Why are dwarves always the same when there are a million types of elves?
Why are dwarves always the same when there are a million types of elves?
But there isnt. However, I can understand where you are coming from. I think it has to do with what makes dwarves... dwarves. If caves and mines make dwarves dwarfy then thats what they are. Elves are elfy because they have trees, magic, and other crap. They have more characteristics to expand upon.
Tolkien had a lot of different elven kingdoms/"ethnicities" which readers mistook for separate species
Well there are usually dark dwarves in most settings, like chaos dwarves in Warhammer fantasy or the dreuger of Pathfinder so that's more than just one subrace
Why aren't the many variations of human even though they're as widespread as elves? Where's my ice humans, dark humans, and dire humans? Most you ever hear of is occasionally a vague "high man", or maybe have neanderthals haphazardly inserted into the lineup.
>ice humans,
>dark humans,
>and dire humans
As a proud Granite dwarf I find it insulting that you can't tell the difference between myself and my kin and those Dwarves who dwell in Basalt, or Marble. Or even, Stone forbit, a Sedimentary Dwarf. Those Sedimentary Dwarves are barely Dwarf kin at all, they're one step down from being cloud gazing Humans after all, and good Solid Stone Dwarf will tell you that!
>million types of elves?
And see that's the rub. There aren't a million type of elves, because they are all the fucking same. The only different is a writer or editor thinking they are making their own special snowflake elf races and they are really just making more of the same.
>Raghelm Beardhelm
My family crest is a rooster and we all have southern accents
>Bolkarl Beardbeard
Just kill me.
In a great many settings there are generally at least dark elves that behave differently.
This descends from the norse svartálfar that existed opposite the ljósálfar.
Psssst. Rearrange the chart, then repost it in a few days.
Try telling an Überwald dwarf that he's just like a Copperhead, or even worse, Ankh-Morpork dwarf! Ha! He'll throw your mesh-screened lantern right in your face!
Veeky Forums, how do you do Dwarves in an original way that still keeps their spirit intact?
People just need to keep it a simple elf triad of elves, drow, and witches.
Warcraft dwarves. Seriously. Same for humans.
>Bomhelm Doomsmith, father of Bolkon, heir of Gimgar II.
Oi! Just coz Siltstone Dwarves are so piddly you'd think they were forest panzies, doesn't mean us Chert Dwarves aren't hard as nails nor our Sandstone kin. You take that back or I'll wreck you. I swear on me beard!
Urkon Runebattle!
Reingar Runehand.
Double R, I like it.