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how do stormcast do in low points games? nobody seems to play more than 1k where i am and that limits a lot of armys

Remember the day GW blessed us with the Tzeentch Kunnin' Rukk

So, haven't really played AoS much, but one rule thing I've been wondering about: it's legal for a unit to shoot while in melee, even in Matched Play. Does that balance out well? It seems a little funky to me, since ranged units still oftentimes have melee weapons, and although the melee weapons are sub-par, I figured it was to balance out the fact that they have a range advantage prior to getting charged.

But I've read that ranged units are mostly pretty poor in melee without the ability to shoot while doing it. Can anyone elaborate from their experience?

They even gave us a Kroak BTFO formation

ding ding ding

its balanced. theres literraly no problem with it.

Yes it does. Add this to your list of questions that get answered when you actually sit down to play the game. Its usually a long list.


They do alright, most armies kinda suck at low points. Games get too swingy at that level imo.

Dracoths are sick at 1k, I underestimated the breath attacks once, that was a quick game.

Ugh, fine, I'll launch the old spiel...
Yes, you can shoot into melee, out of melee and from melee to melee. Yes, this is by and large balanced because most ranged units either suck balls in melee or pay a premium for the ability to shoot and fight decently. And because of how LoS works they won't shoot anywhere once the fight has started, assuming they haven't gotten their teeth kicked in in one go.

All right, thanks anons.

It's perfectly balanced. Ranged unit shoot only in your turn while melee weapons are used in both turns. Ranges are usually much shorter than other games, so ranged units are usually at risk of being charged right away. Also, with very few exceptions, ranged unit cost much more than the melee equivalent while being much less damaging.

Alright, proposing a Khorne list for review. Tell me what you think. I know i'll never manage to make them competitive, i'm just trying to get them to be decent at this point.

Aspiring Deathbringer (80)
- General
- Bloodaxe and Wrath Hammer
Bloodsecrator (120)
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Bloodbathed Axe
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Bloodbathed Axe

10 x Bloodreavers (60)
- Reaver Blades
10 x Bloodreavers (60)
- Reaver Blades
10 x Bloodreavers (60)
- Reaver Blades
5 x Chaos Knights (200)
- Ensorcelled Weapons
- Slaves to Darkness Battleline
5 x Chaos Knights (200)
- Ensorcelled Weapons
- Slaves to Darkness Battleline
5 x Chaos Knights (200)
- Ensorcelled Weapons
- Slaves to Darkness Battleline

1 x Skull Cannons (180)
1 x Skull Cannons (180)

Total: 1540/2000

ding mother fucker

Khorne is competitive if you get sayl and Skarbrand.

List looks decent, take Glaives on knight tho, its the superior option by far.

Oh, all right. Thanks for the breakdown.

So I know we have that thing of suggested 1000pt lists, but what would a good 2000pt list for Dispossessed look like?

1 Warden King (general) 120
1 Warden King 120
2 Runelord 160
1 Cogsmith 100

10 Warriors 100
10 Longbeards 140
10 Longbeards 140
10 Ironbreakers 160
10 Ironbreakers 160
10 Irondrakes 220
20 Quarrellers 240

1 Gyrocopter 80
1 Gyrocopter 80
1 Cannon 180

2000/2000 points. Playing around in scroll builder. I have probably...most of that, with a few exceptions. Figured basically IB in front, longbeards grumbling to give reroll 1s to wound, other ones to let me put out 2 grudges giving +2 to wound. Warriors and quarrellers screen the cannon, gyros for mobility. Thoughts?

I agree completely, and its the same with Summoning. It's not reaching into your ass and pulling out an army that is twice the size of your opponents, It's deepstriking and countering, which makes it have it's merits.

>10 Warriors 100
>10 Longbeards 140
>10 Longbeards 140
>10 Ironbreakers 160
>10 Ironbreakers 160
>10 Irondrakes 220

you are asking for your army to disappear. 10 wont even hold a charge of anything.
A thundertusk can sneeze on you and you loose 6 of them, except 4 will get you nothing.
A Slann will kill your army in 1 turn, plaguesmog formation and any formation that deals damage to each unit in an area will kill you easily.

It's actually a good list if you get them together

No quite the opposite, you NEED melee to win in age of sigmar.

A list full of slow moving melee is doomed to failure though

I have in my possession a Orc and Goblins Army from 6th ed. Is it any good in AoS?

Black Orc Warlord
Orc Big Boss with BSB
Orc Shaman

>Core Troops
50 Orc Boyz w/ additional hand weapons, 3 sets of command (champion, standard, musician)

>Special Troops
15 Black Orcs w/ full command
5 Orc Boar Boyz w/ full command
2 Spear Chukkaz

3 Trolls

So how does this look? Worth a damn?

Okay, silly idea.
Take this batallion with the Changeling, 40 Pink Horrors and 90 summoning points. Fill up the rest to taste. I'd recommend lots of high-damage magic and ranged attacks as well as the 27" unbind trait for the LoC.
Place the Changeling right in the middle of the enemy army during deployment.
Cast Mystic Shield on the Pink Horrors, maybe use Lord of War if you're feeling saucy, and then swap the Changeling for your 40 buffed horrors.
Deploy them in a way that binds as many enemy units as possible in the most awkward way possible. Really fuck up his pile-in moves and such.
If anything dies, set up a unit of Blue Horrors screened by the Pink Horrors and continue. Same goes for Brimstone Horrors when any Blues bite it.
That's roughly 200 wounds your opponent will have to chew through before he can do much, and that is ignoring the damage that many horrors could do. Meanwhile your army can comfortably start shooting, casting and maneuvering for at least a turn or so.
Any unit that is at the brink of deach you could also yank back out again and try to heal with Fold Reality while dumping Flamers or Exalted Flamers in their place.

How does this look for a friendly games 1k list?

Grot warboss - 80
Prodder and Squig
Bellowing Tyrant
Battle Brew

Moonclan grot shaman - 60

Moonclan grots x40 - 240
Spears and Shields
Grot Flag
Bad Moon Icon
Gong Basher
Nets x6

Moonclan grots x 20 - 120
Bows and Slittas
Grot Flag

Moonclan grots x20 - 120
Stabbas and Shields

Grot Spider Riders x 10 - 200

Whoops didn't mean to quote you user

its nice enough, you juste need e behemot squig / dreadmaw or even a stonehorne to add the punch you need to get through the new things in AoS tho.

Knight vexillor
Knight vexillor
Lord celestant (your general, reckless trait with the obstinate blade)

5 liberators
5 judicators

5 retributors

980 points

Use 1 vexillor to pick up the celestant and 1 to pick up the retributors, plop both down near the enemies big scary unit/monster. Use the celestants command ability for +1 to hit 9" bubble and charge both units into combat. The retributors blast to ashes goes off on +5 now and you've pulled off a turn 1 charge. Most people will choose to go second hoping for the double turn, but with a list like this you go first gladly and deliver a space marine style alpha strike that hours would be proud of

How should I build my Acolytes? Two swords or Shields?

so does gaunt summoner's summoning count towards point total? ie its total fucking shit godawful

I don't understand the Seraphon Start Collecting bit.

Yes any additional models you might place on the table during a game must be paid for and no gaunt summoner is great, possibly bringing in 3 units per turn but definitely 1. You use the gate to bring on the big daemons with high casting value and use his 2 spells to summon little shit

I know nothing of the crunch, but those shields are beautiful in my opinion.

You may just have find a nice combo.
Like the first guy that put on foot on a new land, you have to name it now.

it looks really good, especially since you can switch them again with new units for the rest of the game, definetly a gunline Hard counter

The big model in the box costs the same as the box itself, making the rest of the stuff free.

Well yeah but that is amazing while the rest of the squares seemed bad.

It's not bad, actually. Here's a possible interpretation.
Five of the blackorcs are surplus right now, since 'ardboys can only be taken in multiple of tens.
Also, you'll probably want to upgrade then ten boys unit to 20+ sooner rather than later. Some arrer boys wouldn't be amiss, either.

Do they have bingo where you're from?

No the meme is that its what people buy because its cheap then when they actually get to play seraphon they understand its basically the 3 poorest choice of the army, all bundeled in one box of mediocrity.
any half serious seraphon player will never use them, because literraly every thing else in the book is gold.

Warriors are always good

Guard are meme tier nonsense. Too weak to mortal wounds.

Fuck me forgot the Fanatics.
Five for 150

As a seraphon player I did the huge mistake of buying 3.
For the same price I could have got a much stronger eternal starhost, bastiladon, stegadon skins... you name it.
I ended up reselling them for 30€/each to cut down the cost. I lost money and time for nothing.

if you're paying for the points how is it any good at all.

Oh gosh, I am really bad at naming things...
Err, the...uh ...Kairic Horror Shuffle?

So that's why theres so much 2nd hand Seraphon SC box literraly everywhere..

*puts 1200 points on the table* oh boy cant wait to get tabled by deepstriking stormcast before i summon in a unit of pink horrors. summoning a unit of pink horrors is op so it makes sense.

Shields seem totally shit. a 6++ is lame

But getting to hit on a 3+ with basic melee troopers is pretty sweet.

Seems they allow you to have one hand weapon and no shield too, but didn't include a bonus of any sort

this would probably be my 2000pt kairic list

Ogorid Thamau ...160

Ogroid Thamau...160

tzaangors ...360

tzaangors ...360

kairic acolytes ...280

skyfire ...160

skyfire ...160

skyfire ...160

skyfire ...160

And if you aren't paying points, how is it not totally broken? People like you are the reason we pay points for summons

or limit the amount you can summon for free. its absurd to think slowly bringing in a bunch of weak units is overpowered. theres a reason it never ever ever shows up anywhere near tournament scenes.

Summoning is a double edged sword still in its scabard, no one said you have too do it, if you're playing against stormcast it's probably not a good idea to leave too many points off the table

Both, the idea is that you hit with the two swords/Glaives and allocate the wounds on the guys with the shields.
>Protip: Because you can mix weapons 40K-style, give some of them shields, and whatever weapons you want to the rest. Put the guys with weapons in the front, so they get to be more killy, then when it's time to allocate wounds, place them in the guys with shields (their rule says the models with shields are the ones who get the extra Save). That's teamwork for ya!

You have a point the only middle ground I can see is having them come in automatically at the end of turn 3, following the rules for sigmar deepstrike (9in from an enemy) that is a mechanic I can definitely get behind. "Hey you failed casting for 3 turns, heres all your shit" but me playing 2000 points and you playing infinity is definitely not fair as seen in 40k and fantasy

Plus having them come in at the end of a game turn means you may get to move them before charging by winning the roll off

How many units exist that can have different weapons within them in this manner? Typically you pick either all swords, or all shields, etc.

If these guys are the only one then expect an FAQ to fix this typo and build them with double swords to be safe

'Ard boys can do this too if I recall correctly.

>How many units exist that can have different weapons within them in this manner?
Sorry, but I don't know myself right now as I haven't bought a box yet. Perhaps a clue can be seen in the offical pics of the units.

The little spider grots can too, they have the netters and a faq said "some" was 3 in 20 can have nets.

I can believe that since switching weapons is their whole gimmick in WHFB.

Pics on the site seem to go either all with one or the other. but the wording checks out you can do this RAW.

I'm just saying normally like Skaven or undead pick between sword and shield or spears and shields for the whole unit. could be intended or just small error.

I'm inclined to say an error because the scroll also says you can have acolytes with just hand weapons and no shield...but of course that gives you no bonuses and you would never do that. So that seems like bad writing

So I can't mix blades and spears in clanrats unit or give shields some of chaos warriors a runeshield when the rest is running with chaos hand weapon in each hand?

So really it looks like it all depends on your take on the wording right now. But once you get the box and see how many spare weapons there are for each Acolyte, then you'll be able to figure out how to equip them.

Depends on the warscroll

Read the Description

Awesome, thanks!

Why arrer boyz? I thought orcs were just good for getting into melee?

So "some units are armed with X while others wield Y" is pretty clear. How would a unclear wording look like?

Savage orc Arrer boyz can put out an absurd number of attacks. a unit of 30 does 90 attacks for only 300 points and they have 2 wounds a model

They also rarely hit anything at 5+/4+.

The average wounds per turn is depressing.

Something like this

That's why you set 'em up with buffs. 90 attacks a turn is nothing to scoff at, even if they rarely hit

Please tell me tzeentch is getting a second release?

>Please tell me tzeentch is getting a second release?

greedy much?

Finished another clanrat

Huh, it's clear for me
>Orruk forged Choppas and Smashas (one weapon in each hand), or
>Orruk-forged Big Choppas (two-handed weapon), or
>Single Orruk-forged Choppa / Smasha and an Orruk-forged Shield
What is the problem here? Maybe I don't understand something, english is not my prime language

Have any idea for bases?

No clue yet, as this makes 3 out of 47 done from the Spire of Dawn set. I'm thinking maybe some kinda astrogranite rock look maybe, but not sure still.

swap them to round bases before you get any further. they will eventually phase out square bases completely and you're better off swapping now than later.

> I'm thinking maybe some kinda astrogranite rock look maybe
Are you me? I will be painting 2x SoD next week and I decided to use astrogranite. I was thinking about Lustrian Undergrowth but can not find any good pic of base covered with this paint only

Oh don't worry, I plan on doing that. The only reason they are on square bases is because I bought the Island of Blood set in 15, not knowing they would re-release it, cus I wanted a skaven army. They are just on square bases temporarily.
I think we even talked before in these threads about Skaven because I recall another poster mentioning two SoD sets they had.

There is a problem with round bases in SoD. You have to cut of a lot of extra plastic from models to place them on oval and big round bases, like Ogors or Aelf riders

>because I recall another poster mentioning two SoD sets they had
Like dozen other Anons, m8 - they were out of stock after 24 hours

>I was thinking about Lustrian Undergrowth but can not find any good pic of base covered with this paint only

>cut of a lot of extra plastic from models

not even hard

Huh, I noticed this video but skipped it - no Lustrian Undergrowth in title. Thanks user, at least I know that astrogranite will be a better pick - Undergrowth looks like a shit

What colors/washes do I use to replicate this?

I don't feel like skilled enough to cut of this little rat from Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team and oder small parts

I'd say a mix of Zandri Dust kinda dark yellow/mustard colors and a bit of Cadian fleshtone. As for washes, maybe Agrax?

So wait, I've missed the last few threads, has the new novel been posted yet?

Wtf is wrong with a scar vet or old blood on carno?

My store plays with measurements from the bases, but my clanrats, stormvermin, and plague monks are on 20mm square bases and have a 1"-2" melee range. I don't like modelling for advantage but is it fine that they can effectively attack in two ranks? I don't think they could do that if they were on 25mm circle bases

Is this game good yet?

I would use flesh tones then yellowish/reddish washes

its literally shit in a sea of awesome leaders

Well that fucking blows, it's one of my favorite looking Seraphon models.

Any specifics? I haven't bought any paints yet.

Hey, I'm interested in getting into the game and was wondering if any of you could tell me a little bit about these armies, like their strengths and weaknesses and such. So far I like Skaven, Seraphon and Daemons. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

try "HOW TO: Painting The Curse Of Nurgle" on gogle


so why are all of the mortal cults pretty easy to field but the daemon hosts like minimum 2000


Do you mean battalions?

because they have been around for 30 year so they have to push people buying the new model.
if the baitaillon for deamon were as usable as the arcanite one, i wouldn't have to pay a single cent for this release because i already have a fuckload of deamon and the whole codex leaked here.

Now however i have a budget of $600 to complete arcanites because it is what is the most efficient on the table

I mean i expected this but i didn't expect them to make the daemon ones unplayable fucking 2 lords of change required
yes the big battalions

The changehos is actually super cheap, since brimstone are 40points for 10! (you need to buy new models tho)

even if you you take a bunch of min size brimstone it's still 1200 minimum just for the start of The Host Duplicitous

this is a bataillon composed of warscrolls tho, they are expensive in every books