>Every NPC is the GM attempting a poor English accent
Every NPC is the GM attempting a poor English accent
Just think of all the games you could be enjoying if you didn't spend all your time making lame threads about what you imagine games are like.
>Every thread is user complaining about shit that never happened, because he's too busy making these threads to actually play games or come up with original content.
Y'know, I can respect that. It shows the GM is actually trying, even if he's not that good at it.
This happens in games much more often than you might think.
Yeah, but you don't have a group, OP.
>Every NPC is the GM attempting to do Goatse.
...What kind of games do you play in and how do I join?
add me on fatal
Well, he had to come up with something to replace quest threads with.
>Still salty about Quests being removed
You know Hiro's planning on opening up Veeky Forums to quests again, right
As a British man, this would trigger me. All Americans who think they can do a 'British' accent: you can't, please stop.
Better than my NPCs
All the NPCs I create end up having Brooklyn accents
I enjoy it, because I simply do sterotypical American accents after they take a moment to pause.
Hiro will rather kill one of the boards than fold /qst/ back to Veeky Forums. Taking back his earlier decision, no matter how half-assed it was (3 months in "trial mode" my ass), would require admitting he was wrong before. That will not happen.
I'm the Perma DM. We do in person games. I know for a fact that the players get a kick out of me attempting really crappy accents, rather than portray every npc interaction as a monotone, vaguely disinterested character. I'm shit with accents, but if its what both myself and the players prefer, then thats what i'm doing.
> Every NPC either has a funny accent, or talks like a chav
> I have no choice in this matter, because of where I grew up
> By the time I realised I had a chavvy accent, it was to late to change.
oi u wot m8
Do British people ever sit around and pretend to talk like Americans when they're bored with friends too?
>admitting he was wrong before
>That will not happen
See: removing (You).
nah we do clapper accents when we're being sarcastically stupid
"I'mma run into traffic because I'm smart, 'murrica! guns! fuck the poor!"
That was not Hiro. That was some guy. Who had access to the server. Just some guy. Not Hiro! Maybe a hacker.
>tfw can do just enough accents to make a few NPCs who are interesting
>still have to make each character I play as different from each other as possible so I don't reuse the same voice
I guess I'm kinda paranoid about that
>be britbong
>give an NPC a poor english accent anyway