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I'm looking forward to disciples of Tzeentch, unfortunately I'm flat broke. Still, I'm wondering about the minis for it, Kairic acolytes have plenty of options, halberds, shields and dual-blades, but is there really only one way to build the ogroid thaumaturge? And are you going to actually need a Kairic acolyte kit to convert tzaangors? Seems like there's not a lot of models in this particular range.

Dumb question, but I just need it to be clear: "Stormhosts" and "Strike Chambers" are essentially chapters and companies respectively, correct? And Lord-Celestants are basically captains, while Lord-Commanders are chapter masters?

There's a fair bit:
-tzaangors (we are getting a box just for us)
-kayric acolytes
-enightened dues

And then all StD with mark of tzeentch.

Complete scrub question, and I apologize in advance, but can wood elves and dryads/tree people be taken in the same army like they could in old Fantasy?
My friends were thinking of starting up a Sigmar league and I like the way they look.

Absolutly. They're both Grand Alliance Order and can be freely mixed in Pitched Battles.

Good to know, thank you.

Not, really. To begin with there's no such thing as lord commanders. The second thing to add is that chambers are batallion sized and that stormhosts are about the size of pre-forgeworld Legiones Astartes.

>I'm looking forward to disciples of Tzeentch, unfortunately I'm flat broke. Still, I'm wondering about the minis for it, Kairic acolytes have plenty of options, halberds, shields and dual-blades, but is there really only one way to build the ogroid thaumaturge? And are you going to actually need a Kairic acolyte kit to convert tzaangors? Seems like there's not a lot of models in this particular range.
You wont need Kairic Acolytes to convert tzaangors. In fact you can buy the 40k kit for tzaangors since they come with all the fantasy gubbins you need to make a legal age of sigmar unit. Other than that it is as

How's everyone's painting coming along this fine friday?

Hot damn those are some sexy Tzaangors. I'm running bloodbound and am still trying to paint the stuff from the starter set, but I need me some of those tzeentch models, they're so nice.

So do any of you change up the color schemes in your units?

For example, I want the leader of every liberator squad to be silver instead of gold, would this look odd or should I just stick to one color scheme?

>Base even looks like bird shit

Realistic / 10

Well you know, It's always important to stay on theme!

It's a bit tricky, but if you want to change the scheme like that it's important to make sure your unit has enough common elements, paintwise, to make the outlier still fit in.

What are your lists for Tzeentch?

Can I take a Fatesworn Warband and maintain Tzeentch allegiance (the battalion only says Everchosen).

I have variations for squads, leaders tend to stand out based on their poses.

For example, my chaos warriors all look the same, except one group has purple capes and brown shoulder fur, while the other has reddish/pink capes and bone colored shoulder fur.

One group of pink horrors is very pink, while another is an almost orangeish pink.

My tzaangor are probably all going to have the same skin tone, with different feather/hair colors for each unit. etc etc.

According to the current rules, no you are stuck with regular chaos if you go fatesworn warband.

Damn shame, because rend -1 6+/6+/6+* (not even counting their armor save,) cultists would be very nice. Probably nice enough to ignore the tzeentch book, even just for a battle or two.

*the third 6+ is a warshrine. If you aren't taking a warshrine in the FSWB, then I hate you and you should rethink your choices.

I really hope this gets FAQed... The Fatesworn Warband got fucked by the rule of 1 anyway so it would be nice to throw it a bone.

I wouldn't get your hopes up. It may be a Tzeentch themed warband, but they are Everchosen. If my understanding of the lore is correct, they basically hate the Chaos Gods, and are simply abusing their power in order to overthrow them.

Or I could be entirely wrong, who knows. I don't read so good.

There are also I think some O&G battalions that have the same problems, some of the spider dude battalions are marked O&G.

Am I right in thinking a Gaunt Summoner from DoT gets:

-An Artefact of Power
-A Daemonic Gift
-A spell from the Lore of Fate
-A spell from the Lore of Change

Because he's both an Arcanite and Daemon Hero/Wizard?


>To begin with there's no such thing as lord commanders.

The position is there, but no one has been promoted yet.

What's the quickest way to share an epub ? 4chins doesn't seem to like the format, renaming it to .pdf didn't help either.

>bog-standard bowmen are part of the command section of the army
>so are the trumpet guys
Sigmar, what the hell are you thinking?

You get one relic in total and one spell in total.

Don't be stupid.
One relic and one spell total, you just have a way bigger selection.

Last thread someone said they'd tell me if my list will suck against my buddys seraphon. So far all he has is the SC box and chameleon skinks.

500pts is the Nurgle SC box
1000 is
Plaguebearers x10
Plaguebearers x10
Drones x3
Toads x3
Toads x3

So, to make Tzeentch Marked Chariots, I'm thinking of replacing the riders with Karic Acolytes. They should fit, yeah?

They're support troops, and thus are in the support/command section. Makes sense, actually... sort of.

Most likely, they're buff but not taller than the normal human models, so should fit in fine.

Might try to swap the head of the driver as he mostly fits, and then mount either an Acolyte or a Tzaangor as the warrior.

Upload to MEGA I guess

If you read the Nagash book in the RW, the Heraldor is basically second in command to the Celestant.

The chariot champ has a god-specific head, the tzeentch one has a beaky face.


I'm gonna try to paint that on a banner for my Fyre Slayers.

Checking here before I put em up on ebay. Anyone here interested in Brets? I got a force which I am going to sell because I have huge backlog that is never going to be finished.

I think it is something like 32 men at arms, 32 bowmen, like 27 or so knights of the realm, 5 questing knights, 3 pegasus, 2 lords and a green knight. They are all assembled and like 50 % is painted and the rest is base coated.

Ah. Maybe keep that then. Blades over fails, yeah?

Jesus why is the general so slow today? It's usually really busy. Are people (shudder) actually out playing the games or painting their new models? Where's all the theorycrafting for tzeentch...?

Horrors are quite easy to paint i think, but then again they're supposed to look horrible so it works out!

Oh is it something to do with Trump inauguration?

Not bad user.

That's what I settled for, but the damn thing keeps crashing and crashing when I try to create an account, so I used Jewgle Drive.

Anyway, here it is :

Why is Flesh-Eater Court the best written part of the Death faction fluff?

Because Ushoran a best. I found Mortarch of Night and Lord of Undeath enjoyables, which gave me hope we'll one day have another good battletome for Death.

It's the only written Death fluff

That's not true. We also have fluff about the three stooges Mortarchs and Nagash being retarded while pretending to be retarded.

I didn't even write what it is, I guess it's time for some sleep.
It's the City of Secrets.

Herald of Nurgle
10x Plaugebearers
10x Plaguebearers
5x Blightkings
1x Soul Grinder

960pts, yay or nay? I could kick out Epidemius, grab Lord of Plagues and spent spare points on 3x nurglings or add 10 more plaguebearers to one of squads.

Why not running a pure daemon list?

Blight kings are cool as fuck that's why

Went to my local GW to pick up some Tzaangors, and they said there were new ones coming out tomorrow... They can't be rebounding the 40k Tzaangors already can they? Was he just trying to get me to come back and buy more stuff (desu I was gonna get it anyway but was gonna wait until I can read the battle time and work out what I want).

Jesus, "reboxing" "battle tome"

cos i got those blightkings already, and I like them. I'll proably crawl deeper into deaemons later on.

I was thinking about new tzeentch stuff, but I like nurgle in AoS more. I already started TSons for 40k, so I'll throw new thingies into 40k (tzaangors, LoC).

>Argumentum ad blightkings
Oh, I understand
wanted to run daemon list but Lord of Plagues looks so neat

Probably because they didnt want to seem misleading, not that I would think many people would be too bothered.

you beautiful bastard.

Can anyone give me some feedback on this?

thanks user, it was a good read

Is everyone busy working on their Tzeentch stuff? This general is absolutely dead compared to 2 days ago.

New tzaangors already on NZ gw site.

>New tzaangors already on NZ gw site.
Are they different from the 40k ones?

Look cool, I do really like the Split Tzaangor head.

absolutely no. Sprues are same as 40k. In 40k box you get extra sprue with laspistols and chainswords.

Even the Twistbray head :)?




Yeah, the kit is exactly the same. I already used my split heads cause I thought they were just a cool design choice, gotta build up some different looking mutants now.

>mfw entre daemon of tzeentch range is no longer avaliable

new models for all daemons comming next week along with LoC

Ok thanks user, was wondering if I should return the box I bought today of the 40k ones.

Do we really need new pink horrors though? Plastic screamers would be ace

>Plastic screamers would be ace
screamers already are plastic

they are not making new daemons of tzeentch that we already didn't see.

>Do we really need new pink horrors though? Plastic screamers would be ace
I think they're just removing the square bases from the box and rebranding them.

Theyre being reboxed

They are? Man I feel stupid now.
Only screamers I've seen in person were my friends old metal ones.

Did anyone manage to order any Tzeentch dice off the website last week?

I placed an order for some at 10:01:28 (less than 90 seconds after they went up)

I've still got order "pending" there's no way they sold out before I placed my order, as I was still able to add more to cart (just to check) for about five minutes after

What do you guys think of this skink based seraphon army? I really like the skinks and the synergy they offer while also keeping irl costs down.

Skink Starseer (160)
- General
- Trait: Reckless
- Artefact: Phoenix Stone
Skink Starpriest (100)
Skink Priest (100)
- Priestly Trappings
- Artefact: Talisman of Blinding Light

20 x Skinks (160)
- Boltspitters & Moonstone Clubs
10 x Skinks (80)
- Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers
10 x Skinks (80)
- Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers

3 x Terradon Riders (140)
- Sunleech Bolas
3 x Ripperdactyl Riders (140)
5 x Chameleon Skinks (120)
5 x Chameleon Skinks (120)

Bastiladon (300)
Stegadon (260)

Heavenswatch Starhost (100)
Shadowstrike Starhost (120)

Total: 1980/2000

Good to see you've painted up more user.

Why take the Reckless trait? You can already reroll run+charge with the skink priest

I would swap the Starpriest for a Sunblood to give you a decent melee hero

Change a small aspect of them, like an arm being silver. It changes things up a bit without ruining a set scheme

Order traits suck for non combat heroes so it seemed the most useful to me. I need the three skink heroes to fulfill the battalion requirements unfortunately, otherwise i had considered taing a more combat oriented hero or one with a command ability.


You need 3 skink heroes for Heavenswatch and 1 more for Shadowstrike.

Units can only be in one battalion

Just finished City of Secrets. Pretty good, I enjoyed it quite a lot. I mean, yes, it was predictable, especially the epilogue, and more than a little cliche, but that doesn't necessarily detract from the whole for me.
Solid plot and decent, if generic characters made for a good read, but, like everybody expected, the secret star of the story was the description of the city, its customs and its people. I kinda want to run an rpg there.
What are your thoughts?

Want to read it, but need to finish Hammers of Sigmar first.

I liked it pretty much the reasons you just said however I thought the villain was lacking a bit and the Tzaangors were underused
My favourite parts was the the initial meetings of the Lord Veritant, and that it turned into a Freeguild novel near the end

Is there something even remoteley simmilar to the German WHFB empire in that freeguilders bit?

You seem to have read the ebooks, are Lizardmangs or Serabros actually playing a role in any of them?
In WHFB they were petty much a footnote when it came to non codex fluff, are they more prominent now? do they get any characterization or personality?

They still have fabulous mustaches, if that counts for anything?

No, lizards are forever boring.

Yes, I'm not that familiar with the WHFB Empire but there is something that definitely reminds me of them
They bust out the steam tank and at one point the artillery fires on their own men

Read Skaven Pestilens, and it's one of the better books as well IMO

They're waiting to get you your Fall of Cadia card

I thought the betrayal was visible from a mile away and the ending was sorta rushed overall. It wouldn't have hurt to actually see the duel between Synor and the chieftain, for example. Also, the glimmerings never being explored any further felt odd.
That said, a very entertaining novel overall, even if the description of life in the city was the best part. People that wanted a ground-level view of the setting finally got that.
That cliché-storm of an epilogue made me roll my eyes though.

>Bird motifs and themes everywhere
>the actual god looks like this instead of a giant bird

Justify this, /AoS/

Anyways dumping the new Tzeentchian art.


>Justify this, /AoS/

God of lies.

God of change, ain't gotta explain shit.

I think that's a perfectly fine idea, and that it won't ruin consistency at all. If one leader of one squad is Silver he's an outlier, but if every leader of every squad is silver, then a recognisable pattern of silver leaders emerges. You don't need to have perfect consistency between squad mates as long as you maintain a cohesive look between units! Besides, varied colours on Stormcast are both lore friendly and help break up a tragically monochrome army.

Maybe he just thinks birds are cool is all. Like some human choosing a dragon or griffin as their standard.

