Diesel Punk

Trying to brainstorm up a couple of ideas for a diesel punk setting, and I think I may be onto something. Does anyone have any images for good diesel punk inspired motorbikes, weapons and/or uniforms to share? Anything else is welcome too.

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got this from the last dieselpunk thread.

I have a couple




That picture is looks like its in a setting where its transitioning between a dieselpunk into a cyberpunk world, I like it







Here's a question for you anons. If a story was set in a world where neither WW1, the great depression or WW2 occurred (in their place more minor conflicts happened more akin to traditional pre-WW1 wars), how would you justify the presence of hover technology in the setting? The group of people I play with are pretty technically minded, and they like things to have some manner of explanation (rather than just 'it just works like that' or 'it's a special mineral they found somewhere').


Then if hover tech doesn't have a reason to be super prevalent, don't use it. Your group sounds like they might enjoy something with a few early model tanks rolling around but nothing following an aesthetic over historical functionality.

Hover technology turns out to be fairly simple as long as you have this one complex mechanical part figured out.

The person who would have invented it got his head blown off in WWI, and in our universe it never happened.

The sort of setting I'm going for is going to have a very strong motorbike focus, basically involving airplane dogfights, but on the ground. I could get away with just using wheels, but then that would heavily restrict the type of settings I could use, since it could only occur in flat ground.

Well, they could use treads on other terrain types, there are setups for that where it's like changing a tire, only you end up with a tread system. Fanboats in swamps.

The problem with hovercraft is that they're really not that efficient, so only get used in specific terrains. Your group sounds like they might have some issues with not just using stuff better suited to the area, so just have some bikes with modular parts for different jobs.

The mercury vortex propulsion system works, but in this timeline, the scientists involved in it weren't grabbed by the Thule Society and rushed off to Antarctica at the end of WWII.



Helicopters and engine technology would need to have advanced significantly to the point that lightweight rotors are attainable, but it's something that perfectly falls within the lines of physics.

Any good diesel punk weapons around?


I got you mang

Love new order stuff.

I run Space Clunk and I basically update/evolve these types of concepts

and then I dash in a little bit of bio punk, for good measure.

What do ya think?

That's it for me tonight, sorry.

Really cool designs, would fit in really well with a lovecraftian inspired adventure.