How do you handle racism in your setting, Veeky Forums?
By letting it exist but not forcing it down everyone's throats all the time.
Racism should, just like in real life, be based on actual reality. Nobody is being discriminated against for no reason, it is literally because of association and normal profiling that everyone does.
For instance, imagine a setting with Beastmen. Beastmen warbands who go around and rape women, burn farms, and general be chaotic evil douchebags. Now imagine those Beastmen living in the same society as the humans who the wild beastmen would attack. Would the humans accept them without fault and never lock their doors around beastmen because they *could* be from the good group? No! Very naturally and realistically, they would defend themselves, deny beastmen easy access to their daughters and wives and tell them to fuck off because they don't trust them.
By starting a race war. Best race wins, ready, set, go!
>How do you handle
>Transgender Characters
>Disabled Characters
>[Insert 2017 Social issue Here], Veeky Forums?"
First answer best answer.
Generic fantasy like DnD? Too many races for anyone to be racist about. 40k RPG? Xenophobia. Xenophobia everywhere. Modern Fantasy games? I follow the setting guides and tend not to think out the npcs sufficiently unless they are, for instance, a KKK member.
Frankly while it probably exists in every setting that's digging way more into the minutiae than I really need to go to. The PCs are stopping in this town for up to a week, or on this planet for maybe a month, or are regulars at their favorite bar enough that it would have already come up. Unless a situation really calls for it, I'm too lazy to bring in legitimate prejudices.
With subtlety, bruddah.
Depends on the setting, but if a genocide has occurred it could be good to have your party encounter a survivor who is racist against those of the race that committed it. Racism can flesh out a campaign significantly if used appropriately and can add weight to the history of your setting.
Is it too heavy-handed if the people of the kingdom hate and (kind of) fear elves after the neighbouring elven kingdom razed a nearby city and magically salted the earth so the survivors couldn't spring back up again?
Is it weird if the destroyed city was inhabited primarily by hobgoblins and orcs, and whilst no-one actually misses the city they still hate and fear the elves just for the sheer ruthlessness of their campaign?
Let bygones be bygones.
Only if it was a singular event. If they do this a lot, then sure, of course they would be afraid of them. But if it was just a one-time thing it'd effectively be like profiling all Germans because of the Holocaust.
and people ask why /pol/ is racist
What about a history of being underhanded schemers who have organised coups in a number of different kingdoms punctuated by the recent and violent eradication of an entire culture?
I can't tell if they're suppoused to be based off the jew or the kebab
To be fair, he's right about how racist ideas are formed. Everything has /some/ grounding in history, even if it's something small that's been construed into something bigger/doesn't happen anymore. All he left out was your retard disclaimer of "it doesn't make it good or right, this is just how it works."
>[Insert 2017 Social issue Here], Veeky Forums?"
what? there was that one time when... nevermind
Or the US...
those fucking jews with their... noses!
Yeah. Some people associated Jews with noses, presumably because the ones they knew had big noses. It spread.
Well DnD is feudal. Most peasants are going to be distrustful of every other country and any other races. But not as much as they would be of a mage for instance.
Ah yes. I also watched SBFP today. Good shit.
I'm too fucking lazy for racism
I've had half a mind to restrict players to the common races for forever so I don't have to deal with "oh, dragonborn, spooky" every time they walk into a village
Honestly if I was an asshole I'd just say humans only no variant and I'd be content with that
But I'm not so I'll probably just retire my setting and either base the next one on one piece, with a world that gets more exotic as the party travels further from the start, or throw the book races out altogether and refluff them all as new stuff
Maybe I just have fantasy fatigue
>I've had half a mind to restrict players to the common races for forever so I don't have to deal with "oh, dragonborn, spooky" every time they walk into a village
>not having village blacksmith be a retired dragonborn adventurer, living there together with his tiefling innkeper bro
do you even fantasy
Both and neither, really. The elven leadership believe that ownership of the landmass is their god-given right, and know that open war will get them crushed. In the campaign I'm running they're attempting to incite a rebellion in the home kingdom of the PC's in an attempt to destabilise the region and fill the vacuum after the kingdom destroys itself.
Saved for future iterations of this tread.
So, it's really America.
I make it a positive force. People aren't racist for no reason.
For instance, one establishing moment I always give characters is the usual one: A young woman's about to be burnt at the stake for witchcraft, and she's screaming for help. When the players inevitably wade in to save her, I later reveal that she WAS a witch and that the 'superstitious' townsfolk were completely correct.
Like, in a world with magic and non-humans, there's EVEN more reason to be racist.
Not really. Orcs and hobgoblins are entirely a vermin species. Half-orcs are solely the product of rape, and are a race that literally shouldn't exist. The genocide of orcs is basically a laudable goal.
It seems like it would be easy for a party containing a heroic magic user to respond to that situation with a general perspective of "yeah, she's an asshole, but they're still stupid."
As we say, on his own head be it.
My PCs like to shop separately. They tend to get different prices, since they are all different races. Also, I usually fudge social rolls a little bit with a -1/+1 with a little casual racism.
Just little things to remind them that even though halflings, humans, elves, and dwarves all co-exist, it's not just peaches and cream.
>Implying America would get crushed in open warfare with any of it's sandpit playpals
>Implying America thinks it has a "god-given" right or even wants to settle the land there
>Implying it's not just politicians forever trying to fuck with Russia and secure lots of foreign funds for themselves so they can perpetuate the idea of an outside enemy threat to their own constituents while at the same time amassing more wealth and power over their own people.
Racism usually has no basis in fact but instead stems from economic or social issues. "X is stealing our jobs." or "Y burns down our churches." In reality, Y never burned down churches but it becomes common mythology among those in small, closed communities. Humans are naturally distrustful of things that look/act different from them. It's only in situations like urban areas that force humans to interact with other races that those prejudices start to slough off... usually because racism hinders capitalism.
I don't handle racism much but I might have an old NPC casually mention something about race just to remind the players there are other ideologies out there.
I haven't made it a major theme yet but if I did, I might do a To Kill a Mockingbird style game where the villagers are certain they caught the monster (they haven't) and it's up to the pc's to prove it wasn't a bugbear that killed that woman, it was Greg from the church.
Basically this
Which community do you think has more racism (per capita) - the big city with lots of races mixed together, or the rural town full of whites that haven't seen a brown person in years?
Racism is propogated by insulation and observation, both of which become more difficult the more mixed your community is. Baby Jimbob can't learn to hate brown people from his racist uncle, if his uncle is surrounded by brown people too often to publicly call them criminals.
Note that institutional racism, on the other hand, is a cold and impartial kind that doesn't care so much. Eg: "you're black, so you're poor, so I won't give you an education, so you're gonna stay poor. Hey, it's not my fault you *started* poor, don't try to make this about race, I treat all poor people equally."
It's actually the city
That reminds me of how later in his life, Lovecraft denounced his racism, saying it was petty and inhumane. Because as we all know, it's those damned poor people that ruin everything! All poor people are evil.
It's the city. Trust me, it's the fucking city. Nothing makes you hate other people like having to live with them.
Dunno, small town racism proliferates too, though it's qualitatively distinct.
>Clear physical and cultural distinctions between races
>All races exist in more or less closed environment
>All races need the limited resources that are available
If you have a choice between either making war on another race or habitually killing 1 out of every X of your own children, race relations are going to sour real fast.
Race is a meaningless term in humans, though.
Everyone and their mothers hates the dwarves. Those kneehigh nimwits and their powerstruggles caused a string of natural disasters that marked the end of an age of prosperity.
Only now, after a decade of starvation due to years of bad crops, rampant diseases due to cities cramped full of refugees and almost nonexistant long-distance trade, are the survivors starting to see the light at the end of the dwarven-made tunnel.
The racism has to be internal with the relation of person to another and the repercussions of said effect.
It can't be external and boil down to they're different and thus we marginalize them simply because they are different.
My settings have no racism because it has only white people.
think about how to handle people who only want to dress in yellow, or people who don't like seafood. What about people who are dependant on their parents?
I pretty much exclusively make settings where only anime-white people exist, with maybe the occasional brown-skinned-but-still-white-featured folks, because I don't like other races. Racism is thus not really a theme in my games.
I don't handle -isms at all.
Racism may manifest itself in behaviour, subtle thought-patterns and cultural cliques in the setting, but if anything a little racist banter livens up the the atmosphere nicely.
>He doesn't make elf NPCs who are so openly racist toward half-elves that it'd make Dick Spencer cringe
We had one who was a quest-giver sort of figure. He was always paying the party to do shit they were going to do anyway, so they kept coming back to him, and they never killed him because that'd end the gravy train.
But it did give me a chance to flesh out the human-elf relationship a bit. The big sufferers of intolerance weren't so much pure humans or elves, but the half-breeds and race-mixers to begin with. The elves treated half-breeds like shit, but usually honor-killed women who got with human men. Humans were more tolerant but still treated both like crap.
Because the players didn't have any half-elves in their midst their only window into this prejudice in the setting was through this guy and his half-elf servant who he treated like dogshit. But then his own fellow elves treated him like dogshit just for letting a half-elf live in his house. Really rustled some jimmies but there was a lich-king so maybe put off the civil rights stuff until after the skeletons are dealt with.
Fucking grand wizard wakka.
It's this city you dingus. Liberals who live in white only towns, or stick to the relatively safe and progressive part of their town will usually be non racist.
Common people who actually have to deal with the crap and prejudice of the other races will eventually, either have their own secret opinion on them (which will be politically incorrect, or they will be completely fine with accepting, that yes, those dirty chinks short change me every time I do business with them.
>t. Hispanic male in a very diverse shithole.
if my DM were here, he'd just find a way to kill you with no way out of the situation
Knife-ear loving prick...
>those dirty chinks short change me every time I do business with them
Yeah well fuck you too wetback.
You still bringing your tamales to the potluck? I'm gonna do potstickers this time!
ah, but do you also have obnoxious people in your setting who throw around the accusation at their whim, just to badmouth other people and to adopt a robin-hood stance against the (imagined) evil whenever they feel like?
Jew then
>I don't see the world the way they do, so they must be wrong
Look, I am not racist or any such thing, but every non hobgoblin race must be hunted down and slaughtered like squealing pigs until none is left. Praise Maglubiyet.
Uncle toms and Jim Crows, roll a d2 to decide who is what
every caricature did exist at some point, but they're mainly inflated, see Irish history of Cromwell and William, then compare to actual history of Cromwell and Willia
More with provincialism than racism, though there's some hatred of 'great others' like Norscans and Arabyans for obvious reasons (massive wars, reaving).
alright folks, thread's over, everybody go home.
Has it should be.
Depends on the setting.
If the setting has no particular history of racism, or racism is not a major detail, I bring up little to no racism because it doesn't affect the story much. There may be reminders here and there, but I downplay it and make it subtle.
Now, in a scenario where race relations are highly relevant, I do bring that stuff up. I make it reasonable, though, so it's neither heavily forced nor glossed over.