Roll20 YLYL

Ever just go on roll20 to read the games on there? Reading out loud just makes it all the more fun.

>"The year is currently 142,300 also known as “300 in the year of Beetle”
Why not just year 300?

>Around the year of 55,555, the monsters who were known in the world quickly got much more aggressive and out of hand for unknown reasons and new horrific creatures arrived.
Another retarded date.
>I am looking for 4-5 players for this campaign but due to me having to dedicated time to running his game will require payment for my time as a Game Master at a rate of 3.00$ Per hour or 30$ monthly(pre-purchase only).
Wanting people to pay for him DMing.

Fucking hilarious shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

>charging people to play in his shitty homebrewed shit setting that he's fucking recruiting for

Probably the most offensive thing I can think of within the context of this hobby.

Here's another campaign

>Meanwhile, the uncaring lumber barons squeeze the common
folk for every last copper, deaf to their pleas.

>Many are drawn here to make their fortune cutting a swath of darkwood lumber through the lush forests of the vale.
My character will have lost a dear friend to a lumbering accident where was crushed by a tree.

> Here, these fanatics practice their strange and often deviant rites unfettered by the mores of civilization.
So edgy. Hopefully those dirty priests didn't touch my friend's dead body.

>The party has saved some childen, stopped two plagues, the leadership of the town has tried to assassinate them.
W-wait. We wot?

>I am looking for 4-5 players for this campaign but due to me having to dedicated time to running his game will require payment for my time as a Game Master at a rate of 3.00$ Per hour or 30$ monthly(pre-purchase only).

Holy shit how is that real

I got a friend that browses rpol game ads and links me the funnies, it's pretty similar. Although mostly focused on dumb premises for Exalted games, banal WoD games and one "pls pls erp with me" capeshit guy.

>For and extra $20 you can buy the season pass which includes 3 bonus maps and if you buy now, you also get a limited edition cat girl maid companion.

Wait what for real?

>"You ask the tavern keeper for rumors about potential work in the area, he tells you that to unlock the side-quests in this town you need to buy the $15 DLC"

Pretty sure anons are making up extra giggles.

All income is about convincing people to pay you for your services. As someone who makes 7 figures annually through various methods, this is a truth. It's all exactly that ridiculous when you see things how they actually are.

Wanting people to pay you for the shit you do anyway isn't so retarded when people start paying you.

Asking for that amount of cash per amount of work /is/ retarded tho.

Perhaps, but it goes against the ethos of roleplaying games. Players and GM make the game together, and reducing the GM to the sole content provider is wrong.


Also true.

Eh, ethos.

Main problem is that "cash for tabletops" is that its going to be heavily populated by or shitheads that are utterly unable to get games the normal ways.

Or elitists who are dissatisfied by random GMs - while these can be worked with, they're going to have demanding standards - and how are you going to demonstrate those and attract them?

I found a game where there were two GMs who had DMPCs with the party. Aside from the ERP, when I asked if I could take a sidekick/ally NPC feature for my character, the GM told me straight up "No. We want to play our characters: we don't have time to play the NPCs too."
Since this came from the GM, I found it hilarious.

It really is hilarious.

The only list for this that I can find is from four months ago and dropped the price down to $1 per hour.

Apparently he found some players, since he's throwing videos of it up on Youtube.

Which one?

The one in the OP. Hence why I linked the OP.

I was under impression its several groups.

You think there's several people all pretending to be the same guy running the same campaign with the same incredibly poorly written summary?

Just from OP's bits it looked like two different guys with similar love for biig year numbers - but with different numbers for their different campaigns. Plus a third guy cash-begging.

Hell, even after googling up and finding some meet-up sites showing that the numbers are from the same backtory, they are lacking the mention of cash.

Has a mention of cash.

Well ok then.

I don't know anything about headsets/microphones, what's a good one for voice chatting?

Reading roll20 games is the funniest thing in the world. I still remember that faggot from back in the day that wanted "heavy role players" and then when people started responding to him, he started rejecting every game system that had any kind of mechanics.

Then he made a game that apparently used mechanics from every single system ever, but all his players ditched the game after a session.

It was so bizarre. I thought that at the time only me and a couple guys from another game on the site were watching the madness unfold, but a lot of people know about him. More than the guy that plays an edgy navy SEAL in every WoD game.

your phone and some earbuds.

That's actually part of the official pathfinder setting. Look up Falcon's Hollow and the scenarios that are about it.

>6 Players (0 Open Slots)

It worked.

>Time and Date is potholder for now.
>Everyone are at their home, enjoy their free time... then the man knocking your door and leave the blue letter. The blue letter reveal; Your (Childhood, member of family, new or old friend but she can't be your lover, however you may try win her heart to become your lover.) Lady Delta Neitue invite you to her homeland: Bluefiled Seaside, for her 18th birthday party and allow you stay at her mansion for week... in exchange you will help with her artist's block. Bluefiled is seaside town and it's famous for most blue landscape and blue flowers and herbs.
>However; after her birthday party... Delta Neitue don't feel as well, go sleep early. Next day, Delta find herself unable to get stand and start drink much water to stop the rush that look like scales.
>Her family's best doctor unable identified what kind of sickness she have... until her grandmother realize this sickness; "It's not sickness... it is the curse of King Sea god!" Her grandmother had no choice but ask you and the rest for help, however; you have one week and will you survivals the curse, bandits, crazy cult, haunted places, heavy rain, and madness?

>Wanting to be compensated for the time you spent babysitting 4+ adults.
>Against the Ethos.

That was painful to read.

sauce on the image?

Link to the page?

>look for people to play in your game
>expect to be compensated for your time
>by them
>the people you want to join your game
Why do people always pretend to be retarded just so they can argue against something?

>will require payment for my time as a Game Master

>Want to play M&M
>Wednesday is only day off
>Check R20 every other day
>This creepy fucker is the only one who has a game

I'm sure he's the same fuck who posted the "Female characters wearing only latex or body suits!" M&M game a week ago that got taken down by the mods.

I just wanna play a kid who hunts aliens with psychic his powers.

How does a game with 2 gms work?


My mind is full of fuck after reading that synopsis.

They probably switch? One GMs first week, the other GMs the second?

I mean, sure, if you're playing with a group of friends, charging them for games is kinda shit (expecting them to chip in for their share of the snacks is totally okay though).

But if your running for a bunch of randos, then why shouldn't you be compensated for the time your taking out of your week to run a game for them?


But that dude was searching for guys to play in his game. Charging people to play in your game is just ridiculous.


I legitimately laughed aloud, good show user.

I once have been a GM in a dual GM (short) campaign.
I was handling the general narrative and dice rolls, the other GM focused on adding player-specific experience (we would have players split from the main party at various poont of the story, and he would take them to another table to handle their part).
It's tricky to handle, wouldn't do it again, took additional preparations, but I guess it was worth doing it since the players liked it


That happens here in the Philippines, sadly. Mostly in LGS's, but like a week ago some dude was asking for players to join his game, goes on to describe his prep work, etc. so he was going to charge a fee. I mean wtf man.

I just imagine that the person who wrote that is 14 (max), and I'm fine.

3 years of work, for a campagn. People make full on rpg systems on shorter time.

Just imagine the first time player says something that the three years of preparation hasn't taken into consideration.

Going off the rails?! PREPOSTEROUS!!

I should make a campaign set in a train, fully. Just so I could make shitty jokes about railroading.

Though, then any player worth a damn would then do their best to ether get off the train, or stop or derail it.

I was thinking that I would like to run a game where an arc would have the players on a train. Perhaps even have them start on a train full of hostiles and they have to kick ass as a group to get out alive and shit.

I co-DM'ed a short game over the course of a thanksgiving break once. We basically split the prepwork for each major encounter between us, and then played off each other as resources during the fight. We'd trade off boss rolls, number crunching, and any encounter with more than one enemy had us doing silly voices back and forth as a comedy routine. It was great.

The more time you put into making a campaign perfect, the quicker the party will find a way to irrevocably derail it. That's why in the last game I GMd the plot was so minimally planned, just a skeleton until I realized what the party wanted.

I could almost see some kind of modern rpg using a train for a gauntlet-style dungeon.

I once did run a game set on a train, with the rails going high above the clouds.

There was a bomb in the train. The players either got rid of the bomb and bombers or died trying.

For some fucking reason they really liked it without a hint of sarcasm.

Stop talking about trains, I'm imagining a Baccano!-inspired campaign about the Flying Pussyfoot part now...

That's the idea, you know?

My thought was a train packed with mob and the players have to kick some ass, as well as be careful not to get picked off by the monster stalking the train with unknown motive.

Probably best played in GURPS or something.

Even better, the players are the train's staff, and must manage to reach destination inspite of the gang war and psychopath trying to hijack it...
Nah it's just unwinnable

>tfw I know a guy who once told me unironically that the game he had planned would last exactly 35 sessions and that he considered every single X factor

I knew a guy like that too. Though I just abandoned ship when he told me that sometimes things happen because the story wills it (cutscenes, if you will)

Since I think that it's bullshit and I put a lot of value in player agency/liberty, I decided not to continue playing with him.

When someone says things like that, you know you WANT to play it just to see how bad you can derail it.

For my case, the guy's games never last longer than 4 sessions before he loses vision and gives up, which at that point he either goes "yeah I don't think I'll keep doing this one" or just sabotages his own campaign and gives up


The point of a paid DM is that you are paying someone to put up with your bullshit, come prepared and on time, with the personal skills to run the game. For someone that isn't a friend, time is money.

If you really want to play the railroading jokes up the goal of the PC should just be to literally derail it

That would be DELUXE

Either a combat DM and a storytelling DM, or a game with two major enemies of the party who are also hostile to each other.

...why would he mention something that happened 90k years ago? Doesn't seem very relevant to me.

Because he cares more about his worldbuilding than actually running a game, user.

Oh they just have to be badass enough.

Let them play like a whole crew of Batmans.

>I'm sure he's the same fuck who posted the "Female characters wearing only latex or body suits!" M&M game a week ago that got taken down by the mods.
Reminds me of this guy on rpol too
He also had attempted to run MNM games with /mandated/ fanservice on female supers; with matriarchal justice league and so on.

I just spit out my coffee

But, there is a kind of audacity in suggesting people should throw money at you so that you can pretend to be their friend and participate in a RPG experience with them, especially when we know nothing of this person's qualifications or capacity to deliver anything beyond what other people provide for free.

Fuck, why not just go to an ERP forum at that point?

>suggesting people should throw money at you
He's just throwing it out there; he's not campaigning to be tax-funded or anything.

People who GM are 100% down with babysitting as long as they get to tell you a story/make you fight monsters.

Anyone has a link to the thread about the GM that wanted his players to sign that they lose all rights to their characters so he may use them for his novel?

Sure, I don't think it should be banned or anything.

It's just reads to me a little like someone going to a bar an announcing you'll be willing to have sex with any of the hot chicks. Like, really dude?

Better than the GMs who don't tell you and just straight-up steal your characters.

Oh man I remember seeing shit like this, not on roll20 but on Giantitp play-by-post. It was a long while back.

The retardation behind the idea is staggering.


That's the lumber baron one

Here's the one where the GM wants you to pay him.

Yeah, but that guy was something else.

He had formatted his request like an ironclad legal document.

That's pretty nice of him. Like I said, he's actually trying to take the players into account a little by making sure they understand what they're doing there, whereas more unscrupulous GMs will dupe you into thinking you'll get to play with them.

I should know, I was victim to one of them.

Even with the hilariously retarded lumber baron premise?

>Supers RP where everyone has one of the strengths of Batman


>$0.99 gets you a setting-innappropriate hat of your choice, such as a firefighter helmet, captain's hat, cheese hat, or animal mask
>for an extra $0.99 your hat is upgraded to count as a helmet for armor purposes
>with the purchase of 30 hats, your character unlocks the Box of Hat-Holding, allowing him to ignore the encumbrance value of his hats

>for $19.99 a month, you may unlock the Saucy Bard DLC, enabling your character to seduce select NPCs in-game for unique benefits
>for $49.99 a month, you may unlock an in-character romance option with exclusive content

>you may buy Platinum Gold at a rate of $0.05 per gold piece, which does not count toward encumbrance and may be either used as gold or converted directly to experience points

Yes I meant the DLC jokes being made up for extra giggles.

>fascismo e libertà
now that's unexpected

I know right? Who would ever say that fascism is freedom?


I think final fantasy did that
>using a train for a gauntlet-style dungeon
adventure time did that

What if the gm takes inspiration from the character and reworks it entirely, but it's still kinda obvious what the inspiration was?
What if the gm and player built the character together?

When did paid gming become such a huge topic on Veeky Forums? I've seen 2 discussions about it today, and was on one a couple days ago

Looks like Rustle

Hope you enjoy being on a watchlist

>being this unfree

>Granny tries to blame it all on King Sea God
Granny, as though it wasn't obvious that you're a prawn of Emperor Ocean Deity.