How would you create a religion whose main focus is sex?

How would you create a religion whose main focus is sex?

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Did you just try to gender me?

Sex is the equivalent to praying/being closer to god.

>Replace "pray" with "fuck"
>Replace "convert" with "rape"


Fertility cult is the obvious one. It could also be a pleasure cult, or more broadly a love cult.

If you want something darker then rape rituals as a focus could be part of some kind of demon worship, or a warrior cult of raiders celebrating a succesful raid that captured women. Succubus worship springs to mind too.

Personally I think the basic premise only needs to be simple, the interesting part comes with how it interacts with the world and what colourful characteristics it has.

Catholicism but without the prudence.

I'd worship your mom.

It's a celebration of the life cycle and, Die to its pleasure, the human condition.

Like all religions there's going to be some drift here and there and various cults/heresies/denominations are going to grow.

While the mainstream faith might have a focus on sex between a pair of lovers (for both reproduction and sensuality), other groups may pop up that focus on specific types of sex, either diminishing or eliminating other aspects of the act.

Simple. You tell your followers that god wants big families and sex is aok. You also baptize infants. That way you breed yourself a balooning population of followers.

Why bother converting the locals when you can farm your own devotees.

*due to its pleasure

Provide free child care and schooling.


basically this. A lot of the early religions you see in history had a big focus on fertility because reproduction is how you sustain growth and whatnot.

Just copy contemporary Western progressivism.

Ask clownfag.

OP specified sex religion though, not fertility or reproduction religion.

Where do you think babies come from faggot

Storks obviously, what kind of stupid question is that?

Then where are storks from

From eggs, duh. Just like chickens.

They are the Great Uncaused that were, are, and will be, flying forever beyond the barred cage of existence.

Considering Paizo did that with Calistria, I'd imagine something like that

There's an Amateur Allure video with this concept.

No matter how you wrote it, I'd still be an infidel.


I wish the laughing could turn into sobbing at this point, but I've accepted that I'm going to die a virgin for so long at this point that it can't even hurt as much as I want it to. If it hurt more, maybe I'd be motivated to do something about it.

Also this yes. It helps that her "vengeance" and "BEES" aspects make her more than one-dimensional.

Hedonism is also a motive, yes.

Stop being a dumbass.
If being a virgin bothers you so much and you don't have the confidence to go after easy sluts, hire a few prostitutes till you feel better about yourself. It really isn't a hard thing to fix.
It isn't your virginity that causes you to be depressed, get help.

The point is that it doesn't bother me as much as I'm told it /should/, but that's probably enough blogging for one night.

I'm already seeing a professional, but the pills kill people my age.

Make it Rahja.

Temples are basically just glorified brothels.

Basically a sex-positive religion without any form of ascetism.
They don't have to be hedonists at all, but they see earthly life and reproduction as good, and see sex as a natural pleasure.
As a consequence, they can believe in a Heaven but this one is more earthly and they don't have the shame christian theologies tend to have for the body, earth and pleasures.

I'm pretty sure he is only somewhat agressve because you are bringing up here without a true reason.

>tfw the player incorporated divine sex into her created religion

Even had /ss/ implications, the pervert.

Nothing new. As hold as civilization itself.

But contemporary progressivism is sex negative with their obsession with modest women in media and all...

It already exists... pic related.

>you can marry any child and rape them
>have 50 wife and rape them
>their main method of recruitment is to take ''Thugs" virgin 17 years old in europe and propose them sexual jihad after each killing of infidel in syria
>Also promise those 17 years old 77 virgins if they die for you
>the ultimate achievement for them is raping when on earth and raping in the heaven.
>oh and the 77 god virgins you eternally rape, re-become virgin each time you finish so they can suffer and you have the tightest spot every time
>those heaven virgin can all be little child if you want

I quite like the idea of breaking down a lot of early religions into two component parts: sex and blood.

The first is what's on offer: fertility, growth, pleasure, etc for followers of the faith

The second is being used to pay for the above

Is it a setting where the gods actually do stuff for their adherents?
A church where you can pray for a bigger donger and actually get it would dwarf every other church on the setting.

congratulations on not seeing any difference between rape and sex, and on believing stormfront's rather silly propaganda.

Lots of local animism religion focus on fucking since that's basically very little else to do in ancient times.

100% reliable divine contraception.

Man it annoys me when people seem to assume any paladin or religious types in fantasy are going to be total catholics

You could only have 4 wives you kaffir


t. stormnigger

Yeah, why would people automatically assume that Paladin (Charlemagne's chosen warriors, who in the Matter of France are often described as exemplars of good Catholics and the shield that defends Christendom against Islam) and Clerics (a term borrowed from Latin that the Catholic Church then used to refer to its priestly class and those associated with it (such as nuns and monks)) would be in one way or another influenced by faux-Catholocism in settings that seek to emulate medieval europe?

Pseudo-Catholocism is the norm, not the exception. That does not mean everyone has to do it that way, but it is more or less the standard assumption.

>We struck 'vanity' off the list of sins
>and built a workoutroom
That's a non-sequitur unless
>lifting for girls
>ACTUALLY lifting for girls

aleister crowley created thelema to get laid with guys and gals

Yeah that would make sense. Maybe a more general hedonistic vibe might go well. A worship of personal pleasure and such. Not unlike modern satanism or whatever.

>race/civilization with extremely low population due to whatever reason
>make fuckin' important ritualisticly
>people with lots of kids=pious people in their society's eyes
>Religion has all the benifits of a normal one when it comes to controlling the society (not even fedoraing here, religion as a political entity isn't really up for argument, even moreso in fantasy settings), but with the added bonus of your religion having much more children being raised under it as believers so you'd quickly outnumber other religions and become the dominant one, (assuming no wars or other things break out)

Mass Effect Krogans could be an example. Extremely low birth rate combined with them always killing each other means it's pretty much necessary just so they don't go extinct.


Don't despair, not everyone here is a moron. Good on your for having the inclination, sense, and will to know what you know.

Just follow teachings of Christ.
No, not Jesus, the other guy.

>that fat, ugly, unhappy westernized woman in the background

She's chubby but not ugly, and hardly looks unhappy.

You've never seen a happy, beautiful woman have you?

Bit of an amateur historian, many religions across the ancient world had "Temple Prostitutes" as both a way to make money as well as engage in some sexual rituals. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, for example, Gilgamesh's companion Enkidnu was not considered "fully human" until he had one *long* sex session with a Temple Prostitute, indicating that perhaps they saw Sex as a human characteristic that leads men away from becoming savage, wild animals.

In Pagan Cultures generally there was arguably less of a stigma against sex. Against certain *kinds* of sex, yes, but the gods themselves had sex all the time, so there wasn't really anything against it. It was a way to both make money as well as appease fertility gods. Herodotus, for example, said this was quite common among Babylonian society worshipping "Aphrodite".

In the Christian world, the view of sex had changed a great deal, but at least one Nun was reported to have run a Brothel for "Religious Reasons", arguing that Men had a need of a kind of "spiritual nourishment" and that having Sex would bring them closer to God/leave them spiritually satisfied.

This, I think, starts to show the evolution of Sex Rituals into a more psychological thing. Even today there's a controversial field of society that essentially says "Prostitutes/Escorts/Phone Sex Hotlines are actually good for men, because a few open up about their fears and problems, and they're comforted by a lover's touch."

So you could base your religion around appeasing a fertility god/goddess, or perhaps arguing that sex is "good for the soul" and comforting to men (and/or Women)

Why is a part of that guy's head an ayy?

Because they love ayyys.

Neither have Muslims

Gropey or me? Because if posting pretty clown ladies is wrong I don't care.

wow that's nearly an argument

posts like this really make me wonder why I come here.

It's rather verbose for a comics book, but here you ho.


Clownfag, clownbro, clownfriend, and based clown all exclusively refer to Gropey.

Besides, the picture I posted is his stuff.


Wait wait wait, where did you get the promise of 77 virgins? Local imam was offering "just" 72.

That would be the Euchite heresy of Catholicism. Basically, replace all the prayer and sacrament and church services with incest, oral sex and mass orgies.

Or, maybe less the oral sex and more murder, I suppose. It varies depending on the source used.

>Wait wait wait, where did you get the promise of 77 virgins? Local imam was offering "just" 72.


Take inspiration from actual religion.

>Sexual intercourse between a man and a woman is the supreme buddha activity. Sex is the source of intense pleasure, the root of creation, necessary for every living being, and a natural act of regeneration. To be united as a man and woman is to united with Buddha.

And their outright hatred of male sexuality.

Storytime, please.

Yes, I am a degenerate.

>not ugly
She's fat, user. Fat fat, not chubby.

That's called natural selection, runt.

Dad stop being creepy on line, I'm going to tell mom again.

I'm not your dad, boy.
I'm the postman.

Because of reasons, the goddess of humans would visit every man in his life with the proposition to lay with him. It tended to happen at the latest by adulthood, but could technically happen as early as onset of puberty.

"Making the world a better place is a holy act." "People feel better when we fuck." "We should fuck the world into a better place."

>Charlemagne's chosen warriors, who in the Matter of France are often described as exemplars of good Catholics

Funny that Charlemagne lived centuries before great schism.

He probably meant Christian but who fucking knows. Wouldn't be surprised if the Peers were all Celtic religionists.

BTW since no one has said the name yet, this is called:
Widely thought of as one of the best comics ever.

the eastern and western churches had been drifting apart from a while.
Christianity always had a catholic message (ie universal).

It's been done. It's called Christianity and they're obsessed with restricting sex.


Look at roman Dionysus cults, they tend to be the ones more focused on sex in general.


"Be fruitful, and multiply."

debauchery/depravity cult

2 words

Rape. Cult.