- GW deliberately kills off models and elevates others so you BUY MOAR. Privateer Press actually does not do this. Buffing underused models and nerfing overused models isn't this. GW literally makes certain models illegal in edition changes.
I'm still using PP models I used 10 years ago on the table today. I can't say the same for my GW armies.
It's actually not terrible, which is.... annoyingly uncommon among online Warmahordes communities.
Elijah Campbell
Second this. Played 40k for 12 years. Armies didn't get updated on each edition change, so you'd end up with rules that simply did not apply to the game. New books were usually overpowered, but simultaneously required you to get all new stuff to compete.
And then, simultaneously, they did incomprehensibly stupid things like change the rules so the Eldar Wave Serpent was the best transport in the game, and then discontinue the model a week later.
PP is nowhere close. They make some dumb mistakes (see: everything digital they've ever done), but tend to have the game staggering in the right direction.
Given the depth of the non-Skorne errata, I wish they'd release them at least twice as fast as they're planning, though.
Alexander White
>i know all the playtesters! >they hate the game! >i wont name names except the most well known one >warmahordes is dead please play guildball with me
Elijah Fisher
I can't use my Imperial Guard from 8 years ago anymore, because back then, I was allowed to swap the unit leader's melee weapon with a Lasgun.
In the codex after that and the codex now, I can't, because I don't have legal unit leaders for my squads.
Zachary King
No offense, user, but that's not the best example I'd say. Removing one option that unit leaders have isn't the kind of change that is designed to fuck you over, even if that is a result, but a balance change. If GW actually bothered to balance the game regularly that sort of chamge would be one of those 'that's unfortunate, but I'd have no problem letting you use them as proxies since it means we get a more balanced game'
Again, not saying GW hasn't fucked people over model wise, with the removing of characters or changing how many of a unit can fit into a normal CAD, just that yours wasn't the best example of GW being shitty.
Asher Walker
Not him, but here was mine:
Got into Tyranids because you could run, at the time, a Hive Tyrant and ~6 Carnifexes. It was essentially a Hordes list. Carnis in Elite and Heavy slots.
Come new edition, not only am I not allowed to use half my models, the other half is no longer WYSIWYG.
Joseph Adams
Yeah, that's a stinker. Losong WYSIWYG sucks, but at least is something reasonable opponents understand. Not being able to field half the models you used to be able to is the same reason PP doesn't want to cut down the FA:U stuff.