I can slowly feel myself getting back into YGO. I wanted to ask some questions about the current meta; it seems like there's a lot of "New Toon" support. Are Toons viable now? What about Blue-Eyes decks? God cards? Are there any viable decks that don't have a college thesis-length card effect for every fucking card? Is pendulum and synchro cancer still as big as it was when I left? Are Chaos Dragons still upper-meta? Thanks, m8s.
I can slowly feel myself getting back into YGO...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Are Toons viable now?
They're playable, but not viable.
>What about Blue-Eyes decks?
Blues-Eyes are okay. They're not tier-1anymore, but they're a fun deck to play.
>God cards?
These were never viable.
>Are there any viable decks that don't have a college thesis-length card effect for every fucking card?
Find out for yourself, faggot.
>Is pendulum and synchro cancer still as big as it was when I left?
Pendulums are easy as fuck to shut down, if you're not able then you're probably a retard. Synchros are not a cancer.
>Are Chaos Dragons still upper-meta?
Chaos Dragons are not a meta deck.
You'll have better luck getting more answers on the Yugioh thread on Veeky Forums.
>Are Toons viable now?
>What about Blue-Eyes decks?
They're in the top tier ATM
>God cards?
>Are there any viable decks that don't have a college thesis-length card effect for every fucking card?
How long is too long?
>Is pendulum and synchro cancer still as big as it was when I left?
Bigger. There isn't a single mid to high tier deck that doesn't operate as a summoning engine for the extra deck.
>Are Chaos Dragons still upper-meta?
>synchro cancer
Synchro was the best era faglord. They're never going to remove the gay ass extra deck so synchro was the best use of it.
>They're in the top tier ATM
What's a good BE deck I can look at for inspiration? I'm thinking it's got to use Ancient Rules, that card is fucking beat mode imo. Maybe the creep has gone even further, tho.
>How long is too long?
At least three steps, tiny text, mandatory understanding of at least one, if not multiple, cancer mechanics, etc.
Ancient Rules is fucking garbage
Blue Eyes deck is all about playing monsters that net multiple advantage such as fetching BEWD or summoning BEWD from hand. It also runs triples of cards that let you discard BEWD to draw multiple cards, or remove BEWD from grave to do shit.
That might not be 100% accurate but its the gist of it last time I looked at the BEWD card leaks before the deck came to TCG. It's just a combo deck that revolves around fetching BEWD to hand, discarding it, summoning it, etc now with 3+ copies of BEWD since you can have 3 vanilla BEWD and another monster that counts as BEWD in the deck.
Just search "eyes of blue" on the yugioh wiki
Anyway, most cards are pretty text heavy but multiple cards within any given archetype will have pretty similar effects so you don't have to memorize that much. And even across archetypes there are similar cards (every archetype has a searcher, every archetype has st removal, every archetype has swarm, etc.)
>special summoning BEWD with no strings attached is now garbage
>no strings attached
You go -1 summoning that shit moron. You lose a BEWD from your hand and you lose the magic card. Why the fuck wouldn't you just play cards that both draw more cards for you AND summon BEWD FROM THE DECK without requiring discarding magic cards?
If you think Ancient Rules and similar cards are good, you're just bad at YGO period and have no place playing it at anything but a little kid level. Requiring ANOTHER FUCKING CARD to summon something IN YOUR HAND is fucking trash. You can summon shit FROM YOUR DECK OR EXTRA DECK WITHOUT REQUIRING ANOTHER CARD TO GO IN THE GRAVEYARD.
>Why the fuck wouldn't you just play cards that both draw more cards for you AND summon BEWD FROM THE DECK without requiring discarding magic cards?
Why do those kinds of cards exist in the first place?
To make things better, retard.
Power creep has been a problem from the begining
>power creep
Shut what? That faggot mouth of yours up?
wow ok rood
I looked into it recently too. used to be real into it back in HS.
the game now has evolved(or devolved) to a point I have no intrest. synchro/xyz/tuner etc has made deck speed explode.
constant power creep forces Konami to just keep making more and more insane cards in order to keep people buying.
they really should institute a MTG style format system so not all cards in the entire series are tournament legal in the mainline format. as it stands now, the powercreep is just endless.
Why do these threads always end up so fucking terrible?
a while back, just for shits and giggles I used YGO and played against the AI for a bit, using user made decks.
one of them, the AI killed me with exodia on first turn, using a series of absurd card combos to literally draw through his entire deck on his first turn.
that should give you some idea of what modern YGO is like.
bad community for a game with nothing but wasted potential.
Emperor dragon was degenerate and so are you.
If there was a format system where you could just do Duelist Kingdom decks or something, I'd be so happy.
I used to main Chaos Dragons. That's about the outer limit of gamey bullshit I can have fun with, save meme decks like Exodia.
I activate Pot of Greed, allowing me to draw two new cards. Greed is good.
You obviously never played during the synchro era then. Synchro era was the pinnacle point of the game and it started to go downhill when the Xyz cards were introduced. The pendulum era made it somewhat better.
>yfw Exodia OTK decks are actually slower/less consistent than the actual top decks
Goat format may be what you're looking for.
I play XX-Sabers but I couldn't afford the deck until Rescue Cat was banned, then Giant Trunade got banned next, then Heavy Storm, and the deck just kept going downhill.
They funny, tho. Hope for Exodia best memedeck.
>much dream deck only works if halthe cards are staples
This is why I hate yugioh
Either adapt or play something else.
>all the staples got unbanned
>but now the deck is too slow to win against any modern deck
If this were actually possible/an option, people would still be winning with outdated decks. Most of the decks from older eras can't be adapted no matter what.
Synchro plats>DRAGONS>the meta just before DRAGONS>>>rest>shit>this meta
>fusion monsters from OG YGO are now on-par/weaker than low level normal summons in modern
>adapt, fucker
If only we could go back to the era of synchro plants.
there is no "adapt".
either you get lucky, and an older deck's mechanics just happen to be uniquely useful against the current meta, or you're just fucked and gotta play the current meta too.
power creep ensures each set is stronger then the last, with konami often releasing cards that are literally just better versions of previous ones.
the modern meta is so fast and so brutal that they'd be dead before they can do anything. there is like 10 different types of special summon now, and the game is lousy with searcher cards so you'll always have what you need for you big combos.
Every top tier deck is turn 4 emrakul, except even more consistent.
More like turn 1 emrakul with that can counter spells and that fetches you a card when it dies
The game was solitaire at that point.
And I fucking loved every minute of it.
stay out dude, you got out once, STAY OUT. its only growing more and more cancerous as it goes. took me years to get out, but i finally did. If it has been a while since you were in, the only top tier decks that stand a chance at regionals are ones you spend potentially hundreds on.
>playing in-person
Exodia decks back during the chaos dragon times were still pretty reasonably reliable. They werent 1 turn kills typically, but they were stable.
Why is there an extra deck in the first place? I never played with it growing up, I was only forced to when I realized that you aren't going to win shit without the gamiest extra deck possible. If you removed that, a majority of the cancer would cure itself.
In fact, I'm convinced that half of what makes Legacy fun is that it doesn't have one (So far as I've played it, only got it yesterday).
>Why is there an extra deck in the first place?
Because fusion would be trash otherwise
>you removed that, a majority of the cancer would cure itself.
Tourney play has always been degenerate.
>Because fusion would be trash otherwise
Fusion is trash now anyways. I love using it, but like hell it's viable.
Just play Domain Monarchs and say "fuck you" to anyone playing a deck that relies on the extra deck.
What the fuck is a domain monarch?
A Monarch deck that uses this field spell.
But at least it was always a part of the games mechanics
Don't know what Monarchs are, but I am soooo doing this. Seems like the perfect mix of viable and meme.
>Don't know what Monarchs are
How old are you?
Just look up "Domain Monarch deck." A budget version of the deck can be put together for $30 by buying 3 copies of the Emperor of Darkness structure deck.
Monarchs are kinda bad now, they were meta a few months ago before Konami murdered them
Old enough to have been completely out of the loop since mid-way into the Chaos craze.
Is there any way to make them viable? Maybe use domain to fuck with their extra deck?
I think they're decent for a locals, or casual play.
People keep talking about buying cards, is this your way of recommending that I get out of YGOPRO and actually play physical games?
People are talking about buying cards because this is Veeky Forums
I wouldn't recommend anyone to play YGO in real life
Here's a Domain Monarch deck from a few months ago.
Yeah, when I consistently turn 2 my friends with my Lunalights deck, when they aren't even on the tournament radar.
Well, deck speed is pretty sad.
Just remembered Relinquished. Shit was cool, maine. Anything viable with that? Or are Ritual summons fucked in general?
>Ritual summons fucked in general?
You missed a period where rituals were T1 a few years back. Turns out they have a shitton of good support built up over the years but no good deck to go with it until Nekroz showed up.
I assume that Nekroz got creeped out?
Their shit got diddled by the banlist. You could check out the Cyber Angel/Herald deck.
>the one card making rituals viable
Of course it was.
Been out of the loop for a while. Does the game still have the over Reliance on archetypes? Is it worth building a deck that dosent rely on one? Used to have a bad ass control deck back in the day.
Don't do it bro. I played YGO from Lightsworns to XYZ's, then I stopped due to moving and not having anyone to play with. I got roped into MTG and haven't looked back.
My Toon deck is doing really well so far. Just banish my whole deck for total invincibility, senpai.
Lol M:tG is even worse, as someone who has played it from Homelands to Time Spiral and spent more on it than YGO. And that was when M:tG was still decent.
I like how Lightsworns are still tourny-ready decks and see plenty play, same with few other odd-balls like Cyber Dragons who SOMEHOW always get that one guy to get really close to the finals just to lose really hard. Bless those Cyber Dragon players, they just never give up.
Metalfoes are tier 1 and they use Fusions, ABC is tier 1 and they use 1 Fusion. Fluffals and Lunalight are playable Fusion decks. Shaddolls used to be a tier 1 Fusion deck that could use many different engines (except WIND because Wendigo is fucking shit), Eidolon or whatever the TCG name is going to be is a splashable Fusion engine.
Yes, archetypes and Nomi cards...
Even I they weren't you'd still build your deck around a particular type/attribute/level/etc. The days of building feck around a particular playstyle are in the past, mostly because every archetype nencompasses every play style (because konami makes more money printing 30 versions of the same card as opposed to one standard staple)
Your generic beatdown/swarm/control deck will never be viable.
>Your generic beatdown/swarm/control deck will never be viable.
And this is bad because?
please just stay in Veeky Forums
You're a joke and so is your game.
What's the point of YGO when it's all combo decks trying to have their engine work faster than their opponent's?
I liked Eidolons when they were revealed but playing against them is fucking annoying because most of the fusions are stun cards
And there are no decks to use the Fire one with
Throw into Lawnmowing Infernoid
>cancer mechanics
Stop. This game has literally always been filled with cancerous bullshit at high-level play. The mechanics are balanced inherently, but Konami has always printed busted cards that define metas.
ALWAYS. Remember Summoned Skull? Yeah, well that fucker used to be the only boss you'd see. Then CED and Yatalock. Raigeki? Change of Heart? Pot of Greed? None of these cards seems "cancerous" to you?
So long as you hold on to that busted, closed-minded method of thinking, you'll never have much fun with anything, really.
Oh, one more thing.
You stupid fucks keep trying to act like high-level tournament play is designed to be fun all the time. You're retarded. Tournaments are for winning. If you want fun, play casuals.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with playing casual decks. We're in a fucking golden age for casual play, with a metric tonne of decks that are playable and viable at casual levels of play. But don't go to a tournament with your 3 Beaver Warriors (which, by the by, haven't been good so long as he's been in NA, since he was power crept on arrival here) and pretend like it's power creep's fault your deck isn't winning against the people that shelled out $500 for their decks.
You wouldn't do that in MtG, you wouldn't do it in CFV, you wouldn't do it in any competitive anything ever. Stop being retarded and stop pretending you're some hot-shot that you aren't.
Pendalum, synchros, and xyzs are what drove me away. Also all the pre-set decks that only work with themselves ("[if you have a card with "crystal beast" in the title, you can...]"), though I find those somewhat less cancerous.
>I find archetype-locking things okay.
>But the mechanics that are only as busted as the cards that use them, those drove me away!
Most Xyz are worthless. If you aren't Rank 3 or Rank 4, and you don't have a specific deck crafted around making your rank, you are trash. Chances are good that any given specific rank deck is also trash. Hell, the Xyz decks that can go into whatever rank they want either exclusively go into R4/R3 monsters (because those are the easiest and have the best generic effects), or start with R4 monsters and upgrade themselves into the other ranks.
A huge chunk of Synchro monsters? Trash cards. That's not even getting into how fragile Synchro engines are. A single well-placed negation in the middle of your play will leave you with a bunch of weak, useless monsters, giving your opponent a free shot at your LP or some other form of hard punish.
Pendulum? Outside of three decks, two of which are banned to uselessness, there is absolutely nothing to fear of the mechanic. Hell, it's honestly a nostalgiafag's best shot at making their old cards work again, since generic scales make good resources and good spammers for resources.
You people that say "This mechanic drove me away" are just closed-minded morons that are too caught up in their nostalgia to see that there are good cards and bad cards for every mechanic.
Tribute Summoning? Ritual Summoning? Fusion Summoning? All three have had extremely oppressive decks made in the past 3 years. But you won't pay attention to these. You'll cry in your corner, whining about how the white cards that are now completely worthless drove you away, or how scary black cards touched you in a bad place, not bothering to discover how of 100 Numbers, there are MAYBE a dozen that have ever been good.
It became more complicated than I wanted it to be, that's all I was saying. I like simple card games, even card games that are simple, but can have depth if you get well into it. I find that Yu-Gi-Oh is a pretty hard wall at this point, though. You have to learn the... 8? uh... Normal, effect, fusion, ritual, synchro, xyzs, pendelum, and those double summon normal-to-effect monsters... yeah, 8. You have to learn the 8 types of monsters, and all the situations they can be summoned in. It's tedious and annoying.
Also, I was complaining about archetype sets, not commending them. I dislike them, but they don't really complicate things by adding entire mechanics.
Not going to bother reading whatever it is you're referring to but I'm going to guess the reason people bitch about competitive YGO is that it's like 99% of the game, whereas other card games are 50% or even 75% casual.
You can do a simple study and just go find random YGO games and M:tG games. Chances are the majority of YGO will be competitive, or basically wanna-be competitive "casual" games filled with top tier decks that are just missing the most expensive cards, whereas M:tG will have a lot more kitchen sink games.
>I have never ever ever been on a YGO simulator and had to wade through 30 "No Xyz/Synchro/Pendulum" games and 20 anime decks.
If you can't find casual games you're not trying. At all.
Find those in real life.
I was playing on Duelling Network for a while, and while there was usually one or two of those labelled in each category, but it was no where near even a significant minority.
>Those double summon normal-to-effect monsters.
Every single Gemini card in the game specifically says how it works on the card. If you can't be assed to read a card then you shouldn't be playing card games to begin with.
No problem. I'm actually physically at one right now, although we're currently taking breaks between matches.
>because me and my faggot butt buddy are playing toons while fucking each other that means the other 30 guys at the card store are all casuals too
Cool story faggot there's a reason you were told to find a sample size and not just ONE game.
apologies. I don't see them very often, and the last time I played the game was a couple years back. I'm fairly sure that pedantic argument doesn't cripple mine, though.
>Moving goalposts
Yeah, any argument can be invalidated if you call them a "faggot butt buddy". You may as well have posted "I don't have a proper counter but fuck you". It's about as effective.
Most LGS have some casuals in them, and any that don't probably have some other problem, like overbearing tourneyfags. There's also just asking IRL friends if they'll play kitchen table matches with you, which can work if they're not assholes. If you don't have a LGS or IRL friends, then your argument is pointless, since you'd be exclusively using online simulators anyway.
My point still stands: if you can't find some casual games, then you're not trying.
How likely is it really that your LGS even has Yu-Gi-Oh fans, much less casual Yu-Gi-Oh fans?
Honestly, you only have to learn how Tribute, Synchros, Xyz, and Pendulum work. Every other card type in the game will tell you its specific mechanics on the card. YGO's not a simple game by a long shot, but only Pendulum has any real mechanical baggage. The rest are relatively simple on premise.
That said, if you've legitimately looked into it and decided you don't like it, I'm not gonna pressure you to reconsider. People like what they're gonna like, and dislike what they're gonna dislike.
It can depend. College towns have a higher concentration of YGO fans, but I've seen a lot of LGS that refuse to acknowledge YGO players, and drive them off in favor of MtG. It definitely doesn't help that YGO players seem to have a stigma of being obnoxious and young compared to MtG players, even though this is hardly the norm across the board.
So is the meta all copy pasted now?
No. The way the meta decks operate changes every format.