Previously, on Veeky Forums's Drawthread: Requesters: >Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for. >Hold off on additional requests after receiving a delivery from an artist, be mindful of the other requests that might deserve attention. >Bump your request only after 24 hours has passed, you may bump once every 24 hours after the first. >If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait a 2-3 threads or so to re-request it. >Reminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads. >Ignore the bait, you're better than this >Stay on topic
Artists and Artists-to-Be: >Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but: >If you're dropping your commission info, consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising
Requesting artwork of a character I'm playing in a "mercs in Africa" game. Pic related is the gear, only missing the fact that she's wearing a rugged watch, has some sort of ballistic goggles strapped around her helmet, and has various tattoos on her arm (Artist's choice on the design, I haven't thought of one as of yet). Oh, and the fact that it's a woman in her mid-20s, of course.
I can't exactly change the picture while I'm at work, but if one could replace the boots with black leather jungle boots and the gloves with black nomex ones, as the user so kindly corrected me on last thread, that'd be super great.
I hope this request isn't too /k/ for anyone around here, and massive thanks to anyone who wants to take the request.
Cameron Bell
Requesting a Star Wars ex-clone trooper medic. Looks like a young Temura Morrison the actor that plays Jango Fett which all the clones are cloned from. With a high and tight hair cut. Goatee and gray double zipper high collar jump suit like Robert Deniro in HEAT. Star Wars medical patch on jumpsuit. Thank you for taking a peek!
Cameron Campbell
Requesting an adventurer group busting into a dungeon to find the boss monster putting the finishing touches on their miniatures (of the adventurer group). Lots of uncomfortable surprise all around, maybe a little awe ("You're much bigger than your models!"). What kind of monster is up to you.
Parker Jones
Yo, drawpeople. I'm gonna be playing in a while and would love to get a drawing of my character. He's a doctor gone rogue, or a rogue gone doctor. Used to cut people up for black market organ trade, but has since dropped his shady ways and moved on to being an actual doc. It's a fantasy game and rogues benefit a lot from knowing anatomy.
Either way, his face is in the reference. He's wearing standart adventurey looking leather pants, boots and a white shirt. On top he has a sort of weird fishnet coat that you can see in the reference as well. I'd like the top of the coat to be non-fishnet, more like a leather duster, while the bottom part (from the belt line and down) to be like in the picture (with the most-bottom being full as well).
He's wielding a scalpel. Have fun with it, make him do a jojo pose or whatever. Thanks in advance, Veeky Forums!
Oliver Powell
It's looking great, my dude.
Aiden Mitchell
Joseph Watson
Requesting a gold gem encrusted human skeleton with red shark teeth and red blades for fingers.
If you watch Jojo/Play Persona it's basically a stand/persona of a character in my game.[/spoiler.]
Ryder Williams
Looking way too good.
Hunter Wright
Figure I might as well toss out the character I'll be playing in a few months, if anyone wants to take a go at her. She's for a DnD game set in Ravnica, a giant planet-wide city from MtG's universe.
William Roberts
Requesting a stoic, young, rustic adventurer
He has all the equipment on the left on, a box like the one on the right on his back, and carries a lot of potions and scrolls on his person.
His sword is made out of chocolate diamond, encrusted with candy, and with a flame enchantment. The thing jutting out of the sword is another blade. The size of the sword is up to you. It should also be decently fancy
Despite his sword, I would prefer the rest of him be sort of plain and utilitarian. Everything he wears that isn't his clothes underneath is loot, so it may be a little battered.
Nicholas Cruz
Requesting, again, my character. A ranger in a modern fantasy campaign.
Tyler Cruz
Anchoring for the drawfriend working on this, and answering his questions from last thread in case he didn't see them.
The oversized armor is perfectly fine. I would like the leg armor to stop at her knee for movement purposes, however, rather than going all the way up to her thigh (I'd ideally like to keep at least some small amount of realism despite the fact that she walks around with fucking rocks strapped to her arms and legs).
Aside from that, I have no backstory for her yet, honestly, and I haven't played her long enough to be entirely certain of her personality, but here's what I've got: she's pretty self-confident, to the point where she can get rather stubborn and hard-headed at times. On the other hand, she is usually willing to recognize when she can't do something on her own. She's usually pretty cheerful as well.
As for her weapon, it's a massive glaive made of rocks, except the blade is a jagged parallelogram instead of any of the more common glaive-blade shapes.
Isaac Rodriguez
looks gay
Eli James
Shading update, critters almost all shaded.
Easton Hall
Adam Reyes
Requesting an image of my Rogue Trader. She has a forearm-mounted Inferno pistol and Exotic Weapons Training in Eldar Firepikes now, which means that the old image I had of her with her power sword and plasma pistol isn't the most accurate anymore.
All the information should be in the reference. Thanks!
Adrian Moore
Thank you!
Brayden Lewis
cool ref Not.
Joshua Cruz
Here's your (You)
Anthony Johnson
Chase White
Requesting a female dwarf barbarian for a campaign I'm running, sort of like a Red Sonja/Conan type of character. She wields a two-handed warhammer inscribed with runes and wears skimpy leather clothing.
Reference picture is pretty much spot on as to what I'm looking for, especially in regards to her clothing/physical build.
Lucas Lee
Another thread, another great migration. Requesting an orc fighter pilot with the facial aesthetic of ryan superimposed over the other one in any way possible standing in front of his fighter
Brayden Bennett
well this is awkward.Looks like this is gonna end up being two cakes when I finish inking.
Landon Foster
Requesting progress update.
Bentley Stewart
Damn, I have the Devils luck!
Charles Wright
Well thats it for today, tomorrow i might try giving it color.
Joshua Murphy
I absolutely love it. Thank you so much! I'll check back tomorrow to see if you've colored it, but this absolutely works as-is. You the best.
Connor Barnes
Awesome work, do you have a tumblr?
Charles Hall
Progress Update: I deleted the file
Jeremiah James
I would adore if someone could do my female samurai- a Hojo clan woman who looks like pic related wearing a long ninja-style top (all refs in image) with hakama. Bonus points if she's got her katana drawn and looks ready to fuck shit up.
Evan Bailey
Okay, sure. I doubt you're the user who was drawing that, being that it was hand drawn..
Jonathan Ramirez
Requesting this guy as a highborn with a chainsword and a servo skull.
Requesting a Sci-fi Wilderness Scout and Sniper (Rifts RPG). Human male, early 40s, Caucasian, weathered tan skin, heavy salt and pepper hair/stubble, medium build, 5'11 175 lbs wearing Bushman environmentally sealed body armor. Goggle are up over helmet on fore head. Face mask removed hanging to one side of face. Camouflage cloak/ghille cape w/ hood around shoulders. Cadpat camo or other suitable green camo pattern for Northern US/Southern Canada. Rifle has bipod, scope, cheek rest. Thank you for looking at my request!
Lucas Sanchez
Skelerequest moving to this thread
Zachary Anderson
/r/ing a female Techpriest. She is adorned in a baggy red sweater with the Adeptus Mechanicus icon emblazoned upon it, the oversized hood hiding her scarred, burnt face. The top of her head has been replaced with a solid plate of metal that hides her lack of eyes. Her skin is studded with electoo sensors that allow her to detect even the slightest vibration. Three mechadendrites, one adorned with sensors and optics, another holding a injectors and a chain scalpel, and a third with a heavy grasping claw, sprout from her shoulders. She carries a staff tipped with the cog-and-skull Mechanicus icon - a gift from her mentor - as well as a small revolver.
Adam Taylor
You're not owed an update, shithead.
Parker Barnes
He's not owed a drawing either
Jaxon Green
Is this stuff being carried or is it in the box? Like the scrolls potions and cauldron
Tyler James
That's why I requested one, you asshole, the user drawing it doesn't have to acquiesce, i just wanted him to have something to link to when and if he finishes.
Hudson Williams
I know I'm not owed a drawing the rules are pretty clear here. I was surprised someone was doing my request, and I wanted something in this thread so that if he finishes or not he can tell me, and thats all, why the fuck is everyone being rude? I was requesting a progress update, and not demanding one or acting like I was owed anything, seriously.
Isaac Cook
Not the asshole, but for future reference, most people tend to link the latest WIP from the artist as an "anchor" post. for example.
Logan Perry
Sit and wait and hope for the scraps you don't even deserve, fuck face.
Xavier Mitchell
You okay, user?
Cameron Martinez
Requesting the first kiss of one of my players characters. A young, yet grizzled man with facial burn scars is being kissed by a blind woman with long brown hair in a corridor. They are both inexperienced, and the man is especially awkward and nervous. The whole thing should seem quite sweet.
The woman is pic related, a noble by birth, and the man is an ice mage/swordsman who was appointed to the status of lord of the local county by the king.
Also, around the corner, a small group of soldiers is on patrol. (If they were to turn the corner they would see the lovers)
Samuel Edwards
Requesting a pirate princess for Black Crusade.
She has a 'seductive' face (like pictured) and hair tied back into a ponytail.
Over stylish garb she wears a long coat covered in jewels.
Due to chaos mutation, she has a third arm under her left shoulder which is casually holding a glass of wine.
She sits on the throne pictured.
Any other changes you want to make are invited if you wanted to make her look more Slaaneshi.
Thanks for reading!
Ethan Butler
I didn't know that, thank you for enlightening me. You go to hell, i asked very politlely last thread if someone would raw a map for me because I can't draw and haven't been able to find a free tool with what I needed to make the map myself, as I can't afford the 600$ worth of software that actually has the capability I need.
Jeremiah Martinez
It's best to ignore shitposters - they got what they wanted, you are rused and now lashing out. Look at what happened to this faggot last thread
Juan Rivera
Anchoring for the user who was drawing pic related. Any other information you need feel free to ask I know, I shouldn't have responded. I guess I just don't understand why some people have to be dicks, when I didn't know you aren't allowed to request "progress updates" the way I did, All he had to do was explain politely how people usually do it and I'd have done it
Jason Bailey
Not OR, but I thought this might be helpful
Sebastian Evans
Welcome to Veeky Forums where everyone's a dick and the reasons don't matter. I'm ninety percent certain there's one shitposter in here who's left garbage responses to at least three people...
Alexander Bailey
Hoping to hash out a character for an upcoming campaign: He's a hobby arcanist (mainly in schools of divination) that has spent most of his career as a glorified librarian with a head full of magical theory and no practical application. This is training toward combating discordant wizards and foiling unsanctioned and dangerous arcane experiments as part of ARC (Anarcanist Repression Council). He wears robes, a gauntlet on his off-hand, and a masked helm, and carries an ornate bladed weapon that dangles from straps from his waist.
Sword hilt and gauntlet ref left. Robes and helmet center. Texture and pattern ref right.
Grayson Jackson
Well see that's the thing usually on Veeky Forums everybody is polite and helpful, at least in the threads I frequent, even in /5eg/ you usually get helpful if munchkin themed responses, its about discussion here not shitposting 95% of the time.
Brandon Powell
The box is full of traveling stuff. The potions and scrolls would have to be strapped on or in other pouches
Owen Lee
That's what I thought too. Hell I even almost feel like I brought the shitposting with me. I swear I didn't see any when I lurked these threads a couple days ago. I posted in it and suddenly there was this seemingly marked increase in assholery.
Hudson Ward
Eh well there's always that one guy, at least he's mostly quiet.
Josiah Bell
Here goes!
I'd like to see someone from the thread do their interpretation of an Alpha Legionaire Chaos Space Marine, with their armor being a mix of the Imperial and Chaos design styles with some of the Alpha Legion's own visual cues in there as well.
Basically, a Legionnaire in "modern" 40k Power Armor that looks like it was an updated, non-standard version of older designs, with some of the Chaos decorations (armor edging, arrows) but without mutations or TOO many spikes- at the same time not looking exactly the same as a Loyalist space marine.
Visual style might be a bit like the pic but with a bit more Chaos Marine armor style, especially for the helmet.Some scales and chains might be neat too. If someone wants to use the forge world alpha Legion designs for inspiration, that'd be cool too:
I like how the pre heresy AL color scheme is slowly becoming the 40k one as well.
Jayden Collins
Requesting a character drawing of Biz Fizzlepix master illusionist and master playwright.
He wears a technicolor dreamcoat provided references. I prefer the bottom technicolor dreamcoats vest design better but im grateful for anything you give.
I essentially just want that gnome in the dreamcoat. Oh and if you can give him a Rainbow Wizards cap too that would be great. I don't care about the staff at all.
Adrian Campbell
It doesn't have to be colored but it would be greatly appreciated.
Thomas Williams
Why do you refuse to post a proper reference even after an user made you one?
Oliver Gonzalez
Christian Nguyen
Requesting my teenage Rattataki technician, named Dami.
She has a bald head and chalk white skin with a slender body, as typical of Rattataki. She has some tattoos on her face and arm, as well as a few facial piercings. Her left arm was lost in a storm trooper attack below the shoulder but just above the elbow and has been replaced by a red cybernetic arm. Her clothes and her skin can have a nice film of grease and oil, as she works on engines quite often.
I would like to see her working on her personal servant droid R5-TY, a reprogrammed B1 battle droid. She has painted him over in graffiti like art.
Dami is uncharacteristically wholesome, and sweet for a Rattataki. Think Kaylee from Firefly. She doesn't like fighting but loves working on ships and droids.
Wyatt Martinez
Changed my mind about the helmet said user helped link in that picture, desu. I'll probably do a proper compilation next thread, but I'll note that there's no outright requirement for collages in requests.
I mean, sure, I could but it'd be a bit of a jumbled mess given that I'm linking the other images for inspiration rather than wanting something specific.
I mean, if it's a problem for the artists, I'm sure they'll just ignore the request?
Dylan Moore
Requesting a young elf slave girl dressed in rags, bound by either rope or chain around her neck and wrists
Samuel Howard
Something like this is what I had in mind, but maybe not as cluttered. Or maybe more so, depends on what the artist feels like
Justin Rogers
Requesting a Krieg soldier being comfy and relaxing in these Panzer slippers. For they are the final solution to cold feet.
Nolan Edwards
Looking to get a pic of my Goliath character who specializes in two-handed swords, and light armor.
Brayden Wright
I would like to request my Female Jedi character. She wears a Jedi robe over armor like knights of the old republic. Feel free to play with some design on this, so long as it looks like futuristic plate armor with a robe over it I'm sure it'll be great, doesn't have to look just like references. Her lightsaber is a cross bladed design like a zweihänder with sky blue colored blades. Her face looks like Alita (without the cybernetic plates) and her hair is dreadlocks tied back with her sides shaved. Hopefully you find my character worth drawing, thank you.
Tyler Kelly
Requesting the head of church in my upcoming Dark Heresy campaign. She's a short, cute-looking woman, who's aged well despite being in her fourties. Mostly, she resembles Dr. Frasier from Stargate SG-1, but with black hair and brown skin. She wears richly decorated robes in white, with a embrodiered stole in black or red with embroidery mostly in gold. On her head she has a mitre, with the pictured symbol on it. It's the holy symbol of the church, in wrought iron and gold, so it could appear in other places too.
She'll look calm and somewhat motherly, like she's posing for a portrait.
Brayden Flores
Hey, all set, hope you like it
Carson Miller
Not OR, but that's rad!
Blake Peterson
Sorry posted too soon, a little too muted (trying to make it seem like nighttime) so I added some highlights
Kayden Evans
Cake number 2. Had a bit of issue with getting the gold ink I used as the outline to pop, but I think this photo was the happiest medium. Enjoy!
Dylan Rodriguez
I certainly will, thank you!
Robert Torres
Progress Update: I erased the page.
Adam Parker
Could I request a drawing of an Asian market-trader for a fantasy setting?
She's a young woman with a kind expression wearing a headscarf, sandals and simple dress and running a stall selling tropical fruit.
Dominic Reyes
If you are the user, why would you do that? If not shut up and go away.
Adam Jenkins
Does anyone have their favourite contribution of Creepyanon saved?
I'm compiling a bestiary and some unsettling art from existing reqs would be great.
Henry Howard
I'd also be glad with your favourite monstrous cake by any artist t b h, Creeps just sprang to mind first
Ryan Walker
Are you actually fucking retarded?
Chase Roberts
Jayden Walker
Don't really have a reference for what my PC looks like just a description
>Male >Large gray eyes tinged slightly brown, framed by thick eyelashes >Somewhat large smooth, straight nose that forms a line from base to tip. >A large mouth with full lips >Soomth, natural, and healthy tanned skin >Light golden brown locks spill out past broad shoulders, sorta glistens in the light, in a Chignon style which is pretty much a man bun >Thickish eyebrows of the same color >Prominent cheekbones on a full, angular, and strong face.
Jaxon Torres
Requesting an agriculture god wearing a white cloth and raspberry bush laurel crown. He's light tanned, has a chinstrap beard, is barefoot, holding a snake wrapped around his right arm and holding a chalice in his left hand. The head ref is the general look but I'm fine with some changes. Hope I'm doing it correctly. Bonus if you make a decaying version of him with insects as well.
Make this Veeky Forums related or any Kelly's, really.
Justin Harris
Easton Gray
Slow, stupid, dim-witted, etc. Does that describe you?
Leo Campbell
There are better ways to bump the thread
Kayden Torres
No, the opposite in fact, why? I'm not seeing any proof that you are the user who was drawing my request, so why are you posting?
Nathan Nelson
Christian Cooper
>the opposite
Holy shit my sides
Ayden Harris
user, please, don't reach for the low-hanging fruit. It will dull your abilities.
Brody Martinez
Nice. I can't wait and thank you for picking it up.
Jason Walker
I'm not seeing your humor here. all I can see is that you're a random asshole who has to comment on something that has nothing to do with him. If you are indeed the user who was drawing my request then, PROVE IT, or shut the fuck up. Why are you calling me the low-hanging fruit? I'm simply requesting a map from a kind drawfag and assholes keep saying shit.
Zachary Kelly
I really don't understand what is going on in this picture
Adrian Hall
Oh my god you're trolling, I see now.
Nathaniel Ortiz
>Requesting a Krieg soldier being comfy and relaxing in these Panzer slippers. For they are the final solution to cold feet.
I actually bought the pattern for these fuckers and had a friend make them for my girlfriend's birthday last year. The guns are a little floppy but she loves them.