Whenever you go on the forums for Eternal Crusade, the moment anyone suggests Imperial Guard, all of the sphess mehreen fanboys and Eldar fappers get triggered and go on 5 page rants about why space marines are god like beings that cannot be defeated in in any way possible and that imperial guard don't actually exist in the 40k universe and that they are actually, just not real
Why do Eternal Crusade players get so easily triggered by the Imperial Guard
Other urls found in this thread:
Because you literally cannot balance the game with both player controlled MEQ and player controlled IG. What, do you want IG who can take multiple bolt rounds? Or do you want marines who die to a couple lasgun shots? Why would anyone play IG if the enemy literally has teams full of Darth Vader while your team just has rebel soldiers?
>eblernal crusade
Broken promises the game
just make them militarum tempestus
they're just as good as space marines anyways
The better question is why would anyone unironically want to play a Guardsman in a 40k PvP game? You would need to spend two or three entire charge-packs of ammo to kill a single enemy, while they would all be able to one-shotting you. How would that be fun?
I could see it as a 'Pet' class. A sergeant and a few guardsmen.
Is this game ever even fucking happening? Haven't they been talking about it for the better part of a decade?
>playing as an entire platoon of guardsmen
The production company rushed the devs, so it was released in an unfinished state. It's been getting at least one update a month.
Seriously, what the fuck is up with the production company forcing all the 40K shit out the door? Deathwing fucking sucked because of this, and it should be a felony to waste the EYE devs' talent.
It was half that and half that the developer took five to push out Dead by Daylight in the middle of EC's early access period.
And notice that not a single one of these is a Guardsman!
scions ?????????
yes, they are guardsmen just because they are a specialized unit does not mean they are not what they are a part of
Thats like saying Green Berets cannot be called soldiers
Elysians(D99 anyone)
Harakoni Warhawks
Steel legion
even the Cadians
now go back to making I ROLLED 1 XD SEXY TIME I GOT AIDS CUZ I ROLLED 1 LOL d&d memes like a good little neckbeard
Balls of steel
It's pretty weird, yeah. For decades they've been incredibly stingy with the license, and now they're just throwing the thing at tiny studios producing pretty shit games by the dozen. Was it just because Total Warhammer turned out to be legitimately good or what?
>do you want marines who die to a couple lasgun shots?
>implying we would play as regulars guardsmen and not the elite of the imperial guard
nah, they die just as good as orcs and other xenos. space marines die all the time too
Basically GW are cunts to work with. So no triple A will touch their poison. However shithouse companies are lining up to present their asses in order to be the first one to get fucked over by GW.
The fact we ended up with Eternal Crusade and not Dark Millennium should be proof enough of how desperate you have to be to get in bed with GW.
Wait, there's Eternal Crusade players ?
now that you mentioned this one, it seems you could be an imperial guard in the upcoming mmo.
Leman Russes! Heavy Weapon Squads! Grenade Launcher Squads! Plasma Squads!
Scions are literally not part of the Astra Militarum dumbass. You might as well call Sisters of Battle Imperial Guardsmen.
there`s still karskins, they kinda of just made storm troopers into a new army.
desu it's pretty fucking simple on how to put IG in as non-NPCs:
A squad of IG can be the 'basic' player unit, working in tandem, have Ogryns, Stormtroopers, troopers with grav chutes, Commisars, whatever the fuck.
They're obviously squishy, but make up for it with faster respawn times, cap, and versatile vehicles that aren't just "tank" or "APC".
Never forget when Miguel came here to discuss the game and couldn't figure out how to reply and kept calling it "4chang".
[citation needed]
Their license agreements are actually quite decent and very scalable which is why they are so attractive for smaller studios.
Bigger studios/publishers just like to focus on building their own IP.
This basically.
if you have seen numerous threads with numerous pages of responses you've likely met all the answers already, but here's a rapid summary:
because the game is too shitty to allow one faction to have numerical advantage, be those either pc or npc
because the devs are too shitty to asymmetrically balance something that is not equivalent to a space marine
because random elites in place of basic troopers a faction coherent does make not
because GW will not allow guardsmen to fight against loyalist marines here or be on par with marines
because the factions' populations disparity is too large to have a combined imperium army
because there's not enough money to model, animate and patch the guard in, even less so a guard-equivalent for each faction and barely enough to have an additional separate faction at all and you can bet your ass they would choose (and did agree on) using the faction which already conforms to the game design's decisions, which is necrons
because the game will die before any additional faction DLC will be possible
if you want to see normal humans you will either end up with npcs in the pve, as garrison scenery or an unconventional standalone hero/elite thing like they want to do with the sister of battle model they have, but nowhere near soon™
>inb4 but ork boys on oar with marines
boy indicates rank in a waagh more than size or age, regardless of whether those are usually correlated; ork waaaghs can grow to the point the basic footsoldier is equal or greater to a marine, guardsmen remain manlets in 40k.
>inb4 but aspect warriors and no guardian
guardians aren't in for the same reasons guardsmen aren't, except a full aspects fighting force is more logical in 40k than a full elites imperial guard force and the scions are not popular or important enough to justify an investment of the same calibre
good luck for them, i`ll probably nevr play the game even though i wish them succes.
>Eternal Crusade
>Dark Millenium
Hello darkness my old friend
Apparently Deathwing has a big update coming this month. I'll make a thread about it as soon as I get more info, or they publish on twitter, as I usually do.
Dark Millenium bombed because THQ tanked ya dingus. Nothing to do with GW.
Even the elite of the guard get cut down en mass by Spess Maroons and Fluffdar.
They're not there for the same reason that Arbites and Chaos cultists aren't there. They can't handle the other factions without a big numerical advantage.
Why not 'Crons?
>Can only be rezzed by a lord
>Low respawn timer
>Slow as fuck
>Your tac
>Changes to Deathmark if the sniper is taken, gains unique teleport mechanic.
>Your heavy
>Can take Gauss or Tesla
>Your assault
>Can take sword&Board or warscythe
>Your healer
>Can take warscythe or zappy stick
>AOE rez
Eternal Crusade is a failed dream
40k is forever doomed with shit studios
The BFG game was actually really good. So were DoW 1 and 2, though 3 looks like it'll turn out shite.
Its almost like an outside force is behind this......
>Tfw DoW3 will be garbage, and also won't have Genestealer Cults either
DoW 3 will be the most successful DoW yet. The opinion people cast on it makes it look bad because /v/ and Veeky Forums are full of bitterly nostalgic people who haven't played any new RTS in years because they despise a tried and true formula that makes learning a game easy and mastering it difficult because it's popular but not the precise thing they dream for in an RTS.
I really only care for the story in dow now
The Blood Ravens are my boys
I would see it as playing an RTS side game while everyone else is playing DOTA but yeah. Just doesn't work either way.
> because /v/ and Veeky Forums are full of bitterly nostalgic people who haven't played any new RTS in years
I dunno mang, I don't like the look of it exactly because the seem intent on reversing every evolutionary development that set DoW2 and the CoHs apart from the games that came before them. With each iteration those games consistently trimmed away the fat of the genre, throwing out the busywork like resource gathering and basebuilding in favour of allowing you to actually engage with your opponent. They were fast-paced and engaging by given you rather detailed control over a small number of units that each could have a huge impact on a battle, and rounded it out with a combination of flavourful animations and sound design that made for a great atmosphere. Stuff like having two of your units leapfrog towards the enemy from cover to cover while your banshees flanked around to slam into their read made for an amazing experience and great dynamic.
Meanwhile, part three reintroduces basebuilding, and the combat seem to have regressed to big old blobs of generic units throwing dps at each other in a clinical and stationary manner like we're back in starcraft, while you're down to two or three units per player that are actually allowed to do interesting things once in a while.
>40k is forever doomed with shit studios
fantasy got its good game when the setting died, cadia fell last week so a good game may not be that far
>tfw AoS gets a good game before 40k
I member.
I dare
I really just want to smash sigmarines
>Or do you want marines who die to a couple lasgun shots?
statistically, the expected number of shots to kill a marine is 20
anyway, rifles arent the main weapons of IG. their main kiling weapons are heavy weapons. they could have IG organized into teams that crew AT guns and mortars and ATGMs and vehicles.