
Other urls found in this thread:



(filename related)



This one needs a name, guys.




Why was it necessary to assume the genders of three people involved?









The answer lies with google.

No it doesn't, Google thinks it's Cartoon Network.

That irritated me too but I didn't want to to turn this into a /pol/ thread

Hurr Durr men are so dumb they can't tell the difference between a vulva and a hoof lmao virgin nerd mysoginists amirite jejkek

Google image finder get nuked after people found out that reverse searching black guys it always showed gorillas

Try the other option on the drop down.
hint: it's iqdb

Scroll to the bottom of the page. It's literally right there.

No it isn't.

Doesn't find it. Neither do SauceNao and TinEye.

Best fucking one right there

IQDB only shows what's on boots and wont help him

Your fucking Google results are customized to you. No one is seeing the results you are

Google reverse doesn't work like it used to. Stop telling people hurdurr just google it because that doesn't work.

It's Gal Gohan

I found it by opening the image in a separate window, highlighting it, and then doing reverse image search. Using the Veeky Forums utility just got me "cartoons"

Sorry user, it's not porn.


>Martian Manhunter shapeshifts into a woman called Rei Hino
>Batman calls him out immediately


>mfw that is actually a thing
Didn't expect that when I googled it...

>batman is at a loss

Why was it necessary to give a shit?

Or it's a lighthearted joke that doesn't need to be taken seriously you fucking triggered faggot

You seem like a strong, powerful woman. This is Veeky Forums, and that is such a rare thing to see. What a treat for us! I'm genuinely glad to have some female interaction, thanks for taking a break from Pinterest to come here and enlighten us. Fortunately, I'm the type who's privilege is infinitely checked and actively stand agains the patriarchy that has systematically destroyed the lives of beautiful women such as yourself. That being said, I'd love to take you out for a romantic evening sometime- my treat! :3


> this is what Israelis ACTUALLY believe

He can't be stopped!

Here's the (You) you wanted, kiddo

Jesus fucking christ fuck the fuck off you fucking dyke.

'Twas not a you, but the accompaniment of the fair lady which I requested, fellow gentleman. I am merely intrigued that such a wondrous goddess would be inclined to frequent a place as interesting as Chansburg, and I look forward to having the privilege of complimenting her in person! :)




I don't get this one. The only thing I get from looking at it is a very slight case of vertigo.

Though it has been an honor to be acknowledged on the Veeky Forums part of the dark web, I would prefer a response typed from the tender, feminine hands of the one who so bravely stood up to patriarchal oppression earlier.

plz respond

One of those circles was off center, image was labeled something about the BBEG's plan

Is.. Is this a reference to the floor tiles guy?

Not tilefucker, one of the tiles was off pattern and it triggers 'tismfits in most people. This is a photoshop fix of the image.


Of course he is, he's just met someone's imaginary second personality.
Doesn't take him long, though.

i dont get it

Thanks a lot user.

Everyone but Batman created their characters together (session 0), giving them a sense of cohesion and common feel. Batman made his alone, with only a vague outline of the campaign and the system.

There was another filename thread earlier today where a version of that image was posted under the name "passive aggressive BBEG," which featured one of the tiles being off center. That one is an edit that fixes it.

Do not, my friends, become addicted to flavor! It will take hold of you, you will resent its absence!

>FEmale scientist
>FEmale shop keeper


how is this Veeky Forums related?



Presumably a woman would of been able to hold up her own vagina up to the impression and go, "Yep, that's a vulva."

It's not.
Not even in the slightest.
OP will always be a faggot.

>Batman watches Sailor Moon



Who spends howevermuch money to get 5 playstations just to make a shitty little gif?



Pick one





>not spawn more overlords

I get it.

This one made me laugh harder though. Mostly out of nostalgia.

That's the joke you prick. That a woman would be able to tell because she's got more experience with a vulva than the scientists.

That'd be more for a /v/ filename thread.





>you guys are idiots, they're going to be looking for americans





Florida Man: Euro Edition?



>a SMurf
>suffering a witch to live

welp, got me to reply..


>a mouse-like xeno, a bovine xeno, and a chaos cultist
>Spess mehreen not purging any of them




Batman is the greatest at EVERYTHING.

also the riddler probably had an "anime period" of weeaboo riddles.


