Get in here, fa/tg/uys, it's confessional time. What are your biggest gaming sins?
I'll start.
> Be fairly newfag
> only 2 years of experience
> Constantly have a battle with myself over Main Character Syndrome
> Character isn't in the spotlight? I have no interest.
I want to get better, Veeky Forums, and admission is the first step to recovery.
Bonus points if we do the black congregation church thing
Confess thy sins
I have a bit of a tendency of fudging my rolls a bit, especially in dice-pool systems. In my defense, though, I never do it on really important do-or-die rolls.
I'm REALLY bad about giving my characters distinct personalities, a lot of them end up being more or less the same.
I recently obtained a problem with making characters then throwing them away because i found something "better" that i wanted to play.
poor Lot
I know that feel. Also, in my defence, if the DM doesn't feel the need to check the role, how important can it be?
>Main Character Syndrome
We've all been there, user
I lose interest of the group is getting loud or fighting so I just do other things and stop all together
how did you get over it, fellow user?
Learn how to structure a fucking sentence before you dirty up this board, plebian.
now now children we must not be angry with on another, we are here to release our own evil energies as to become better.
I'm not the best at explaining things, but here goes. I guess you kind of have to figure out how to strike a balance between doing your thing, but at the same time giving the other players some time at the spotlight (which can be really hard in groups where you have players that spend a lot of time waiting for another player to take the lead or for the GM to tell them what to do)
I'm having a hard time motivating myself to read through the rule books. It's not even that I don't have the time, it's that I don't feel like it. I'm the GM.
Maybe he just trusts you.
Makes sense enough, bit I'm guessing it's easier said than done. I'll work on it.
What about you, my friend? Any sins to confess?
I am really bad about coming up with campaigns that I start and then quickly lose interest in and start making excuses as to why I stopped
oof, that's tough. What systems have t
you tried? Maybe you just haven't found the right one yet?
I am in the same place my last two campaigns have just fallen apart.
I find it more fun to roleplay if my character is anthropomorphic.
It's less the system and more just
>Oh! I have a really cool idea!
>Tinker with it a bit
>Do a couple sessions with the group
>Meh, this idea wasn't as interesting as it first seemed
>Hey, guys, I'm not running the ____ campaign anymore because ___. Sorry.
something I have done is came up with an idea and then talked to the group to see how it would play out because it is not fun if no one wants to play it.
Don't see where the sin in having a preferred character type is.
Hmm. Can't really think of more advice than to just follow through. get a solid base idea, and run with it, and if it loses its spark, then fix it, make it interesting somehow. if that makes sense
I'll give it a shot, at least. I may or may not report back next time one of these confession threads rolls around, depends on whether or not I remember to.
I have this problem if some one makes a character that is super annoying I want them dead and I will go out of my way to get the character killed
>Playing a wizard in a 5E oneshot at the university's RPG club
>told to investigate some ships that have gone missing
>every lead we pursue turns up nothing
>hanging out in the market square waiting for something to happen
>GM tells us we see a child running away with one of our wallets
>cast the ray of frost with the intention of slowing him down
>crit for max damage, killing him instantly in a demolition-man style frozen corpsescile explosion
>burning hands two town guards who try to grab me
>Paladin knocks me out
>town guard arrests me for murder, Paladin and Cleric for being dragonborn, Rogue for being a kobold, Bards for being Bards
>party members start informing on each other in jail
>most of the session is wasted dealing with the fallout
>it's midnight by the time we actually get back to the main scenario and finish it
I've been there, user. I am still there, in fact. The days where I would approach the main rulebook of a gameline as if it was the family bible(read in it all day erry day) is long gone.
My turn:
> I have, in fact, inserted my magical realm into someone's game.
> I don't use a vpn
>I ate the pol meme, my gm and best friend ate the sjw meme. We used to talk about everything, now we guard our words carefully and passively-aggressively joke about it.
I'm a guy who plays female characters near exclusively.
are you male or female?
i fudged a build in pathfinder once.
I accidentally added an extra ability score bonus at level 3 because i mixed up the first feat level with the first ability score level, and never fixed it when level 4 happened.
I then multiclassed at level 5 and read from the wrong spell list on accident and didnt fix it til level 6 when i got more. GM never caught on despite catching another character using "lore unfriendly" spells
It's a sin on Veeky Forums where any mention of playing a beast character will result in autistic screeching and being told to go to the pathfinder general.
It's exactly the same as having a conversation with someone in real life. You have to genuinely try to give a shit about what other people have to say.
Not really sure if it counts as a sin, but I'm pretty paranoid about my current DM flubbing rolls to make his npc's always pass their checks, no matter what. Also doesn't help that I don't really think he understands what constitutes a reasonable DC.
I have a hard time telling when other people are done with a conversation
I've promised my players that I'll be spending my time getting ready to run the campaign. I haven't opened the adventure book in a week or so.
Who else /devilish/ here?
>I'm a guy who plays female characters near exclusively.
>I'm a guy
My game has been on hiatus for a better part of a year, and my players want to play. Internally, I have no intention to continue the game, but I know I will give in to the pressure eventually. But that might me several months down the line, it is the longest game I've run, after all.
It's Exalted 3rd and I just hate it.
The sin is that this is basically what has happened with all of my games.
I'm trying to make different characters, but I can't. They have different stories and personalities but act the same, because I can't play it right. I'm too afraid of "what will people think" to make it work.
I have the same problem with games that I would like to run.
Ironically, playing safe is usually the most sure way of being shit. You need be bolder, user!
I have only participated in about two and a half ttrpgs.
The "half" was at 13 years old with other 13yo and went as you expect.
The others were ten years later and both ERPs.
>I genuinely like doing edgy shit with my characters
>They're never neccesarily evil, and none of them can be considered edgelords, but every now and then there's a moment where I do the most edgy shit ever and enjoy it
>I have to constantly fight back the urge as a DM to fuck up my players hard, I'm not attracted by the horrible shit happening to them, I just love to see their reactions to it
>I want to force my players to be as invested as I am in the game, the thing is I'm a DM and I can't expect them to spend time as much as I do creating character backstories and shit, but I'm still a passive aggressive asshole about it
During the first campaign I ever GM'd I got drunk during one session and thought it would be funny to cause 9/11
I quit drinking but I still regret it
Tell us more about the scenario?
>I never plan my sessions out beforehand, I just get a general idea of what I want to do then wing it
>I know for a fact I could make my sessions 10x better by building a plot and encounters, but nobody has caught on yet or had a bad time so I never start
>I skim through the rulebooks to get a general idea of what I need as a gm. I've never read a book cover to cover
>I almost always have a gmpc on standby so I can pretend to be a player in my own game, always to fill a missing crucial role if needed
>the only time I ever draw maps is on a notebook for me to use, i never draw maps for the players. I know if I set forth some time to do that the game would be much better, but I'm chronically lethargic when it comes to preparing for ttg's
>I absolutely despise having to dm, but the other people willing to are either inexperienced or dogshit, so I always end up doing it
>I wish for nothing other than to be able to play in a game of my 3 closest bros with the world as our toybox and a dm who's the master of ad lib, but that probably won't happen in this lifetime
No OP said Sin, that sounds like a great time
Care to elaborate?
Why not just play Mouseguard? That game kicks fucken ass m8
I have the same problem, I end up playing anyways, and when something comes up I look it up after the game. Jot down a note and then tell the group in the next session
I had the same problem, I recently found out that meditation almost always sets me in a mood to read. I have no idea why, but since meditation is something I do regularly anyway I just do a 15 minutes session before sitting down to read for the next 1,5-2 hours.
As for my sins:
-I have a tendency to skip rules or formulas, even important ones, just to make the game faster or more interesting.
-I almost always prepare session on the last moment, even if I have a lot of time for that beforehand
-Even though I try not to railroad, I get really pissed whenever players just refuse to do what I planned for the session for no apparent reasons.
-I really have to improve my description skill. Most of my descriptions are just bland and repetitive, I can't get poetic and nice sounding for life, at least if I haven't written it down beforehand.
>-I almost always prepare session on the last moment, even if I have a lot of time for that beforehand
Oh, this is a sin? For me that's a "at least I prepared" -situation.
Not him, but it's supposed to be roleplay user. You're someone else, not yourself, behave like it! Shout if you have to, talk weirdly if you have to, that's how the proper roleplay looks like and it definitely makes the game more interesting.
Well, depends on the point of view I guess. I like to make my scenarios fairly complex though and usually not very open-worldy, so preparing beforehand helps a lot. And I know they would be much better if I would actually prepare accordingly, but I somehow just can't focus on working on them until it's almost the deadline.
I'm the guy who suggests using Mini Six for a system a whole lot, but outside of one-shots I've never really played the game. I'd love to see it and OpenD6 get more love here but as it's mostly unheard of a thread or two wouldn't garner much attention.
I fudged literally every single roll that wasn't out in the open.
I play exclusively male characters, and since none of our games ever go into any sort of sexual territory, I make them gay to project a bit of myself into them.
I once raped a female character from another player.
My brute STR killed her. The DM had her ghost haunting me for like 3 months of play sessions.
Later I felt really bad about it.
After I roll up my stats I begin fudging them on my DnD charsheet sometimes. I feel bad and eventually change it back.
I detract from splatbooks or rule books and make my own rules/scenarios
I also take encounters in splat and make them much harder.
Also since I play with a fuckton of power gamers, I GM fiat and they always get upset which makes ME feel bad :(
Are you, me? Because this is how I feel.
Am I the only one that actually enjoys being a forever GM?
I love both playing and GM
Its a really good feeling to watch your players grow. Also I always draw the characters, monsters, and scenarios for them. I like it
I play females almost all the time and usually furry races when there's an option
I'm the same about points 3 and 4. I want them, like, REALLY REALLY want them, to be into the games I make and play. I ran a 5e game for the first time a year back. When the time actually came to play the game, no one seemed interested in the system, barely read the book, prefered 3.5e... So, to compensate I made the game a little faster; and crashed and burned. I'd spent literally 2 hours a day for an entire month preparing that game. They say they'll go again, but I'll never go back to it. It's dead.
>Ran my first ever Rifts game a year before that to the same people; my most successful game that I'd ever ran. Now they enjoy the system and run it without me in their other groups.
>feelsbadman, I'll never run a game that good again.
When I DMed for a Dark Heresy I bullshitted 90% of the rules because I was too lazy to read them all.
Suspend campaign I'm DMing due to depression.
"It's on hiatus."
>3 months later
"... it's on hiatus."
>6 months later
"... hiatus."
You fuck, I would love to have a group to dm for.
I cheat at games,
I get mad when I lose any type of board game,
I've slapped a friend because I couldn't handle his taunting banter,
I have a shitty entry level job with no professional skills of which to speak,
I am 100 lbs over weight,
I like shows, video games, and anime that even have or should have containment boards,
one of the only two friends who I have left is an actual autist,
the best things people can say about me are that I'm polite and clean.
I'm sure I can keep self degrading but even expending this amount of effort is mentally taxing. I'm gonna go find some painkillers and take a double dose.
Done this more times than I'd like to admit.
I exist.
Fair enough, yeah
>rapes a character
>to death
What the fuck is wrong with you retard?
user is fucking idiot sure. But in that situation, I also question, why was it allowed to happen at all.
People like to talk about how you can do anything at table top rpgs, but I feel that there are points where other players and GM on the table should just go "fuck no, let's not do this shit".
Raping another player's character, is probably one of those things.
I get autistic when players miss sessions, I tend to bug the GM too much about when the next game is set and when we're playing. Figure this is kind of a light sin, especially if players are just forgetting to turn up, but when they have to miss games for legit reasons I still get angry as fuck.
goddamnit, i do this too. Its not like a little bit would matter. Mostky its is something like... "rolled a natural 1" alright guys i know i didn't make this safe/did'nt hit this time... followed by a quick removing of the dice... i fail rolls regularly but i seldom "role" an 1 so nobody cares. And on really oimportant roles the GM checks..
I am a 100% in agreement with you senpai
Rape is worse than PvP. Complete and utter bullshit
Unless it's an ERP/lewd game.
I ERP semi-regularly. I try to play lewd games with other people.
I also played an androgynous half-elf in a non-lewd game.
Forever GM. I take the game pretty serious. I spend a few weeks working on the campaign before i even tell the group about it. The problem is my group doesnt take the game as serious as me. I get mad and kill them all off
I have the same problem, I just don't kill them off. Instead they either get bored with the campaign quickly because I want to play at least semi-seriously and they want shenanigans and murdehoboing or they get killed themselves because of being morons. Seriously, where can I find people that want something more from the campaign then messing around?
I know the feel
I don't kill them off tho, I just straight up stop the campaign without any warning
Chris from Naperville?
I've grown out of my "Romans were the best at war" phase into a "Mongols are the best at war and way more brutal".
>>I want to force my players to be as invested as I am in the game, the thing is I'm a DM and I can't expect them to spend time as much as I do creating character backstories and shit, but I'm still a passive aggressive asshole about it
Yeah, yeah, I feel user.
>doing my opening session
>trying to set a tone for my weird Princess Mononoke/Twin Peaks style spoopy woods campaign
>creating a tense atmosphere as party is stalked through the woods by something bizarre, powerful, and inhuman
>people actually getting a lil nervous
>the gimli clone starts cracking jokes
It was just disappointing.
The DM was a kinky son of a bitch
and deep down I think the player liked because she didn't really complain and she had fun haunting my character
Seriously. The guys i play with are all my best friends from childhood so we always have a good time when we play but i get mad when i spend hours preparing for a session and all they want to do is seduce the barmaid and kill the town drunk
>and deep down I think the player liked
You keep telling yourself that famalam.
Plenty of real rapist think like you do.
it really makes me think
later I fapped thinking about it
>I can't play evil characters because most concepts are too far removed from anything I can understand(lol I kill and eat people on the side) or are too much for my group(at least I can understand what motivates a rapist, but I play with 2 girls who already think it's just possible that I AM a rapist)
>I can almost never play characters that aren't ballsy nearly to the point of recklessness
>I fudge on tiny ambiguities in the rules and quietly violate the rules as intended. Real pedantic shit. Round up when it says a number is half your level, ignore the difference between racial traits and race traits cuz I need another feat from adopted, etc
>-I have a tendency to skip rules or formulas, even important ones, just to make the game faster or more interesting.
That's not a sin, that's called being a decent Jim.
This is why my group does point buy
All the games I've played have been at least sem-serious, text-based games on roll20 with VC for decision making and general chat with a group of friends, just the way I like it.
I want nothing more than to try something like Maid RPG, or some other slutty, sex filled game with a group of strangers OR friends. I just wanna go nuts with 18+ games for a while.
well, at least you are a honest man.
And either the powerlevel in your group is unheard of or that was one traumatising game.
Or theres always the offchance that she had a rapefetish and was into you.
I've never actually played an RPG. I just like reading rulebooks for the fluff.
I try to inject roleplay in every little thing I do because the only game I am participating in meets monthly and that isn't nearly enough to keep me satiated. I tried roleplaying in a casual vanilla minecraft server with a few friends and they went along with it for the most part. It felt fucking amazing but it sucks knowing they probably thought I was joking around.
I made a magic deck that contained nothing but counter cards, land destruction effects, and other general dickery, but had nothing that caused damage with the goal of decking out the other player. It had a 90% win rate.
I used it to show just how bullshit of a game Magic is, but I felt like an asshole during its creation, playing it, and seeing the rage/frustration/boredom wash over my opponent every time I played it.
One of the forevergms here.
>When I GM I'm obsessed with verisimilitude. I just have to make everything make sense and that usually requires a lot of energy. And if players manage the destroy that verisimilitude with a shitty character or stupid choices I'll lose my interest to the whole game very quickly.
>All my Campaigns resemble Cyberpunk Conspiracy games with larger than life complex background plots that players never figure out even after the campaigns are over. I usually reveal those plot points after the campaign is finished.
>I hate most of the rpg systems out there.
>I dislike when players don't take my games seriously. I usually prepare to my games quite a lot so that effort seems wasted if the characters start throwing around stupid dick jokes in middle of a serious situation.
>I'm really busy most of the time so playing rpgs is really hard. I'm usually the guy that has his calender filled two weeks ahead and might have to cancel the game because of more important stuff(this is rare though). It's quite problematic when you are the gm.
I'd just want to play a consistent serious game for once but it seems that I'll have to do that in the grave...
Looks like would be a player right up your alley.