Why the fuck is this allowed?
Why the fuck is this allowed?
because you have a choice.
Dies to lots of stuff desu
Lmao git gud you scrub, you're probably a Jund mouthbreather
Oh fantastic, I can take four damage now, or have to deal with that each turn (not to mention most decks have four of these fuckers)
My biggest issue is its cost. One fucking red mana for a 4/3? That's obscene.
yes, exactly, and as a burn player I love this asshurt.
Not even played in good lists
It's almost always 1 mana for 4 to the face. It's only ever anything else when the victim has a low-cost form of removal available or is choosing to lose now or next turn, so it's actually slightly worse than a card that reads "~ deals 4 damage to target player."
>playing burn
>Why the fuck is this allowed?
Because there's tons of ways to deal with it, you can kill it or block it easily? allow him to be on the table, you can't? take 4 misserable damage, is not that much.
It's good at getting my broke ass play points on mtgo, so many scoopers are in the modern que
fuck you faggot you are what made me stop mtgo.
Hey man, legacy burn is sweet.
Modern burn is a three color abomination.
just do boros colors, naya is too slow for burn. I think so anyhow.
You seem upset
The card is good but far from unfair there are so many other cards that would be banned before this.
History has shown that if punisher cards aren't tuned to feel very unfair then they are actually complete garbage. Giving your opponent a choice is a major downside.
I kind of agree. Boros would be faster
It's a burn spell that dies to removal. If it cost more or did less, it wouldn't see play.
Each choice may be too good for its mana cost, but your opponent will always pick the one that is least bad for them at that moment. Early in the game Vexing Devil is just going to be a 4 damage burn spell when you really wanted a fat creature. Late in the game he will be a mid-size possibly useless creature when you really wanted a burn spell.
I miss dash hopes in standard
Its not even remotely that annoying. Maybe its for the best you stopped playing.
I haven't played in ages, but it's not really that good. At your opponent's discretion, you have a sorcery that costs R to do 4 damage to him.
That seems quite a bit weaker than the good old fashioned lighting bolt, which is enormously more flexible at the cost of 1 piddling damage point.
Because AVR is the best set.
This is the same reason why I loved using Desecration Demon back in Return to Ravnica. Getting 4 out at once was the greatest feeling, unless the opponent had plenty of creatures to sacrifice to pin them all down.
Avr is fucking shit
t. retard
Go fuck yourself, original innistrad was GOAT.
Innistrad and Dark Ascension were amazing.
AVR was a disappointment after those.
Man, if only this was a 3/3 with haste. If only.
It's so rare this card actually ever does damage after about turn 3.
I always have the same argument with my retard friend who's infatuated with it, the card is pretty damn mediocre, sorry friend. One of the best examples of why you need consistency in your deck though.
I'd still play a card that does 4 for one mana.
A lot of Defecation Demon's potency stemmed from how the first turn of him attacking was irrelevant. Sac to him? It takes 3 more turns to kill you. Don't sac? It still takes 3 more turns to kill you.