>Roleplaying Game
Why the FUCK do idiots keep doing this
>shitposting on a Canadian mineshaft demolitions board
Why the FUCK do idiots keep doing this
Because Traveller is fun.
I want cool fantastical adventures, but also showers and toilets.
They don't. Sci-fi games will never be popular because they are shit
Because it annoys you and triggers you.
My all time favorite game is a firefly-esqe low-fantasy sci-fi game my buddy runs campaigns for every few years.
>low-fantasy sci-fi
I just call it "Human Only" sci fi.
I always thought that macro was a downgrade from "I will destroy Britania"
I agree with the term actually. Most science fiction isn't actually about science, it's just set in space. Star Wars is much more like fantasy than sci-fi for example.
I prefer this version.
But your opinions aren't shit in this case, just different.
Science-fantasy is a thing.
OP obviously forgot his 'X Card'.
>Being this triggered by civil society leaving your kind behind.
Yeah, how they DARE those inbred fucks call RPG an "Roleplaying Game" and a Scientific Fiction a "Sci-Fi".
Degenerates, all of them are degenerates.
>Roleplaying Game
No inbred reactionaries allowed at my table, no siree!
How good is the TitansGrave RPG and how low should I set my expectations for Starfinder from Paizo?
There are so many good fantasy style sci-fi games out there you shouldn't even bother with Starfinder.
Seeing as it's Pathfinder IN SPAAAAACE, it should be pretty obvious
Unless Starfinder is so far removed from Pathfinder it has the one thing core Pathfinder lacks: Quality.
Who am I kidding? They advertise a core rulebook and being stand-alone, while still holding compatibility with Pathfinder? It's going to be a brand new shitshow, and /sfg/ is just going to be another shitty thread where people post foxgirls in space suits instead of fantasy armor.
First post best post.