So john Blanche had a son
40k art thread
Hive world wastes
Thunder warrior
Imperial court
Veteran guard
Crusading imperials
doesnt look like hell have one for long
That poor little guy.
That's a nice piece of a really shitty art
I swear there used to be a rule about not posting images of anyone younger than 18 but I can't see it now so never mind
why, cause it doesnt have dolled up fap bait sisters and portrays them in a more realistic manner to how they would actually look?
its a reference to John Blanche's art style of jamming tubes into things
Are they turning his son into a tech priest?
At least post a good image of a techpriest.
Is that a Thunder Warrior?
Jesus Christ, my dumb ass didn't even read the post.
Should I post it?
is it purely Blanche's artwork?
where did you get that you fuck
Whats that? A new artbook by GW?.
Has Blanche ever illustrated any Imperial Guard?
I'm not at all sure whether this is an SOB or some kind of blinged out arco-flagellent. Maybe some combination of the two.
It's just a Blanche thing. I don't think he did art to sell models.
Here's the story behind it.
>As I remember, while the DESIGN STUDIO was working on the the 2nd EDITION OF 40K during 1992/3 several of the artists - Mark Gibbons, Adrian Smith etc. left the company and JOHN was asked to personally complete all of the artwork and illustrations for the rulebook and sourcebook that would go in the box. He worked non-stop for a couple of months and developed a loose pen and ink-wash style that enabled him to deliver the work in record time, meeting the print deadline - and in many ways saved the project. As a personal thank you to JOHN, an artbook was secretly produced by GW in a highly limited edtion, without text or descriptions, but with colour plates of all these pieces and simply titled: WARHAMMER 40,000 - JOHN BLANCHE.
>THIS BOOK WAS NEVER SOLD, but a copy was given to each member of the DESIGN STUDIO STAFF and people directly involved in the project
The only way to have gotten it outside of being given it was through a Skulz giveaway.
I am 120% salty and entirely jelly
So basically, its all the artwork that was in the 2nd Edition rulebook, but in color.
Sorry if the images are a little blurry, I'm taking these pictures with my phone camera.
Man, I fucking love that old ass 40k logo.
You lucky fuck, Im so jelly right now.
Looks like fabricator cain to me
What a swell guy he was
I say female tech priest of some sort.
A Sister of battle, she has the Fleur de lys on her tits, a full armor and a whip/gun. She's a Repentia leader ready to whip some rowdy bitches.
Think I'm going to stop here. Theres like 50+ more pages to it though.
That's a nice melta gun.
There's room in the thread, please post more.
>posting the fucking dead sea scrolls of 40k art
You glorious bastard
Nooo, don't stop!
Alright, here's some more.
Vostroyans were built from his sketches for heresy era imperial army as pseudo napoleonic
Actually it's a shame no one mentions les Edwards as his paintings were much more iconic - the realms of chaos covers the dark future covers and the hero quest box cover
His banner says LEGIO
This is why we have such stupid people around. No one is allowed to die anymore.
Yes, a Thunder Warrior legion.
Aw look. Armless has a pet gimp over his crotch to give blowjobs, since the power armor fused over his mangina.
I'm trying to put together a folder of 40K artwork from each of the major artists. Mind doing a Les Edwards 40K art dump?
You mean like Steven Hawking? That fucking waste of space, dragging down man's intellectual capacity.
Now I want to do a Blanchquisition army.
Outlier and you know it. If eugenics was more prominent would could have entire generations of geniuses instead of one or two notable cripples. Though that would take people and have to make them admit some traits or more valuable than others. Couldn't have that though. Might hurt feelings.
Is Bab OK?
I hate children but I feel bad seeing that thing wired up like a fucking cherub
No idea it's one of those "like for Jesus" posts on normiebook that I thought resembled a piece of Blanche art (what with the small child full of tubes)
Any chance you could scan these if you've got the time?
I don't really have access to a scanner. Pretty sure my dad has one, but hes a way aways, so I probably wont see him for a few months.
Was worth a shot. Thanks for sharing though, it's awesome!
Sorry I wasn't able to post more, its just that I have a lot of other work to do and I don't have the time to post all of the images. But if I can get access to a scanner, I'll make sure to post a gallery of all the images.
Always liked how his armor was of a radically different color scheme to his legion.
here we fucking go
man, I don't understand why they don't have books like this and gothic&eldritch in regular stock
they're so fucking good
I'm torn. This is a very crisp and vibrant bit of art and full of detail. The artist put a ton of work into it. But the centerpiece Angron is just fuckawful, all HEUG and ludicrous anatomy, plus a far-too-big axe and far too many fiddly details so the eye gets lost. The perspective is also funky in spots, with tinydread being the standout. It's an amazingly well made shit piece of art, and it makes me a little sad to say that.
Because they're not about featuring photoshoots of brand new models with mediocre paint jobs framed as if they're in mid-game under harsh studio lighting. Art and creativity are forbidden. Now go enjoy the Warhammer Hobby of buying, assembling, and painting high-quality Games Workshop miniatures, you peon.
Loyalist Angron has too many bodies on his armor. It's impractical. Hell, who even WERE those people? Assholes who decided to challenge him to single combat? Corpses he thought looked nice? Why is he waving them around like they're collectables on a keychain? Is he showing them off to someone out of frame? Is he trying to impress the 6 assholes who are actually looking in his direction? Doesn't he have better things to do than that, anyways?
/bad taste
>Feeling the need to unnecessarily call out someone's taste in art when you can easily ignore it
>Saying "here we go" when they inevitably react to your shitty bait.
Do you feel like a big boy?
>Bowie Eldar
If we determine genius by IQ, your eugenics plan would require you to also breed an equal amount of niggers to offset the average, or else the scale will stay the same, and just make low iq people not really that dumb.
Where is the source for these Vostroyan guardsmen? Is in any codex??
You first
It's on his site
As far as I can tell it was the nurgle cover and a white dwarf cover the rest being hero quest - check out the warhammer 80s blog page
It's post open heart surgery according to google
Poor composition
Making him do that pelvic thrust whilst having the high gorget and armour makes him look like a fat belly
the past few white dwarves have been full of warbands modelled by blance and other guys who channel his style. Really great and creative stuff.
Oh, I remember this, I'm pretty sure it is a High Lord of Terra
That is literally not how that works.
Immaculate retort.