At what point does it stop being clever planing from the DM and become a ridiculous set of ass pulls and contrivances?
How many plot twists is too many
Two is too many.
I literraly just pack my things without a word everytime a shit gm pull that
I'm inclined to agree.
Not that misdirection or "not-as-it-seems" can't be great for a bunch of sidequests.
But a really big PLOT TWIST in a major story arc? There should just be one.
Any more than one major twist and you're better off going full Phoenix Wright piling up the nonsense.
Am I suppose to read your post?
Once more and in English this time please.
As long as the twists were properly built up along the way, I can enjoy them.
What irks me is when the "big plot twist" is just 'lol bet you didn't see this absolute bullshit coming huh!?"
A twist like WouldYouKindly is what you need: it makes sense, is built up along the way, and is actually hinted at throughout the game
>Not having a game that's a wild collection of twists at every turn
>Not having a setting where there's so many conspiracies that they honestly forget plans they set up centuries ago
>Not having the bad guys be the conspirators through sheer fucking incompetence
>"Excellent work heroes! You saved the princess! Un...fortunately she just sort of seemed to transform into a dragon a few hours after you got back, apparently this was part of some ancient curse placed on our family line by the mage guild. They had no clue until I asked. Well it looks like our Kingdom will be going to war after all, blast."
Depends on the kind o fthem and how obvious they are. Generally, if your players start to expect plot twists you already went over the limit. Given how often people try to force such, sometimes the easiest way to surprise players is play things straight.
Thats what I'm going for with my current story its got like 5 or so twist like things. The idea is that all the gods have different plans that all revolve around a celestial event so the god of war wants to use it to make everyone fight, the god of peace wants to use it to make everyone clam ect. so the whole idea is that all these gods start double crossing each other and manipulating the pcs in an increasingly convoluted web of plots
Does the god of peace know that clams tend to be involved in very very violent deaths?
Their plan was mass mind control that made hurting other impossible
>the god of peace wants to use it to make everyone clam
I being incapable of hurting people is calm
At the point Xanatos chess stops being fun.
Reading comprehension.
Which is never.
Like chowder?
I think he means that the number is two, but if one of the plot twists is that the final boss is revealed to be the first NPC who gave the party their first quest putting the storyline in motion then he prefers to leave the game, since it's an overused cliché and a lazy way to make the final boss appear as a genius mastermind.
I hope i could explain well, English is not my first language, i hope it's not too confusing.
I hate when my players expect plot twists in advance. They give up to actually think about current theme or implications, since present info had to be unreliable, and just wing it blindly.