Warhammer 40,000 general

¶∆×÷π√•| €¥$¢^°={} edition.

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>Not always current PDFs:

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>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Forge World Book Index:

>The Blaecki Libraeri (Beware blue sorcerers asking if they can check out books on your card)

This thread could do with some bingo! Current free tile is just the center, because I'm feeling like a lazy bastard. Also the tiles up for changing tonight are
> "Cataphractii Bikes"
> Magnus the Red
> Johnny(I'm so sorry)

FMC aren't MC is old and needs the boot

Sounds like you're looking for a Fist of Khorne.

Reminder that Fall of Cadia gives Tau Commanders 14 more relics per model.

I can agree with that. Also I'm going to replace one of the tiles with
Seeingleez eas ceeaaareent meaaem

Just because you can take as many signature systems as you want doesn't mean you can take as many of the extra relics as you want.

Maybe I'll stock up on Reavers.

Okay latest revisions based on feedback.

>Celestine/Cawl rules simply signify the ability to purchase relic-equivalents
>Tau Crisis Commanders have no limit on purchasable relic-equivalents

No, you're not understanding
Imagine a squad of Riptides deep striking deep into the heart of enemy lines, a trio of giant mechs each able to square up to a smaller Titan using their jetpacks to descend onto the battlefield.
By pure chance, there happens to be a single, lone Conscript wandering where one of the Riptides has happened to drift towards. Maybe he's on a coffee break away from the trenches.
The second the leg of one of the hundred-ton Riptides brushes against the loosely-fitted helmet of the oblivious Conscript, the machine VIOLENTLY EXPLODES, disintegrating into a fine mist of metal and blood as the entire battlesuit and the crew within is instantly vaporized.
In the distance, the other two Riptides meet a similar fate despite landing perfectly on clear ground, the symphony of pointless explosions giving Khorne a semi in the distant warp as over 700 points of units disappear without a trace.
The Conscript continues drinking his coffee, not having noticed a thing.

Meanwhile the same Conscript can fucking pirouette out the way of a Tank Shocking skimmer going twice the speed of sound without a fucking scratch.

Magma Cutters versus Lasher Tendrils on Maulerfiends?

Show me your games and army pics Veeky Forums!!
What are you anons up to right now?

Took this at the end of a 3000pt game. I barely tied in kill points against Faggot the Despoiler and his Lord of Skulls everything is a D weapon bullshit.

I have made some changes. There's now a few free tiles available for new thread memes.

daily reminder that failbaddon got his ass and spine handed by 2 humans and Big-E own version of a Daemon Princess, which is sailor moon during the series finale

and that failbaddon is now on a wheelchair

The Emperor Protects, you filthy fucking xenos sympathizer

>>The entire Deep Striking unit has a 16% chance of dying instantly
>>Doesn't matter that you're deep striking a Drop Pod or squad of 10 Crisis Suits
in what world do pods have a chance of dying instantly? their drop pods, unless they scatter off the table they're fine.

Because then you end up deliberately deep striking on units in order to kill them.

>tfw no cash
>tfw have an NiB AoS Start Collecting that I'm trying to sell
>tfw no one has made an offer

>expecting less from the Emperor's finest
Oh, ye of little faith.

and to add more salt on his wounds, the big 4 are probably choosing his next replacement

You fell for the "it's actually fun guys!" Meme, eh?

Oh hey, you just inspired me to put up another tile. Maybe I'll put less shitposting in this bingo and more positive discussion things.

Instead of Bitching about Magnus it could be "Arguing over Castellan formation" or something

Which one user?

Why no GGA in the bingo?

It's intentionally doing that way to avoid weaponizing standard deep strike. It's one of many rules in the game that are not providing a realistic simulation of what they represent, but at abstracted for expediency in game.

Also thought the mishap was "caused" by the conscript, the narrative abstraction would suggest that their mishap is actually the result of distant AA fire or something similar.

No. I got it for free from a contest, but my group doesn't want to start AoS.

Skeleton Horde.

>Meanwhile the same Conscript can fucking pirouette out the way of a Tank Shocking skimmer going twice the speed of sound without a fucking scratch.
If your units can easily dodge a skimmer bursting out from behind cover at supersonic speeds, then there's no reason they can't sidestep the 50-meter tall Titan jetpacking onto the battlefield.

The problem here isn't that the Conscript is fine. The issue is that an entire unit of units all instantly died, just because one of them landed an inch away from the dude with a t-shirt.

Seriously, think of the implications here
>A lord-general has recently received a medal for developing a new unbeatable strategy against the deep-striking Xenos forces: by spreading out the Conscripts in his charge across the battlefield, each of them standing exactly five feet apart, all xenos arriving from orbit instantly explode upon reaching the battlefield. Other planets are now incorporating the so-called Conscript Relay into their defenses, the planetwide grid of soldiers forming an unbreakable defense against landing parties.

That's already there, it's basically List Disaster/People getting rules wrong

Except then you need a whole subsystem that checks how different units interact with each other from deep strike.

This often happens when you are performing tabletop abstractions. Wraithknights cannot step over conscripts to hit the land raiders behind them. AA weapons cannot fire at riptides entering from the atmosphere. That's just how the rules work.

What's GGA?...

You in the white.

Grey-Guard user. The dude who always posts his games and asks people about what they're doing. Was posting his bat-rep against an annoying chaos player last thread.

He's got a friendly nod from the "someone covers the thread in batreps..." tile.

What the? Grey Guard Annon? You don't know about him?

Grey Guard user

Do you think we should put Maulerfiends onto the bingo card?

Oh yeah I remember that. Guy had a army based around walking on the board on his turn 1 from reserves so he could counter deploy on the fly. But his opponent could set up within 24" of his guys on that mission and since he had 0 guys on the board he just filled the table edge with his bikers. The other guys troops couldn't arrive and thus he was tabled on turn 1 before even getting a turn. He hoped the judge would rule that he had to be allowed to get his guys on the board. Ref said he was screwed because he chose to not deploy anything his turn to set up.

Probably not, they're not really meme material enough like the insane amount of butthurt against Riptides and other giant mecha. They're just a mediocre unit that occasionally gets complained about on Veeky Forums.

I'm adding Leviathan Dreadnoughts though, seeing as they occupy a neat little niche in the board meta, since every time someone posts one, it invokes a storm of people DOOMPOSTING with their own leviathans. Which by the way, I now want to have a picture of a Leviathan to go underneath the text, preferably one with a nice mugshot. I'm not using Raptors user's leviathan because it has fuzz on it, so maybe I'll go for either someone else's, or an official artwork.

Forgot the picture.


Oh right, I forgot FAQ butthurt was on there. That's pretty much the whole point of the Maulerfiends thing



-chapter master, jump pack, swiftstrike and murder

Tactical Squad-(80)

Tactical Squad-(80)

Tactical Squad-(80)

Assault Squad x9-(126)

Devestator squad-(135)
-4 missle launcher, armorium cherub

Scout squad-(59)
-4 sniper


Scout Squad-(65)
-camo cloaks

Scout Squad-(65)
-camo cloaks

Vanguard Veteran Squad-(155)
-jump packs, 4 power weapon, 1 stormshield, 1 powerfist

Vanguard Veteran Squad-(155)
-jump packs, 4 power weapon, 1 stormshield, 1 powerfist


Tactical Squad-(85)
-plasma gun
Drop Pod-(35)

Tactical Squad-(85)
-plasma gun
Drop Pod-(35)

Tactical Squad-(85)
-plasma gun
Drop Pod-(35)

Land Speeder-(55)
-multi melta


Lias Issodon-(175)

Scout Squad-(55)

Scout Squad-(55)


Inquisitor Coteaz-(100)

>for the 2 anons from last thread, thanks. made a change or 2. changed allied to CAD and swapped dig weapons (thought it was re-roll to hit) with multi melta on landspeeder. 82 infantry models, hope I dont fight tau

I just want to know whether I should give them magma cutters or not.

>tfw no maulerfiend buff

I kinda want to start collecting Tau. im making a 1000pt list, how would you deck out your riptides and stormsurges? SO many more gun options than im used too

>depressed due to lack of painting skill every time they see something decent
in here?

Some of the stuff I've seen at my local workshop is gorgeous

>1000 pts
>Riptides and Stormsurges

Here's your (You)

They're already S10, right? I mean melta is nice but I dont think its necessary, the lashes are much better as they will help when hitting shit that isnt tanks, like walkers and MCs.

>tfw no LGS
>rain all month
>bunch of unprimed models

Fought my first game against Tzeentch demons. We played at 1250 points and did the gametype where you generate tactical objectives based on the number of objectives you control.

Two big things stood out to me:

1. This unit of screemers had some sort of shenanigans with a book that gave them a 2+ rerollable invulnerable save. I couldn't do a thing till turn 5 when he failed the book roll (which had a reroll) and my robots were able to march in and punch faces. I got lucky, but by that point they wiped out so much it was the end of the game anyway.

2. I can't kill pink horrors with shooting attacks. They took two objecives and split and split and split. It was rough.

Overall, the guy was nice and it was an interesting game. I learned a lot about the army and will know what to do next time.

nice bait bro. I laughed pretty hard though.

I'm a farsight enclave player and feel like I am pretty good at holding back the cheese. Only 1 riptide (mostly for deepstrikers) and then 14 crisis suits and farsight to fuck shit up.


Just depressed, I actually paint OK table top quality, I just lack the motivation to do so.

Yeah, but they're only 4A on the charge though.

YES!!! user I'm so happy someone else has the same bases as me. That's frigging great. Anymore pics?

Grab paint-on primer. It's helpful for those emergency situations.

Meanwhile, at my LGS

>Tzeentch Daemons
>nice guy
pick one

>Tzeentch Daemons
Man. Fuck Daemons in general. They do so much shit every phase.

>just deciding to get into the hobby for real
>choosing imperial guard because normal unaugmented dudes going up against all sorts of alien and demon shit is badass as fuck
>hey man these kasrkin models look pretty cool
>out of production

Kill me now. Am I really going to have to buy those forge world respirator models so I can avoid the horror of painting faces and eyes?

Also is this whole fall of cadia shit going to affect the models GW is going to put out in the near future?

But would you fuck it?

> tfw my buddy makes me roll my Deredeo as having 3 attacks base
> tfw it's still hilariously shit in melee
> mfw I charge a 30-man blob of ork boyz with my Deredeo, and they don't have any Power Klaws
> mfw the entire squad got sweeping advanced off of the board by a dreadnought with ap- melee and only 3 attacks.

Im being serious. comeptitive meta. thinking one of each but possible 2 riptides and a stormsurge if i can fit it.

>tfw only move fast and deny on 4+

I try to avoid worrying about it an just focus on getting something that's not too thick or messy while being a neat or colorful scheme.

If it looks fine from 6 or more inches away, I'm happy with it, as during play I don't typically make a habit of holding my or my opponent's models directly next to my face where any imperfections are noticeable.


Either this is a strange fucking coincedence, or you're from jacksonville too.

Not of the battle, but here is the army I ran during that game. Note that some of the models aren't done being painted yet in this photo.

You could go for Scions and Stormtroopers, as they have closed helmets. That pretty much locks you into going for Veterans in Chimeras though.

Why do my photos keep going sideways? Fuck sorry.

Fuck these dogs so fucking hard. 30 quid for a minimum sized unit and you need a dickload to play a decent khorne daemonkin list

I keep making the mistake of looking at my stuff up close and under harsh lighting.

Nah this GW is in bongland

I usually paint to a tabletop quality. Most of my generic troops I just paint to look okay at arm's length. Heroes/characters I'll focus a little more on, but they're still not the best.

I just focus on getting better with each model and I can see the slow progress.

Seeing something painted great just gives me a bigger push to get better.

You hire the Dragon Ball Z Camera Man for this battle Annon?

Never paint the eyes. Just agrax the face so that the eye sockets are shadowed. You and your opponent will be viewing these units from 3 feet above so its literally unnoticeable.

As for model changes they are unlikely. First because changing the look of Cadians means changing the sprues for the Leman Russ, Chimera, and all the Artillery. That costs money and is hardly worth the time. At best, expect a slightly more detailed version of the current stock.

How much do you guys fluff out your armies? Have any of you fully written out a background description to explain why your army does what it does, or why they use certain formations over others?

those better not be yours if you're saying they're just "okay"

Bloodcrushers trigger me to no end. They don't fucking die.

Someone explain to me why are the Eldar getting renamed.

Is the page implying that the assault claw drop pod is going to get a plastic release?


the gw run by that short fat guy?


DUUUUUDE I'm in Jacksonville though. My nigga.

Oh god he's back

If those are yours they aren't

Okay is doing a base coat, staying in the lines, and then hitting it with a wash and calling it a day.

They're still putting out stormtroopers? The scions are the only ones I'm seeing available right now from geedubs.

That's probably what I would've done for whatever models I got that didn't have helmets but I just prefer models with helmets in general. Plus the fact that I like the more armored looking guys instead of the uniformed ones that pretty much locks me into getting either cadians or elysians.

With some of the talk of painting, I was wondering if I could get some thoughts on a color scheme for a small marine force I'm working on.

The paint job doesn't show up best with my potato camera, but it's essentially layers of Lamenter's yellow over a metallic base coat for a metallic yellow look, without being outright gold.

Looking at it more closely, I see some spots I'll have to go over for detail work. I also haven't done the shoulders, highlights, or any washes yet, as I want to be sure in the general scheme before I go too far.

Oh god that guy who actually plays, paints, and talks about games is back!

However will the general handle the influx of actual hobbying?

>complaining about a Lord of Skulls
>complaining about a Lord of Skulls in a 3000 point game
Are you retarded? Like actually, clinically retarded?

Any of you from Houston?

> Short fat guy
Bruh, rod's a cool motherfucker who speaks like 5 different languages. I don't even know how many he actually speaks, but I've personally witnessed him speaking french, german, spanish, and sign language.

And plus all of the explosion noises and entheusiasm when he's giving demos for newcomers is a great backdrop for when I'm painting.

I do so to a good extent. I don't write a fully lineage of all their past battles and history, no, but I do have such background details to explain the composition of their force, the strategies they use in battle, and preference for certain units or color scheme.

If I take a formation, can I only take models in said formation (ie give a unit a dedicated transport)

I thought Bloodcrushers were bad?

GW copyright on Eldar expired, and they can't reasonably defend their use of it due to it being prolific in other media, most notably Tolkien.

Here's a pic of my battleline in my pic.

Models in formations can take dedicated transports if they have the option and nothing in the formation forbids it.

A dumb Castellans list I'll use at some point. Will probably fail terribly but it looks fun.

What do you mean?
Are you asking if you can take dedicated transports for troops that are part of a formation? Because the answer's yes, dedicated transports are basically like wargear.

Not if it's the Daemon player in my group. Mother fucker has the best dice rolls I've ever seen.

Wait what where the fuck is this from? It would let me actually enjoy my berzerkers in daemonkin instead of forcing me into CSM World Eaters to have fun

Crushers are aight, not too expensive real money wise and a lot more enjoyable to paint than flesh hounds

Crushers aren't amazing. A C.Lord on a juggernaut however