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Titans are best in kill team edition


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First for Dark Eldar! Long live Commaragh!

Have fun you glorious bastard, its fun to help people start the army they want to play and dont care about meta.
Guardfag, out

Hey guys, are Orks a melee race?

I asked the guys at my store if they were but they just laughed at me, why?

I love you


Inquisition/Marines still seeking feedback.

If only you could spell Commorragh

>open a box of new devastators
>it only comes with an "ultramarines transfer sheet"
>no imperial fists or anything
What the fuck is this shit
Are they expecting me to actually paint that fucking fist
Fucking GW

Don't you mean Shadow Aeldari?

you mean Daerknaeriā„¢

I love you too user. Please dont rape my poor guardsman with your DEldar.

That's what you get for not playing the GREATEST OF THEM ALL

Running Harlequins for a bunch of Kill Team games with friends. Should I take a Death Jester of Shadowseer? Leaning towards Shadowseer because it seems more fun.

Friends are playing a variety so not just against MEQs

I love when the community helps guys like me out. You're really awesome dude

you should get some fists from tactical squads sheets. or jus buy them off from ebay for pennies.

Love the enuthusiasm
This is my finishing touches - Good Luck little one

Drunk Archon out


Are tyranid warriors the worst unit in the game?
>30 points per model
>useful weapons cost 5-20 extra points each
>T4 W3 so they just get instakilled by a marine with a power fist, meltas or krak missiles
>just regular infantry movement

And if you play killteam you basically have to take an entire 90+ point unit of 3 of them unless your entire KT is going to be genestealers.

Im mearly paying back what was offered to me. People here helped me make a list, model, they told my to thin my paints and what I fucked up while painting my first squad. I spent hours here, and I regret nothing. Its becasue of this place I decided to start my shitty Guard force, and becasue of this place my minis dont look like total shit, just like a normal one. Remeber that moment when you`ll be a grizzled veteran of the hobby and someone asks for an advice. Cherish moments like this,

Ok Im done with that cringy blog.

Wyches are worse, Flash Gitz are worse

I think you forgot our tyranid friend, pyrovore.

You know what? Fuck you guys.
I started 40k in earnest with Orks, I've been playing for a couple of years now against a variety of opponents. To be honest, I still feel I'm the strongest player in my store with Orks and that they are underrated as a faction.

Despite what the fluff would have you believe, Orks are actually an army that reward you for being cunning, knowing the rules and using actual tactics. You don't get point-and-click uber units, and you're still better off using a CAD (or double CAD if points allow), but I maintain that they're a good army if you know what you're doing. You also have to avoid trying to playing the deathstar game - Ork characters work better as support for boyz.
Here's what I love about my Orks (gimmie a minute to write it down!)


I'm not forced to take half my available points worth of pyrovores to prevent my super elite kill team specialists from behaving like literal animals.

>a minute to write it down
You spelled ctrl+V wrong

So, is it canon that sometime during the 3rd millennium the Emperor was a painter for some tabletop miniature wargame company?

Well, if we talk kill team, they might just be the worst shit ever. why do the tryranids have so much bad shit anyway?

Praise him
Praise the holy nuln oil!

Hormagaunts work just fine in Kill Team without synapse, considering they're all individual units.

people writing rules for tyranids who never play tyranids

>Flash Gitz are worse

Yeah, but they have one of the best kits to build.

mean to link to you fucks
but anyway
fuck you

-Versatility. The combination of boyz and powerful characters helps them to deal with almost any threat on the tapletop. Want to kill horde infantry? Your boyz will gun them down and stomp them in melee. Elite infantry, vehicles or monstrous creatures? Drown them in choppa attacks and finish them off with power klaws. Gargantuans and super-heavies? Make them waste their attacks killing boyz and then clobber them with power klaws. No need to worry about deep striking troops failing their reserve rolls or scattering away from their intended targets. Some other armies have access to lethal close combat troops, but IMO the only ones who can really match Orks in combat are wulfen and *maybe* death company.
-Fire support. Yes, I am serious. In the games I've played, my flash gitz and bikers have been absolute stars. There is nothing like the look on a Tau player's face when he realises that greenskins have blasted his riptides off the table. I don't use lootas, to be honest I think they're a trap option and are not very good.
-Battlewagons. Unequivocally the most points-efficient transport in the game. For 125 points you can get your boyz into combat or give your shooty units a great gunboat. You can end up spamming a lot of AV14 and the sight of so many wagons full of bloodthirsty Orks coming at them can be quite intimidating for your opponent. Opponents also tend to ignore them once the guys inside have disembarked, at which point you can ram vehicles (an automatic strength 9 hit is not bad at all), tank shock things off of objectives or grab cheeky line breakers.
-Trukks. Yes, they're only armour 10. They're also fast, very cheap, easy to hide for the first turn and can gain obsec. Like wagons, they become low-priority targets once their passengers have left.

HoR or GW? Doesn't matter as much, a psyker with her kind of buffs is highly useful, so Shadowseer is a good unit to take.

A Death Jester is a solid choice, but not as good as a Shadowseer. They pack a heavier gun and can explode weak-armored horde dudes, but have no help in melee, so use their movement to keep them out of harm's way.



Thank you so much man. You're amazing

I'm just getting into tabletop as opposed to the RPG, and intend to play Kill Team with a friend, so I've just ordered two tactical squads and one chaos marine squad.

I'm curious how chapter specific rules work in game. Is it possible to run a homebrew chapter with the shootiness of Raptors ruleset?

does this list look good?

Just use the Raptors chapter tactics.

yeah, just use Raptors chapter tactics.

So Im looking at this for a core for my Castellan formation, what would be best to add to take advantage of obsec and hatred?

Wait, is the Dreadnought and Helbrute errata the only part of the FAQ that has been finalized?

So the Maulerfiend melta buff is still legal?

Don't start.

4 troop choices

Is this an epic new evolution of the >I2 meme???


I'm liking my Castellan with 3 sets of Dominions in Repressors, it's 570 points for 15 scouting meltaguns in AV13 transports with 8 fire points.

No, this is me fighting shitpost with shitpost.

Dirty uneducated proles

-Walkers (kans, dredds and 'nauts). They're shooty, choppy and very hard to kill, especially if you stick a mek in your list.
-The Megaboss with da lukky stikk. Absolutely devastating for the points he costs. He is almost unkillable by non-ap2 weapons, which saves him and the boyz and leads frustrated opponents to invest ridiculous amounts of fire into trying to kill him. Then you have all of those re-rollable S10 ap2 attacks. His only weakness is in challenges against uber-characters, which, to be honest, is fair enough for his low points cost and easily remedied by sacrificing a lesser character (e.g. a mek).
-Underestimation. Because they don't have any real cheese units, opponents often underestimate them until my boyz are smashing up their expensive units or my gitz are gunning them down!

Here's the new 40k general bingo!

Just run Raptors tactics bruh. They can be found here

No, GW confirmed that GW is a saint, but but not a god.

If you want i can post a pic that proves what u just said

those are troop choices? Khan/White Scars makes them troops.

Guys, what would you say is THE BEST kit that GW makes or has made?

Not the best model, the best, most fun kit to put together.


Best of the best:
>Maleceptor - Costs 205 points as is less useful than a single 50 point zoanthrope
>Pyrovores - 40 point per model toughness 4 infantry unit with a heavy flamer
>Lictors - A unit that in every previous edition didn't have instinctive behavior because they're very specifically intended to operate independently now has instinctive behaviour
>Tyrannofex - Shooting monster that can't hit the broad side of a barn and costs a billion points

Oh. Well in that case fuck off.

Thats not how you spell chaos spawn.

He JUST posted up the bingo

You can't take things in the Castellan troop slot other than what's actually in the formation sheet, regardless of whether or not they're troops choices.


>le derpina inronic shitpost face
Nice hyprocracy bro

I asked a question, didn't give my opinion. Other guy said Flash Gitz.


Appreciate it, my dudes

But they aren't troop choices in the list specifically designed to tell you what counts as what in the detachment.

At the most lenient towards the fags trying to cheese respawning bikes into the Castellan you would still need to pick 4 troops choices from the list.

Personally I don't think it should be allowed at all, the Detachment makes it clear what roles each unit has.

Nah, I like to dump my guard pics. Might as well be my own spin on the ">orks are melee race" meme

>Literally copypasta straight off of Dakkadakka.

Here's your "you".

Nice spelling.

The mawloc should get an honorable mention for being a close combat monster with 3 weapon skill. It's saving grace is it's deep strike attack. Ridiculously low weapon skill is a recurring theme in the 6e tyranid codex.

Oh I derped. I thought your Khan was Greyfax for some reason.

Carry on. List is good.

That's not true though. It specifically says all special rules apply on the other page. It would be fucking absurd to think 1. you still need chapter tactics. 2. only part of the chapter tactics special rules apply. even though this would directly contradict the previous page

Well at least he warned us in that older general that he was going to start shitposting it everywhere.

> Telling raptors user that he isn't raptors user
Interesting point. I like your style.

You still need chapter tactics, The page before says " All special rules still apply" so youre saying all special rules apply except the chapter tactics which is just piecemeal decision making?

Dont be a fucking retard. its really obvious they work like that and bikes are troops

The mawloc is a living artillery piece, it's not supposed to be a close combat monster.

It's one of the few tyranid models that are actually good at what they do.

You need 4 troop choices from that list and bikers arent in the list, at least not as troop choices, ergo you cant use this list

Tell me more about that beaky? Looks cool

Are mantis shrimp Tyranids a thing yet



Until GW come out with a FAQ on this, I'm not accepting that. My group have all agreed that you have to follow the template exactly.

That beaky is going to be my Chief Librarian once I finish painting him up. I want to go for the same kind of painting standard as the Ork on the left, so at least a level 4, possibly a level 5.

I've converted him from the Plastic Arhiman model from Burning of Prospero.. It took a good bit of work with greenstuff and clippers too!

Crossposting, with a recommendation: if you haven't already, start eBaying for good deals.
If I told you how much I paid for all this you'd have a coronary.

Rate my shitpost.

The Mawloc functions, but it requires using it in a weird way.

Logically, you would want to have the Mawloc burrow up, destroy an entire squad of infanty, and then be able to lock itself in assault with them to eat up the rest.

Instead, you have them nibble on the bottoms of tanks and riptides only to bump their heads and go back down because a Mawloc that actually enters play is useless.

It's a huge model and a pricey kit for something that never actually enters play.

>My group have all agreed that you have to follow the template exactly.
>My group have all agreed
>My group

Bought my first models ever at half price. Feels good man.

My problem is that I'll ebay for good deals, and then buy way more than I meant to because it's all a good deal.

M8 just tell us.

Mawlocs can pop out on an objective, eat the people on it, score the objective, and dig back down on the next turn. Usage of mawlocs as highly mobile scoring units is one of the best ways to run tyranids atm

what is your point ?

>Plastic Arhiman
That makes sense why I didn't recognize it and thought it 3rd party, cool use of it too.

I picked up 10 tactical terminators for less than a box of 5.

The downside being they are equipped in very strange way and one is badly painted.
1 sargent
1 of each heavy weapon, the flamer and the assault have chain fists but not the missile launcher
and 6 regular terminators.

Would run in Kill Team if warrior-sized. Dual kit with Pistol Shrimp versions for concussive shooting rather than concussive strikes. Also impaling weapons, since some species don't concussively punch and instead use that striking power to impale with spikes.


Right at the bottom.

For fuck sake man, you're literally being one of those guys who go "Well, technically..."

Go ahead, by all means enforce your interpretation on your group, but don't be too shocked if you get avoided like the other cheesers. Unless you live in the UK in which case they will smile in a resigned way and play you anyway.

Trying a castellans out of the models I've already got, because I like that I can just take whatever I want now.
It's 1500 points.
Will people think I'm a cunt or is this ok?

What are you up to Veeky Forums?

Any hobbying you lads are up to? Any games planned?

And also just me wondering here what's the biggest game you've ever played anons? I'm pretty sure I've only done 3-4k max.

I haven't actually seen the book, but unless the formation also lists bikers in fast attack, then the role modification doesn't work because they weren't allowed in the army to begin with.

Also, if there's a provision that prevents you from taking chapter tactics, that level of FoC modification would be illegal.

>designed to hunt down vehicles, fortifications, and Big Guys
>WS3 I3 A2

The rhinos are Repressors btw. I'm retarded.

Oh wow, I never knew Chaos had such awesome monstrous creatures in their army.