Don't. Find a better system. GW is a terrible company and their models are overpriced.
Ryan Lopez
1) GW will usually start you off with Space Marines or CSM. But generally you just look at what's strongest in the meta and pick from those, otherwise you'll lose constantly and wonder why you got into the hobby.
2) Codexes and rulebook can be found in the 40k general, don't waste money on physical copies at £30 a pop. To start with go with a basic force org chart, two troop units and a HQ. Use airfix glue, its a hell of a lot stronger than GW glue.
3) That's a really subjective question. Personally, I say yes because I have a close-knit group of mates who get along, enjoy gaming/painting with each other, are willing to try out new rulesets and cut their opponent a break. Obviously someone who doesn't have that is going to say no, and someone who hates the game will definitely say no. Whether or not its worth it depends on how much you make out of it.
As to your side question: You'll always be bad at something when you start off. If you're a bit older and you have an eye for detail, you'll do better. If you start at age 11 like I did and have no prior experience with painting...yeah, you'll fuck up. The thing to remember is to not get put off by it. Look up painting guides, pace yourself, and thin your paints sufficiently. That way you can go over models you did badly later on when you're a little better. There's a certain degree of self-improvement too. I'm still not a fantastic painter but I'm at a stage where I'm happy with the level of detail I get on my models and that's enough for me. Some eople just leave their models unpainted, which is also fine.
ll in all, how much you enjoy it depends on you and your mindset.
Henry Sanders
And don't listen to cynical faggots like this. GW took a dive under Tom Kirby recently but the new CEO is pushing for lower prices and more specialist games, and if the new £30 bundles are anything to go by, he's slowly succeeding.
The problem lies with the shareholders who just want your money.
Anthony Price
Buy some cheap boxes - battle for vedros maybe That way you can practice and mess up cheapily Yes it will take time it's a skill so it has to be developed When you decide on an army get the start collecting set - even if you don't use all the modes you save cash Lurk on the 40k General and lurk on 40k forums outside of Veeky Forums Most Veeky Forums warhammer posts are by Austrian autists who have never played due to social anxiety and never read the books because they are too poor but also too scared to pirate
Matthew Scott
Warmachine shill please
Mason Clark
Firstly, you're better start with armies that catch your fancy most, since this game is 80% modelling and 20% gaming.
Second, don't start with the main game, it'll kill your pocket quickly. Start with small games like Kill Team that was cheaper but still retain the basic of the games, or Zone Mortallis if you really into the squad based games more.
Thirdly, that is very subjective question. Personally i find the game to be cool and i enjoy it just fine, so its worth it for me.
And for the painting, no, there's no such thing as "good right of the bat", even Giraldez started up bad.
Bentley Wright
If you do: don't spend more than $150 ameribucks. Get either the Start Collecting or Armored Assault or eBay
Buy the core rulebook but pirate the codex (codices? codexes?).
Get your tools and paint
Assemble the worst looking models to ever grace a table (it's fine)
Find someone to play a small game or kill team game with. This process can take between a year to never depending on how close to your FLGS you are.
Armies you should avoid getting >All of them
Amries you should really REALLY avoid >Orks >Space Marines >Sisters >Chaos >Guardsmen >Eldar >Tau >Tyranids
Armies that are okay >AdMech >Space Marines >Necrons >Genestealer Cults >Eldar >Tau
Play a game
Sell mini's on eBay
Chase Perry
No, Dropzone shill here. 40k has gotten so bloated and the only things that I see these days are riptides, eldar cheese, and knights. It's not very fun considering how expensive it is to get into.
If you have a small group of friends to join you then sure, it's plenty fun. If you're looking to get into the system and play with people at a GW or LGS I'd recommend doing something else.
Jordan Howard
>the only things that I see these days are riptides, eldar cheese, and knights Your shop is full of shitters, that doesn't reflect on everyone, user. Those people would be the same no matter what game they play.
Levi Wilson
>also, as a side question, how hard is painting minis? Can you be decent at it right off the bat or will you ruin your first few? I'm pretty new to 40K, and I can say that it's not that hard for models to be presentable. Thin your paints, watch some videos online of people painting the specific model you're painting, and try your best to copy them. If you have the patience to do this for all of your models, I guarantee you'll end up with something that is presentable and that you'll be proud of. As a quick tip tho, I've found that the hardest parts of minis to pain are faces and skin tones. If you're a new player, it's very often to model as many of your guys with helmets as possible.
Ryan Scott
How's the shop, redshirt? Shitposting on Veeky Forums during work? Tut tut.
Owen Harris
>I-it's the playerbase that's shit! Every time. Enjoy Age of Emperor.
Landon Wright
It's not just my shop but the last five I've been to in the last year and a half. Naturally the average neckbeard is going to do what is OP and those who don't either leave or also do the same thing to be competitive. It's a bad way to be and I keep seeing it. The exception is if you have friends who also play of course since then it's just for fun.
Aaron Thomas
Fucking wish I worked at GW, I'd have some fucking money then.
Stop being such a beta cuck and go back to jacking off to pictures of animu.
Ethan Wright
>calling someone a cuck >defends Games Workshop Pot meet kettle
Keep /pol/ on /pol/
Juan Baker
to avoid painting faces one might pick skitarii
Jaxson Rogers
Saying /pol/ doesn't make you intelligent, shitlord, and neither does this bait. I've humoured you enough, so I'll let you get back to smearing cream over your obese mother's gaping fanny. Try not to get sat on retard.
Lucas Reyes
Step one, have your stock investments do well.
James Lopez
This is the worst post I've seen on Veeky Forums in a while.
I'm not even baiting. I'm saying GW is shit and unless OP has friends who will also play with him he should avoid 40k. Sorry I upset you so much that you had to pour that diarrhea onto your keyboard.
Grayson Morales
>1. What are the best armies to start with? Whatever you think looks cool. You'll spend a lot of time painting them.That said, if you've got it down to 2/3 and can't decide, Veeky Forums can point you towards one which might be better for new players of them.
>2. Any info one should know before starting? Because of poor balance the game's quality depends a lot on the state of your playgroup. Some LGS are good, some are bad. Check out the places you'd likely play and see what you think of the atmosphere.
Oh, and start small. Do a demo at your local GW, or failing that just do a box of troops. Then if you don't mind the painting, drop some cash on some more. A Start Collecting Box is often good. Codex/Rulebook if you're playing in a GW or a LGS that sells them.
>3. Is it worth it? It can be. Depends a lot on your group and how much you enjoy the painting.
>4. How hard is painting minis? Can you be decent at it right off the bat or will you ruin your first few? You'll fuck your first few up, but you can fix it. Depending on where you are there'll be different names, but Simple Green is usually touted as the best way to clean up minis.
Check out Duncan on WarhammerTV. He uses a lot of paints rather than mixing colours, because he works for Gee Dubs, but it'll give you a pretty good idea of what the painting entails.Take your time and your first mini won't be too bad. Also, save your first so you can see how much you've improved even by the end of your first squad.
Jacob Myers
>What are the best armies to start with?
Your favorite that happens to have a Start Collecting box and a Armored Assault box (So basically everything except Skitarii, Militarum Tempestus, Deathwatch and both Daemons sets) If you want a big inexpensive army from those choices I'd go with Imperial Guards.
>Any info one should know before starting? Never buy any Codexes (Do buy the actual rule book however), just download them from the general.
>Is it worth it? If you find just making the minis fun it's worth it IMO.
Asher Brown
I have a question.
Is it worth playing 40k over Dropzone or Warmachine or similar games? Or is it objectively best to play those and just read the 40k lore?
Eli Kelly
>Is it worth playing 40k over Dropzone or Warmachine or similar games
Yeah, sure. If you like the models and the story then go with 40k.
>Or is it objectively best to play those and just read the 40k lore?
Also a valid decision.
Ultimately you should just go with whichever one interests you the most, assuming that there's a local scene for all three (if there is not a local scene for all three then whichever one people already play should be the only one you consider).
Eli Diaz
>Is it worth playing 40k over Dropzone or Warmachine or similar games? Or is it objectively best to play those and just read the 40k lore?
Honest answer, all are games with 2 or more players. Your opponent makes or breaks the game. Warmachine for example has a reputation for attracting the worst kind of players, but it might vary locally
Ian Robinson
Dont. Wait until 8th edition drops. No point in too much investment just for all the stuff to go obsolete by July. Just read fluff, watch batreps for now Tabletop Tactics is good, geeks 40k is good, winters Seo is good, MWG is like 40/60 split between good and shit- if it's Matt or Steve generally good, Josh is a solid 'meh', Quirk and Dave literally shit tier.
Carson Williams
ehhh if you want to start, you cant really go wrong with some basic troops, a transport and HQ to start an army and learn painting with.
What 8th edition brings is anybodies guess at this time, if it drops this year at all.
Isaiah Clark
40k is like 90 percent hobby. The game was an afterthought. If you enjoy the models and lore go for it, but don't bother with the game.
Jonathan Price
I don't think that it is actually worth it. The game is clunky, unbalanced, and slow. The price to get a full army continues to go up as well. If you just want to paint figures to put on a shelf you don't need to buy an entire army.
That said the Start Collecting boxes aren't a bad plan, and you can find people dumping armies on Ebay as well. Choose whichever looks the best to you. You can get Chinese knock offs or figures from Ebay in order to mitigate costs, or purchase them through a discounter of some sort.
Not really. I like the setting, but the process of playing other games (Which actually have competent game designers) is much more enjoyable. I don't like Warmachine but Flames of War and Malifaux are pretty fun.
Luis Butler
You need a new gaming group mate... No matter the game, its going to be shit if you feel you don't match the local meta.
But in truth, you just sound like one of those little bitches that run around Veeky Forums whining at just about everything GW with absolutely no credibility. You are probably one of those bloated neckbeards that complains constantly about the price (due to not having a job), but still not buying shit. Your the guy that complains about WAAC players/lists that only exists in your little Veeky Forums-land, but never actually plays the game yourself. Same with rules, you never play the game, but sure enough, you are a rule expert without match when it comes to mathhammer deluxe! And to top it of, you're the kind of guy who never bothered to paint your shit, still the first guy to give "suggestion" to thin your paints over in wip, amirite?
No need to answer, we all know your type. And to be frank, your probably going to be just as bias towards Dropzone when a new special snowflake hits you (which is one of the most repetitive games you could ever find if you ask me...).
> If you're looking to get into the system and play with people at a GW or LGS I'd recommend doing something else.
And this statement alone is just... ugh.. it says it al about you. Because your the kind of player that never got that this is a hobby, not just a game. I feel sorry for you... really, I do... Its like you want to be stupid.
Aaron Torres
1. The army that you like the looks of or which lore appeals to you. You are going to spend the vast amount of your time modelling and painting those so go with whatever catches your fancy.
2. Don't play to win, play to have fun. You might be on top of the meta but then a new codex/army/edition is released and your carefully crafted cheese army is worthless if you play to win.
3. If you have tho option to play another game, no. 40K is the biggest game however and it is much easier to find a community for it making it easier to find a nice group to play with. The game can even be fun if you play with good friends and not unwashed lard golems that tend to gravitate towards your average LGS.
Painting is easy if you are willing to learn and spend some time. You will not be the best around but you will probably be better than many who feels happy with just spraying their figures in a base color or something similar.
Joseph Jackson
First things first, start with Kill Team. It's comparatively cheap to get into, and it'll teach the basics of full scale 40k with an easier to understand game.
Starting army is largely dependent on your style and strategy. Do you like shooty armies of choppy armies? Do you prefer hordes of weaklings or a few powerful beings? Do you prefer giant beasts of war or mighty tanks? That sort of thing.
In general, I'd recommend starting with Space Marines. I cut out a bunch of 1" circles out of paper and marked them differently to tell the units apart in order to refine my strategy before I bought a single model. I'd recommend this before you buy an army you don't end up playing, as it also lets you try out other armies without having to spend more than the cost of the paper.
Your first painted models will be poorly painted almost always. That's nothing to be discouraged by, I've been painting models for almost a year now and still can't get my faces looking good. As time goes on, you'll see guides and learn tips and tricks to make your models look better, and you'll be at an actually good state. Just dont be too hard on yourself.
Is it worth it? Depends. How seriously do you want to take it? If you're looking for a casual hobby you can pick up and drop as you want, look elsewhere. If you're looking for a cheap way to get into a good strategy game, go grab Axis and Allies or X-Wing. If you're interested in building an army, leadong them into war, and cackling as your opponent flees from your mighty forces in company-on-company sized warfare, 40k is pretty fun.
Isaiah Taylor
that is some true shit spoken.
Ryan Richardson
Buy Killteam.
Literally that is all you need to do. It's a £40 (Brexit Dollars).
Then do the following:
1) Play the game, see what you like. Some people enjoy 40k purely from a Lore / RPG standpoint others like the big armies and shit. 2) Proxy different modles using codex. 3) Buy some paints and paint the miniatures. You have 20 attempts to fuck it up, by about the 5th miniature you'll know if you want to continue. All miniatures become boring eventually especially rank and file troops like Boyz, Marines (All) and Nid's. 4) Watch videos about how to paint and when to move on. A big problem is people get this idea of how perfect their army should look - chances are off the bat you aren't going to win a GD or Crystal Brush. Fuck it, have fun with your toy soldiers. Worst case is they end up in the back of the cupboard along with all the other hobbies you never stuck with.
Oliver Evans
>1. What are the best armies to start with?
The one you like the most, unless you are willing to start a small army of an easy faction then switch to another faction if it turns out you like another army more.
>2. Any info one should know before starting?
Don't pay for rulebooks if you can pirate them. You can get cheap mini rulebooks on eBay. Don't pay 100% full price for GW models. Don't buy tools from GW.
>3. Is it worth it?
I think it is, but that's only because I like it. I can see how people don't feel it's worth it. I waste a lot of money on video games and other hobbies so to me 40k isn't even that expensive in the long run, and has kept my interest longer than any game that I've played. It's also cheaper than my other hobbies, so instead of saving up for those hobbies that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, I just spend smaller amounts on 40k. I'm pretty satisfied, although I still don't have that $900 Les Paul Studio or $3,200 set of TE37 forged rims because I keep buying 40k shit.
Adrian Martinez
>Most Veeky Forums warhammer posts are by Austrian
Wait for real? I didnt know that so many people from Austria Browse Veeky Forums
Nolan Walker
Did he mean Australian? Seems like most daytime posters are UK or AU with a couple faggot shit talkers from shithole EU countries, and night time is mostly US.
Aaron Kelly
Beautifully written but as far from the truth as possible.
My dislike of anything GW comes from what they did with Fantasy more than anything, so Im sure that will fit into your made-up image of me. I played 40k since I was 13, always painted my army (it was pretty shit but hey, least I tried) and regularly was the only person who had a fully painted army on the table. As the years have dragged on the quality of the game has gotten worse and worse. Now heres the real kicker, that is my opinion. OP asked for an opinion, I gave it. No need to get so vitriolic over some rando on the internet because he doesnt agree with you. And due to my job Im not allowed facial hair unfortunately so a swing and a miss with the neckbeard.
From the looks of things 40k is about to get AoS'd so maybe you'll see where Im coming from when it comes to distrusting GW.
Oh and for good measure >you
Chase Russell
It's probably just american education talking and he means australia.
Actual Austrian here.
Jacob Parker
Go and pick an army you think looks good. Rules come and go, metas change. Unless your a die hard tournament kinda guy you can have fun with just about any army, so pick the one that appeals to you. At least that's what i think. My army isn't the most competitive, but i love it anyway.
John Stewart
You have a most sublime form of bigotry
Tyler Butler
Start with SoB or IG. They're solid midrange factions that can win without cheese and generally won't get steamrolled by anything as long as you're playing for objectives.
Don't use Citadel/GW anything. You'll run into people saying "but the models/paints/brushes/whatever are actually an okay value!". They're not. If you do get GW minis, get recasts, or buy a single used model and recast it yourself if you need a lot of them.
Maybe. It depends on how much you spend and how much you enjoy it.
Austin Cox
1st part is good advice
2nd part is utter garbage. Someone wanting to get into the hobby is not gonna fucking bother to recast stuff. That's a whole hobby in itself. Just buy a couple of squads and a couple of tanks/warmachines/demons. GW miniatures ARE expensive but they look great. Don't be one of those tards that buy an entire proxy army. It will STILL be expensive. Just not AS... and then you are left with a crappy knockoff army.
Jayden Scott
don't its dying and the whores cant admit it. Sigmar is the future and if they don't redraw the entire 420k universe itll kill gamesworkshop
Camden Myers
Our shirts aren't even red, anymore.
Benjamin Perry
Never seen Warmachine players what makes them so bad? My experience with 40k players was actually quite pleasant besides 2 eldar players at least of of whom had pedophilia charges against him, which apparently isn't that rare for eldar players which surprised me
David Rogers
Watch some of the tutorials on GW's youtube page for advice on how to paint. You too will understand the Duncan meme.
Nolan Johnson
I dunno why you are getting told anything else, but DO NOT GET INTO 40K. the rules will be updated in the summer and it just isn't worth investing in models until its out and meta is established.
The only thing you should do is pick a boxed game you like (death masque, Overkill, burning of prospero etc) and paints. you can play it whatever the rules become, you'll have workable minies from diverse factions and it's always worth something online.
Jackson Young
>My dislike of anything GW comes from what they did with Fantasy more than anything,
And with the audience at hand, a bunch of whining neckbeards that never bought anything to begin with. A dying wreck that was nigh impossible to get in to if you where a beginner. They where stuck with you guys, so can you really blame them for pressing the reset button?
I to played WHFB since my early teens, but I have full understanding in why they did as they did. If a system doesn't sell, hell sells less than paints and brushes, you need to do something. They could have "fixed it", but that would have ended in a butchery without its like, and veterans like yourself would have been equally pissed of.
> As the years have dragged on the quality of the game has gotten worse and worse.
As much as this is a personal perspective, I can respect your opinion. Personally I think the game has gotten better and better. But thats more due to my gaming group, than the rules itself. But the overall quality of the game I think is far greater.
>From the looks of things 40k is about to get AoS'd so maybe you'll see where I'm coming from when it comes to distrusting GW.
There is absolutely no reason to believe this, why you say? Because unlike WHFB, 40k still sells great! People buy shit, they buy all the limited editions, they buy all the models. That is what it takes to keep a game alive! And having been one of the naysayers, and finally trying AoS out, I got to say it was surprisingly fun. And if you like painting and modeling, like me, its really a great fun experience all in all.
Adrian Diaz
>paint face in some flesh tone >wash devlan mud/new fake devlan mud >done But yeah, faces are a bitch to get right as a newbie.
Tyler Stewart
>Start with SoB Having started with SoB myself, I'd suggest otherwise. You'll either need to be made of money or slowly scour ebay to start out without breaking the bank.
Jackson Hall
>>There is absolutely no reason to believe this, why you say? Because unlike WHFB, 40k still sells great!
This, they are just advancing the story more and most likely changing the way forces are organized. Maybe a number of rules will become more simple.
But they aren't flat out ending the setting, not for years at least. They want to milk every ounce of money out of the brand.