Post Maps!
Request Maps!
But Don't Post and Request Maps!
Map Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>But Don't Post and Request Maps!
Why? Well ok, I chose to give.
To see who breaks the rules and who doesn't!
>Download bunch of maps
>Not in map folder
Well can someone post some town maps?
battle or full town?
Here's a map for a thing I gm'ed once
It's a japanese city
I got those references.
Battle pls
What game is that from?
Something called Iron Commander, not sure if its a game or concept myself.
Does anyone have any modern or near future maps? Even just something that can be referenced without having a grid would be great.
Does anyone have any maps of the transition between Conan's Hyborian world to the modern one?
I've found plenty of maps where one overlays the other but that doesn't really help me.
>Does anyone have any modern or near future maps? Even just something that can be referenced without having a grid would be great.
>Does anyone have any maps of the transition between Conan's Hyborian world to the modern one?
>Conan's Hyborian world
You need to explain what this is and what you mean by transition between that and modern to us before we can begin to know if we can help you.
These are neat. What did you make them in? Maptools?
what's with the trippy bubble pattern floor?
Here is a random cave map generator
Requesting floorplans or blueprints or maps for offshore oil rigs.
If you don't have any then suggestions on how to track them down online would be appreciated. I've been searching but so far most of what I found are either photographs that don't tell me much about the internals or floorplan, or side on drawings that show mow many decks there are on a particular oil rig design but don't show the floorplan of the different decks.
This gallery has some modern maps that may be useful to you.
can you help me with
Any context on which time period this town represents? Like, early or high or low middle ages?
Here's my map for my next D&D game I am going to run. I have some minor fluff/descriptions to some of the locations if anyone is interested in hearing it.
part of our campaign map.
so is the kingdom of Vana entirely on on a peninsula or is it split across two land masses like the state of Michigan?
google around for this pdf.
basically sci-fi dungeon tiles.
So what maptools do y'all use and which ones do you consider the best for their job?
I figured it would be something like Michigan