>Whatcha Playin'?
>Whatcha Hating'?
>Whatcha wanna build?
>What single card on the banlist would do the least to change Modern if it were unbanned, and why?
>Whatcha Playin'?
>Whatcha Hating'?
>Whatcha wanna build?
>What single card on the banlist would do the least to change Modern if it were unbanned, and why?
Other urls found in this thread:
Naya burn
Tron pisses me off even though i usually win, fuck that stupid deck
Building Lantern to be That guy and because I like how unique it is.
I honestly have no clue, though I would like to see JtMS/Stoneforge unban just to see.
>Whatcha Playin'? grixis with baby jace and new lili
>Whatcha Hating'? people thinking that fatal push will make control good
>Whatcha wanna build? uwr flash with spell queller
>What single card on the banlist would do the least to change Modern if it were unbanned, and why? unban glimpse of nature so elves can be tier 1 and i can have fun in modern again
r8 my shitbrew
>Whatcha Playin'?
G/W Tron
>Whatcha Hating'?
>Whatcha wanna build?
Grixis mill using Isochron Scepter + Extirpate/Surgical, also lacking a few fetches for U/R prowess deck
>What single card on the banlist would do the least to change Modern if it were unbanned, and why?
Mental Misstep. Would make control decks more viable and maybe force the meta out of TURN 2-3 KILL OR UR DECK A SHIT type of deal.
>Whatcha Playin'?
Pic related.
>Whatcha Hating'?
>Whatcha wanna build?
Grixis Delver, seems like a very high skill cap deck with a lot of decisions to be made involving Cryptic/Kolaghan Commands and Snapcaster Mages. Just don't have the money for the fucking mana base.
>What single card on the banlist would do the least to change Modern if it were unbanned, and why?
I don't know. I want to see Jace the Mind Sculptor unbanned because it's a fucking hilarious card, but Green Sun's Zenith wouldn't be so bad I guess.
>Green Sun's Zenith wouldn't be so bad I guess.
No, it would
i like this
Any of y'all know why Ugin, the Spirit Dragon spiked so hard recently?
people are hyping up tron HARD
Getting real close to finishing affinity.
Free wins a FNM here I come.
Jesus Christ. It's that your writing?
Tron is t0, no other deck is viable in modern anymore
Source: the tg modern thread
Only when I'm trying to scribble shit out fast as possible. My actual handwriting is a lot nicer to look at.
>Grixis Delver
>Jund. I cant out 1 for 1 that shit.
>Bant Spirits
>JTMS. Realistically its a 4 mana brainstorm that gets bolted. Besides, most of the format kills you by turn 4-5 anyway. Blue will probably still not be great in modern.
Also frontier
>Whatcha Playin'?
2 drop Gruul Zoo
>Whatcha Hating'?
In modern; not much really.
>>Whatcha wanna build?
In modern; nothing really.
>What single card on the banlist would do the least to change Modern if it were unbanned, and why?
Gitaxian Probe. The meta hasn't adjusted to it being banned yet.
I'm assuming frontier.
I don't like thoughtsize, or anger.
Alright Lads Post em
post template
Blue Moon
nothing yet, but I think we're all gonna be sick of lingering souls in 3 months
Grixis Delver
probably seething song, storm is dead and one better ritual won't revive it
My god user... where're the Masterpieces?
If you cant afford them, at least buy some foils or cheaper cards.
>pic is my current inventions and foils (the 4th Mox and Steel Overseer are already bought, just waiting for the mailman)
Oops forgot the pic
foils of cheaper cards*
>foiling out affinity
mox opal will be banned within two years, I would foil out a worse deck
>Whatcha Playin'?
Paper: Ad Naus, >Infect
Xmage: Merfolk, 8-Rack, Ad Naus, a random Tezz brew I built built on thopter foundry sword combo plus 0 mana artifacts plus tezz plus whir of invention/chalic/bridge. lotta unfun
>Whatcha Hating'?
Nothing really has been giving me too much trouble
>Whatcha wanna build?
Merfolk was fun but I can't justify building it because it's kinda bad
>What single card on the banlist would do the least to change Modern if it were unbanned, and why?
Idk, fuck banlist discussion
what's the joke?
It's been so many years of always the same, i simply stopped caring, to be honest. If they are banned, they are banned, nothing i can do.
>opal will be banned
Are they just going to systematically neuter every deck until nothing but shitbrews exist?
He doesn't know what he's talking about user. Just ignore him.
>putting your masterpiece Opals in fucking Ultra Pro sleeves
10/10 would tilt against.
Fuck that shit, I live in Canada where every dollar is actually only 73 cents
And with 13% sales taxes, no fucking way am I foiling out anything
Modern and standard
Yidris edh, pauper goblins, death and taxes, mono white, izzet bounce combo (my favorite brew)
It's triple sleeved...
Its still a shitty chinaman sleeve
Just get a budget mana base for grixis. I run it for my delver deck and never run into problems needing specific colors.
I could put any shit sleeve in the middle, the most important would be the outer sleeve. In this case I chose the Commander 2014 sleeves with chrome effect, just because they were nice and have no effect during the shuffle.
>masterpiece opal
Why would anyone ever want this over Volkan Mox Opal?
Because the reason people buy other masterpieces, because they are prettier (picture, frame, etc), because the collection value, because the rarity, because the "pump factor" (it's gold after all), or because it's simply different. Could be many things, you just need to choose one.
I know this is a modern thread but can anyone tell me how long it took them to stop sucking at FNM draft? Have been drafting since Kaladesh started (after a 10 year hiatus) and I've only made top 8 once.
Goblins is so bland in Pauper though. You either draw into a quick match, or you stutter until your opponent stomps your face in/wipes your board.
Bland in other formats too.
>playing UG infect
>hating eidolon and chalice ATM
>don't have anything in mind, besides tinkering with mill with heavier black removal like surgical and extirpate
Really depends on how experienced you are. Draft is kind of its own thing- but if you're good at limited it really helps your constructed game. Carry over doesn't really work the other way around.
is modern worth getting into at this point or nah?
It's only going to get more expensive, even with MM reprints
If you have the money and want to, go for it
Finally got around to building 8 Rack anything besides thoughtsieze, inquisitions, lilianas, and surgical extractions are welcome the sideboard still needs the dismembers & languishes along with the two dakmor salvages main board.
Anything suggestion wise would be great.
Also thread questions
>Whatcha Playin'?
Mono Red Burn & 8 Rack
>Whatcha Hating'?
Leyline of Sanctity while I am always annoyed with a opening hand leyline hosers have to exist in modern, Thankfully most people in my meta run free win red or jund so its rare to see one.
>Whatcha wanna build?
Idk lantern control has always fascinated me however I am just to lazy to go out and build it.
>What single card on the banlist would do the least to change Modern if it were unbanned, and why?
Seething Song would have very little effect on the modern meta as a whole citing that the only place it would be run is storm decks and they got hit pretty hard with the git gud probe ban.
Nigga, just get Mutilate if you run mono black.
>>Whatcha Playin'?
G/R Tron
>>Whatcha Hating'?
Nothing really, I don't have the time to go out to FNM
>>Whatcha wanna build?
Esper Narset Transcendent seems like a fun list
I just want Baleful Strix or Recoil to be Modern playable
Problem is due to the discarding of lands via ravens crime and the small pox languish is a guaranteed -4/-4 mutilate most of the time would only be 2 or 3 -1/-1
Mutilate costs 4 mana same as languish, and you run only swamps so even with 4 on the battlefield it is always guaranteed -4/-4.
good point didn't think about it like that
According to this shitty board yes.
Lets honestly take a look at the modern decks theyve killed in the past.
>Blazing Shoal, Ponder, Preordain, Rite of Flame, Cloudpost, and Green Suns Zenith are banned
All good here Storm is a deck that belongs in Legacy and Blazing infect is much too fast. GSZ is just a really good card and Cloudpost is better Tron.
>Punishing Fire and Wild Nacatl are banned
Punishing Fire is another card thats too good and the Wild Nacatl decision is reversed later. Another good update.
>Valakut unbanned
>Bloodbraid Elf, Seething Song and Second Sunrise banned
Jund needed a nerf and Storm again shouldnt exist in Modern, Eggs is dumb. Good update.
>Deathrite Shaman is banned, Bitterblossom and Wild Nacatl are unbanned
DRS is way too good. Its the most played creature in Legacy thats saying something, good ban and unbans.
>DTT, Treasure Cruise, and Pod are banned
Another good update. These cards are also too good.
>Splinter Twin and Summers Bloom are banned
Amulet Blooms a dumb deck but Twin is about the only time I felt they made a mistake on the ban list. I feel like it wouldnt be broken if it was here today.
>Eye of Ugin is banned
Everyone wanted this
>Ancestral Visions and Sword unbanned
Unbans finally
>Probe and Troll
Good bans that nerf uninteractive hyper aggro/combo decks
So theyve made one to two mistakes in 4 + years of bannings. Why are people complaining again?
>Eggs is dumb
Kek I'm sitting in a modern game, f6'ing because this cunt decided to play eggs on a shit connection
The hat are the cards, in your opinion, based on the previous bans, would receive a ban?
I would have said Chalice but I don't see that happening anymore
Lantern is safe from anything getting banned right?
Considering it hasn't shown up anywhere since GP Oklahoma, I'd say so.
>Whatcha wanna build?
Devotion to Green feat. Kiora
Holy shit is the deck fun, it's not so much the lines of play or the math that I enjoy as much as the janky green bombs you get to employ.
Kiora is being slept on in green devotion, as well as pic related 1of. Extending PCommand loops since BFZ.
Nothing should be banned until it proves itself to be a problem. Right now theres no unfair strategy thats dominant so no bans are needed
Post a build?
This retarded Tezzerator brew is fucking hilarious, it causes almost lantern levels of asshurt in players.
You run a shit ton of 0 mana artifacts, Bridge, Chalice, a Tezz or two, then a 4 Reverse Engineer and 4 Thoughtcast to draw into either Tezz or Whir of Invention/Thopter Sword combo
Just beat infect by jamming a turn 2 Trinisphere into a turn 3 Bridge and just shutting him off completely.
Had someone on Bogles concede when he saw Mechanized Production, which is sweet because with 8 thopters you just win
List for those interested
>Recent Block reversal
>Recent Banning Announcement
So Wizards wanted shorter blocks, but the fan outlash was so big we have longer lasting blocks again.
In double reaction wizards announces "More aggressive banning, and more frequent." While I'm certain they were mostly looking at standard, Modern will definitely feel this sting too.
Wizards is trying to have their cake and eat it too by constantly shaking up the format? I wonder if this new order will have rapid unbanning as well as bannings... You know, just to shake things up.
>Whatcha Playin'?
Kiki Chord
>Whatcha Hatin'?
I don't hate Tron and R/G Valakut decks, but sometimes they can be difficult to interact with.
>Whatcha wanna build?
A Grixis deck, whether Delver or Control. I just want to use Snapcaster in a deck.
>What single card on the banlist would do the least to change Modern if it were unbanned, and why?
I think Stoneforge Mystic has the least amount of impact to the format. I would say Bloodbraid Elf, but since they unbanned Ancestral Vision, which I liked, I doubt they would ever unban BBE at this point.
I honestly feel like Punishing Fire should not have been banned but rather Grove instead. The card is fair outside of the Grove engine.
>More aggressive banning, and more frequent
Since when? They've said they'd put out more announcements but that they wouldn't alter the frequency of bans
How absolutely trash is suicide zoo now? I don't even want to look at my deck anymore honestly
If you're willing to shell out for a set of goyfs, the deck is doing fine
Punishing fire is unplayable without Grove you tard
Hey so maybe Veeky Forums is already very aware and knows the answer, but what was the reason for the price spike in magic in the last year(s) or so?
If you look up any card and I mean ANY card you'll notice that it spiked up around New-Zendikar to after Modern masters. Some are greater spikes than others, some are before Eldrich Moon, some are before Battle for Z, but all within or CLOSE TO that time span.
And many cards have not come down from that price. Why? What happened?
I already have goyfs, but really? Cause last I remember probe was one of the absolute best cards in the deck
It's been 5-0 in leagues lately, it seems pretty well positioned so I don't see it going away any time soon
The deck just got less combo focused and plays a little more like a real zoo deck
As much as I hate to say it I got into the game during BfZ and so did a few other people I know. I think there might have been an increase in overall players during the block.
So what card has been replacing probe? And yeah, I always felt it could be just a strong deck that kills itself but doesn't go all in
Traverse the Ulvenwald is what I've been seeing
>Since when? They've said they'd put out more announcements but that they wouldn't alter the frequency of bans
Uuum. Yes, true. I suppose I mean to imply there is more Opportunity to change (not necessarily ban) more- and not necessarily that they will change anything.
One (I) would assume that giving themselves more opportunities to change current metas means that wizard is looking to get a finer control on things.
But yes you are right, just because they CAN doesn't mean they WILL, but the change does coincide with their recently stated desire change up the format more often.
rug and grixis delver, skred, reanimator on cockatrice. skred in paper
ponza tilts me so hard. i don't know why. i don't lose to it especially often
tron however is my most hated deck. i just had the pleasure of winning a game 2 via molten rain->surgical, ripping a mine out of his hand
>wanna build
chipping away at grishoalbrand
i'm pretty clueless about how the banned list cards play but i kinda want preordain to come off now that probe is on.
i enjoyed your meme, skred brother
looks pretty sik. how many games have you won via animating darksteels?
That's the entire fucking point. Ban the enabler.
>Ban an actual playable card so you can unban a worthless shit card
You must already work for wizards
>2 artifact based sets
>Zero good modern artifacts released
I hear you on that, user.
Fuck Grove.
>looks pretty sik. how many games have you won via animating darksteels?
None, people either RQ when they figure out what's going on or I get them with Thopters. Honestly thinking of just cutting Tezz for another whirr and another production, it's so slow
Masterpieces :^)
Nam flashbacks from the last artifacts set
Maro had nightmares of getting a big black darksteel dick from arcbound ravager and getting throatfucked by disciple of the vault
>Whatcha Playin'?
Some variation of Tron, usually GW or GB as of late.
>Whatcha Hating'?
Before bans, Dredge. Now, probably burn.
>Whatcha wanna build?
Abzan Reanimator, but I suck at brewing, not to mention I'm like 95% sure it'd suck.
>What single card on the banlist would do the least to change Modern if it were unbanned, and why?
Stoneforge Mystic, just to see how it'd shake things up. But if there was ever a time where it'd come off the list, it would have been before the Troll and Probe bans.
Does anyone play bloomless titan? Is it just a trash meme? I want to play a decent combo deck again, but ad nauseum is just so fucking repetitive with literally 1 line no matter what
birds need to be nobles. finks and some amount of smiter can go to side for spell queller, reflector mage and selfless spirit. you still lose to tron without revokers in the 75.
Ive been usibg Flooded strands over scalding tarns because im broke. They fetch eveeything but Mountain and Bloodcrypt
Grove goes only into one deck. Pfire would go into any deck that looks to splash R for anything that lifegain would trigger.
Redpill me on modern Jund
It's just a pile of good cards
Costs an assload of money, but once you have it built, it's the only deck you'll ever play.
Expensive, but if it's your cup of teat then it is worth it especially since it likely won't see any bans
Mox Opal ban is an inevitable ban
Ancient Stirrings is also
It's just a time-bomb of when an affinity or tron wins too many games in a row or a new card gets printed
Do you like fair value decks?
You're playing the best cards in Green, Red, and Black, with a fair chance to beat any deck in the format if you play well.
And when I say beat, I mean hammer them into the ground and use their blood as lube.
>punishing fire goes into any deck
Literally no
Except Tron
I'm highly considering to trade my two decks for it. infect and valakut
Just because I want consistency.
Nice selective quoting faggot.
>mox opal is an inevitable ban
>stirrings also
Affinity gets hated out and I don't think tron will ever be that dominant.
Watch out burn players, if your deck puts up results they might ban bolt.
You really honestly believe punishing fire would see any play without grove?
What's the best deck against bant Eldrazi?