SS13: The Moon Miners Edition

Welcome to the thread for d20 station, a rules light, medium RP Space Station 13 server.

>What is Space Station 13?
It's a 2D top down atmospherics simulator with who dun it gameplay layered on top. Each crew member aboard the station has a specific job to perform, while a select few are selected to be traitors (assassin/spy/thief).

>Why is this on muh Veeky Forums?
d20 is a server made for fa/tg/uys by fa/tg/uys

>How do I play?
You'll need to download the BYOND client.
BYOND Download link:
A BYOND account is HIGHLY recommended

To connect: Open BYOND, click the gear in the upper right. Click "Open Location" and paste in the IP below (Visual guide:
byond:// OR byond://

>I'm new, and I don't know what the fuck to do. How do I swap hands?
Use OOC (backspace say" in the bottom, type OOC and hit enter, or:, which means Out Of Character chat, and ask someone for help on how to play. People will almost always help you get a grip of the game if you're polite about it, just don't reveal too much in-round information in OOC.
There's also wikis dedicated to documenting the spaceman way of life, but they vary widely from server to server.

>What are the rules?
The rules are very relaxed and admins try to take a hands-off approach to administrating. Admins will generally only intervene if someone is explicitly playing to ruin the game. Reminder to read the rules in-game.

>What map/code do you run?
We run a heavily modified Ministation map with mostly custom code. Most jobs on Ministation are merged with similar counterparts and head roles have been re-enabled.

>When does everyone play?
The server is mostly populated with Americlaps, so peak times are usually between 7pm-3am EST

>Who are these tripfags?
Usually admins/coders for the server.

Miscellaneous links pastebin (updated):

Other urls found in this thread:

Thread theme

Post space filk you plebs. Minus Ten and Counting is my favorite space filk album, but Carmen Miranda's ghost and Finity's end are great too.
(pic unrelated)

Speaking of Billy Mays and swords, Lee wanted forging to be a thing. I don't know if Mezzo is here to chime in because apparently he had this idea 2 years ago, but what are general thoughts on it? Lee hasn't extrapolated any details, but wants to be able to make armor and weapons.

I think it'd be interesting to be able to do more dynamic trading and be able to supply Centcomm or maybe minor Space Factions with weapons for points, and with more points at times for different weapons like Animal Crossing and fruit.

Maybe smelting could be expanded (I don't know shit about real world forging though) so there'd be different types of metals, but I think that actually Goon has this and it'd just be copying. I've never played on Goon so someone confirm or deny this.

I wanted to make his suit grey but it's 2003 image quality so the magic wand is being shit

dis be bretty gud

The shitler armory picture fits in so many pictures, I'm so glad that I have the pic.

so is father relaxe still ruining every round and ddosing the server when he gets robusted or did someone take care of him irl yet

Space Drow and Dorfs as player races when?

Drow get better nightvision and toxin resistance.

Dwarves are slightly heat and alcohol resistant and smaller. They can only have the very long beard or the dwarf beard.

Bump of assured friendliness.

Someone make the dorf poll because apparently mine was shit.
Fine, I did it you big baby.

> Space Drow
Login as Llolf, hide in trashcans where you belong.
> Dwarves
Login as a kid with a dorf beard.

I also made this because I know some people don't like having dorf every weeked, like we've been doing for the past few weeks.

Forging was on hold until we redid the materials system to work more like reagents, and we also would need enough ideas to justify making a whole new crafting station, especially when the Autolathe could potentially work.

Medieval arms and armor are neat, but if that's all it can make, it's more or less exclusively a Griff machine.

Not that I really have much input about what changes are made to the code anymore.

>someone went through to the /obj/ parent and hardcoded a ton of material amount vars for every material type instead of using a list or datum
im still mad

cargo can already order guns the bridge aint hard to break into the armory is a gun daycare people are free to pick up their gat at and science can do a list of particularly fuck you inducing things
if someone is gunna griff and they are gunna choose to do it as a medieval knight
props to them honestly

Though this is perhaps the most poorly constructed post I've seen in a while, I agree with its point.
Chain mail, plate and swords WHEN?

I wouldnt go with forging probably just make it off-station goodies thats difficult to transport

That's acceptable.
Is there already sprites for medieval armor/weapons? or would they have to be made?

> justify making a whole new crafting station, especially when the Autolathe could potentially work.

Yeah we could steal guns from the armory instead of making wooden crossbows.

or spend TC instead of making facemelt-acid bombs.


Make it a ghetto way of doing stuff autolathe can do.
Or make any crafting done with metal require forging to be a sadist, imagine fags rushing to forge up enough rods to create the frame work just to expand dorf. I don't actually remember how construction works.

engineering having a autolathe is okay. cargo too.

science.. can build its own.

but a public autolathe is a bit much i agree.

>should get back to SS13
>apathy strikes

>a whole new crafting station
What we would need is an anvil and some blacksmith tools like: hammer and tongs.
>Not that I really have much input about what changes are made to the code anymore.
You can still commit code can't you?
I had plans to rework this at some point in the past. soon
They'd have to be made. Although I remember seeing a sword somewhere, I think.
Having a system of forging might be neat but we'd have to make it so people can autism it. Involving pixel x/y to forge might be a good way to go about it. Impurities in the metal might be a good way too. Selling the swords can then involve some check for craftsmanship.

its too much a specialized crafting thing that cant really be expanded or have a lot of complexity that takes advantage of the world

in the end your powergamer sword will still be used to whack people to death by rapidly clicking on them until they stop bleeding

8 people on.

Lets not overuse the term powergamer.
when there is many other options which are both faster and better then the item in question it is in no way powergamey
and if you have to say "well yeah but if the armory is totally gone there is no flare guns around somebody melted the hatches in botany removed all the plasma gas on the station and deconstructed all the autolathes and science machines THEN haha then when the station is a apocalyptic wasteland THEN the man with sword is king" then its very NOT powergamey
Also powergaming is when you go out of your way to be as "good" as possible you have to have the "best" equipment at the ready as soon as possible and usually with some unfair advantage is it not?
how is a sword any different than a hatchet as far as scariness and how is it any worse than the much easier to access stunprod or baton?
people just want something to add to their autism fort and a reason to dress as knights,if its the fucking space age make the armor have shitty values and make the weapons do a normal amount of damage you beanbag

>we will soon live in an age when you can craft together chainswords

in the end the weapon would need to be reasonably powerful and robust to warrant making
depending on how its made it may be easy or hard to make it into a good weapon
in the end it will either be SORD tier shit that nobody will use it outside gimmicks or so good that it becomes armory standard.
>reason to dress as knights
nigga plenty of reason to do it and id do it all the time except i'd be a crossbowman its just making entire forge crafting system surrounding a gimmick but also trying to make it fall into normal gameplay is not a good idea

safety bump

To the bartender who I helped remodel the bar:
Thank you so fucking much for helping me get into the game, and essentially giving me a tutorial that went over the essentials and didn't suck ass like most do. I can't remember your name but I am immensely looking forward to playing more of this game. Also, if anybody reads this, can you post a pic of the bar?

Anyways, thank you for a awesome time, spessman

>being taught interior decoration by irvan
you have much more to learn friend

Ah, thank you.

I think he has good taste in design.

We're playing Everyone is John right now.

I'm pretty shit yeah, but I try.

Oops didn't reply to your post.

I usually suck at teaching noobies because my autism is pretty dry compared to most, but it was fun. Thanks for the "cheers" and tablecloth idea, I'll try to code them.

>relaxe ruins yet another round
When will it end?

when you flood arrivals with plasma before griffing him and gibbing the body

I've forgotten how fun it is to play tabletop in SS13 with you lads.

Thanks Irvan. I tried to do my best at DMing a game I barely played

It looks like we might have to do this. It's not like he's robust enough to get out of it. It will filter out everyone but Relaxe if we flood arrivals with plasma pre-emptively. Can we get a map change to reflect this? Thanks!

Very fun Everyone is John, Cash. I'm not good at it because I don't have the balls, but goddamn Lee was on a roll and that was good enough for me.


local spacemen do nothing as everyone they know and love dies a slow and painful death

the right side of the carpet looks good, but the way it tapers and curls on the left side is terrible
walling off the kitchen and renovating it was done well, and I like the idea of the forward service are
but why are the plants public and not kitchen private
but why where kitchen and bar machines separated out into a shitty little room fully detached from the kitchen
but why did you anchor a door not to a wall, but to a goddamn vendor
lot of wasted space north of the table
needs card tables
isolated piano because ???
I like the idea of ambient spess behind a window, but that really could be done in a more secure way

the kitchen has a big middle space that goes unused, and the quasi-hallway leading to the serving bar eats up a lot more
if you lower the plants by a space or two, re-arranging the machines, you can pull the serving bar back, and open up a lot of space for guests between the serving bar and the front doors

Good effort, bad hustle. I look forward to future projects.

>father relaxe is ddosing the server again

Ok, folks.

What are your number 1 !FUN! ways to show a newbie the ropes?

I generally go
1: teach to equip internals (covers inventory management, hands, use of menus, some UI, clothes)
2: different intents (contextual interface, interacting with other people, socialising in SS13)
3: FIGHT ME OR DIE (knowledge others may wish to hurt them, basic robusting skills)
4: First aid (first aid)

I find that tends to cover the basics. What do you guys like to do? to even (the basics) speak drop swap etc to nigger (break open walls and doors hack machines etc)
3.intent (slap wrists choke hug punch)
4.medical in its entirety
5.advanced niggerdom (how to ambush what weapons to use where to get weapons what to use in a pinch,psychological warfare,improvised weapons)
0.1 (the golden rule above all else) have fun

like the guy who showed me the ropes its always, put on your internals, take them off and stuff them back in your pack, smoke a cig, make a bomb.

When will we dwarf again?
The poll is still missing a vote to confirm dorf. That being said, freeman said he'll dorf on his own if he has to this weekend so I guess we're not getting around it.
I'll throw up a poll for the starting time once this poll get enough votes to satisfy me.

>Wanted the left side to be a waiting room for guests, never got to finish it
>The side room was supposed to be a serving boys room, so they'd come out with a drink.
>Initially there were two chairs so the left of the big table so that space was needed to get around, but then wasn't needed
>Wanted to put a table there but there wasn't any need as we played Everyone is John
>forgot to put the seat for the piano
>kitchen was kind of just given the "fuck it I'm tired of renovating" treatment

This took like 5 hours so I decided to stop working on it by this point. I'll use this for a model in the future and improve on it as it's not a bad concept. Also couldn't find a place to put the bar and I fucked up by not connecting all of service together but I tried by making those maint doors bar access only.

Also the botany trays glass thing in the waiting room was because I gave the new guy the choice for the coloring of the floor on that side and I didn't have the heart to put walls on them, so I put glass there and improvised.

Small tip: curtains are more comfy than walls.

9 votes for dorf tonight.
Here's the poll for the starting time:


Pro tip: Curtains are not comfy at all. One may even say they're uncomfy.

Amputated and gibbed torsos as temporary shields when?

1. basic movement and how to grab stuff
2. what to eat/drink to die more slowly
3. some basic constructions

i find that telling people
>clicking on something is basically like doing "Use [thing in active hand] on [thing you clicked]" would be in a text adventure
actually gets them going very quickly. some item interactions dont do this because they were added late and design philsophies shift between coders, but for basic getting around it helps. i think the only really basic thing where it fails is changing clothes but theres a hotkey for it anyway so who cares

t. father relaxe

>40kg+ on one hand

leave it to an unrobost idiot to teach people to move around and eat things rather than how to murder people

how to click spaceman comes with time
you must
>click spaceman before he clicks you
>click on spaceman faster than he can click you

is masterful art

Oh hey look. It's the reason I went back to servers where an adult can climb over a table like a normal human being.

While with the other hand he hip fires a BAR accurately enough on full auto to kill, what, seven people with one twenty round mag?

Realism may not ave been a goal.

Its not about the movie, its SS13, you can dual wield riot shotguns, but you need to use grab on body parts and drag them around.

The sprite needs work, and I think they're still indestructible?

Thats the wrongest thing I've heard in these threads in a while. Curtains are garbage.

if you arrange them behind a window to build autismo-houses its not that bad. the only thing that bothers me is the lack of varations

they were more or less and experiment in an object with opacity but no desnity

okay dorf is going up in a bit once we get enough players
>finally fixed space transitons to dorf, going out of Z1 no longer means you get spaced, you can just travel back in the reverse direction to go back
>carp spawns made harder
>mecha carp will now fuck walls up
>lee committed a bunch of stuff without putting any notes in his changelog so god help you
>adien made an autosmelt mode for the smelter, won't create alloys but will smelt through anything else
>security belts now hold most handguns and revolvers, belt descriptions now reflect more precisely what they can hold
>all types of engineering dispensers (pipe, disposal, conveyor) were halved in price to encourage their use in early game
>carp will now fuck up turrets
>"asteroid mining drill" which creates ore every set amount of time when supplied with power from a wire while on an asteroid turf
>asteroid drills have decreased efficiency when placed near other drills but will consume the same amount of power
>nuke disc no longer restricted from moving z levels
>space icons are no longer a hash based on position so they look the same every round, they're just random now (I bet you never realized they were the same anyways)
>irvan made it so you can use a screwdriver on a melon to turn it into a helmet (helmets with +1000 potency are better than security helmets)

>>lee committed a bunch of stuff without putting any notes in his changelog so god help you

Or you can read the changelog which I updated neatly

people dont read that shit you and I both know
I only use it when im too lazy to check tortise

>carp are harder
>carp kill turrets
>carp kill walls
but now how will people go to bed?

everything will be dead by the time people wake up unless there's more laser cannons than walls

more dakka

more dakka is good
but more dakka is not possible super early on
carp are going to wreck everyone in the first few hours because there's going to be a dozen turrets for the whole station at absolute best

Ever think of hazzard floors?

there's tons of ways to make defense early on, grilles windows lasers fortifications through sandbags, brick walls, security barriers,

dorf is up
we currently have one player

I'll get on soon but I'm going to do a fucking terrible job at dorf because I've only played once

What do you lads listen to while playing the game?

Also, is it metagaming if I use the same character name between rounds?

Between rounds is fine, but dying as Jim Bob and respawning as Jim Bob within the same round is bad.

How about a emergency beacon that spawns in npc-soldiers to fight the carp?

or a supply shuttle full of very drunk
difficulty would be getting them in a good area to fight they're pretty much just turrets

6 (six) whole niggers on dorf HIGH VELOCITY DORF

>doesn't announce dorf time slot
>doesn't announce that it's going up
>doesn't announce that it started

that's your own damn fault

9 on now

Snake, do you think a disco party could be born on the battlefield?

for the new guy

>i accidentally shot freeman while he was helping me with a mosin

>leave cargo for 10 minutes to build something
>shit strewn all over the floor again

So, is dorf going on?


i just got into it and i'm dying with no help anywhere near me, because i'm dumb

Can you please stop DDOSing the server already? We get the point. You're mad. Thanks. not really, no one thanks you for anything because you are shit and have never not been shit

The turrets on your pic keep trying to kill me

And they just succeded

It was probably relaxe who sets them up. He likes to "le ebin le griff :^)" with hidden hazard floors and no IFF turrets and shit all the time.

Okay guys, I want to try and get a hang of a few jobs but do so in an environment where theres no stress.
Is there a way to get a specific private server set up just for myself, running a specific version of SS13 (like tgstation, for example) so I can experiment?