Who trading /high/ here?

just took a few rips and getting ready for that ADA breakthrough

i think you mean breakdown

Just took a Fat dab
gonna go all in on Breakout Stake lol


toking on some sweet organic outdoor from spain my niggas
Im not a tradefag though, straight hodling in this bitch

oh fuck nevermind it already moon an hour ago FUCK I should have gotten high an hour ago

lol u got balls of steel man good luck

in that case just go all in on ADA my dude it's looking like it's going to 2k any minute now

kek, smoking weed before trading and not dmt

nigger Im not buying your all time high bags

just torched the bifta lads, all in

>not travelling through hyperspace
>not getting your crypto calls from galactic entitites and clockwork elves

its like these fags want to stay poor

I haven't taken any psychedelic in years but I'd really like to take some and trade just to see how it is
maybe i'll be able to spot the patterns and shit more easily

see? told ya

I like to get so high that time slows and I literally skip from dip to peak to dip


Never. I've done it before and I made poor choices.

indica smoker here

too stoned when i smoke to do anything just staring into my soul

trading would be impossible haha

lest see 3k sats

there's 600 btc between now and 3k so it'll be a challenge

We stay high nigga

We're the new generation running things, feels good man

All the crypto ballers smoke dat dank


buy high

sell higher

the true Veeky Forums way

420d af


Why is nobody buying these? It's literally free 6000$

I can only swing trade when I'm high. Its the only time I feel calm doing that shit or when I decide to go all in for a quick trade.
>tfw six figures

Been doing so much coke lately im surprised my nose hasn't fell off

that's a pretty good scam it tricked u

are you holding beans

I am also 6 figures and I love the bean

>Been doing so much coke lately im surprised my nose hasn't fell off


>be me, few nights ago
>eat 40mg edible while trading
>fall asleep in computer chair after buying EOS
>wake up next morning in computer chair after EOS mooned

Not anymore lol. Currently holding XVG, BTC, & FUN. I made this to help spread the bean meme kek.

how much fun and when do you plan on selling