So what are your favorite chapters/dynasties/etc. of your favorite armies in 40k?
I always liked Exorcists and Black Templar but lately I've gone a bit off Black Templar, mainly due to the fact that they seem to be a bit more of an underfoot presence than they used to be.
Might just be me
>Black Templars
Mah nigga
Grey Knights, because everyone is a Mary Sue who can kill everything.
I really like the Salamanders and Black Templars. 30K Salamanders with the pelts are my favorite of em all. Kind of specific, but Carnifex with stone crusher claws are probably my favorite unit.
yea fuck does look pretty bad ass
ive just never been a fan of the name salamanders or flame weaponry for that matter
vulkan is one of my favourite primarchs though
My personal favorites.
>SM chapter
Guardians of the Covenant
>SM legion
Tie between Dark Angels and Raven Guard
>Traitor legion
Word Bearers
>IG regiment
Praetorian Guard
>Sororitas Order
Argent Shroud
>Eldar Craftworld
Motherfucking Biel Tan
>Dark Eldar Kabal
Poisoned Tongue
>Ork Clan
>Tau Sept
Bitch I don't care about the Tau
I used to really like iconic chapters but I've just gotten tired of them as we've gotten so used to them and they haven't really changed. So I've acquired a taste for exotic FW chapters like Red Scorpions, Minotaurs, Carcharodons, Mantis Warriors, Star Phantoms, etc.
They always just seem more new and different, and often have more interesting color schemes. Even applies to non-marines. Craftworld Mymerea for example, or Elysia, or Krieg.
Astral Claws/Red Corsairs
Anything Slaaneshi.
:^) dun worry i feel that way alot too, or else i would probably just like dark angels
Consecrators > DA
Consecrators are just DA who timetraveled from 30k.
I always loves the Iron snakes because muh greeks.Also the motherfucking Damned Legion.
I always liked the Iron Warriors. Along with their brutal military theme they have other aspects that set them apart from their traitor kin such as removing chaos mutations and replacing them with cybernetics. A small part of me wishes that they could still redeem themselves.
Forrix, former first captain, became disillusioned with the long war and only treads the path of chaos because the Imperium would put a bolter round through his head.
Honsou, who is the bastard clone between a Imperial Fist captain and Iron Warrior apothecary named Honorable Soulaka, is described as one of the more noble chaos warlords. One who has great ambition and will fight alongside his troops, which is more then can be said for many imperial commanders.
Perturabo ushered a quote in Angel Exterminatus as he gazed in horror upon his now degenerate and heartless brother Fulgrim as he was ascending to daemonhood that went something like "no matter how depraved, no matter low one has fallen, one can always redeem their soul if they merely asked for forgiveness or showed a sign of remorse".
During the great crusade they were one of humanity's greatest fighters but had their soul broken when they cast their homeworld on a pyre, arguably in the name of the Emperor and in an event possibly engineered by Horus. Combined with the relatively high number of loyalist Iron Warriors such as the Silver Skulls, which are essentially confirmed loyalist IW's, and Minotaurs if the rumors are to be true, makes me dream of a loyalist Iron Warriors return. Also as a side note, there's the matter of the Iron Warriors we met in the beast arises series who helped fight off the greenskins.
Then again I might just be overthinking this
30k Alpha Legion
I know they're the meme legion on here but Space Marine CIA fascinates me.
>SM chapter
Undecided, maybe Consecrators or Carcharodons. Most of the major ones don't appeal to me so much though.
>SM legion
Toss-up between World Eaters and Night Lords.
>Traitor legion
Night Lords, Death Guard (depending on the scheme), or Dark Angels.
>IG Regiment
>Sororitas Order
Order of Our Martyred Lady (for their current colour scheme, their pre-Witch Hunters Codex scheme was balls though).
>Eldar Craftworld
Saim-Hann (also for the colour scheme).
>Dark Eldar Kabal
Obsidian Rose.
>Ork Klan
Bad Moons.
> Tau Sept
Sa'cea (also for scheme, don't care much about Tau generally).
> Necron Dynasty
The silver one.
The Armageddon Steel Legion is my favorite IG, because Gas Masks get me hard.
This. The Iron Warriors are the greatest, because they don't meme around like giant retards.
I disagree with the loyalist approach though, the IWs left the humanity for a reason and it's paying off for them, I'd say.
My favorite loyalist Chapters currently are the Salamanders and Howling Griffons because Im a fan of chapters that seem like total bros.
While on the other hand I really like Emperor's Children because I'm a Slaanesh fag
Your loyalist options speak to me OP, I freaken love both of them. I also really like the Carcharodons, mostly because you can freely use parts because scavenging, and their whole rip and tear thing going. Let's you be way more customizing with them.
For Traitors, love me some Death Guard. Always had a soft spot for Papa Nurgle.
I really like the Adeptus Custodes, I like how autonomous they are as an Imperial faction despite guarding the Imperial Palace and protecting the fucking Emperor. I also like that for how much Mary Sue bullshit there potentially is with them, they're fairly underexposed in the fluff. Like I mean they're there, but they haven't left Terra since the Great Crusade and you don't really get a whole lot outside of a few sentences here and there. I have mixed feelings on the fact that they're playable now, since they always seemed more like an NPC faction to me. But dammit if I won't paint up a couple just for fun.
lmao op here,
i love nurgle too and carcharodons are probably one of my favourites aswell
>I have mixed feelings on the fact that they're playable now, since they always seemed more like an NPC faction to me
Having them playable in 30K makes sense, since they were active as a military force during the Crusade and Heresy. GW's decision to give them rules in 40K is clearly sales-driven though, since they'd be looking to move as many units of Burning of Prospero as possible.
Do the thousand sons have a non-chaotic chapter equivalent?
A psycher focused non chaotic chapter
Or is this a pic one situation?
grey knights recruit psykers exclusively famalam
and there are plenty of chapters with psyker focuses still loyal as far as I know
>loyalist thousand sons chapter
>full of Psykers
>perhaps a red colour scheme
Let me introduce you to the blood ravens
inb4 "loyalist"
If they take off the helm, will they die?
These are the same cunts who gave us the daemon wombs
And pertie was a hypocrite who ended up a daemon himself
The Daemonculaba was made for more practical reasons and not out of pure malice.
Oh you're a trump voter
it would be extremely painful
I've recently gotten into the badab war and I've developed an unexpected love for the Mantis Warriors. Maybe it's the whole guerrilla warfare angle or that they're one of those rare chapters that uses camo and snipers
>Space Marine Legion
Loyalist Death Guard - what is injury/death?
>Space Marine Chapter
Marines Errant - fuck yeah Napoleonic Naval Warfare in Spehss!!!!!!!
>Imperial Guard Regiment
Elysian Drop Guard - Fuck yeah spehss paratroopers!!!
>Ork Klan
Blood Axes - cause sneaky orks amuse me
not really into the other major factions. I just like the Imperial fluff and the orks amuse me
not really taken by the lore by marines errant have got to have one of my favourite appearances
I like the Thousand Sons. Their story is the most tragic of the Heresy, a constant string of getting absolutely assfucked.
I hope Magnus and Ahriman can redeem themselves.
>CSM Warband
As much as I loathe the worst chaos god, The Purge are still my favourite warband.
>SM Chapter
Flesh Tearers
>SM Legion
Blood Angels
>Astral Claws
mah nigga
Crimson Fists, Raven Guard, Imperial Fists, Marines Errant.
Death Korps, Tanith First.
Iybraesil, Altansar, Saim-Hann, Iyanden.
Thousand Sons, Alpha Legion.
Obsidian Rose, Wraithkind.
Chapter: Black Templars
Guard Regiment: Praetorian Guard
Sisters Order: Our Martyred Lady
Craftworld: Ulthwe
Kabal: Slaughtered Heart
Chaos Legion: Either Thousand Sons or Death Guard
>Praetorian Guard
My nigga.
The Talons are my third favorite chapter, and probably the 'ardest space marines out there.
Grey Knights, I love playing small armies of super-elite units.
Best in the Imperium!
>the silver one
which one ?
>SM chapter
>Traitor legion
Night Lords
>IG Regiment
Hua Yuan Exterminators
>Sororitas Order
Miriael Sabathiel
>Eldar Craftworld
Eh no interest
>Dark Eldar Kabal
Poisoned Tongue
>Ork Klan
no interest
> Tau Sept
> Necron Dynasty
The silver one.
>SM Chapter
Carcharodons (I'm currently painting an army), lamenters,
>Chaos SM
Word Bearers, Iron Warriors
>IG Regiment
Corsairs, specifically sun-blitz brotherhood
>Ork Klan
They all seem the same to me
>SM Chapter
Salamanders, for being bros
>Chaos SM
Don't really like them
Phantine Air Corps or Praetorians
Not really interested
>Ork Klan
Da Blood Axes, ya git!
>SM Chapter
Marines Malevolent
>Chaos SM
Flawless Host
>Eldar Craftworld
>SM chapter
Celestial Lions, Angels of Vigilance, Iron Champions, Relictors... I could never choose but 3rd War for Armageddon was my jam.
>Chaos Space Marines
Thousand Sons
>SM Legion
Iron Warriors or White Scars if they have to be loyalist.
>Chaos Demons
>IG regiment
Steel Legion
>Eldar Craftworld
Saim Hann
>Sororitas Order
Argent Shroud
>Ork Clan
Blood Axes
When I got into 40k as a barely teenager I was all about the Blood Angels, the story of sanguinius taking on Horus knowing he would fall inspired my imagination.
Eventually I became a guards player because the stories of men standing their ground and holding the line against the terrors that surround them is even more badass.
Recently I've been giving the Ultramarines, post Matt ward a second chance. They are the closest thing to a sustainable non-fucked life an average human can expect to find in the galaxy all the while promoting a strong military upbringing based on honour and duty to species.
Stygies VIII AdMech/Skitarii. It's led to some great matches between myself and our resident Deathwatch player in the narrative map campaign at the LGS.
Exorcists, because they're pretty cool with having to be possessed to be inducted. Plus the wards inscribed on their bones.
Blood Gorgons, renegades placing freedom above all else, mutations are ocean inspired, and their chapter master Gammadin is the shit. He is normal Space Marine size but has the same metal density as a rhino.
Sons of Anteus, for Death Guard level toughness from enhanced bone experiments.
Carcharodons, for being predation fleet outside the galaxy, brutal tactics, and belief in the Emperor as a divine being. I think it comes from isolation, and if rumors are true, they were expelled from the Raven Guard by Corax, and they loved the Emprah.
Same user..
Legion of the Damned, prior to their 'ghost' update.
The idea that a warp virus infected them with unnatural toughness, using the Emperor's Tarot to divinate attacks, and personally decorating their armor with fire and skeletons and abolishing rank, due to being all equal in death for duty, is awesome.
Bluhd Rehvuns.
I really like your thoughts, Brother, and hope it becomes true.
Iron Within, Iron Without!
Iron Warriors and pre meme Alpha Legion.
Pics of your space sharks, please?
you're a big guy
Chapter: dark angels but recently i've grown fond of the lamenters cus they really care for helping mates.
Chaos: motherfucking noisemarines!! otherwise i dont care, cus you dont turn your back to the emperor in the first place
IG: armageddon steel legion
Eldar: love the harlequins cus they randomly pop up everywhere
Dark eldar: don't really care, they are fucked anyways. alwaays needs surprise attacks. pussies.
Ork: no particular favorite clan. tuska is my favorite ork though. straight into the eye and fight forevah
Necron dynastie: ogdobekh dynasty cus smartasses
tau: not interested, never will be
my favorite faction are the tyranids though. Adapt to evrything and overrun it. and very badass carnifexes.
>SM chapter
Mentors Iron Snakes or Star Phantoms Exorcists. I like too many.
>SM Legion
White Scars
>Traitor Legion
Alpha Legion
>Traitor Chapter/Warband
Sons of Malice
> Imperial Regiment
Vostroyans or Valhallan Ice Warriors
>Soroitas Order
Order of the Ebon Chalice
>Eldar Craftworld
>Dark Eldar Kabal
Slashed Eye or Flayed Skull
>Genestealer Cult
Agrpinaa or Metalica
>Ork Clan
>Tau Sept
>Imperial Knight
House Griffith
I like the way you think, user. I play IW in 30k largely as a way of coping with depression. They're easy to paint and make look good, so I can get squads finished before I lose interest or focus. The idea of people who signed up to be humanity's heroes only to get, as you say, soul-broken by an endless list of brutal, thankless missions by a command that openly doesn't give a shit - and yet who absolutely refuse just to roll over and die - is one that I both click with and admire. And their playstyle is nicely different from the other 30k players in my area, who play World Eaters and Eldar Corsairs respectively.
My army is based around a garrison that basically got left behind on some backwater world; they're technically Loyalists (possibly future Blackshields), but only really because they're still following orders. If your orders are to garrison a shitty world with insufficient resources, and the first people to attack are World Eaters raving about Horus and the Dark Gods, then orders are orders, and the World Eaters have to die. Iron Within, Iron Without.
SM Chapter - Black Dragons
SM Legion - Raven Guard
Traitor Legion - Alpha Legion
Traitor Chapter/Warband - Sons of Malice
Imperial Regiment - Praetorians/Mordian Iron guard
Sororita Order - Meh, no particular favourite
Eldar Craftworld - Iybraesil
Eldar Aspect Shrine - Slicing Orbs of Zandros - because that name is too cool not to like
Dark Eldar Kabal - Ehh, not sure, probably the one with the possibly Tzeentch-corrupted female Archon
Ork Klan - Bad Moonz, because they got the most bling, with Blood axes for the nifty uniforms a close second
SM chapter: Raptors, can't beat being shooty sneaky beakies
SM legion: Imperial mother fucking Fist
Traitor SM: Iron Warriors
IG regiment: Mordian Guard
Ork clan: Deamon Killas
Tau sept: the ones on fire
Craftworld: the dead ones
Funny, that's how I fluffed out my IF army minus the part about being loyalist.
I really like Craftworld Ulthwe (mostly for the dickishness of Eldrad)
Mentors fuck yeah! I wished they'd get more fluff on them
Same with the raptors
Howling Gryphons Space Marines.
I love quartered armor, and I love their feud with Periclitor. The second 3rd Edition Chaos Codex has some fucking great short stories in it, and the Word Bearers' ambush of Furioso is one of the best.
IG: Vostroyans
These guys are one of the best, purest manifestations of Blanche's baroque techno-fascist aesthetic that defines a lot of 40k for me.
Traitor Legion: Death Guard
All the different rebreather helmets and the bloated, decaying armor make these some of the most cruel and twisted Chaos models out there. They are joy to paint, and I love the way that the legion's ideals have become twisted in their heresy. I think that there is fine line, with lots of fascinating Nietzschean implications/complications, between stoicism and contempt, and self-loathing.
>SM chapter
Emperor's Nightmares (To sleep, perchance to dream, motherfuckers)
>SM legion
Blood Angels or Emperor's Children
>Traitor legion
Alpha Legion or Night Lords
>IG Regiment
Death Korps of Krieg
>Sororitas Order
Order of the Bloody Rose
>Eldar Craftworld
Alaitoc or Ulthwé
>Dark Eldar Kabal
Kabal of the Wraithkind
>Ork Klan
Blood Axes
> Tau Sept
Farsight Enclave
> Necron Dynasty
Atun Dynasty
Favorite Faction? Tau
Favorite Sept? Vior'la
SM Chapter? Imperial Fists
Traitor Legion?Alpha Legion
Favorite god? Papa Nurgle
Emperor's Children for favourite legion and chaos warband.
Noise Marines, Drugs, and the pursuit of perfection and excess to the point of enjoying death are really enthralling to me, more so than angry all the time or zombies.
I can't think of any loyalists I'm too fond of but I'd probably say Blood Angels because Sanguinus is the only primarch more beautiful than Fulgrim and nipple armour.
The Star Phantoms are probably one of the coolest chapters IMO. They have a lot of the usual space marine grim dark stuff going on, but manage to be even more grimdark by seeing death in battle an honourable goal.
On top of this they have a love of superior firepower. I think it was a chapter master of the Star Phantoms that mortally wounded Huron Blackheart by shooting him in the ass with a melta. They also royally trashed his fortress.
Summed up, they are pretty much "blow everything away with extra dakka, ask questions later, and if we die even better."
And for perhaps good reason they are somewhat distrusted or disliked by the wider Imperium. Their attitude towards the Imperial Guard is basically "what, you guys don't like dying?"
I used to hate them for being Mary Sue as fuck, but now I just find it hilarious and kind of love them for it.
Carcharodons hands down. Love those silent fuckers. They are a one trick pony when it comes to tactics, but it is a hell of a trick. Hard to counter.
Death Guard and Iron Warriors have my heart. I love heavy infantry, always been more of a boots on the ground guy than a treadhead or flyboy. Combine that with the Iron Warrior's heavy weapons, heavy enough to level cities and turn mountains into craters. I approve whole heartedly.
>Hard to counter
If melee specialists port directly into 'slap your shit' distance, its hard to counter. They can fade just as fast.
Its basically a teleporter assisted ambush.
Night lords best lords
Armageddon Steel Legion
>WW2 vibe
>Wehrmacht vibe
>Lots of tanks and AFV's
>Commissar Yarrick
>At constant war with greenskins
They're like Cadia but more unique.