Don't. Find a better system. GW is a terrible company and their models are overpriced.
Ryan Lopez
1) GW will usually start you off with Space Marines or CSM. But generally you just look at what's strongest in the meta and pick from those, otherwise you'll lose constantly and wonder why you got into the hobby.
2) Codexes and rulebook can be found in the 40k general, don't waste money on physical copies at £30 a pop. To start with go with a basic force org chart, two troop units and a HQ. Use airfix glue, its a hell of a lot stronger than GW glue.
3) That's a really subjective question. Personally, I say yes because I have a close-knit group of mates who get along, enjoy gaming/painting with each other, are willing to try out new rulesets and cut their opponent a break. Obviously someone who doesn't have that is going to say no, and someone who hates the game will definitely say no. Whether or not its worth it depends on how much you make out of it.
As to your side question: You'll always be bad at something when you start off. If you're a bit older and you have an eye for detail, you'll do better. If you start at age 11 like I did and have no prior experience with painting...yeah, you'll fuck up. The thing to remember is to not get put off by it. Look up painting guides, pace yourself, and thin your paints sufficiently. That way you can go over models you did badly later on when you're a little better. There's a certain degree of self-improvement too. I'm still not a fantastic painter but I'm at a stage where I'm happy with the level of detail I get on my models and that's enough for me. Some eople just leave their models unpainted, which is also fine.
ll in all, how much you enjoy it depends on you and your mindset.
Henry Sanders
And don't listen to cynical faggots like this. GW took a dive under Tom Kirby recently but the new CEO is pushing for lower prices and more specialist games, and if the new £30 bundles are anything to go by, he's slowly succeeding.
The problem lies with the shareholders who just want your money.
Anthony Price
Buy some cheap boxes - battle for vedros maybe That way you can practice and mess up cheapily Yes it will take time it's a skill so it has to be developed When you decide on an army get the start collecting set - even if you don't use all the modes you save cash Lurk on the 40k General and lurk on 40k forums outside of Veeky Forums Most Veeky Forums warhammer posts are by Austrian autists who have never played due to social anxiety and never read the books because they are too poor but also too scared to pirate
Matthew Scott
Warmachine shill please
Mason Clark
Firstly, you're better start with armies that catch your fancy most, since this game is 80% modelling and 20% gaming.
Second, don't start with the main game, it'll kill your pocket quickly. Start with small games like Kill Team that was cheaper but still retain the basic of the games, or Zone Mortallis if you really into the squad based games more.
Thirdly, that is very subjective question. Personally i find the game to be cool and i enjoy it just fine, so its worth it for me.
And for the painting, no, there's no such thing as "good right of the bat", even Giraldez started up bad.
Bentley Wright
If you do: don't spend more than $150 ameribucks. Get either the Start Collecting or Armored Assault or eBay
Buy the core rulebook but pirate the codex (codices? codexes?).
Get your tools and paint
Assemble the worst looking models to ever grace a table (it's fine)
Find someone to play a small game or kill team game with. This process can take between a year to never depending on how close to your FLGS you are.
Armies you should avoid getting >All of them
Amries you should really REALLY avoid >Orks >Space Marines >Sisters >Chaos >Guardsmen >Eldar >Tau >Tyranids
Armies that are okay >AdMech >Space Marines >Necrons >Genestealer Cults >Eldar >Tau
Play a game
Sell mini's on eBay
Chase Perry
No, Dropzone shill here. 40k has gotten so bloated and the only things that I see these days are riptides, eldar cheese, and knights. It's not very fun considering how expensive it is to get into.
If you have a small group of friends to join you then sure, it's plenty fun. If you're looking to get into the system and play with people at a GW or LGS I'd recommend doing something else.
Jordan Howard
>the only things that I see these days are riptides, eldar cheese, and knights Your shop is full of shitters, that doesn't reflect on everyone, user. Those people would be the same no matter what game they play.