can't battle too well, though.
Also pictured is Johnny and Hexenmeiser.
>Johnny is our party's DMPC. Undead Sailor/Fencer. Has a neato Ship and Dwarvish (a.k.a. Scottish) accent. He's wise and protective, but he can be dishonest and exaggerates almost all of his War stories. Likes tactics a lot. Secretly and sadly recognizes both Hexenmeser and the Death Knight BBEG as former friends.
>Hexenmesier, Formerly-Human Mage of the Order of the Tarot, representing the Fool. Loud, insane, and not very wise, Hexenmeiser is our re-occuring comedic and unsuccessful villain. Has a recognizable maniacal laugh. He's not very good at being evil, or even an anti-hero, and a lot of his plans backfire against him, but he is indeed a devastatingly powerful Mage when he needs to.
I really have no skills whatsoever, but
Let's see if I can contribute this one time.
I wish there was a complete collection of this stored somewhere, since I've lost track of the story so far..
>The same shit all over again
get a deviantart or something
Why would the artist draw a different group every time when his group is still playing?
Or are you from /pfg/ where everyone fights over getting into a game, and the salt sea grows every day from all the anons who never get to play out their magical realm lewd fantasies?
Youre welcome, theyre all posted there.
Are there any parties in this thread still going besides the one in the OP?
Or is this some sort of graveyard General for everyones roleplaying hopes and dreams, and the OP party is some sort of cackling undertaker?
Mostly it's as you said, the majority of groups posted likely survived a couple months before interest and schedules destroyed them. Those still going either are between lifelong friends, or a devoted group that treat the game as a responsibility to all the other players at the table.
4chans userbase arent paragons of responsibility, and due to our need for instant gratification and a constant drip of content, combined with the anonymity of playing over the internet, it's very likey any one group will collapse due to a variety of factors. Hell, most of Veeky Forums likely has crippling social autism, which probably dissolves hroups even faster.
But enough airmchair psychology, here's another group that I always hoped would post more.
The evil side seems to be the gm's favorites, constantly being jerked off while the good side seems to be thrown shit left and right.
Shit I can't draw even in paint well enough to do the party justice.
>Lose both of your clerics before entering a megadungeon
>Complain when the conditions pile up and you can't seem to fix them.
Besides, both groups are headed to the same place now, so they're getting the Clerics back. Obviously the GM saw they were having problems and will recombine the two groups over some power of friendship.
Here is a picture of my party in a kingmaker campaign of Pathfinder (With a bit more grim added)
From left to right, Their names and class
Britix Orlovsky: CN Gnome Alchemist. A noble who's been told by his family to strike his own
Thok Shobriar: NG Half-Orc Shaman. A man of the spirit world
Kevamros Chorster: LG Human Paladin. Good natured but sometimes bumbles in his words. He's more about offering redemption of evildoers than smiting them.
Audium Asharian: TN Human Wizard. Party brains. Has a pet wolf called Payton (The Derp looking one)
Bombeziux Gloom: NG Gnome Cavalier: Rides around charging all the things with his wolf riding mount. Spends a lot of his spare time gambling with his ex-bandit hirelings
Bran Marc'hvran: LN Human Druid with his cougar animal companion. Is a aggressive combatant and truly one with nature.
>you'd prefer to babysit an NPC that sneaks away from you the moment you turn your back over carving through monsterflesh every hour
Found the roleplayer
That's like pointing and saying "FOUND THE DECENT HUMAN BEING, LAUGH"
He's got a paizo account and posts them all there.
Why need a furryland account?
I want to cry because I will never find a group to play a game like this, everything you described is amazing and I hope your game
and group have a lovely time.
best one in the thread desu
Thank you very much
I've seen this group a lot, which means it's still going strong I take it? Can't wait to hear more about your adventures.
Love the name.
Damnit, I miss Deerbutt.
I really really like this. Care to share more about the campaign now that we know the party?
Sure thing, (Is the guy behind this, What do you want to know?)
We started back in November, The party is between 3rd-6th level (We use a variant leveling system as opposed ot Level up when plot dictates or XP tracking)
Why not kill all the antagonists and let the souls return to the land?
Charged by brevoy to stamp out banditry and survey the greenbelt, our party came upon Oleg's trading post on day one. Oleg had been brutally murdered, and his wife raped. The offenders are now buried outside in a mass grave. From there we charted the land, and took on a few repentant bandits. The bandit lord himself was found in terrible condition, a lord from the river kingdoms twisted and cursed by a witch. His rescue revealed that one of the repentant bandits was heavy with his bastard. The assault on the fort revealed a merfolk oracle lordling named Latou, who had been similarly tortured and blinded by said witch. He has recently been restored.
Post bandit fort, from Latou we have discovered that an aboleth is living in the lake. We are currently unable to muster the means to that end.
We have set our roots down above a holy site known as the soul well, a tributary of the source of life. In doing so, we have agreed to take on a group of lepers in hopes that the holy land will heal them.
The most recent event occured at an ancient elven tower, where a haunt was exhuming a choking black aura. "When mother finds out what you've done, you'll be sorry" were his parting words after Bran dismembered his fey allies, and the locket binding him to the world was destroyed. Thok nearly died writhing and foaming on the ground, particularly sensitive to the negative energies.
Good times abound. The bastard will likely be born next session, and we meet our lepers.
Apologies on wall of text. Posted from phone.