Warhammer 40k general

The Primarchs assemble! Which do you think will be the next Primarch/Primarch equivilent released?... edition




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First for Commargh

Second for Rogal Dorn returning with a bionic power fist and punching out Abaddon

So we have the Aeldari meme out of our systems now, let's discuss what they're going to rename the otehr factions.

What do we think they'll call the Tau? What about Orks? Is Necrons a unique enough name already?

Tau will get redesignated to Greater Good and the auxiliaries will come out in droves.
Orks probably get Orruk.
Necrons are fine.

Which list should I work on for just starting CSM? This?

>Which do you think will be the next Primarch/Primarch equivilent released?
Girlyman of course. It's been foretold since 2nd edition.



Or this?

>footslogging DE
>melee focus
There you go.

t3 5+ no jink

Jump infantry

T'au is already in Tau tongue, so the High Gothic name would be...
No, I've got nothing.

Blue vagina-head

>do they have a mount?
>are they in a transport?
They're footslogging. So what if they can move 12"? They're still T3 and have a shit save. They also cannot Jink, which is one of the reasons Reavers are as survivable as they are.

This. So much this. Your best hope with them is to deepstrike do some shooting and hope your opponent doesn't blow them off the board.

Also, reavers.

Would you consider bikers to be footslogging?

Why not just have them use cover?

grav should be AP- Rending
against vehicles 6's should be a random D6 result on the damage table, or maybe even just a crew shaken result.

bikes should be +1W not +1T


>Would you consider bikers to be footslogging?
No, because they have mounts. In Reavers' case this gives them T4 and a respectable 3+ Jink.

>Why not just have them use cover?
Because they're melee troops. They'll break cover at some point, and can't benefit from it in combat anyway.

Terms should be 2Ws and have a 1+ Armour save.


Yeah but in High Gothic

Dangerous terrain tests?

40k should use fantasy style save modifiers instead of AP values first

>they're melee troops
I don't know about that boss.
Shit armour, only one attack, poor strength and ap meanwhile they have two strength 5 blasts each.

Looks like a shooting unit to me.

Aaaaaaah cheKEKed

1K list for a tournament with relic capture objectives, super diverse list oregano donut steel

>Orks are a melee race

Do Orruks in Fantasy-Sigmar loot like their space counterparts in 40k?

I remember someone in the previous thread mentioning Orruk Wyverns, but I thought Wyverns were Empire beasts?

>not taking one set of sponsons on all of them
Less than 1100 barrels of hell/10



They have splinter pods not stinger pods.



Blue caput eius debent
Google said so
Blueicus Vaginal-Headimus' sounds better though.

If you hate the lack of diversity then why are you playing that army?

If we do have an 8th edition on the way, do you think GW will be doing anything to fight all the bikes, D weapons, and 5-men-in-a-box units?

Is that a grot or an Ork?
so small

Tau is unique enough to stay, as is Orks. Necron is actually trademarked to someone else. Krazy Kev of Palladium.


I see

Well yeah they do look pretty shitty for 13 points.

I love the lack of diversity. I hate that I even had to put in spawn to fulfill the auxiliary requirement

now imagine that's a whole army.
DE baby

Anecronsi inbound.

Oh also the final boss of FFIX.

...Man, I have not played that game in years, used to be my favourite.

I wonder what would happen if Thanquol and Freya met.

>Tau is unique enough to stay
It's literally a Greek letter. GW aren't trademarking shit, if they couldn't get away with Eldar (which apparently WAS trademarked, according to their miniature boxes).

30 point tax for all those sweet rules is awesome.
If you are so butt hurt, just pay your 30 points, and then don't deploy it.

Going to convert an orky Celestine so my warboss can take the 4++ relic

The name Tau as applied to miniatures is unique enough. Like how Apple trademarked apple in reference to computers.

I don't know how it works in Britain, but Apple has a trademark on "Apple" in the states, so...

Then back to Necrontyr, aka pre-Necron Necrons?

>Looted Saint
I'd allow it.

Anybody got a visual reference for what the difference between a Sunrifle and a Hawk's Talon is? I have no clue what my Exarchs are actually carrying, google is useless, and the codex has no illustrations to help.

Tau means dew in German

>Thanquol and Freya

Thanquol sidles up to Zidane and offers to buy his breeder for 20 warp tokens.

Has anyone suggested that Aeldari might have a Silent A and a Silent I?

Because I'm pretty sure most players will pronounce it like that.

Roseus Spatium Communis-Fasces, IE IE Space Pinko Commie-Nazis.

Also, how bout them Ataui? Aorkis? Anecronis? Atyranidis? Asquatis?

I'm not sure if that'd work rules-wise, though an Ork flying around with angel wings would be a sight to see.

Bonus points if some of the feathers are replaced with chainswords

Mountain Tau.


Tau and Aeldaritos


Tyranicus Voraccio would be a nice name for at least one Tyranid subspecies, even more considering they're named after Tyran, but the whole thing with the changed names are copyright issues.

And tyranids are simply named after a planet in 40k. Can't get more """original""" thn that.

Heck yeah I'd do Torchstar.

What can I say? I have a thing for chicks with full body flame tattoos.


Taufags confirmed to be edgy preteens?

Zidane: ...40 warp tokens.

No, that's Night Lords.


If Tau are the Mountain Dew faction, which faction are the doing skateboard tricks on the roof of a skyscraper whilst drinking Pepsi Max faction?

Do any of the minor factions like the Draxians, Reek and so forth make use of Titans or Super-Heavy engines of war?



>bringing back robute guilliman
>Eldar to Aeldari

what the fuck is going on with the creative department? since when did this became a fan fic fest?


Whatre you guys working on?

I put together these guys to bully my fat gorkanaut

>bring back creeds rules
>bring back all the special characters
>Fearless on yarrick
>keep 3 point conscripts
>24 inch hot-shots

games workshop please

I claim this thread for Vostroya.


Since they started hiring fanfic writers.

finally got more paint, so now painting my guardsmen, have to prime a metric fuckload of other models

Wait what? What is going on?

Who's doctor pepper?

So taloses and cronoses...
What is their role? They look like a MC version of dreadnoughts, but you can squad them and they have a lot of weapon options
And court of the archon, is it worth it? I feel like they'd die pretty quickly, although snake men are cool as fuck. Are they just bodyguards who take wounds for the archon?
Starting dark eldar and I can't see how these 2 units work.

Stuck up preteens.

Yes please

>24 inch hot-shots
I am completely fine with them being 18" but AP3

just give them their pistols back I don't understand why they lost them

Dark Eldar.

Most players prefer incubi to protect their archon. Stick them in a venom, take your compulsory kabalites, and put the rest of your points into bikes

>but you can squad them
you can squad dreadnoughts too

But yeah, they're just meat dreadnoughts.

if you are going to run talos you might as well run the corpse thief claw because thats the only time they are worth their points imo.

Hi there, welcome to the wonderful, psychedelic, rapey world of Emperors Children. Both of your lists look pretty good, but I am leaning towards the first list. Emperor's Children have a problem with taking out vehicles and your first list has a lot more melta to help deal with that. The +1 strength to sonic weapons from maxing out the Kakophoni isn't that great when all of your weapons have shred. I've used the Mayhem formation quite a bit, but its very hit or miss. If you're willing to shuffle around some points and change up your models, I have a few recommendations to make it even better.

>Drop the termie armor on your lord and put him on a Bike
>Get more Bikers with an Icon of Excess
>Put an Icon of Excess on your 10-man unit or drop it down to 5-man for MSU.
>Drop the Helbrute for a 5-man squad of Havoc Autocannons.
>Get rid of the Spawn and use the points to kit your melee lord with the d3 combat drug rolls relic and to fill out some of your other squads.

Do most people even take an Archon? I figured most took a bare naked Haemonculi for shiggles and then maxed out Venoms with Trueborn and Venoms with Kabalites?

Archon comes with the start collecting box and is good when kitted out to fit a purpose.

To be in a Dark Artisan formation and keep your warlord alive.

Local Deldar player seems to swear by a succubus, and his list is pretty razor edge optimised bullshit overall.

Memestealer Cooltists

Uh, Cadia fell? Someone give me the tl;dr.

>tfw my Archon, Succubus, 2 Incubi with Klaivex that charged out of their Venom got absolutely massacred by a single squad of Bloodcrushers with a Herald on Bloodcrusher

Did zero wounds and got ripped a new asshole.

The Archon is good at three things only.
>being an overpriced extra Blaster in your Blaster squad of choice, often comboed with...
>being a wound tank with a Shadow Field, or
>playing mindgames with opponents unfamiliar with DE by taking the Huskblade and running at the most expensive non-2+ dude they can see
A Succubus fights better, a Haemonculus buffs better, and a Court is cheaper.

You'd only really take him otherwise if you just bought Start Collecting and don't have any other choices.

He lacks the punch he had in the 5th ed codex. He's points expensive and he'll fail his shadow field on your own raider exploding.

On that note, has a warboss ever had a Chainswordsword made in canon? It's an oversized chainsword, where instead of little teeth blades it's made of actual swords.

Mentioning any sort of rat-like beings in connection to 40k worries me. Imagine if in the reboot of 40k, Age of Emprah/Age of Skubmar 2: The Skubbening or whatever it gets subtitled, GeeDubs introduce a new race.

They tease rat-like minis. Everyone thinks it's Hrud, and there are finally Space Skaven of sorts. They dream of evil little rats infesting the underhives and causing things to decay just by being in large enough numbers.

And then the reveal that it's... an entirely new rat-like race. Except, now we see their heads it looks more... mousey.

And they're presented as naive good guys that make Tau look like Dark Eldar in comparison.

They're all just rodent-like creatures. They're furry bait, and a "good" race in the 40k setting for real. No implied mass-sterlization. No implication of mind controlled puppets of ethereals. No torture-fetishists. No robots wearing peoples skins. No pointy eared BDSM practitioners that shoot you with shards of poison that'll kill you if you're lucky. No glory-hound commanders losing men for no reason but it makes him look good. No predilection for trying to eat anything smaller than you if it doesn't do wot you sez. No whatever the crap it is that the Adeptus Mechanicus gets up to on Friday Nights.

They bring in a race of happy little furries all called Mickey and Jerry and Itchy and Nibbles and Fievel, and watch as the fanbase explodes in fury, all because this pleases them.

And then they release the Astra Militarium's new kit for the Carlos McConnellian Regiments.