What kind of themes and aesthetics would you use for a space empire based on Canada?
What kind of themes and aesthetics would you use for a space empire based on Canada?
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Intergalactic Shitposters
Power armor based on hockey player gear
Maple leaf everywhere
Wolverine rip-off as elite soldier.
As a Canadian? City people hate country people. Country people hate city people. Different kinds of city people hate each other. Different kinds of country people hate each other. But everyone think they're better than their neighboring country and are very patriotic about how great their country is.
Civil service and expansionist leanings would probably be major themes.
Aesthetically, I've noticed a lot of Canadian cities are pretty clean, retaliative to American cities at least. Expand that into a practical and less exaggerated architectural destine and a city layout that focuses on elegant efficiency more than shock and awe.
History's first post-national empire, and a strictly enforced Zone of Tolerance that acknowledges that even opinions that are based on facts can be intolerant hate speech.
This too.
I wish Mulcair had won instead of Trudeau. He would have done all the same stuff but wouldn't have looked like a tremendous fucking faggot doing it.
>Style over substance
He's a faggot because of his actions and ideas, not because he looks like a fuccboi.
They're a commonwealth of human colonies in neighboring star systems, most of which excluding a few planets are frontier worlds. They have FTL travel and communications so as to facilitate something resembling a common culture, but individual systems are still quite insular and tend to have prejudices against one another, particularly the against the few urban worlds.
They are united by a sense of pride based on their shared colonial heritage and strong loyalty to their parent nation, the Terran Empire.
Themes and aesthetics include: Rugged survivalists in harsh lands. Small populations huddled in desolate places without other settlements for miles. Terrible wild beasts that are a danger to explorers and colonists even with their futuristic weapons. Pragmatically designed vehicles, tools, and spacecraft that have been repaired a few dozen times over and fitted with replacement parts rather than scrapped. Unstable relations with primitive natives that result in war as often as they do trade and intermarriage. Walled cities that are bastions of old Terran style civilization that are almost as alien to many of the colonists as the native aliens are.
>Common culture
>Proud of their history
Are we talking about the same Canada? Aren't you accidentily talking about Australia?
I dunno, Canada is kinda weird like that. Everyone is proud of being a Canadian and has a general idea of what it is, but every place has slight to large differences in definition. A Torontonian and someone from the Yukon are gonna have radically different ideas about why they're proud to be Canadian, but both are equally proud.
He was clearly talking about Canada outside of Toronto.
The only difference between the two I've found is that one is hot and has snakes.
Letting xenos fuck your wife is mandated by law
And Vancouver and Montreal.
Mulcair is old and doesn't have the name of a previously popular prime minister to lean on.
Didn't have a fucking chance.
>yfw you're not Canadian
This, plus no-one is allowed to say they hate anyone else or dislike anything, because that's hate speech, and you should be sent to jail for hate speech, eh.
You've clearly never been to the country in Canada. Which is still where the majority of people live.
>Which is still where the majority of people live.
I'm sorry, neighbourino, but over 80% of Canadians live in cities, according to our most excellent Census.
Technically the only places that get real bad about that are southern ontario and certain areas of BC... which might still outpop the rest of the country because of the way our population is distributed.
90% of Canadians live within 160kms of the border. Hell, the GTA alone has more than a sixth of Canada's population.
Oh please, he isn't doing anything that Harper wasn't already doing.
Yeah, Canadians are crazy nationalistic. Especially when you move further north and out of the Toronto and Vancouver areas. Even in Toronto and Vancouver they're really proud to be Canadian, just much less so than other areas. Even the Quebecers that hate the rest of Canada, are pretty nationalistic to Canada if someone from outside dares to push at them.
>that get real bad about that
Which thing are you referring to?
>that Harper wasn't already doing.
Harper wasn't importing 100,000 freshly-minted jihadis into our country and building mosques for them.
He said numerous times that he wanted to bring refugees in, and defended the current screening process.
Yeah, figured. Fuck I hate the GTA.
Maybe if other parts of the country weren't shit people would move other places. Kidding.
>He said numerous times that he wanted to bring refugees in, and defended the current screening process.
If you're talking about Harper, he said he wanted around 10,000 refugees and the screening process was supposed to mainly select persecuted minorities like Christians, Yazidis and others. That's a huge difference.
Canada's historically been more easily defined by what it isn't. To really flesh out a Canadian esque Space Empire it would have to have a conglomeration of different founders and neighbours.
As for Aesthetics, go with lots of Red and white slap a leaf on it somewhere, otherwise same as anything American. I would expect a Canadian space empire Navy would be plagued with the same bureaucracy and procurement issues of contemporary Canada.
also this
Oh, and have there be a disconnect between the bumpkins and the city people. City people think the native aliens are great. Country people fucking hate them.
>country people furiously complaining about immigrants and refugees
>native aliens laughing like "no sympathy here, brah"
>native aliens
The what now? Are you talking about aboriginals?
>Letting xenos fuck your wife is mandated by law
Is this one of those "every country but mine is a cuckland full of cucks who are cucked cuck cuck" or is there an actual humorous story attached to this shitpost
People seem to think that white women will be fucking Muslim refugees, when in reality it's the white men cucking the Muslims.
That reminds me of how every Canadian I talk to thinks that our military is better than America's.
That's totally why we have the Leopard-2, the MBT of poverty, sitting right next to T-72s. C-Canada stonk
Leopard 2s are, in so far as I know, the best modern MBT. The A7 at least.
Well you've got me there, but other than that and pot they're not nearly as different as everyone says (that being said I live in southern Alberta, so my version of "everyone" is probably way different than yours).
No, the Challenger 2 is, probably followed by the M1A2. Leopards were made to be cheap and easy to manufacture for the oncoming wave of East German/Polish/Soviet tank columns. It's by no means a horrible MBT but it is still a bit of a budget MBT.
>when in reality it's the white men cucking the Muslims.
>muh daydream "reality"
We're not talking about sunset dates, we're talking about rape. White men don't rape Muslim girls; the opposite happens very, very frequently in Europe now.
There are a few unifying factors in terms of one's Canadian identity.
This refers to a general couldn't-give-a-shit attitude had by Northern countries. Russia is full of crazy fucks, Scandinavia is filled with Vikings, and Canada is filled with chivalrous assholes.
Because winter is fucking terrible, and nobody likes it, every Canadian is filled with unending repressed rage. This can be divided into three different subtypes: overly friendly drunken buffoons, mentally deranged nerds with horrifying hobbies, and people who desperately want to get into fights. I personally fit into the last group, which is why I work security, so I have the opportunity to fight in a positive context. In general people over-compensate for the shittiness of winter by getting obliterated every single day, having an extremely short temper, or descending into magical realm nonsense. Extending this to a space colony, you could have a 1984 Utopia with secret underground fighting rings, or pleasant diplomats that are secretly degenerate trolls with terrifying hobbies. Think thinly veiled insanity beneath a paper thin mask of politeness.
Every Canadian loves Canada. We're very critical of government policy, which can come off as apathetic, but when push comes to shove, any self-respecting canadian would get into a fist fight over their country's honor. We respect and glorify military service, but we don't approve of the military industrial complex. This also leads to a nationalistic divide between insular rural communities, and cosmopolitan urban centers. People who live in the middle of nowhere are judgemental fucks who hate almost everyone, while people who live in cities are also judgemental fucks, but they think they're more culturally advanced than everyone else. That being said, any Canadian will be an excellent host, but the second someone starts being disrespectful, we take it as a personal insult because it relates to our national identity.
Whatever they're called on the ice-ball the canucks colonized.
>We respect and glorify military service, but we don't approve of the military industrial complex.
We don't approve of it because we don't have one. And Canada's military is generally quite tiny and sad, for a 1st world nation with international pretentions to be a "middle power". 2 rusty submarines? 50 oldish tanks? 70,000 "soldiers", half of whom are office workers?
Yes, but the majority of our combatants are in "peacekeeping" roles, usually involving training/supervision of weaker groups, and up until very recently, we've maintained a position on the UN security council. Our elite troops are comparable with any country's in the world, we just rely on mutual aid because building weapons is tremendously unpopular when tax payers are aware of the price tag.
>ut the majority of our combatants are in "peacekeeping" roles
No, not unless you considered Afghanistan to be "peacekeeping" and not an actual war.
>Our elite troops are comparable with any country's in the world
True, JTF2 is tier-1, but there are only like 150 of those guys.
>building weapons is tremendously unpopular when tax payers are aware of the price tag.
Yup, free-riding is a time-honored tradition in weaker western democracies. Which eventually leads to them getting steamrolled by aggressive dictatorships like those in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and today's China (vis-a-vis Taiwan).
I've heard multiple accounts from American and British soldiers who've deployed with them that Canadian (and Australian) infantrymen are, on an individual level, possibly the best-trained in the first world.
I've also heard people say British, American and Dutch soldiers are the best trained in the world. At this point I'm starting to believe every soldier is the best trained soldier in the world.
What I've heard as well. Since the standing army is smaller, they're very well trained. Making some Marines look like regulars.
I dunno, man. I'm a burger, and I know for a fact that American line infantry ain't it.
Look user, I get that you're desperately trying to bait, but you've got to come with some better nonsense than that.
What you're forgetting is democratic peace theory, particularly in the context of a globalized cosmopolitan nation. While we don't maintain a significant armed presence in the world, we don't need to, because we're buddies with nations that will take offense if someone decided to mess with us as trade partners, and the second someone declared formal war against us, on our soil, we would have the absolute consent of the population. Our nationalist rhetoric is based around the perception of global benevolence, and even tree hugging fruits would hop on board a legitimized armed conflicted, particularly if R2P is invoked.
While an authoritarian nation would have a larger standing military, they would have proportionally lower levels of moral, and assuming a fight escalated to armed occupation of globalized countries, nukes would be coming out at that point.
A large military is for fools who think wars are fought with people, not robots.
>This thread
>All this proud to be Canadian/Nationalistic
>This is more Pronounced the further north you go
Do we live in the same country?
Try asking about any of that nationalistic stuff to Lower Quebec, east coasters, or god damn Labrador (Newfoundland)
>Northern Quebec?
Barely believes that the rest of Canadian exists... or is worth mentioning.
>They are Polite
Well if you are American it's more like sarcastically smug. Nice to everyone else.
mandatory estrogen suppositories
Thread hidden for /pol/ shit.
I work for a company that does a lot of business in Canada. Put a Canadian on the phone and give them an implied position of authority and most of them will turn into little tyrants that scream and cry if you aren't able to comply with their increasingly irrational demands. Also Canadian employees will frequently refuse to confirm their identity for security reasons, the fact that my bank won't do business with Canada due to all the fraud that comes from there tells me they aren't innocent, they're just demanding.
Hilariously true.
Middle aged women in canada are the worst. They have unrealistic expectations, no tolerance or human decency, and demand to be a special snowflake, on penalty of fantastical tirades for hours at a time.
Pretty much this
Whenever foreigners pick apart Harper or Trudeau I get defensive but I don't really give two fucks when a Canadian does it and I'll happily join in
>thinks democratic peace theory and right-2-protect is still taken seriously by anyone in the international community after Syria and Ukraine
Would love to argue geopolitics with you for hours but I have a train to catch. Maybe later.
>he thinks the international community's opinion matters whatsoever when a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals are your electorate
Anyways, take care user and have a safe trip. I'll imagine a fantastic argument that derailed thread after thread after thread.
>Whenever foreigners pick apart Harper or Trudeau I get defensive
Of course you do, you need to justify your joke of a "nation" of course.
Oops, I meant "post-national country" of course.
Make sure to include a representation of the segregated diversity we have from province to province. Make sure to include an accurate representation of Quebec, it has to be completely different from all the other provinces and everyone outside of it hates them
It also has to have a small but very loud group of separatists who want to leave the empire despite their economic dependence on it.
Now, is this a canadian problem, or a western problem, or a world problem? Cause it seems to be bigger than just canada...
Canadian identity is myriad and ill-defined. We Canadians generally like being Canadian, but usually can't define what being Canadian is all about. The main exception to this seems to be the idea that we are not, for fucks sake, American.
In order to have Space Canada you would first need to have Space America to contrast it with. Space America is a big boisterous union of space colonies rebelled against the political yoke of the core worlds and won. Space Canada is a loosely unified dominion of colonies in the neighboring geographical area who remained loyal to the core worlds, but who, following the wane of the core worlds influence among the colonies, banded together for mutual protection, trade and governance.
Space Canada lays claim to a large swath of space territory, much of it rich with natural resources, but lacks the infrastructure and manpower to properly exploit these worlds. Small colonies are common, but much of the Space Canadian population lives in the more well-developed planets near the border.
The rather extensive geographical reach of Space Canada makes it difficult for the dominion to present a unified culture. This diversity is accepted as an important aspect of life in Space Canada, even if it means a lot of groups don't necessarily agree or get along.
Historically, as Space Canada lacked the cultural infrastructure of Space America, it has not been uncommon for Space Canadians to consume mostly Space-American culture, a fact that makes it difficult for Space Canada to truly develop as its own cultural state.
So I guess Space Canada is a diverse collection of colonial planets united by the struggle to remain independent, culturally and literally, from the shadow of their crazy-ass warmongering showboat of a big brother.
Space Canada is Ultramar??
Or it's Cadia, with 'merica being da Eye...??
What's wrong with /pol/?
>True, JTF2 is tier-1, but there are only like 150 of those guys.
It's authorized at battalion strength.
Also JTF2 is tier 2. Which is nothing to be ashamed of, that's where most special ops missions are.
You'd also need Space Britain, because some parts of Space Canada are supremely proud of that ancestry while others hate yet, and you still put the Monarch of a long dead empire but ally nation on your money.
They also cause tons of diplomatic issues with the two neighboring galactic superpowers that decend from the same ancient empire.
Well I figure the Core Worlds are Europe in this metaphor, but then I suppose that's inappropriately eurocentric as we have no where to put the rest of the world.
What would you put down for Space Britain?
Ancient former backward colony who took advantage of galactic politics to invade various rimworld systems to make them from formerly useless inhospitable terrain to great powerhouses of trade and industry.
However, growing galactic woes and internal strife cause the Empire to dissipate instead of classically collapse and the old Empire framework became the basis of a cultural and trading archtype.
The British Empire's dissolution was a reverse rome, where instead of collapsing like a black hole, it spread debris outwards to create new stars.
Trying and failing to be different from Space America.
As an American in the service industry, I can confirm that middle aged women are horrendous and don't believe in doing an ounce of their own work. Every woman of that age I've met that has been decent was a blue-collar laborer.
This. Jtf doesn't get enough live action to be considered tier 1. Canada does put out some decent snipers, but we aren't involved enough in armed conflicts to have a lot veteran soldiers
Aha, thanx user! I thought as much: it's a 'class' problem
What these fine anons describe is a certain social class found throughout the world, and not just in canuckistan. What causes this crappiness, this unreasonable sense of entitlement?
"Live action," whatever the fuck that is, has nothing to do with their tier 2 designation.
Mission determines tier.
>mission determines tier
This isn't cod. I have a friend who is Jtf and I can tell you he doesn't have as much experience as you'd think he would.
See, here's where you shit the bed: jtf is responsible for more terrorist takedowns than ANY OTHER FORCE ON THE EARTH.
And you bois are talkin' two different types of tiers....and it's all bullshit anyways........
So like, everyone?
JTF2 isn't tier-anything, dumbfucks. That's a term used by the American military to denote *level of funding*. And for the record, JTF2 absolutely is the Canadian equivalent of and has worked with American SMUs (CAG/DEVGRU/etc.). Go the fuck back to your Rainbow Six: Siege threads on /v/ or whatever it is that's popular these days, because you obviously have no clue what you're talking about.
Funny, that. No matter where in the world they are, people are the same: we hate what we don't know, and are unreasonably proud of our (usually false) identity. Makes me wonder about user's question
American marines and army are pretty much shitty Imperial Guard regiments afaik.
I'm pretty sure my anecdotal evidence trumps your exaggerated claims. I win this Internet argument
Oh, take your tier 9 bullshit back to /v/, kiddo.
>you still put the Monarch of a long dead empire but ally nation on your money.
The British monarchy is also the monarchy of 15 other countries, including Canada. The Queen is on Canadian money because she's the Queen of Canada.
And don't you forget it.
Elite troops don't win wars, though. At least conventional wars, which we haven't really seen much of since the second world War
This a common misconception. Canadian troops are on part with American regulars with training, and slightly less well equipped with worse support elements. We're auxiliaries for American divisions, more or less
>This isn't cod. I have a friend who is Jtf
So do I. But in my case it's because I used to belong to a Tier 2 unit.
>JTF2 isn't tier-anything, dumbfucks. That's a term used by the American military to denote *level of funding*.
Funding has nothing to do with it. SOCOM holds the whole damn bucket.
>We're auxiliaries for American divisions
This isn't fair. Canadian troops are excellently trained, highly competent, and able to integrate pretty seamlessly with US forces. They did so with fairly high frequency in TF environments in Afghanistan.
dont forget space toronto, its a blacked out void hated by the rest of the empire, its filled with people who are convinced they are in the best sector, and hate everyone else
Also space Alberta is still pissed off about the crashing oil market, and still will hear none of that "Should have diversified while that cash was flowing." crap.
>Funding has nothing to do with it.
'Sup, nigga. You're wrong.
>The Tier designation is commonly referenced as a type of ranking in books, video games, and folks on the internet on a daily basis. Usually people are using Tier One to imply Delta Force and SEAL Team Six. The problem is that Tier One is not really a ranking system and the Tier status actually refers to the level of funding a unit gets. There is a reciprocal relationship, the high priority units get the most funding, so these are the Tier One units. However, I find that this term gets thrown around by people without understanding it’s meaning.
>I remember seeing ads for the video game, Battlefield 3, on the subway that asked, Are you ready for Tier One? It was the type thing that was clearly written by those outside the SOF community, as I’ve never heard someone who served in Delta or ST6 refer to themselves or their unit as Tier One.
Glowing eulogies to Space Castro
...and they're STILL not diversifying! Stoopid space alberta, clinging to their dwindling supplies of unobtanium..........
That's completely incorrect, though (which may explain why you need to pull it through web archive).
SOAR is a Tier 3 unit and its budget greatly exceeds that of 75th RR or all of the SF groups combined. Similarly, the ISA chunks up a huge budget and it's Tier 3.
Figure out how that squares with Jack's explanation and let me know.
I pulled it from the archive because it's paywalled nowadays. The content of the article hasn't changed. But hey, why don't you provide some sources? I'll be happy to look them over, even if I'm wrong.
>But hey, why don't you provide some sources?
Sources on SOCOM's budget?
Ok /k/id.
nigga, please! You're comparing the budgets of ground pounders with helicopters! OF COURSE helicopters cost more than 1000 guys with boots.
You are beyond pathetic, kiddo.
erm, it's in the yearly budget user - why u suck so bad?