How is it going guys?
Coffee: $5, (network fee: $25)
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who the fuck would pay $5 for a coffee
Pretty good.
> Doesn't pay the network fee and only pays for the coffee
> t. 160 IQ
I wouldn't pay 5 coffeecoin for a coffee
This, $2 coffee + $25 fee.
Stupid OP.
Some people aren't jews and want to support the infrastructure they use.
He doesn't know how to use Segwit lol
>using Segwit
He doesn’t know there will be no bitcoin before segwit is officially implemented on the chain. Currently bitcoin cash is the working fork solution and will continue on as original chain which is how bitcoins designed
>muh coffee
Hut durrr, I can buy my coffee with btc. I won't be able to look back and realize that $5 would have turned into $20 If I just wasn't a moron. Herpa derpa just fucking kill me!!!
he prefers to pay higher fees
>high fees
>bitcoin cash
Pick one.
Aha, so basically bitcoin is not a currency anymore. Gotya
If you count the cost of holding it vs using bitcoin, yeah the fees are pretty shit
Didn't you hear? It's a store of value™ now.
>How is it going guys?
Excellent. Thanks for asking, user. All goes according to our plans.
why do you faggots want to buy coffees so much? keep seeing this argument.
just make your own coffee, will cost like 10c
>BTC heading to 20k
It's going great, wish I could say the same about your worthless shitcoins lol
I don't understand you. I literally made 10 times more on shitcoins than bitcoin.
It's the social aspect that is appealing. You go get a coffee and sit down for a while. See a cute girl. Make a craigslist missed connection. Check it nonstop until it expires. Have massive anxiety thinking about going to coffee shop and seeing her and thinking "what if she saw the post and thinks I'm a creepy loser?" Have to resort into finding a new coffee shop and repeating the process.
Not recognizing you can send a transaction for under a $ using segwit and sub 90/satoshi per byte....
hurr durr
>live in a 3rd world country without pedobux cofee.
How come you have internet?
>muh coffee
fuck off pajeet, nobody cares
High fees. Stay mad Roger.
>paying for coffee with .000001 gold bars because you don't know how to use your visa
t's a good example of an everyday transaction.
>missing the point entirely
Wire Transfer Fee $15-$35 average.
No one actually believes bitcoin will be used to make small purchase transactions.
It will be used as a tool to transfer wealth and pay for large price tag items.
>yes, madam, I'd like to pay with gold cubes for my coffee
No, I agree with him. I mean it tastes better and is cheaper to make @home
>peer to peer electronic cash system
>cash is only used for large purchases
Shit, it's happening. For the newfags, BTC almost collapsed in one night because of this. What occured was as follows:
Transaction fees went way up, leading to many people saturating the blockchain with transactions that could not proccess. As a consequence, people lost faith in the ability for transactions to occur. Trades went to a stand-still, average time was almost 16 hours to proccess a transaction.
This caused people to want to cash out, price plummeted more, leading to more people trying to cash out, leading to more transaction pending times, leading to more price drops and people trying to cash out. Price dropped more than 70% in one night.
Concurrently, BCC went up several hundred percentage points and almost killed off BTC. The thing that saved BTC was this strange thing that happened: the main BCC exchanges all crashed at the same time, for long enough to BTC to recover. We may never know what caused the BCC exchanges to crash, but legend says that it was by a man named Igor Bogdanoff.
go on...
>not brewing your own coffee
paid 8$ fee for a 180$ tx a few hours ago, thats ridiculous
$2 + $3 tip to the barrista = $5 coffee
>$2 + $3 tip to the barrista
lol wtf is wrong with you? Are you crushing that hard on your barista?
i've been waiting on a btc transaction for 2 days now. should have just changed it into ETH and transferred that. fuck btc i'm selling this piece of shit when it finally transfers
>tipping someone for the 3 seconds it takes to pour my drip coffee
fuck off niggers. i hate this shit so god damn much. everyone wants a fucking tip now. i had a girl get pissed at me and try to call me out because i didn't tip her on a single scoop of ice cream. all she did was scoop it, put it on a cone, and hand it to me.
these fucking cunts are so entitled now. one little blip in this economy and all of these faggot "local chains" that have tip jars everywhere are going belly-up in 3 days. fuckers.
waiting on a bch transaction*
not btc.
Post address/transaction id
You forgot to mention the part where BTC recovered in a day then went on to hit a new ATH while the shitcoin lost value and got memed by Chinese miners
>but legend says that it was by a man named Igor Bogdanoff.
quick rundown?