WotC Opening Digital Studio

I didn't see a thread and I don't see how Veeky Forums derived vidya is less board-appropriate than half the threads here.


>Game publisher Wizards of the Coast has opened up a digital studio, with the aim of recreating some of its practical properties in a virtual space.

>The studio will be run by a group of 'all-stars" and led by Jeffrey Steefel, best known for his work on The Lord of the Rings Online, according to a blog post from Wizards of the Coast President Chris Cocks. Video game veteran David Schwartz will also come aboard to lead a new publishing team "to explore partnerships and collaborations that will bring Magic and D&D to unexpected settings, genres, and platforms."

>"What would it be like to throw fireballs as a Planeswalker in an MMO, or quest for treasure with your friends in a D&D augmented-reality game?" wrote Cocks.

Thoughts fa/tg/uys. Personally I've been dreaming of an augmented-reality dungeon crawler since Pokemon go but I'm not sure the tech is there.

Good fucking god I want Magic: the Gathering games set in-universe and NOT fucking bastardized versions of the card game shoved into digital format.
Make the whole Zendikar saga an action RPG where you play as Gideon and blade-whip eldrazi and vampires and shit to oblivion. I don't care. Anything.

Just get Obsidian or Platinum to make a fucking game, that will print money for sure!

>made by LOTRO people
I'm sold

just release shandalar again, faggots

I'm sorta interested in these games but I know Wizards will just fuck it up. They just can't into digital.

It's WotC, they can't do good things.

While it sounds like good news, WotC isn't very good at handling their propieties in a creative way (they are great at getting money).

Magic Moba with Planeswalker Heroes could be neat. Every map a different plane and players summoning additional creeps etc.

I'd rather have a fighting game with planeswalkers since mobas are cancer.

Neverwinter Nights 3 when?

The final product is unfinished, buggy and ultimately full of good ideas that aren't completed.

this. WotC handles their priperties like shit, and handles digital products like shit. this is a recipe for disaster.

As much as I really really hope it works out for the best, there's just no reason to expect it to and multiple precedents for why it won't.

>Huge cast of Planeswalker characters
>tons of throwbacks to old planes, constantly adding new content
>Non- faggy skins for Jace

Welp, time to get real internet service cuz I'd play the living hell out of this.

Still prefer it to Bioware.
> The final product is an action-date sim, horribly written and full of transexual dragonkin that nobody asked for.

Make playable characters per Planeswalker card, a ilities based on lore/cards mechanics. Results in multiple playable versions of some characters but there would be different models and Jace being that one character labeled support that's actually a carry

I'd be up for that.

Not anymore, mate.
The final product is a lifeless, shallow, snorefest completely riding on nostalgia and little else.

Good, go play Mass Effect 3 or Dragon Age Inquisition.

This would be the worst outcome for me. I already play Dota and I'm sure as hell not gonna stoop down to play "LoL clone but even more watered down"

Make it more like the HotS formula where it's isn't trying to be DotA lite and instead is just a casual 20 minute slugfest

Do a Baldur's gate-like mtg game about guys on a shitty plane trying to overthrow some dumb planeswalker.

Oh man, remember Magic the Gathering: Battlemage?! I sure want to play that again, but instead I'm playing as one of the Jacetice Leag... I mean Gatewatch!

Honestly, I'm more excited about the potential for D&D GO than for whatever steaming heap they produce for MTG.

How come Pokemon tcg online is slightly better than MTGO?

This lies somewhere between "stupid as fuck" and "doomed to fail."

What I would like is a game like XCOM (cover, line of sight, grid-based, etc.), but with the mechanics and theme of 5e. Something like Dungeons and Dragons tactics for the PSP, but with better UI and, of course, with the 5e ruleset instead of the 3.5e ruleset.

Pokemon TCG is mechanically very simple in comparison to MTG, so programming a digital version of it is a fair bit easier.

Balls. Or cocks, whichever.

That's President Cocks to you.

>Being called Cocks all through childhood toughened him up
>That's how he became president
>A boy named Sue


Nu-Obsidian is the new Nu-Bioware

>Zendikar saga
Nah man. Hop on the open-world bandwagon and make an Elder Scrolls-esque game set on Ravnica.

>Not wanting to be the captain of Weatherlight 2.0 scoring with qt Kor Waifu

Why wouldn't you want to jump from Plane to Plane? Funnily enough, Magic would make for a great MMO. It's got expansion packs built in.

The only problem is that there aren't any inherent classes. I suppose it'd be somewhat freeform, with you picking a broad type (Damage/Healer/Tank lol) and then picking and choosing out of the colors to build your Planeswalker.

If done right MtG could make for a great MMO just due to the nature of the Multiverse. Provided they actually make the content you could create pretty much any kind of fantasy archetype you want and play around in pretty much any fantasy subgenre by just jumping between planes.

Tired of fighting dragons and goblins on Dominaria? Hop over go Innistrad for some 3spooky vampires and ghosts. If that's still too cliché for you then you can go fight Slivers on Shandalar or hop over to Phyrexia for some real genre-bending, crazyass shit.

>Now headed by a Microsoft crook
>Making new digital products

MTGO will be discontinued as a competitive platform, paper-based Pro Tours will be cancelled and all future high-level Magic competition will be done in a new app that's "stream-friendly", has unskippable commercial breaks after every couple plays and requires a virtual reality device to play in.

Screencap this.

Capped for future derision.

>play as Gideon
God no. Mtg has always been my story and those other two-bit walkers nothing more than side characters. Half the allure of the game is getting to be your own wizard and customizing your ability set. Who am I kidding, Jace and friends will be front and center for anything they produce.

I just replayed ME3 for the first time since it came out. Please tell me of the evil SJW pandering in the game.

That is not how MMOs work. You will be forced to grind 10 levels on one plane and the next 10 in a another.

How about they make some functional digital products for players of their games? Why are we still using character sheets like proles when we could have a fully fledged character builder for D&D with built in Microtransactions?

I can imagine the microtransactions. Rerolling ability points are character creation - 5$ for 10.

ESO uses that system, you can go to any zone in the game at any level. Your character will just be scaled.

I think a bigger problem with planes as zones is the scale. How are you gonna convey the entirety of a plane in a small zone...

Maybe an Elder Scrolls like game would be better. The Magic Scrolls: Ravnica could be pretty baller.

I do agree that we should avoid classes, and use colours to create your character. You can go multicolour for cool hybrid specs or stay mono colour for a more specialised role. However colours should not be tied to a specific role like healer,dps, or whatever.

A Planeswalker RPG could be pretty fun.

But holy hell, basing it off 5e would be the worst idea even if they own D&D as well. The magic systems don't remotely line up and many 'spells' are 'fancy tactical tricks' in many cases.

You'd have to charge for character creation too, else people could avoid this by making new characters.

>best known for his work on The Lord of the Rings Online

well that inspires a lot of confidence...

>Why are we still using character sheets like proles when we could have a fully fledged character builder for D&D

Because The Edition That Shall Not Be Named did this, so we cannot repeat it lest we invoke The Dark Game's dread power.

Not gonna lie, I'd pay for a character sheet // character creator for D&D that lets us customize a 3D model and stuff.

LOTRO is pretty good for a straight-forward MMORPG that isn't WOW.

That fits with WotC's MO doesn't it?

i'd settle for a mtg client that isnt hot garbage

I know right?

Here's a crazy idea. There's a card game out there that's pretty fucking good. I'd like to play it except it's kinda stupid expensive, they don't really reprint a lot of the good cards, and often there are faggots who leave you waiting ten minutes because they're double queuing.

Wouldn't it be great if we could play that card game? Maybe even in real life?

user what

You mean 4e?

But that never got finished.

4e could have been an amazing fusion of game and technology

But they dropped the ball and let grognards bully them

1. Teehee, Chris Cocks
2. So what? Doesn't mean anything they produce will be good. History proves that.

>But that never got finished.


The offline and online character builders were fully functional (the online one is dead, the offline one needs CBLoader, but still works).

Dont make me sad, user. :(

The standard module is free and includes basic options like the PDF stuff that is freely downloabable atm

extra options can be bought. Stuff like SCAG or the PBH. At a reduced rate of course, and offered in various attractive bundles. The books will contain a coupon that can be redeemed in the app to add it to your character options.

The app will not contain a dice roller but should include some options to help people with complex spells or people that are very bad at basic calculus.

For MTG, a very good life counter app which support all the different formats and playstyles would be dandy. Should also include a tournament helper and a draft assister.

>How are you gonna convey the entirety of a plane in a small zone...
Wizards has done this in 20 years.
Most sets only take place in at best 5 zones in each plane.
And most of those 5 zones are pretty close to each other within the plane.

Most planes aren't the size of real life planets.
They're more like barely the size of europe or even smaller.
Very few planes have ever been continent sized.
Only dominaria has actually been huge.

Even if a plane is huge.
All parts of it looks like any part of it.
All of Theros is ancient greece+CO.

Why would anyone want to play a game as your fucking unwashed ass when they could play as a greek adonis?

> [citation needed]

I think you are glossing over the facts that they mostly rely on our imagination to make the worlds feel alive.

As soon as you pop it into a game than you make something that is abstract in our minds into something specific.

You'd have to divide every plane into it's own game or expansion to actually get the right sense of scale I think. Start on Dominaria for the first/base game and then go to other planes for the sequels/expansion packs.

>> [citation needed]
On what?
Size or apperance?

Dominaria is the only plane with more than one aspect. All other planes look mostly the same everywhere.
(and maybe Alara's multiple shards)

Even if some planes are "infinite".
A plane looks the same everywhere.
That's the whole point of it all.


No thanks.

All we've been shown of Kaladesh is Ghirapur.
Innistrad's like, the fucking size of Wales.

I'd rather live in Innistrad than Wales

Ah yes, the greatest whiny little excuse you guys who bitch about the named planeswalkers and their antics stick to:

"It's not about MEEEE!!!"

It was never about you. Ever.

No one has ever used that excuse you twat. It's all bitching and moaning about how stupid they think the characters are.
I'll let you in on a secret though the game is about you but you but your so pathetic you have to insert as one of their cookie-cutter personalities they've constructed for you.

Its going to be another magic duels with the Gatewatch on Shandalar, just watch.

Shadow over Mystara 2 you fucks, or give me
another arcade game! I'll take even an MTG double dragon just something good, please!

>Double Dragon
So what, Sarkhan and his previously unmention brother Tarkhan fighting hordes of Token Creatures?

Hell I'd play that.

>The Khan has been kidnapped by ninjas, are you bad enough dudes to go rescue him?

>Greek Adonis
That's redundant.

I want a game where you play as Garruk and hunt all the other walkers. Something dark and brutal.

>Hatred 2 MTG Edition

Shandalar is on the reserve list

That was rather the point darling

Each colour is a class. You can multi class like in Guild Wars to take a two, maybe even 3 colour combo.

Fuck off, Yahenni.

>They're more like barely the size of europe or even smaller.

I ship Yahenni and Gideon

Why not both?

>chris cocks
>President Cocks
>President Cock

How would a Magic: The Gathering MMO work, Veeky Forums?

Just like any other MMO with some sort of HP and mana/rage/stamina system. It's not fucking hard.

By the way, they already made the best possible MTG game.

They need to make either a Balders Gate clone in the MTG universe, or completely redo Magic Online from the ground up. Anything else is a waste. An MMO is WAY too much of an investment for now.

My niggah. It was, in fact, that game which makes me try out and get hooked by MTG. It was a game one of its own kind.

Well, I did say 'if they do it right', not that I think they actually will do it right.

About time.
>with the aim of recreating some of its practical properties in a virtual space.
I hope this means we're getting a D&D thing for the Switch or otherwise. A shame something like it never happened on the Wii U, which would've been even better suited to it because of the dual screens.

Also something to replace MTGO/Duels. Please.

After enough time on Veeky Forums, the fact that every discussion is based on most user's intense desire to fulfill adolescent power fantasies becomes more and more obvious.

They didn't drop the ball, they backed off after a murder-suicide

