Pillars is a decent game that suffers from enormously bad design choices and often mediocre / rushed writing.
Your first two companions are killed in a scripted scene just after the introductory part. You are left with no connection to the game world other than the plot device that was just thrown at you.
The backer NPCs totally break immersion. Shit like this should never, ever be done again in any kickstarter campaign.
The crafting system is utterly generic (although mechanicly useful) and too convoluted to learn. Just grab everything and hope it adds up to something useful.
The character design suffers from too much detail. Everything shimmers and has maximum detail pixels, which means that some people (like me) have problems with telling the individual characters apart. It also looks bad.
Same with spells. Too much detail, and the animations aren't distinctive and to the point, except for the magic missiles.
Speaking of magic, its a clusterfuck. Priest spells have a tiny AoE, the icons are indistinctive, many spells require your casters to be on the front line, early game combat is too fast for healing spells (and potions etc) to be useful, many spells can only be cast during combat for no reason, making preparation very difficult and it goes on.
The setting is extremely boring. Generic fantasy is piled upon the GM's own random ideas that have no connection to the generic base and are just there. If you make your dwarfs tribal north american natives, why pretend they're dwarfs? Why replace hobbits with "orlans", but none of the other generic races? The new races are fun, but eclectic, and lack any genealogic or athmospheric justification.
Five bazillion combat encounters are thrown at you, which add NOTHING to the game, except for more combat. Oh look, the fourteenth group of cultists with the same generic names and stat blocs. Tactical challanges are fine, but
combat encounters have to tell a story or degenerate into tedium.