Rolled 5, 1, 5, 6, 6, 8, 4, 8, 5, 4, 4, 5, 1, 8, 4, 3, 3, 4, 1, 4, 2, 2, 6, 3, 4 = 106 (25d10)
Welcome to Atlantasia, a weird and wonderful world where level 1 characters with whips have a 35% chance to slip and kill themselves whenever they miss, where there's more kinds of Elf than any other race, where Gnomes are Turbo-Kender, where combat turns last seven minutes and where the most common cause of death is horny dragons.
This thread is our second attempt to actually try to make and play characters in one of the truly great bad RPGs out there, Realms of Atlantasia. It's inspired by the Fecht threads of old, particularly FATAL threads.
This won't be a repeat of last time's eight-man free for all (since that took 12 hours), but rather a smaller four-man free for all.
Since last time we did this, I've figured out how to magic works and made some corrections to character creation.
That's right, we can do shitty wizards now!
Confused? Check out the last tournament here:
>TL;DR: We make incompetent characters in a shit system and have them fight for our amusement, this time with magic
I'll kick us off by rolling the gentle 30d10 needed to determine Attributes.
The first 18 go to our first fighter's Outer Attributes (3d10 keep highest), and the remaining 12 go to Inner Attributes (2d10 keep highest).