>BBEG's goal is to just fuck shit up and blame your party for it
How can this work?
Other urls found in this thread:
What happens if the party leaves?
No thanks.
>bbeg autists out from the woodworks.
Is it time once again?
Have you considered suicide?
Relly, leddit?
Group of dopplegangers.
>can't handle the banta
>tells banters to leave
no safe space for you, cunt. get penetrated
Make them behave like an angry spoiled brat.
whats wrong with BBEG? i dont want to spell out the whole thing everytime
I like saying villian, personally.
>Greenarrowing the acronym BBEG is banter
Well if you leave it at that, it won't hardly work at all, unless you're only playing one session.
To make it work, you first have to ask WHY he's framing the party for shit. Is it personal? Is it political? Is it psychotic? Is it lewd?There has to be some guiding reason behind it, no matter how small.
>hating a term Veeky Forums has used for a literal decade
Okay, what the fuck do you want to call it, then?
>defending a term like you have some sort of stake in it
Do what you want to do. Just quit trying to pretend you don't sound dumb saying "Big Bad Evil Guy".
Have the BBEG spread the rumor that there is a massive treasure hidden underneath one of the buildings in town almost tailored to be exactly what each member of the party would want. Then watch as they tear up a town for gold and +1 weapons.
Why do it himself when he can have the party make themselves look bad?
No one fucking cares, shitheel. Jesus is this /v/?
Anyway, you could do it but I feel like it would frustrate your players to no end if you did it well. You'd have to prepare a whole lot of routes for your group to take and preemptively create ways to fuck up their every action. Who knows how they'd react to it, if they'd dig themselves deeper and stop caring in hopes that defeating the BBEG would redeem the party or they might get so frustrated they'd stop playing seriously, or at all.
Maybe have the framer not be the BBEG but rather a right hand man or something, so the party could more quickly dispatch them and then channel the hatred to the actual enemy.
It really summarizes what the dude is. Not "morally corrupt politician with a extremely deviant fetish", not "Lich trying to start a Wight apocalypse", not "Mob Boss trying to assassinate the only good governor in Mexico stop him from becoming their president", not "Cyborg ninja on a genociding rampage from faulty coding", not "secretly vampire mayor draining his city dry", not "Insane Druid planning to release organic Gray Ooze to remove humanity from the planet", etc.
Veeky Forums is essentially /v/ tier now especially with all the template and franchise war threads
>no one fucking cares
You apparently do. Like, a lot.
Imagine if people said things like "Sword? Nah, I'm gonna call it the Snicky-Snacky People Whacky" and then act like that's not dumb.
Call it a SSPW if you feel the need to, but expect people to call you out for using some particularly dumb jargon.
>This guy is trying to say BBEG is bad
I hope you feel validated by calling an acronym dumb. Now can you post on topic?
How did it end up like it?
I've never seen such concentrated samfaggotry.
>these guys want to keep defending "BBEG"
Are one of you the guy who bumped this thread from page 10 just to say how butthurt you are that people don't like your acronym?
Veeky Forums truly is in a dark time if saying BBEG is "cringe"
What would you call it then? Villian isn't appropriate because not everyone is a villian.
BBEG has been cringe since day one though.
Have you ever heard someone say it IRL? They might as well put on butterfly wings and call themselves a fairy.
>every antagonist is big
>every antagonist is bad
>every antagonist is evil
>every antagonist is a guy
Nice argument.
>Fan made stories
>Fan made settings
Cringe! Cringe! Cringe!
>Hey guys here are some cool template threads
Yes. It's used in creative writing classes and computer game theory and other collegiate work to stand in for BIG BAD EVIL GUY for the past 25 years.
It's not anything new or revolutionary.
Your political correctness is not my problem. See, where you're high and mighty correctness falls flat is that everyone around us knows exactly what I mean when I use BBEG.
literally the same person. You do know BBEG has been used forever on this board.
It's just a silly acronym. Use "villain" if "boss" is too video gamey for you or you're too lazy to type out "antagonist" or "overlord" or "adversary".
>creative writing classes and game theory
lol as if that's a good thing
if that is your problem change the meaning.
Big Bad End Game.
Congrats, its not evil or a guy. its your end game boss.
>collegiate work
ah yes, "college"
>everyone around us knows exactly what I mean when I use BBEG.
You mean you think you know, but everyone has their own personal definitions, ranging from the final boss, any villain, the primary antagonist, or the real villain behind the apparent villain. It has no inherent meaning in itself, so the term has gotten stretched so broadly due to the natural decay of silly jargon.
>World/race building
Shite funposting garbage, get b& you cucks.
>Magic building thread
Just rip D&D you dumbass snowflakes.
>RPG horror discussion
If it's not lovecraft you're not role playing.
>File Name Threads
>How Long Are Your Elf's Ears?
Not everyone went to Full Sail. Some of us actually have meaningful degrees.
Oh no, someone makes fun of my education, whatever will I do.
And yet the term has persisted, apparently longer than you've been alive. Amazing, something useful still gets used. How horrible.
But not one that matters on this board, obviously.
What exactly is wrong with using BBEG as a label for the bigger badder eviler antagonists?
>something useful
You mean something unnecessarily obtuse that persists, apparently, because autists become attached to it and defend it like they think it's some national treasure?
>But not one that matters on this board, obviously.
Oh god, you did go to Full Sail.
Your degree actually makes you more worthless on this board than if you didn't have it.
Ignoring the shitposting about a catch-all for any given long-term antagonist, it'd be fairly easy to set up such a BBEG.
Anyone with a previous grudge against the party, anyone who wants to rise to power and needs to make an enemy to unite everyone against (topical: Trump created Mexico as an enemy in order to build his own portfolio).
>i went to devry , i got a degree in VIDEO GAMES!
>ignoring it
>but still trying to address it
Wow, your butthurt is almost palpable.
Also, your personal definition doesn't really match most people's. It's actually rather unique, as there's nothing about a "BBEG" that means it needs to be long-term (try a one-shot, for example), and it's certainly not a catch-all for all long-term antagonists because there can be multiple in a campaign that don't necessarily fall into the category of final boss. Of course, there are people who just use "BBEG" for any villain and not just the final one, complicating things further.
It almost sounds like this vague acronym that different people think means different things is terrible for communication.
The influx of newfags is amazing.
I hereby dub "BEAOVAH" as the new more palatable successor to that "other term."
BEAOVAH : Big Evil(?) Antagonist or Villain Alternate Homologous
You are welcome, m'fine gentlemen.
Remember, don't respond, just report and ignore.
Main Villain?
Final Boss?
Primary Antagonist?
Last Foe?
Biggest Dick?
I warned people this would happen.
They didn't listen.
It's literally one of the most common, easily-understood terms on Veeky Forums. Stop shitposting.
>I have my own definition that no one agrees with
>that means its easily understood
That's not how language works
And people told me they would go away after the election.
Turns out I was right and they wouldn't. The most bittersweet of vindication.
But it's so irritating! They'll think they're right!
Have the BBEG be someone that the party constantly foils. I have a recurring bandit that I plan to have slowly coming to more power, just to get back out our party. It wasn't even intentional. He literally lost and eye the fighter, and the party spared him when he pleaded for his life. As the campaign goes on, he became a bandit king, then a pirate lord, after that a ruler of a nation after he took power from a tyrant king. Now the party has to find a way to take down this once weak and spineless bandit, that turned out to be their biggest enemy.
I thought Trump would make america great again. So why are these faggots still here?
>i'm right because i'm the most upset!
As you can see from this post hereother acronyms are too basic or easily misunderstood. BBEG pretty much can't be mistaken for anything else.
Clearly your degrees aren't based on any intellectual capability.
Or you're an engineer.
Don't worry, literally everyone thinks they are retarded.
This OP.
Adventurers make natural scapegoats.
You can also try making the party integral to goals they're just pretending to have, and in the process of trying to stop their plans they get real opportunities to screw things up in the name of stopping whoever it is that's targeting them. Which adventurers tend to do anyways.
You can even make the villain appear classically stupid, revealing plans or having incompetent minions that hinge on things which are important to other people (stealing an important maguffin from a museum/temple), and invite a chance for the party to stop them by stealing it first, or warning the place, and getting in trouble with said maguffin holder. Running it alongside another plot to make the adventurers look dubious to those they'd want to help would do pretty good.
But this would also depend on how competent the party believes the villain is. Don't shy away from using an endless stream of cutouts if you want to make them really hate their guts, or having a sufficient amount of bureaucracy for them to almost always be behind another curtain. Sometimes, even making the villain painfully obvious can be seen as a red herring depending on your players, and they'll target everyone but them. Personal judgement call there ofc.
It's just one guy who's throwing an eternal hissyfit that we didn't want to change the meaning of BBEG from "Big Bad Evil Guy" to "Big Bad End Game".
Except that people mistake what it means all the time, because the acronym doesn't stand for anything, and everyone seems to have their own personal definition of what it means, with the biggest split being how general or broad it is.
Any of those other terms is considerably clearer, and if your major concern is just efficiency, it may be time to start using one of those acronyms.
Like, if I'm talking about the Main Villain, and then move on to say that the MV should be something or other, it's pretty clear what we're talking about.
It also falls in line with most of the other RPG lexicon, with PCs, GMs, HP, and so on and so forth.
It's a way to express a concept that's made up of multiple concepts, if someone says BBEG to describe the main villain of a campagin that's no different to calling the long sharp metal poke and slasher a sword, this is why words and acronyms are created, you dense fuck.
Why are you trying to pretend that it's only one guy? Is it really that hard to accept that people don't like "Big Bad Evil Guy" because its stupid on multiple levels, and has no remaining redeeming qualities because it has lost any humor it once had, and its not even useful as short hand because people can't agree on a singular definition because its just awkward "cutesy" jargon?
Except what you're talking about is calling a sword a Long Sharp Metal Poke and Slasher, rather than vice versa.
probably because of the on-the-minute post times, how this guy comes back a few weeks after he is banned, and how all the posts sound like the same guy.
He's been doing this a lot, and has become obvious.
for whatever usage
False Equivalence fallacy.
As one of the guys who disagrees with you, I can confirm that it's not just one guy. I also don't know why you think people would get banned for telling you that "BBEG" isn't really that great, and certainly not something worth defending to the point where you derail threads like you do.
It's one thing to use BBEG and to accept that it sounds childish, it's another to keep trying to act like its some intricate part of Veeky Forums heritage to use awkward labels. Many people prefer not to use BBEG and often just use villain instead, largely because BBEG really is awkward and has a manner of taking away any gravity from a sentence.
I understand this is a weird game for you, but trying to play the "everyone except one person likes my Acronym" card is a pretty awkward move.
Oh, so you weren't asking for clarification, you just wanted to lie about your position.
Got him.
>"Main Villain" is to "Big Bad Evil Guy" as
>"Sword" is to "Long Sharp Metal Poke and Slasher"
I think the major difference is that people often use BBEG for any villain, not just the main one.
You're kind of sad.
You'd have to be, if "BBEG" happened to be your baby.
You're kind of sad.
You'd have to be, if "BBEG" happened to be your trigger.
Those are two different people, user.
So when did you take up samefagging repeatedly because you hate common terms?
Very sad.
Very sad indeed.
>he busted out the phone posting he got so salty
>I just got schooled, better damage control to hide my butthurt.
So when did you take up samefagging repeatedly because you hate common terms?
watch it got up on rediit
So when did you take up samefagging repeatedly because you hate common terms?
posting from your phone and your computer so people think you're not the same person.
So when did you take up samefagging repeatedly because you hate common terms?
I wouldn't stoop so low because I'm a phoneless poorfag. Your move Mr. Phone.
no, see, either ignore him, or ask him when he started samefagging. And why. And then get the scoop.