I am not sure where else to post this, but I need your dieselpunk artwork. Preferably ships and aircraft, but character art is okay. Mechs, power armor and similar aren't what I'm looking for but it's not like I can stop you from posting them.
Other urls found in this thread:
Cars are cool, too.
I will be monitoring this thread. Dieselpunk is so underused.
Say there, user, are you ready for THE FUTURE?
Oh, boy! You sure don't have any idea, do you Mister?
I'm a big Dieselpunk fan, never enough of it
Jakub Rozalski (not sure on name entirely) does a lot fo good war stuff thats vaguely dieselpunk
Also, oops. Wrong picture. Speedbirds are close enough, though, right?
>tfw born in the wrong timeline
I didn't choose this future
The prop/engine layout of the Soviet one triggers me.
Also the flaps are on the wrong side of the forward wings. Damn Ivans can't do anything right.
This is my last one. Hopefully more people are able to provide.
>ships and aircraft
Flying boats, the best of both worlds!
I didn't come here to feel this.
Yo dawg, I heard you like Zeppelins...
Can't post many images, so I'll just link some dieselpunky stuff:
Where's the punk?
I love the idea of sky dreadnoughts
>Thinking anything with a punk suffix is actually punk except cyberpunk
Nerds jut wanna be le epic adventure rich guy. Idk why they call it dieselpunk when it's just fucking Pulp though
some day Veeky Forums SOME DAY, I will teach myself programming and create a kerbal space programming-esque game where everything uses diesel technology but is ten times more efficient than in reality, making eccentric designs viable
I just don't know what the core gameplay loop'd be. It would probably be more designing war machines for a world war than exploration.
Does anyone have any good images for diesel-punk inspired motorbikes and/or weaponry? I've had a bit of an idea for a short story with a diesel-punk setting, but I need a couple of images for inspiration.
Does it even matter what OP called it? It's pretty obvious what the thread is about.
>Form > Function
Not my thing, but if your game was "ska punks transported back to 29th September 1913 Antwerp to investigate Rudolf Diesel's death" then cool.
Dieselpunk is one of those things where, I feel, the appeal is largely visual. And as I'm quite lazy GM, especially for vivid descriptions, I prefer to avoid such genres.