How do I make a good avian race for a setting? And don't tell me Tengus, those are the only birds I ever hear people talk about.
How do I make a good avian race for a setting? And don't tell me Tengus...
Ostriches, only looking fab instead of goofy.
These guys.
Go back to /trash/ feather fucker.
Why do you hate Zelda?
Base them on bearded vultures
>Bearded vultures come in various shades, from pure white to orange-red. Soils stained with iron oxide give the birds their fiery appearance. Lammergeiers apply the dirt with their claws and then preen for about an hour to ensure a bright orange glow. They are also attracted to other red things, like leaves and red wood. Captive birds also partake in this behavior, which suggests the activity is instinctual, not learned
Laughing owls. Make them tribal Druids that follow people in the woods around and maniacally giggle.
Look, OP, if you wanted a Chozo thread you could have just asked
Is this real?
space harpies of course
How much biological realism do you want?
If an animal species doesn't have biological realism, it might as well not be an animal species
Yep, hunters have been telling stories about hearing maniacal laughter in the woods for a while, apparently the owls follow you laughing in the treetops for funzies or out of curiosity. Really rare species though.
>those are the only birds I ever hear people talk about.
Nobody talks about harpies?
Harpies aren't birds, their monstergirls
Papi a best.
Honestly, the Arrakoa from World of Warcraft are pretty cool. The game doesn't really explore them well enough, but the potential is there to do some really cool things with them.
Whatever you do, absolutely do not do that wing fingers bullshit.
Them greeks and their monstergirls man.
Let's see what I have for non harpy bird people.
Depends on the species you're basing them off.
Parrots: gregarious and sociable talkers and traders. Get bonuses to intelligence and charisma, maybe a racial bonus towards trade skills or appraise.
Corvids: intelligent, mysterious, and secretive. They master forbidden black arts and have a fondness for necromancy. Bonuses towards Intelligence and Wisdom.
Raptors: warriors, hunters, and killers. They serve as the proud warrior dudes or as dangerous assassins. Can range from huge as fuck eagles to tiny but agile hawks.
That's all I got. Everything else I have are harpies, gryphons or fetishy shit.
What about herons? They eat everything
I think in 5e there's a bird race. People complain about them because they have at-will flight so they fly around and shoot arrows/magic all day.
Have some gwiffins user.
What about penguin humanoids as an alternative to merpeople?
They actually got a bit more love in Warlords of Draenor. There are two different kinds of Arakkoa; the corrupted, crippled shadow-worshiping kind most TBC-era players are used to, and the new, uncorrupted Arakkoa who worship the sun and use solar magic and constructs and these cool looking wing swords. Turns out the pure Arakkoa would ostracize dissenters by throwing them from the top of their spired cities, which horribly crippled and corrupted the outcasts into the Arakkoa we know, who turned to shadow magic to get by without the light of the sun. I can't remember why they lost the ability to use solar magic after being maimed though, but the pure Arakkoa also have giant solar lasers they use to torch known outcast settlements when they find them.
That was literally the only redeeming thing about that expansion.
Sounds good, but they'd have a narrow range of habitation
Not necessarily as limited as you may be thinking. They'd still be limited to areas near water but some penguins live in more temperate climates. If you want to get really specific the water might need to be part of a current fed from colder waters. It's not like there aren't tons of penguins in zoos.
Noot Noot!
Their diet also consists mostly of bones. They wait for other scavengers to pick a corpse clean, then they swoop in, crabs some bones, drop them onto rock so they break into smaller pieces, and swallow the bone chunks whole.
They're freakin metal
King of thieves, french fries, and shiny things
They can be found living comfortably in many parts of Africa, South America, and Australia.
I think they'll be fine
Don't forget puzzle solving, grudges, and occasionally imitating human speech
Scientific or not, feathers on dinosaurs looks fucking stupid. I'm keeping them nude.
There's two kinds of people who want to play as bird people: the bird variant of a furry, and people who want to be able to fly from character creation in games where that is a rarity. Both of these are bad people
What happens if I'm a degenerate furfag AND a powergaming number cruncher that is always trying to bend the rules in my favor?
Only acceptable races are humans, smaller humans and humans with pointy ears
And if you like humans, you're just a dull vanilla fuck and should honestly fuck off and stop roleplaying
Smaller humans are for le ebin dorf xD shitters and they should all kill themselves tbqhacswyhf
And pointy eared humans are fucking gay af
In that case I would point you towards the pathfinder general
Last I checked it was all Kitsune fags there, and most furfags and kitsunsfags hate eachother's respective fetish
Or maybe somebody who wants to peck your eyes out for saying stupid things
Guild Wars had good Birbfolk. Shame they never made a sequel or went anywhere with such a cool universe.
Man, I just love how shiny and blue grackles are
I like how easy it is to tell a drawing is made by an furry/scaley/feathery(?) just by their artstyle. It's like that art test where you draw a vagina without getting weird with it.
>that duck bra
oh god
They would be bird furry, you could explain them as a dinosaur variation that evolved into humanoids, but no flying, that's too OP for PC.
This should not exist
The only species that actually "laughed" was endemic to New Zealand and went extinct in 1914. From what I've read their cries were more shrill than what you hear in that video, which is likely an imitation of the sounds humans make.
welcome back tweethearts
What DO you call the bird variant of a furry?
Avian just doesn't fit with the rhythm of Furry/Scaly in my mind, and Feathery is just janky all around.
I thought we learned our lesson about putting rapist cannibals into power armor when we made the Emperor's Children.
Shrykes from the Edge Chronicles are pretty great. Incredibly cruel slaver race with the females in charge.
>that furaffinity hair
>not using based crows or ibises as template for thothian levels of intelligent flying men
>the morrigan are displeased
>Played with many a furry over the years
>Many of them played various nonhuman or breastraces
>They were all swell guys, good players and generally fun to have around
Dunno where all this paranoia comes from honestly, I wasn't sure about them at first but all the furries that have ended up in my games have been pretty swell.
Consider Avians from Starbound.
My grandpa had a crow that could talk. He had to fork its tongue though
As with any species, start with a concept you want to explore and build from there.
I made my own version of Yuan Ti snakemen in a similar fashion, came up with where their civilization was located, what traits would be informed by their biology, a few cultural concepts I wanted to include, then just spitballed ideas until they were fleshed out.
My advice is also to talk to a friend about it, just talking about your ideas can really help develop more ideas you might not have thought of before.
What about Geese?
Since birds can just fly away, that would make it hard for a ruler to impose unpopular laws, since his subjects could just fly away
Not really my kind of girl, but I can understand why some guys like her. That's what I'd like to say but can't, given the fact that her three step memory moves her from "kind of ditzy" to "tragically retarded".
snek a best
a spoder is fine too
horse pussy a cute
We don't talk about fucking geese
Aaracockra or however it's spelled. Eagle people, pretty dank if you ask me.
Avoid furry tropes. Go with something like the Turian - avian inspired without making yourself a straight up featherfucker.
I don't know why you're trying to avoid walking on eggshells, when nobody even uses bird races in the first place.
She's pure.
>Avoid furry tropes.
Why? Furries are a staple of fantasy and a good one. Why would you deny yourself Gnolls, wolf men, tengu, lizard men, pig orcs, etc?
furry lite*
Besides the Guild Wars Tengu (
The Rito:
The Kikwi:
and the unsettling as fuck Oocca:
because some 5 loud idiots that like furries also happen to like very weird fetishes and coulldn't hold their noodles in pockets
so furry=900000+ worst fetishes ever
I was hoping someone would bring up the Shrykes. They were such a cool part of The Edge Chronicles.
Fuck I loved that series. Should really read it again sometime
So, furfags have their own tribal disputes and factions? Dogfags fighting against wolffags?
Furries get into as many pointless fandom arguments as any other fandom.
>fighting a cock samurai
>suddenly he kicks you with his razor-sharp feet-talons and you're bleeding on the side of the road
Fucking dinosaur relatives.
It's one of the great standing traditions of Veeky Forums to rip on furries, even if you're cool with them.
Gotta admit, the "This is the first time I've laid eyes on you and I'm already tired of your shit" look is impressive.
Pity about the ridiculous feather texture.
Are you sure about that?
I live in Chile and haven't seen a penguin in my entire beach-ridden lifetime.
why do all of them have tusks?
You got the Kig-Yar from Halo who were a race of pirates before they joined the Covenant.
There was a picture I saw on tg not long ago. It was a painting of what if raptors (or whatever they were) evolved and developed.
Now I want to have a race similar to that, maybe give them a body style a bit more similar to kangaroos, then give them the feather style of bearded vultures.
What's the offshoot called?