in the future, will chess and go be surpassed by another game?
what will it be like?
in the future, will chess and go be surpassed by another game?
what will it be like?
It won't catch on because it lacks the prestige they already have and because computers will just be better at it.
Yes. Obviously. Within the next 250 years.
Did you need to make this thread?
Cripple Mr. Onion
Chess 2
So everyone plays the great game?
Paradox billiards Vostroyan roulette fourth dimensional hypercube chess strip poker.
Try playing Prosfair and tell me what you think.
So the game will be sold into small pieces, each at the price of a full AAA game, with entirely cosmetic packs being sold at about half that price, and even the end product will be a buggy piece of shit that barely works as intended?
SNAFU: 13x13 ODST Chess?
>the price of a full AAA game
>most expensive is $15
It's actually pretty good.
Aside from the bidding.
4D Chess
Chess is a crappy tactical turn based RPG developed by a bunch of monkeys.
Right away you'll notice Chess has no storyline. Instead, all you notice is the the White army and the Black army are fighting each other over a battlefield. Note the "a battlefield," because Chess only has one story map.
As for the actual combat, it's extremely dull. Each unit can kill another with only one hit. This means units with a real good movement ability dominate the field (more on that bellow). There aren't even any combat animations or anything that happens in combat. One unit moves on it's space and "captures" it, and the piece is removed from the game with no form of action or special effects.
Chess has shitty class balance. The Queen is flat out overpowered while your actual front line units, the Pawns. can't do shit. I think the developers were afraid that no one would use the female character so they buffed up her abilities really high but now theres no point in using any other unit.
The rest of the units suck. Rooks can only move in 4 directions, same with Bishops. Boring. Also, whats up with the Knight? It has the most bizzare combat abilities of all the units. They're retardly hard to use cause they jump around like retards to move and attack. The devs should have named this unit Ninja, since Knights didn't jump around like that in real life.
Worst part, is the king. You see, the devs decided that if your king gets captured, you instantly lose the game. W-T-F? This wouldn't be a problem, except that he can't move for crap. Seriously, the most important unit in the game can only move 1 space a turn? Good luck keeping him alive while every other unit in the game dances around him.
Unbalanced classes, lackluster gameplay, and not to mention repetitive 1 hour+ games. Chess is not worth the time or your money. Buy Final Fantasy Tactics or Disgaea instead.
3 out of 10.
That's why it's actual name is springer or horse. Anglos are fucking retarded.
This chart is a little bit outdated now; google's AlphaGo has been routinely beating top human go players.
>what will it be like?
Some kind of esoteric shitposting.
It'll be to us the way Mornington Crescent is to people who aren't britfags.
>It won't catch on because it lacks the prestige
This, mostly.
Chess and Go run as much on tradition, as on ease of play. I'm sure there are better games out there right now that are just as simple and cheap to get as Go and Chess, but nobody gives a fuck because muh fourthousand years of unbroken tradition
I am highly interested in those games you are suggesting, what are they?
fuck your p2w game
Not the guy you replied to, but Hex is pretty great. Simpler than either Go or Chess, but equally deep, and can be played with just a pen and a printed copy of the board.
Maybe something like Feudal
>chess-ish abstract war game
>different starting positions for every game
I imagine a computer could crack it with only a little more trouble than chess (there are obviously some maneuvers and strategies that are superior) but I doubt computer scientists will ever bother to do the programming. "Solving" go and chess against human players is enough for another decade or so of PR.
I vote we make a pasta out of this.
It IS pasta, you dolt.
It's already here
How does it work?
Four Dimensional Super Goss
Came here to post this
You take turns placing stones of your color. Whoever connects their two sides of the board with an unbroken path of stones wins (pic related). To reduce first-player advantage, there's usually also a rule that after the very first move, the second player can choose to switch colors if he wants.
You can prove mathematically that the game cannot possibly end in a draw, so theoretically the second player should always win given perfect play (assuming the first-turn-swap rule is used). But in practice neither humans nor computers can play anywhere near perfectly.
MOBAs. Seriously. It has the same mechanics of Chess, only worse. But it's not traditional you say? M8, in 200 years, kids will sexting directly via brain implants and sexually matured 200 years old humans can opt to physically look like 10 years old girls. PC games will be as quaint as 3D girls today.
>The Queen is flat out overpowered while your actual front line units, the Pawns. can't do shit. I think the developers were afraid that no one would use the female character so they buffed up her abilities really high but now theres no point in using any other unit.
>MOBAs. Seriously. It has the same mechanics of Chess, only worse.
Pseudo strategy is not what defines Chess, user.
Besides, just the matter of it being REAL time and not turn based makes it a totally different kind of game.
Please, keep this level of response to /v/, Veeky Forums has a higher level of game design understanding, even if it doesn't look like it.