What sort of equipment would a modern day adventurer need, assuming he was homeless
Hard mode: no firearms
What sort of equipment would a modern day adventurer need, assuming he was homeless
Hard mode: no firearms
10 foot pole
Smart phone
Ever kill a bugbear with that knife
helpful crosspost, see thread for reference
I thought /edc/ was a /k/ thing, did you folks get booted?
baseball bat
walking stick
matches/flint and steel
sleeping bag
so pretty much general camping stuff + a baseball bat or something
Membership card to a 24 hour gym.
It gives you something productive to do in your downtime, and it's the cheapest way to get access to storage (lockers) and a shower.
Same thread title, different toys on display - well, there's some overlap even, but not much, most of /g/ is nogunz.
Hard to be a murder hobo these days given the inexpensiveness and ease of use of CCTVs. But likely its going to be a smartphone, some sort of easy to conceal weapon like a knife or brass knuckles and a more potent but obvious weapon like a bat, crowbar or lead pipe. Something to carry his shit in would also be nice, ranging from a top of the line camping gear to maybe the more ubiquitous shopping cart. Personally I would also take some dogs along but thats just me.
A pair of pants with which to hold things with
A coat or jacket to take off
Shoes to stomp
Cheap vodka to share with family and friends
Heroine to make a great day better
Sleeping Pills to end a bad day
1-2 Kids preferably my own to aid me in my quest
In general you don't want to be carrying anything that can be stolen or can't be hidden up your anus. Fists are plenty for fighting if you always attack preemptively and retreat if need be. I'm sure you can just borrow any other tools you might need.
Only /k/ has pockets?
>Heroine to make a great day better
agreed, nothing like being rescued from your squalor
Well, I can see how XXXL cargo pants give storage space comparable to tactical jacket...
Basically this:
But chuck the knife and bat in favour of a chopping knife with a drop point. Then you can chop, whittle, and stab. I'd also suggest a lanturn instead of a flashlight, or a solar-powered flashlight, and the flint and steel over matches.
Something like one of these under your coat to stop you from getting bludgeoned or stabbed over food scraps in a bum fight. A nice backpack in which to carry your supplies, something to start fire, possibly a bow or other such hunting supplies if you're staying away from urban areas, and someone to contact people for contracts on killing whatever it is modern peasants need killed.
A better question would be what skills you would need to survive, as I'd imagine you could gather or coerce your way into everything you need
what the hell is going on in there? people in that thread are just going nuts on each other over nothing more than a posted picture of the shit in the other guys pockets. At least here we have the decency to wait till someone suggest gurps to call them a faggot.
>using expensive store brought gear
What a fag. A real murder hobo would plate himself in flattened soda cans riveted to each other worn underneath their multi layered hobo coat collection.
Pocket knife
Wallet with fake identification, and $42 in small bills.
Altoids tin with smaller supplies, fishing stuff, meds, etc.
Fire making stuff, plus different fire making stuff.
Light source.
550 cord
Duct tape
Tool, tire iron, crowbar, roofers hammer, etc.
Small Sleeping bag
kit to construct crude firearms
this has got me thinking, would it be fun to play a campaign styled as the PC's being straight up murderhobos in modern day society? more of a focus on roleplaying, with combat being much more visceral. if you wanted more of a fantasy feel I'm sure you could whip up some sort of mental illness produced fantasy elements, maybe the PC's psychotic behavior is due to them being able to see the "real world" which has monsters and shit.
>tfw you just really wanna role play a hobobro
Here's a better spin on that, they're psychotic behavior is psychotic behavior.
They're ability to "see monsters" is delusion caused by mental instability and/or drugs.
You made it very chliché in your attempt to make it less chliched
>hard to be a murder hobo today.
IDK , have you been to western Europe lately?
A .357 revolver, some stolen engineering tool and the rags on his back.
Time to go goblin hunting.
Think Final Fantasy XV
Well there's a difference between being homeless and being a hobo
You just described the average slav
Hobos in my city just wander into universities, free gym, showers in the bathrooms, charge phone for €1 and plenty of rec rooms to sleep in as long as you dont smell too bad
t. europoor
>Crossbow of the New Age with bolts
>Darkvision Goggles
>+1 bulletguard vest
>Sleeping bag
>Ghillie's Suit of Stealth
>Bowie's Knife of Death
>Clothing, both adventure and commoners
>means of getting inside Syria for a narrative campaign/some places in Africa or south America for a sandbox campaign
>means of traveling with gear without being arrested by your local guard
I recommend on playing a rogue built for long range sniping for some sick sneak attack damage. If playing a Syria campaign you should join a faction as quickly as possible that suits your alignment BUT BE WARNED joining the evil faction is considered hardcore mode and is really easy to die at early level from random Magic Missiles.
>They have to pay for toilets and to charge their phones
Europe truly is a nightmare
Veeky Forums is one of the few boards that treat each other reasonably well, most other boards will take any opportunity they can to shit all over other people's opinions.
I mean we kinda do it too but we usually least don't jump straight to calling each other stupid retard faggots most of the time.
It's probably because our board is based around hobbies that require social interaction.
I've been living out of a van for the past 8 months. All you really need is a smartphone, a gym membership, a small camp stove, a shitload of blankets, warm clothes, and a 9mm. Everything else is superfluous
CCTV = a illusion of security that is defeated by a ski mask and some spray paint.
How are you paying for fuel, gym membership and food?
I just moved cities so right now I'm living off savings, but I worked part time and went to school so I had the GI bill. My gym membership was free because I did some contractor work for the gym I went to
It's been a few years since I was into this kind of stuff, but you can find some useful articles in blogs about ultralight backpacking and SHTF preppers. I remember one particularly interesting one about a man who ended up homeless with no money and needed to make his way from the west coast to back home on the east coast.
They don't have to ID your face; they can follow your trail unless you change into a new set of clothes every time and nobody notices you trying to spray-paint the security camera 8 feet above your head.
That requires a complete unbroken camera network spanning, well, everywhere. I don't think modern police states are quite that thorough.
Anyways, CCTV and other standoff security doesn't actually provide security without a rapid reaction force to accompany it. Most of the time it's a threat of retribution, not an actual defense. A security camera doesn't say "You'll be stopped if you try a crime", it just says "You'll be caught afterwards if you try a crime". A so-to-speak suicide criminal has absolutely nothing to fear from security cameras as long as they do their thing fast.
What ways could a homeless person get a sword
Sounds like a plot hook
Joining the freemasons and making off with their ceremonial blades
Ever since I saw this movie, I've been wanting to run a game in a similar vein.
Oh shit, that would be a goat campaign now that I think of it