Necromunda Vidya
Goddamn fucking finally. I've been waiting on this shit since 1999.
Now give us an official Chapter Master!
I was too young for the original but now...
>real adaptation of a GW game
It's going to be utter dogshit
>mfw it's legit
>Focus Interactive - BFG Armada
>Rogue Factor - Mordheim: City of the Damned
I see potential
So, how was the Mordheim vidya? It's the same devs.
I have a feeling necromunda will translate better to video game adaptation than mordheim.
In all fairness, though, I'd rather have a return of the tabletop game.
Mordheim was pretty solid imo. And it's by the same guys.
But the rules still exist. Why not just play it now?
Was pretty alright.
Certainly not the best game I've ever played, but if you like Mordheim then it's a decent enough videogame adaptation.
If they'll fix retarded mechanic by GW, like they did with Mordheim, it's gonna be great.
No as much as I want to I am not getting hype, seeing as that seems to always end poorly with these shovelware titles. Did you all forget Deathwing's horde of bugs- and I'm not referring to the Nids- ?
Deathwing is meant to have a big update this month apparently. Looking forward to it.
Well, I think these are different developers.
Deathwin was ~alright~ when framedrops got fixed, still not worth it's price, but at least playable (and if you are 40k junkie actually enjoyable because of ship logs, details and environment)
Although I have a bad feeling that it will be released too early like everygame Focus Interactive does and become playable only 1 month after the launch
If this game plays like the lovechild of Valkyria Chronicles and XCom, I'll probably never see the light of day again.
I can't wait for the butthurt when the fanmade factions aren't in the game.
Lets foresee what it will be.
>terrible optimization
>shoddy graphics
>flawed gameplay
But 40kfags will eat up everything and ask for more.
Have you played Mordheim? It wasn't excellent but it wasn't a bad game either.
Two of the best licensed GW games to date under their collective belts? I'm hopeful.
I'm fairly confident in rogue factor, now that they have some experience after Mordheim.
Easy problem to solve. Don't pre-order, wait for fixes (and maybe a price drop).
>adaptation of classic tabletop game
GW will never learn.
You think they'll stay true too the look of the models? Because it might be kind of funny to see those 3ft mohawks sticking out from behind cover.
They fucking better. If it isn't garish and 80s as fuck then it'll be a categorical failure.
thats what I've been thinking. I've eaten the bait with Battlefleet gothic and Deathwing, not gonna do it with this one (albeit I LOVE HoR and thus Necromunda, they are similar if I understand it correctly).
Sick of this wicked circle:
- I pre-order because its 40k
- Game is utter garbage which fails to fulfil basic requirements of a finished game
- I get burned out during first week of playing and drop it
- A few weeks later dev comes in and starts polishing it into playable state (which might be a good game like BFGA) but by this time I'm so burned out by broken balance, crashes etc that I don't want to play it.
TL;DR : Fuck pre-order.
Deathwing was mediocre and buggy, but Battlefleet Gothic was great. Can't remember if there were any early game bugs, but the campaign was fantastic and fully featured.
Not saying to pre-order, but BFG:A was a 40k game done right.
>Now give us an official Chapter Master!
Remaking the game they killed would be insulting
Allegedly there's a new one in the works right now but no known date for release.
Probably be like Blood Bowl, release two gangs and then hand it over to FW to flounder all over.
Now the only question is "Redeemer when". If they're cool he's gonna be free in the base game if they're assholes he's gonna be DLC. Unless they do like a full Redemptionist-themed expansion, including at least a short campaign where you play as the Redeemer. Because then they're still cool.
Bit of a learning curve for me, but pretty solid over all. Nice aesthetic, very close to the feel of the wargame. My biggest issue was that it's one of those games that shows you hit chances, but then has a million other weird little pieces of data underneath that which I'm too dense to bother figuring out. Also, I've heard there are "hidden" hit factors in the game too, which can result in you having a 95% chance to hit that's actually much lower and such like.
Redeemer seems born to be DLC. Redemptionists seem like an expansion faction desu, and he'd be a great character to have as part of that. But yeah, I hope they do a full mini-campaign as him, maybe fighting the Caller. Hopefully they get good voice work for him!
Only problem is the company making it.
Mordheim was mediocre at best at looked like shit.
Who would you rather see as the developer?
>Mediocre at best
Nah, it was solid.
>Looked like shit
Eeeeh I'd tend to agree on that one but it's a small studio I reckon, can't have everything.
For a moment I thought it said Nechronica and I got excited.
>tabletop game
Am I missing something?
What did he mean by this?
WHat is space hulk deathwing
Mediocre game overhyped by DA and older Space Hulk games fans
I'll wager half my paycheck that this will be literally Necromunda vidya reskin.
I mean, I hope the Necromunda vidya has a Necromunda skin, that'd be weird otherwise :^)
Like GW is above that,user. Their masters need more zlotis,you know.
Left 4 Dead with Genestealers and technical problems.
Yup, that was me too, with Mordheim, that and
>Half the fucking game is pay-walled.
They didn't stick to the original aesthetics in Mordheim, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
It would be a step on the road to redemption... maybe.
Mordehim is janky as fuck. And it insists upon wasting huge amounts of your time, making you wait more for enemy turns than you get to play the game yourself. Nevermind the laundry list of other complaints that could easily be leveled at it. The game plays not only like it's still in beta, but like it's the beta of a 20 year old game.
So that hardly inspires confidence.
>Half the fucking game is paywalled
Which one? Mordheim?
Or Focus games in general?
To me it seems they are in the contrary kinda generous with preorders (BFGA comes to mind, with its 2 free dlc) and after that uses standard DLC, like every big company does, but not to the extent where it takes a big chunk of the game from you.
Or am I missing something?
>ignore the game on preorder
>ignore the game on release
>after roughly a year pirate the game
Enjoy game in playable state for free.
Eeeeh that's true.
My biggest complaint, although I will agree it's not even an actual complaint but rather an unwillingness to accept a game mechanism is the fact that you HAD to lose at some point. The game becoming harder and harder was good, but I felt like the learning curves damn high, and at some point you just run into ennemies way stronger than your dudes which makes it nigh impossoble to collect money all over the place, leading to a slow death for your warband that you can't pay, can't upgrade, etc.
>Made by the makers of Mordheim
Hype dead on arrival.
Unless they actually learn how to make a decent UI this time.
I'll pass if the gameplay is like the Mordheim vidya.
>redemptionist, arbites, pit slaves and spyrers dlcs
all of my yesses.
Nonetheless, the best thing that could happen to this game would be a good modding community, like DoW got.
>Left 4 Dead with Genestealers and technical problems.
Left 4 Dead with Skaven was better
Same. Couldn't stand how the Mordheim game played even before all the bad artificial difficulty stuff came out.