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>watch your back >Shoot straight >Conserve ammo >And never, ever stick it in the crazy
Freaky girlfriends edition
Justin Cruz
Aaaaaaand I fucked the OP up a tiny bit. Forgive me, my brothers of /srg/.
Noah Russell
To the user from last thread who had this tanktroll in his group:
Look up the Ares Screech rifle from Run&Gun. Does mental Damage that ignores ALL Armor and is resisted solemly with WIL.
Liberal use of Stick-n-Shock Salvos might also do the trick. Also don't let him buy hits on the soak rolls. I'm playing a Human with 30 Soak and constantly roll horrible when getting hit. Ended the last Session with 9 filled Boxes.
Landon Myers
>Freaky girlfriends edition
My Human Face\Gunslinger has two current girlfriends >scottish troll fomori with red hair - they have huge fights and then she drags him into the bedroom for snu snu >they broke up because he didn't want to leave miami >he also kicked alcohol and replaced it with drugs >girlfriend 2 is an orc lifeguard >very fit, very thicc >relationship is on the rocks because she thinks shadowrunning is too dangerous, and he can't slow down his life >he tells her its cool, then takes a double dose of long haul, some kamikaze, does two runs back to back, and then passes out for three days
Levi Walker
How much bloodlust do your runners stomach? I know the high speed low drag opinion is to kill as few people as possible, but when it comes to the people you do kill how far is too far?
I'm thinking of making a character that thinks of himself a modern Scythian, so he'd take scalps and heads. Maybe indulge in a little ritual cannibalism. Too far?
Christian Rodriguez
>My Human Face\Gunslinger has two current girlfriends Question: what's a good balance of face and gunslinger to get in an Adept, and how do I get it? Sure, being a great face gets you and your team more money for a job well done, but when bullets start flying you don't want to be anything approaching useless.
Samuel Barnes
>Maybe indulge in a little ritual cannibalism TOO FAR mostly because people might mistake you for a ghoul/blood mage
Aaron Diaz
>Too far If he becomes an unnecessary liability, he went to far.
Julian Hughes
He might actually be a ghoul. I don't know yet.
Jonathan Sanders
I honestly don't know My Face\Gunslinger is also team Armorer and Wheelman - hes also the closest thing to a hacker considering the rest of the team consists of two shamans a ninja physical adept.
I was spread out around several different things but I never noticed the lack.
James Rivera
Well according to general consensus in the last thread, playing an infected is frowned upon
Parker Sullivan
I think a Nerve Strike adept could also be a good answer, since they don't allow soak.
Samuel Morales
My streetsam knows that he needs to keep bodycounts professionally low when running against the corps, but on the other hand if you've got some blood on your hands (which includes pretty much any criminal) he has zero compunctions with killing you if you pose a threat, stand in his way, trigger his PTSD and cause flashbacks to Yucatan, have something he wants or otherwise inconvenience him.
Jordan Nguyen
Hmmm neat gun, but I can't really justify using them more than a couple times since it requires an exotic and it's kinda rare. His soak roll is I think 34+. In our only session so far he's tanked a few 15 DV hits with no damage.
I think my only realistic choice is to talk to him.
Oliver James
>My Face\Gunslinger is also team Armorer and Wheelman - hes also the closest thing to a hacker considering the rest of the team consists of two shamans a ninja physical adept. Wow. I mean, being a Wheelman is kind of a natural choice for any streetsam or combat adept because they need the Reaction anyways, but still, geez.
Andrew Price
>How much bloodlust do your runners stomach?
Depends entirely on the situation. Rule of thumb is you never kill someone that an organization is going to need to get even for. Which tends to mean, dont kill criminal syndicate made men, dont kill corp wage slaves, dont kill azzie employees at all, dont kill lone star cops or knight errant cops, etc etc.
Gangers and Mercs are about the only thing you can drop without anyone giving a shit
Killing someone is a decision that could impact the whole team. Which means if you decorate a hallway with bob-the-friendly-desk-clerk's entrails, the corp is going to take it personally, and the whole team is at threat
Noah Mitchell
I did all those jobs well, if not great. I took to heart that idea that "a jack of all trades is a master of none, but better than a master of one" However, I was spec'd for pistols and nothing else, which has the issue of not being heavy on the damage end. I had a lot of face skills, but none of them were particularly high (i still managed to get good rolls when it was needed). As wheelman he was only really good at driving his car (an ares muscle car), and saying he was "team hacker" is stretching it - he was the only one who knew you could use a commlink for something other then talking. Armorer was something I did as a hobby, and got absolutely no appreciation for it. Spent out of my own nuyen to build a compact AK for the dwarf shaman with no recoil at all on any mode. Paid out the ass for magical materials to make a focus-possible pistol for the voodoo houngan. Spent several thousand nuyen turning the Ninja's bike into a halfway smart drone so the thing could follow him around like a goddamn batman gadget.
He didnt even thank me. He even said "thats your job, to make us things. Why should I thank you for doing what your here to do?"
Matthew Lewis
Yeah, if you kill corpsec in what was clearly a kill or be killed scenario for you, chances are the corps are going to be somewhat forgiving. After all, you're just a tool that someone else used to hurt them, a proxy who's entangled in things bigger than he knows about. Plus, you're a tool that they perhaps could use to hurt someone else.
But if you fire HE grenades into a great mass of wageslaves and spread them out to maximize fatalities, well, that's an entirely different narrative.
Jacob Rogers
Just use stick 'n shock.
Austin Jones
The corp itself might be forgiving, but Omega Dawn won't necessarily forgive you for slaughtering John the friendly security guard guard who was on his last day before retirement and was going to take everyone out for celebratory drinks.
Jayden Sullivan
Yeah, they're dicks like that, which is why you want to avoid getting into that life or death struggle with John in the first place if it's possible. Really, a good shadowrunner only kills when he needs to and when he knows he can get away with it.
Dominic Lewis
>an ares muscle car GMC Phoenix? I got one too, dumped a hell of a lot of modification money in it and still plan to dump a hell of a lot more in.
William Flores
>Muh Omega Dawn
Do us all a favor and keep shitty GM fiat plot devices like this in the trashbin of CGL dumbfuckery, where they belong.
The whole fucking Paragraph on this Group in "10 terrorists" read like a wankfantasy of some mouthbreathing powertripping GM who needs some justification to DeusExMachina punish players for not playing his favourite fagoperator playstyle.
The whole group is basically on a "Kai Leng" level of stupidity.
Grayson Ortiz
Homebrewed Ares Sabre GT - although if I had known about the Phoenix, I would've gone with it.
Didn't even have a lot of mods, was just designed to be fast, as it was intended for street racing, but that never came up in game. There was talk of armoring it up, or adding some guns to it, but that never happened because the game never went in a direction where it was useful
Jonathan White
>it's one of the "Shadowrun doesn't punish you for being a murderhobo!!!!" morons again >it's the one with exceptionally poor formatting and grammar thinking he has any right to lecture other people on anything whatsoever Do fuck off.
Jordan Howard
>There's only one person on the internet.
Not him, but I also think the general attitude of "operator or bust" around here and even at the CGL headquarters is fucking stupid.
Jonathan Sanchez
So how'd the game end?
Nathaniel Nelson
Is it coolest to base the HK 227 off of the MP5, the MP7, or the G11?
William Turner
Omega Dawn could be useful as a way for GMs to say "alright guys, you're getting a little to pink mohawk for me", but much like CFD, CGL's writers didn't handle it properly.
Jeremiah Morgan
Yeah I agree. The setting goes into how life is cheap. No one will care if you waste a random wage slave, or guard. That happens all the time anyways. Gangs, terrorists, shadowrunners. Things happen.
Tyler Morris
227 is the MP5, the Urban Combat is the MP7.
Jacob Green
Hey, its the powermastering turbofaggot again. Gently suck on as much robococks as you can stuff into 5.99 Points of Essence, you wannabe-operator fedora tryhard.
Colton Gonzalez
Well lessee... After we dropped a shitton of military bombs on an island run by a vampire asshole, my Face\Gunslinger won over 2 million nuyen in a poker game with a bunch of trillionaires - then promptly got taken into a back room, beat on until both his damage tracks were full, dumped in an alleyway with a note saying "dont ever come back" (thats what you get for bringing a hotty orc lifeguard in a thousand nuyen slinky dress to a poker event being hosted by a humanis leaning senator-on-vacation)
After that, my Face\Gunslinger retired from shadowrunning, bought his team some gifts, including a 600 year old glorious nippon steel forded thousand times no-dachi for the ninja (who didnt thank me), and a new luxury car for the houngan - then did some armorer work for Ares, guest-starred on CHASE Errant Knight, and ended up starting a custom weapon modification business.
Carson Wood
Well, his friends and family might, but chances are they won't do anything about it. If you manage to kill so many wageslaves and/or guards that it's statistically likely that one or more of the friends and family of the deceased will hire another team of shadowrunners to take you out, it doesn't matter because at that point the corps have already placed a bounty on your head.
Ryder Jones
What was it's stock statline, by the way? I'm curious as to how close it was to the Phoenix.
Wyatt Torres
Is there an IRA style resistance to the Elves in Tir? If so, is it a Catholic thing?
Cameron Thompson
>Ares Sabre GT 550 >Handling +2 - Accel 25m\70m - Speed 240 - Pilot 2 - Body 10 - Armor 8 - Sensor 1 >Condition: 14 Boxes (8 + 1\2 Body) >Contains Internal Processor with Commlink & GridGuide System >Gearhead Bonus: 30m\85m Accel or Handling +3
Yeah, 4th Edition. I used the Eurocar Westwind 3K as a base, and made some adjustments - same top speed, better acceleration, worse handling. better armor, etc
Christian Cooper
There's "managing muderhoboing", and then there's just being a really unfun GM.
I doubt anyone who stands by the EVERY DEATH MATTERS THIS IS A LIVING BREATHING WRODL meme actually GMs Shadowrun at all. It not only adds a shit lot of prep to do, it's also boring as fuck for the PCs.
Who gives a fuck about CorpSec? This is fucking Shadowrun.
Aiden Wright
Oh, 4e stats. Hm. The Phoenix didn't exist until 5e. Well, then without looking at any 4e books I'd say similar if not identical handling, but the Sabre is slightly better for top speed and significantly better for armor. What was the price on it?
Hudson Ross
Something like 80k
Gabriel Collins
Don't bother. He is a very particular type of retard who thinks "killing Joe Donut" will result in the affected corp or his poor-as-fuck relatives hunting you down without problems because /reasons/. He spergs about this in every other thread.
James Ramirez
>randomly putting hashmarks all over his armor >including the underarms
Even a Deadpool ripoff should have a modicum of thought put into character design.
Cooper Wood
Wew. That's a lot, but it's still a good price for what you're getting. I don't recall what a Eurocar Westwind 3k cost back in 4e, but it'll run you up 110k now and I'd still prefer this Sabre over a Westwind personally.
Angel Watson
Those are tallies.
You'll probably be triggered to know the design has only gotten more ridiculous as the character has evolved.
Angel Morales
That was idea - 4e didnt have any "Ares Muscle Cars" and so the GM allowed me to homebrew one, and approved the stats.
Had we been playing 5e, I would've jumped on that Phoenix - thats a pretty car. Or pic related
Charles Torres
>only gotten more ridiculous
Jackson Jones
Well, thankfully, it seems like the artist is gonna keep the design relatively subdued for the actual comics, it's just on the covers that he gets really outrageous.
Isaac Phillips
Yeah, put put 20,000 nuyen worth of Handling enhancedment and 6,000 nuyen of concealed armor into a 32,000 nuyen Phoenix and it's just the same as a 110,000 nuyen Westwind except that it's got a top speed of 6 instead of 7. Mind you, once I've tricked this Phoenix out to my heart's content I'll have spent more money on it than buying a Westwind in the first place, but I'm really going all out on it. Ram plate, hidden heavy machine gun, all that shit you need to make your car untraceable, luxury accomodations, maxed out Yerzing....you know, the works.
I also find myself wondering if the Dodge Viper is still a thing and what car it would be equivalent to (probably a Westwind) because what streetsam wouldn't love to have a car that has the same name as him?
Logan Bailey
Anyone ever played a Naga before?
Michael Allen
>I'm thinking of making a character that thinks of himself a modern Scythian, so he'd take scalps and heads.
I think it's Run Faster that has a code of honour about being a Native American brave-themed ganger, including counting coup. I'd run with that guy. Eating dudes is too far. I'll help you make little soyprotein gingerbread men.
Robert Edwards
Reposting from the end of the previous thread:
How would you rate modern Shadowrun vidya games, IE the Returns trilogy and Boston Lockdown ?
James Jackson
I've played WITH a naga before. Dude almost got himself killed in his first actions in the game.
John Martinez
Knights of the Red Branch. Very Catholic, very anti-elf (and generally anti-metahuman), very Irish nationalist in the 'We're a generation removed from Ireland, spent our whole lives in Boston, we have the patriotism someone who has actually lived in a place could never have".
They do terrorist stuff in the UCAS and occasionally strike at Tir na nOg, and they control a large part of Boston as the major gang with lots of street gang affiliates for muscle. Can't remember where they're at post-Lockdown.
Angel Reed
The returns trilogy is great
Can't really comment on the Boston Lockdown 'cause I've barely touched it, but I'm of the opinion that you HAVE to play it because the voice acting is so bad it's awesome
Joshua Scott
What the hell did he do, insult Mr.Johnson?
Hudson Reyes
>Very Catholic, very anti-elf (and generally anti-metahuman)
Damn. I'm thinking of making an Irish Fomori or Ork who opposes the Elves but is also a Pagan.
Dylan King
That could work, you just wouldn't have the Knights of the Red Branch as your friends. You could just not like that the elves are in charge of your magic country because they were prepared to establish a monarchy first.
Elijah Russell
That's pretty much the idea. I was just hoping he'd have some organization to be affiliated to. He'd probably be even more pissed because he's stuck between knife eared oppressors and a jack booted Catholic thugs.
Samuel Ramirez
>What the hell did he do, insult Mr.Johnson? Invaded the home of the trigger-happy street sam and got caught immediately
Gabriel Jenkins
Here's a question: How do you feel about hot garbage?
Court of Shadows has a bunch of political machination stuff about bringing down the current ruler, with a ton of different factions. I couldn't tell you whether there's some group that meets your specific criteria, because I couldn't bring myself to get more than a couple chapters in.
Jace Harris
>invading the home of a fellow runner >invading the home of a streetsam Why? Did he not possess the good sense to knock?
Tyler Price
Why? Not a fucking clue Did he have good sense? Absolutely not
Caleb Jenkins
The solution to tank troll is exactly what the corps would do.
He can get away with it for a few runs, but eventually the Knight Errant or Lonestars start sending heavy intercept teams to deal with the threat.
Throw him a bone; Take a bad shot and put a meter crater in the wall behind him. Either he needs to double down on the armor and eventually lose a game of tag with an LAV, or he needs to set up something more discrete.
Nolan Morales
If you want to be vindictive, blast him with the elemental damage types. Acid eats away at armour, cold can break it, fire gets decent armour penetration, electricity causes him to lose initiative and gives him penalties for a little bit
Angel Lewis
One issue I've had with SR chargen from the very first time I dipped my toes in, is how vitally necessary specialization is at the beginning. And I typically like to try and cover multiple bases (if not as many as possible) for my characters. But this doesn't really work, honestly.
And I guess I just need to get used to the idea that I'm making someone who is essentially at the start of their career, but I have all sorts of character concepts for veterans instead.
Oliver Johnson
The second complaint is proven false by the first. If you are a specialized master of a certain area, you're not at the start of your career. You are a veteran; maybe not a veteran runner (though you could be) but someone with a history in the field.
Jace Clark
>"thats your job, to make us things. Why should I thank you for doing what your here to do?"
Shit like this is why people backstab party members. Just saying
Jordan Jackson
If I wanted to have my players fight a group of mutation adepts (like, 5-6 of them) how high should their magics be?
Jose Green
I'm playing a vampire, so being against cannibalism would be a bit hypocritical of me. wait, comics? There are comics about this person? Where can I buy them? And of course the design is subdued in the comic, it's easier to draw. Like, all that detail is fine for covers, but drawing that shit once every pannel would be hell.
Asher Young
Dragonfall and Hong Kong are very good, best played after Returns.
Christopher Baker
Returns is okay-to-good, Dragonfall great and Hong Kong is still very good. Chronicles was also fun, but it plays differently and puts the focus on totally different points.
Lucas Young
Not the gm here, but the getup of the troll probably IS already pretty discrete. You can't really SEE Cyberwarearmor and bonelacing and the rest of his armor could be a simple Jacket + Helmet.
Isaac Garcia
Considering I knew nothing about the Shadowrun lore or metaplot, I found Harlequin such an asspull. the game was still fun I guess.
Oliver Hernandez
Don't worry, folks who do know about the lore and metaplot don't like him either.
Carter Gray
From the moment I ran into the guy I always just kept repeating "Who the fuck is this guy, and why is he the main character now?" and I really hope it's not something like "But user, that's the point!"
Oliver Scott
Well the comic isn't out yet, but there is a huge setting book with all the major characters in it. It's called Last Man Standing or LMS. It's pretty ridiculous overall. The first graphic novel is coming out later this year, and there's a movie in the works already.
Julian Bell
>why is he the main character now? >that question But user, that's the point!
No one likes him EVERYBODY asks that question
Brody Nguyen
Yeah, no. Even back in the old days of metaplot and official adventures, Harlequin was the exact same. Did you enjoy his story that you got to be a part of?
Wyatt Gonzalez
What kind of spells should I give an atomic mage? Radiation beam and burst obviously, as well as the mandatory heal and increase reflexes, but what else?
William Gutierrez
Are you a player or the GM also: Which edition?
Logan Bailey
Thoughts? Potential directions I could consider? plz no bully.
Charles Jones
>His soak roll is I think 34+. In our only session so far he's tanked a few 15 DV hits with no damage. Semiautomatic grenade launcher. Pop three simultaneous HE grenades onto his feet. Only costs the corp ¥300. DV is 16+8+4=32, AP -4. That's before chunky salsa, so it should be plenty if he's near a wall. Even one grenade in an enclosed space should get a few damage in. Called shots can help improve DV too.
Even in combat, bullet-soaking isn't everything.There are other weapons and approaches like toxins, tranq-darts, bolas, subdual combat, and manabolts that don't care much about how much armor you have on. There's called shots like "blast out of hands", "shake up", "knock down", "disarm", that all make life harder even when all the damage is soaked.
And him having high armor doesn't mean combat is an auto-win. The other team members are probably reasonably armored, so having them targeted is a pretty big problem. Can't really finish a run when it's just one big dumb troll and three runners who are bleeding out.
It's not always feasible to run around in your favorite murder-suit, for obvious reasons like being stopped at a checkpoint, attracting too much attention, or your objective getting spooked and either holing up running away.
Combat isn't everything either. The game is a lot bigger than taking bullets to the chest.
You can also just talk to him. Maybe let him rebuild for a more balanced character that didn't dump everything for soak.
Luis Morales
>Elf >Gymnastics(Dodge) >but no Combat Sense >no cybereyes >no Mentor Spirit >Light Body >WIL 4 >Skills B >but still not enough to get a ranged attack apparently
For what purpose?
Sebastian Watson
>ghoul Also, where the hell is your gear?
Ayden Perez
>Officialâ„¢ Shadowrun sheet instead of Chummer Omae...
Michael Cruz
>34 That's not too much tbqh.
Ethan Garcia
He's a homeless ghoul that grew up on the streets so doesn't have any money. He spent most of his life helping protect a ghoul haven... He doesn't get out much. I don't get to start out with any gear. I-I couldn't figure out how to upload a workable Chumer sheet or else I would have.
Isaac Morris
Use the latest nightly, pleb, you can save as PDF now.
Sebastian Price
the GM obviously. No gm with any sense would let their player play a toxic. The edition is 5th.
Elijah Morgan
To be more concise I suppose, at first glance people would probably mistake him for feral. He doesn't have cybereyes because he's poor as shit and he doesn't need them anyway. I didn't consider a mentor spirit because I kind of assumed he wasn't that kind of an adept. Also I'm not sure if a spirit would want to follow a Ghoul. Either way, his magical abilities is less "I'm a magic user" and more "I'm just innately more magical than the other ghouls in my barrow" which is also why I didn't give him a mentor.
What's wrong with light body? I mean, sure I guess in the grand scheme of things it doesn't do a LOT but I just liked the idea of being a sprinting leaping gotta go fast scary predator kinda thing.
Should I not specialize my Gymnastics?
Kayden Evans
>he doesn't need them anyway any reason for that? cause being able to see is usually considered pretty useful
Logan Campbell
>at first glance people would probably mistake him for feral. Omae... >What's wrong with light body? It's not a bad power if you have a spare 0.25 PP. You don't have a spare 0.25 PP. >He's a homeless ghoul that grew up on the streets so doesn't have any money. He spent most of his life helping protect a ghoul haven... He doesn't get out much. I don't get to start out with any gear. And how had this homeless, may be or may not be feral ghoul become a shadowrunner?
Daniel Ramirez
Ghouls are Duel Natured so they can see fine. I double checked the entry for Blind in Run Faster and the Critter Power Duel Natured. If you can astrally perceive you only suffer -2 to do anything in meatspace if you're blind. If you're Duel Natured, you see fine without penalty.
Dylan Richardson
>a spirit would want to follow a Ghoul. You got that backwards
Juan Price
I have .5 PP left after Improved Reflexes, so I took 2 ranks of Light Body. I've already factored for the Magic Loss of being a Ghoul.
Calling him a Shadowrunner would be stretching it... The game is more street level thuggery. I guess I could have clarified that.
Ian Perez
Have fun not being able to read, see colours, describe people to others or pretty much any detail that sight would give you because you don't have it
Owen Sanders
Also it's dual, not duel
Cameron Williams
First of all it's duAl natured, not duEl, unless you are literally fighting personified second, what will you do when you need to read any inscription? Because unless it is carved in the medium you won't see it, so signs and screens are out depending on your GM you also won't be able to work with anything AR
Caleb Lee
Oh right, now I see what you're talking about. Previously in our groups metaplot, where he was, was becoming infected by Mantis Spirits, which is why he and the other ghouls had to flee. He doesn't like Spirits all that much.
Christian Russell
>at first glance people would probably mistake him for feral. That's basically a death sentence.