where all the humans hanging out - underworld, hell, purgatory, heaven, whatever
How do you send AI to the afterlife?
with a bolter!
AI don't have a afterlife, albeit that they are truly immortal, given that their data isn't expunged or destroyed. Their bodies can only be shut down, while their minds live on.
If the robot has a soul, but in relative game terms.
If sentient robots have a soul in your setting, then there's an afterlife for them. If sentient robots don't possess a soul in your setting then there's no afterlife for them.
So assuming that your campaign will have Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, etc. Then after death, you'd only go to an afterlife if you had a soul.
What's robot heaven like?
Or robot hell?
I have this idea, for a high magic science fantasy setting. In it, machines are powered by artificial souls, created in order to tap into the seemingly infinite source of magical energy that permeates the universe. The antagonist is this newly birthed robotic god of death that formed from deceased machine souls that once powered now obsolete technology and its army of vile techromancers, twisted animatronic abominations, and screaming electric souls of the silicon damned.
Cigars are evil, you won't miss 'em
So Tolkien elves basically?
Ask GLaDOS, though that might be restricted to Androids.
If AI can be said to have a soul in setting, then presumably it will also have an afterlife and goes there when its "life" ends - its "hardware" is destroyed or damaged to the point when it can't support its consciousness.
That creates a question what happens if it's repaired - if it is possible. Will the "restored" AI be the same entity, or will it be a copy? But that is issue similar to what sci-fi is already dealing with when there's cloning and consciousness backups involved.
I had an idea a few years ago for a very special metaphysical Engine Heart campaign where the humans all get Rapture'd (yes, ALL the humans), leaving the bots in chaos for a while.
Then something starts communicating with them and the PCs have to go on an adventure to discover how to gain souls so they can rejoin their owners in the afterlife.
We'll find ways to simulate that smell!
If I may, sirs, I'd like to tell you all the wonders of Silicon Heaven
it's full of toasters
But if there's no afterlife for machines then where do all the little calculators go?
What a sorry fella
Good robots get to continue to be with mankind, there is no divide.
There is no robot afterlife: if souls can be made artificially of materials, then they can be destroyed as materials just the same so either they have no soul or their souls are doomed, but telling them that is too sad.
Whatever you want. Personally, I'd go with 'soul is gained via sentience'.
Cloud 9 storage
Why wouldn't they get sent to the same place?
The afterlife for AI should be nothing but switching to another, more specified server.
If it had a soul and was made by humans, threat it as a human. Though, it wouldn't really be recognizable as a machine afterward.
Doesn't work like that.
It's like the jewish afterlife. Good or bad, you go to the same pit.