>tfw you can't ever pick an anthromorphic beast race without getting associated with furfags ever again
What went wrong?
>tfw you can't ever pick an anthromorphic beast race without getting associated with furfags ever again
What went wrong?
Sexualization and memes. It's a shame though you shouldn't care what people think of you.
Forever GM here, anyone playing anything that isn't a human is automatically a fetishist.
Like, shit dude. I run my ERP sessions Saturday at 9:00 PM/ 10:00 PM Central. Save it for then.
Sexualization and pretentious players
Why is pretending to be a lizard a core part of your identity?
Fuck off scaly.
Fucking racist much?
I let people at my table play whatever the fuck the want as long as it makes sense in context.
However, there is literally no archetype of character that isn't derived from human traits.
A human being simply can't fully realize an alien creature's persona, and instead will always just approximate a human one.
This is of course an ontological problem and basically insurmountable.
But in effect; there isn't any point in playing an anthropomorphized non-human race; any tensions existing between species for instance?
Just metaphors for human ethnic tension.
Dwarves versus Elves, Gauls versus Romans, Catbois versus Futa Driders.
It's all just a metaphor for human beings, because you are a human being, and you only know how to think like a human being.
Yes, even you Otherkin, you're just autistic and reject humanity on the basis that you aren't very good at being a human - this doesn't make you a non-human entity, it just makes you a bit crap.
Furries allowed the gays in and they took it over. Instead of being fans of funny talking animals like Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse, it turned into a showcase of perversion where anyone who said the slightest thing against it was labeled as a "fursecutor".
Lizardmen are a species you mong.
I was talking about the spoiler text, mang.
>What went wrong?
Classical RPGs becoming absorbed into pop culture and showcased to tumblrfags their kin through mass media products like TBBT.
Because debauchees ruin everything.
>Let the gays in
They've literally always been gay since forever.
You're probably responding to one of the elitist first-wave furries who considers himself above the "rest of the degenerates" the community has become.
Just an fyi.
Not that guy, but as a comic book nerd from way back in the 80s, they were still derided as perverts, but the gay thing hadn't happened yet. That was probably early to mid 90s, I think?
BTW, the O.G. insult is "skunkfuckers," from a sign someone hung up at an SF convention where furries were trying to carve out their own space. I wasn't there, but I heard about it and laughed my ass off.
Is Todd a furfag?
Lizard fucking is canon in TES
i don't think todd gives half a damn to anything but money
there could be child rape in the next TES, and if it sells he'd just roll with it
You haven't heard the stories about Todd Howard's orgy triangle?
Listening to Veeky Forums about a goddamn thing.
You want to play an anthropomorphic race? Just fucking play one. They have been a staple of the hobby for decades, and are likely to stay that way unless the autistic fucks who desperately need to be seen as not furry push everyone out.
Fuck off furry.
You've ruined countless Mouse Guard campaigns for me.
Is that lizard a girl lizard?
If do, I want to fuck that lizard.
>this doesn't make you a non-human entity, it just makes you a bit crap
i wonder how much would be required?
Oh yeah, here is obligatory proud furfag. You know people would be more open to the whole idea if not for the fucks like you?
Using actual art of an anthropomorphic race from an actual RPG book is now grounds for being called a furry. Wonderful. Just for you I'm going to post more ratfolk.
Whelp, guess I can't play human characters anymore either, since there's some disgusting pervert jacking it to humans out there. Or is it more of a double standard here?
I've played with furries and statistically they weren't as bad as weebs when it comes to magical realm shit.
>denies being a furry
>has plenty of anthro images on hand.
really makes the neurons fire.
Fuck off to your containment general, /pfg/
>x is not as bad as y
>so x is okay
Bit of a false equivalency, no?
Maybe you should play with normal players. You only play with perverts and furry perverts for some reason.
>posts two pics of an anthropomorphic race from one the biggest RPGs on the market
>somehow a furry because of this
This is what I mean by Veeky Forumss desperate need to not be seen as furry.
Myself and another player in my group both chose ratfolk for our characters in an upcoming campaign (2 weeks out, can't wait). We did so independent of one another and for reasons free of furfaggotry. The race benefits our builds nicely due to racial and favored class bonuses.
What I'm saying here is that sometimes people play characters others think are furry for reasons relating to minmaxing. I'd play an anthropomorphic Dildo if it offered a bonus I wanted.
>if you call something out, you are what you're calling out
This is some top-tier reasoning. I'm glad to see that we're both interested in discussing this, even though you really need to leave and take your fetishes with you.
You can't claim any sort of moral high ground doing this.
play beastfolks, not anthros, faggot.
what's the difference?
So are you just going to label everyone who posts anthropomorphic race art in this thread a furry? Or was it the insult about the deep insecurity of the fucks who post here?
>DM has a lizardfolk race that was enslaved by humans
>Lizardfolk was way behind in metallurgy because "Swamp" and "Wet"
>Take to metal tools like a fish to water while enslaved
>Rise up and throw off the shackles of oppression
>Found their own empire and advance metallurgy tenfold
>Strong advanced race in their own right despite history
>Pick to play one because I like their history and I like their access to advanced weapons
>Two other players that are staunch human players groan and start spouting off about magical realms
>Everything I do in game is attempted to be pulled out of context to be complained about after the game
Fucking faggots man.
Tell those faggots to stop huffing the memes, man.
You actually listening to Veeky Forums.
In my 20 years of gaming, I have only come across seven or so horror stories, and only two of those were furry-related.
five awful rules-laywers and a particularly bad lolifag.
Most furries I play with are perfectly fine players, and not every beast race enthusiast is a furry believe it or not.
Lizardmen and ratfolk are a-okay. People usually dont associate them with furries.
I didn't claim a moral high ground, I offered an anecdote that showed an alternate reason for playing a character some would consider furry.
I see, the difference is mainly lighting.
Maybe you should stop being a presumptuous dipshit about people you only know through text on an internet forum.
Honestly you're not too wrong. It is mostly just tone and feel, which is obviously subjective but not that subjective.
>What went wrong?
>But call him a furry and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
You've been found out.
Maybe you should lighten up and stop being a faggot.
>What went wrong?
You started associating with faggots who get worked up and start wringing their hands about "muh yiffing" whenever they see an animal-like character.
>play a proud dwarf warrior who's clan has centuries of history and honor gained through battles.
>implying Paizo art is somehow not furry just because they published a cheap knock-off of a game that was already shit
So is all anthropomorphic art in all RPGs through all of time now furry?
Lighting definitely has an impact on the tone conveyed, but I think the biggest indicator is actually posture. Note how the beastman has his head forward, in a "hunched over" position, while the anthro's head is held upright like a human's. The anthro is also much more capable of expressing human-like emotion, both via facial expression and via mannerism, and the clothing tends to be more human-like (if often sub-cultural) and somewhat modern or anime, while the beastman wears clothing that is either very simple and practical, or "tribal" and adorned with fetishes (not the sex kind) and trophies.
All "anthropomorphic" art is furry by definition. Your question is like asking if every Native American is an Indian, the only difference is that one term is preferred by those of the people that it labels who care about such things.
The difference is how fuckable it is. Mind you, I'm not saying the deciding factor is whether or not it is fuckable, as humans will fuck anything. I'm just saying, the order in which your thoughts about the enemy occur determines the beastfolk/anthro divide. If one of your fist thoughts or impressions of something is fuckablity, it's anthro. The further down the line that thought is down the line, the less fuckable and thus less anthro and more beastfolk it become. It's thus both subjective and a spectrum, which is why it is argued about so much and so vehemently. Think of a spectrum of creatures ranging from Mi-Go to Catgirl for example, and you get the gist. Pic related.
You chose the wrong beast race. And failed to look beasty enough.
Wait, you lost me. Is that supposed to be increasing or decreasing scale?
Turtles are never furry, because nobody wants to fuck turtle.
>because nobody wants to fuck...
user, we both know this phrase will not end in truth
the only thing we can do is compensate lewd with pure and nightmare fuel
You have clearly forgotten the work of Xiombarg's Storyteller, where "Lewd" and "Nightmare Fuel" are often synonymous.
I definitely want to stick my dick in that.
It's a reference to this..
God, I love that game. It's a shame they'll never have it balanced right.
But user, Native Americans aren't Indians, Indians are Indians. You should have uses African American/Black and Nigger to convey your point.
Which I also disagree with. I would argue that "furry" is in the mindset of the player, any race can be played for sex shit, or not sex shit, or anywhere in-between.
I didn't use African American vs. Nigger because there's non-American Africans. I assumed nobody would be such an asinine pedantic faggot to go "m-muh India" in this case and recognize that we're discussing actual forms of reference here and not necessarily "correct" forms.
For most people the catgrill on the right is more fuckable than the Bloodborne enemy on the left. Thus, playing the catgrill is more likely to get you derision than the bug-dude. However, if you think the Garden of Eyes on the left is more fuckable, you may have too many eyes on the inside.
When I DM'd for Pathfinder for a few years a few years ago I allowed Lizardfolk, Hob/Goblins, Skinwalkers (as long as they where more body horrorish than not), Ratfolk, Grippli, Tengu, and the Turtles I forgot the name of, and I think a few other races I can't recall. The only time I had problems was whenever someone joined and wanted to play a converted 4e Dragonborn, or a converted Werecreature or one of those Catpeople.
My reason behind allowing the races was that at the bottom of you Bio you had to sell me on it with a single line equating it to something I was familiar with. So Lizardfolk where likened The Lizard or Killer Croc, Goblins where likened to Gremlins, Ratfolk likened to Splinter or Fival or Nym or Redwall, Tengu became goofy Goldar, Grippli where likened to The Frog Prince, and Turtles where for Ninja Turtles fans, Yuan-ti became Serpentmen from He-Man and Conan. So the games I ran where basically shared Universes for 80s and 90s Cartoons and Comics in a 90s Fantasy setting. So more campy pulp fun and less gay furshit.
I did add 4e Dragonborn into the setting though. As a non-playable NPC Race, that where singleminded in the lust to rape everything to death so where viewed by all the civilized or even partially civilized peoples as a blight and to be put down on aight and driven back into their caves if not wiped out completely. The player who suggested them rage quit the game the first time they fought some because I insulted his fursona. Diversity is fun for everyone as long as you keep the niggers in line on a short leash.
Native American here. We go by Injun, Thanks. Next time you open your mouth about people other than your own it better be to suck some Red dick you limpwristed white cumdump fagget.
>Xiombarg's Storyteller
Now there's a name I haven't seen in an age. I wonder whatever happened to her belimic bondage-loving ass.
Yeah whatever chief Shitting Dog. Here's some whisky, you hurry on back to your reservation or we'll name another football team after you.
>Implying what native americans call themselves is relevant
>Implying using correct terms isn't for clarity
>expecting people to not be pedantic
>on a mongolian shadow puppet blog
I don't give a shit what you go by, my point was Indian is wrong, not because you reds dont like it, but because it refers to poo in loos.
>street shitters mad that they got their name stolen
Hold up Hajsheesh, don't you have more important things to do? Shouldn't you be fishing one of your 18 rapebabies corpses out of an open sewer so you have something to eat?
People getting paranoid and oversensitive to anything that vaguely resembles furshit along with newfags jumping on the bandwagon and crying furry without really understanding what they were talking about. Also /pol/fags projecting their issues with real-world ethnic groups and "impure degenerates" extending beyond beast-races to just stuff like orcs.
I've been in an RPing group with some of my closest friends for quiet a while. We're okay with each other playing non-human races primarily because we've known each other for quite awhile and we know none of us are furries. Granted, one's a weeb but that's about as bad as it is.
As for me, I often play as some type of Dwarf so I don't really run into this problem.
I literally didn't know furries existed before I started browsing Veeky Forums, I don't live in the USA tho
I think she is running in /qst/