There's one in every group. Share your interactions with the mentally disabled during a game



Here is your (you), OP.

I dunno, haven't had any. Were you looking for a group?

In a group I currently play with, there are two trans people, one of whom has aspergers. There's also an openly gay guy.

None of them cause any problems, though the one with aspergers isn't much of a roleplayer, to no one's surprise.

One of the guys in my group is an actual communist. that's pretty snowflake-y.
He's fine. Apart from being a dirty commie. And he needs a haircut.

I once asked a guy to describe his character, he couldn't describe anything other than what class he is.

I asked him to come up with a description before the next session, and he tells me "I'm not really a roleplayer".

I advised him to pick up 40k or some other wargame.

There's a trans person in my game. "She" (MTF) isn't awful I suppose. Tends to be impulsive and have LOLSORANDOM XD humour.

Lmao this might be about me

I never understand this mentality either. Seems like it's actually fairly common too, though not to the point of not even describing their character. Who plays RPG's with the intent of doing away with the role-playing part and just throwing dice? (Hint: it's pathfinder players)

How is that not much of a surprise? I'm autistic and I love the roleplaying aspect of games because I don't feel so damn awkward when talking to things that aren't real.

I think the other user assumed that the asperger's guy wouldn't have enough of a grip on communication and human emotion to roleplay, and therefore would have no interest in it. Different points in the spectrum and all that I guess

>play commander at my LGS
>sit down with some people I know, shuffle up
>in comes autist
>high-pitched voice, overweight, what could possibly be wrong?
>we allow him to sit down with us and he pulls out Yidris and immediately starts to blab about how OP Yidris is
>he's not playing storm yidris, it's pretty much stock yidris with a few different cards
>whines when the group happens to be really good at keeping yidris off the board / keeping him from swinging
>plays possibility storm for the sake of playing possibility storm
>claims it's a good card
>whines when we do everything we can to remove it
>plays knowledge pool(because lol knowledge pool!)
>whines when we do everything we can to remove it
>whines when we do anything to him at all
>says he can stop what i'm doing when i go off and murder the fuck out of the simic player (40 to 0), is legitimately surprised when I kill him too

I swear, he's autistic or something.

Does she put on an obnoxious southern belle accent as a character voice because if so I'm in your game.

Invited a bunch of guys to session zero to hash out characters for a pirate campaign.
Player 3/3 shows up and I ask him to tell me about his character idea.
P3: Well, I wanna play a young street thief like rogue that fights with those spiked fist things.
Me: Caestūs?
P3: Yeah those.
Me: Alright, cool, so tell me about your character. What's his backstory?
P3: ... He's a Rogue? He grew up on the streets? What do you want form me?
Pic related.

I had to force him to give me a reason my he was on the streets, why he became a rogue, and why he would join a pirate crew.

He gave me something like his parents were rich but he liked slumming it up and being a dick ass thief as a kid. Then one day a bunch of pirates killed his parents, stole his family's fortune, and then chased after the kid away screaming they would find him.

I told him that it was good, but I didn't really like that last bit and. Then he flipped out because, "That was the only idea I had!" and, "You keep shooting my character down!" onto, "Why did you even invite me if your not gonna let me play?" I told him it was just the last bit I had a problem with and we hashed the last bit out after he had a cigarette and calmed down.

Trying to get a backstory out of someone is sometimes like trying to get blood from a stone. I also hate playing with smokers because they get way to angry when they don't get to smoke. Like, you wanna interrupt the game for everyone else so you can go suck on some burning weeds? Fuck that.

He's the paladin and is single single-handidly responsible for the death of a minor deity (who was also his brother or cousin, it's been a while).

On the bright side, he actually fucking tries to RP, which is more effort than something like half the group.

He also took on a small army of major demons and bifurcated a wurm, so he at least gets shit done. I wasn't present for the first one though.

A bunch of people in my playgroup share the same body.

Wouldn't mentally disabled not even be able to play it anyway?

Well, since you mentioned. One of my players is autist, but he's really cool and one of the best in the party. You can tell right off the bat he's autist by the way he speaks(doesn't speak very fluid, doing pauses and exagerating facial expressions) but talking with him by text chat his totally normal.

I had a player that played multiple iterations of a half orc barbarian that used oversized weapons who were all named "Joe Momma" by me because he wouldn't name his characters. He... had issues, he went on a tirade one day about how there was no such thing as marital rape because marriage "was a contract to have sex". I'd like to say I said something awesome that made everyone on the bus start clapping but in reality I just said "... wow" and tried to pretend he said literally anything else.

So I was once so barren of roleplaying experiences that I turned to the trauma that is PFS.

A bad idea at best, I understand now.

There were 8 dudes in attendance. One of them was developmentally disabled, and had a carer.

But THAT GUY, man? He was the only guy at the table who actually roleplayed. Everyone else just sat at the table and stared at eachother with their buck teeth huffing out of their mouths, while this dude went FULL DRAGON SORCEROR. He redeemed the most irredeemable Veeky Forums experience.

10/10 would downs again

Not to go into to much detail here, but I had a guy I was trying to force any sort of backstory/detail/personality onto, anything that wasn't directly on the character sheet. He was playing a wizard.

"So how/why did you become a wizard?"
"From reading books."
"Okay... would you say you value knowledge?"
"Yeah, I took all kinds of knowledges!'

I... have no words. To this very day I still don't have words.

>P3: ... He's a Rogue? He grew up on the streets? What do you want form me?
This is literally me, I am so bad at coming up with backstories leading up to where my character is now but I love coming up with concepts.

I pity all of you, you've never played D&D in a nuthouse.


>Trying to get a backstory out of someone is sometimes like trying to get blood from a stone
This. I love DM'ing and there's so many people who view DnD as a videogame.
I'm not going criticize how people play DnD-- there's no "correct" way of playing it as long as you have fun-- but I'm going to get pissed when they actively reject my help to create a backstory, and then complain to me later that they feel like they're playing a caricature or something.

>There's one in every group
>I haven't met any

I'm in a group on roll20 with a literal autistic person. He plays an edgelord Tiefling Ranger. His turns take forever because he has to take the time to say out loud what all his options are. The DM let his autistic online gf join and she is as dumb as a rock and has not taken any initiative at all to learn how to play. Her turns take even longer than his because she doesn't know what to do, so her boyfriend just does it for her most of the time. I usually open another tab and surf the net when it's their turns in combat because they take so long. The few times she decided to do her turn on her own, she ended up casting area of effect spells that targeted more of our own party than the enemy.

Their characters are in love with each other, which spawns the cringiest role playing ever, but I can live with that. I just wish they could keep their turns under 5min.

Can you be more specific, that seems ominously vague.

Sometimes it's the opposite. I play in a game where one guy wrote 15 pages of backstory for his faggy dragonborn. We were level one.

Idk with the exception of the actual thirteen year olds people in PF tend to at least have a rudimentally basic background

He's probably talking about the GM.

I can never actually believe people when they say they've friends who have more than 5 pages of pre-written backstory.
That being said, I've never played with anyone like that, mostly because I invite normies, so the only problem I really have to deal with is under-enthusiasm.

I'm the mentally disabled one
I have autism
I'm also the only member of my group

Some games I'll do very little. concept or joke and roll with it. Other times i give a rough story. And other times I shit out pages of story and connections. and stories for characters directly connected with the character.

But that kind info dump is overloading the frontload. So it's helpful explaining the basics in a few lines. and then putting that at the front for GMs

Konosuba is a treasure.

A perverted shitty guy is killed and sent to a fantasy world where he continues to be perverted shitty guy. Every time you think someones gonna get some character development and grow as a person, they end up solving the problem in a completely stupid way so that nobody learns a lesson.

We have a person with some sort of MPD whose sub-personalities play different characters. He is a curious individual (or individuals?). He plays a cleric and a paladin (but the game is not DnD)

>I'm the mentally disabled one
>I have aspergers
>I've had several GMs who have said that I was the best RPer of the group
>Have played a wide array of characters - magical, martial, serious and silly
>From a Dwarven shopkeep who tripped into a hole leading to the underdark to a Tiefling noble who wanted to claim a piece of the country for himself
What's your excuse OP?

I had a Trans player. Aside from the incessant singing and absolutely retarded ideas no one follows through with theyre alright as a player.

What makes it bad is back when they were a guy they were my best friend, and despite my past efforts theyre in a spiral of self destruction. Before he was an normal, if weaboo personal , but now theyre an anxious wreck who has zero drive.I've tried but there is nothing that can stop him being a mentally ill neet.

>tfw have bipolar
>tfw have severe OCD
>tfw been baker act'd and hospitalized three times now

I guess I'm that special snowflake. I wish I didnt have such cancerous genetics and meme mental illnesses. I try to be as normal as possible and not do that shit they do on tumblr where they try to guilt people into feeling pity for them by broadcasting to everyone that they have "le ebin mental illnesses im so quirky like a doktor who character xDD"

More details pls? Don't embarrass him (s), but I'd love to know how that played out

It's an online game so he just has two accounts

It's true though.

>his interests

ya'll are funny. user doesn't mean he's not interested, he means that he sucks at it.

our assburger thinks he's the coolest guy on the block.

My group consists of a trans (FtM), a Bisexual guy who I'm pretty sure is really trans, a retarded hipster with some kind of personality disorder and me. A faggot trying to wrangle all these idiots into a half decent group of social rejects.

Maybe this makes me the autist in the room, but I hate backstories. I'm there for the story story.

I'd rather involve my character in whatever's happening than have whatever's happening revolve around my character. I don't need or want any awkward "character spotlight" where the BBEG kidnaps my high school crush or raises my pet goldfish.

I know some people get off on that, and that's fine for them, I just don't care for it personally.

>and not do that shit they do on tumblr where they try to guilt people into feeling pity for them by broadcasting to everyone that they have "le ebin mental illnesses im so quirky like a doktor who character xDD"
Your pic is appropriate: you're the salt of the earth

Also, fucking headmates man. Tumblr and their "headmates" sound having split personality disorder and/or schizophrenia sound like fun. It's all "oh noez, Doctor Who is having le ebin buttsecks with Sherlock xD wattodo?".

Literally meme disease.
It exists only ebin American TV shows, and a vocaloid song.

Well, fuck if I know what is actually wrong with him!

I play with a couple potatoes. DM's friends, apparently. One of them can't spell, like, at all. When he joins in on the group e-mails, it's like he's typing a completely different language. He can't spell his own character's name. Oh, and role play:

>Group meets someone who needs help
>"Hey, look, we can help you alright?" he says
>"Is that a persuasion roll DM?" he asks OOC

His characters have no personality, as they rarely speak, and we they do, it's just him talking.

The other potato likes to take her dice for Fireball and roll them one at a time. It's immensely cringe-worthy. Also:

>"Can I, like, twin spell Ray of Frost and, like, bounce it off of (other potato)'s sword to hit the same guy twice?"
>I give a stern look to her, a concerned look to the DM, and shake my head
>"I'm just trying to be creative!"

One of these days I'm going to get tired of it. Damn me for being so patient.

that just sounds awful

Depends on what you're in for. It's awful if you want a fantasy adventure, it's great if you want a fantasy-themed comedy.

Nobody I'd consider mentally impaired has ever played with me in a group, although that's not because I've been actively trying to avoid them.

I have PTSD, but I also have a dog who'll get in my face if I start getting worked up.

I'm probably the special snowflake in my group, though I manage to keep my power level pretty low (being the DM and self-aware helps).
The worst player I've ever had to deal with wasn't even in my group. I DM for PbP (yuk it up) games and one time a player I had never heard of just barged in without warning and said his character did something.
He hadn't applied or even informed me of his intent, and when I asked him what gave he messaged me a character sheet in the wrong system with obviously forged rolls that was two levels above the party and had a backstory out of a bad pulp. He didn't even do the math right for the magical weapons and expensive equipment he somehow inherited despite being an orphan. On top of all this, he had bad grammar and seemed to be under the impression that even though he didn't apply and hadn't been invited I would have accepted him anyways.
I explained that I would not be taking him as nicely as possible and as my reasoning gave a list of everything that was wrong with his character sheet.
And I never saw him again, thank God.

>getting this hyper-defensive over a cringe thread that's not even directed at you

Congratulations on not fucking up everyone else's fun at a game despite having the tisms yourself. My point still stands that MOST spergs DO tend to ruin shit with their lack of social skills and sonic lore encyclopedia brains. Have a Gold star.

>I have PTSD
From what, being a faggot?

No, although that would be a perfectly valid reason to have PTSD.

Mine's from too much time in the sandbox.

Is that slang for molestation?

Not joking or anything, I've just never heard the phrase "Too much time in the sandbox" before.

War in the Middle East dude. There's a lot of fucking sand.

Ah, makes sense.
Well, either way, you got fucked.
Sorry dude.

Look up an old series of book called "Central casting" especially "heroes of legend" This book is a fucking compendium of tables to roll to make your character absolutely unique and cool. i would send you a PDF but its easy to find and too big to just upload here.

I didn't fight in Iraq, I was just explaining it to you, ya fuckin' 'tard.

Not a real thing.

Well excuuuuse me for assuming you were the same guy.
Was no reason not to.

FLGS has an open RPG night. Some pre made groups full of people at different levels playing different games, but always one open low level campaign for 5e as a starter game.

One of the guys who plays in it is definitely autistic, probably has arse burgers, probably doesn't know it's him holding the game up every time.

I had the displeasure of playing in the same game as him, and for the sake of brevity I'll greentext the rest:

>party is barbarian (normal), paladin (normal) rogue (me) and mage (autist)
>dm explains the campaign to me and I forget most of it now but the basic gist was that there was a succubus in this city and we're trying to find her
>cue NPC conversations where all the autist does is giggle to himself and think out loud about killing everybody in the room despite being level 2
>everybody is actually doing pretty well at ignoring him
>captain of the guard or something similar is explaining to us that there's a cave somewhere out on an island of importance
>autist starts squealing about how we should just teleport there because he's a mage despite being level 2
>spend a night in town
>barbarian and paladin go off to a tavern to get drunk and reminisce about the day's battles (previous session I wasn't involved in)
>try to do some skullduggery and thievery and fumble some rolls, call it a night
>autist meanwhile ignores the whole thing and when prompted all he can come up with is "I follow the barbarian and paladin"
>next day comes and we take a boat to the island where this cave is supposed to be
>every few minutes we have to stop the game and listen to the autist debate rules nobody even asked about
>make it to the island, get inside despite nearly fumbling some more lock picking and trap disarming
>get covered in some kind of acidic goo because I was silly enough to walk into a room that is 2x2 squares by myself without checking for traps


>autist starts squealing and saying how it could be any one of a hundred different things that he starts rattling off the stats for
>at this point everybody at the table is visibly annoyed by him, and doing their best to avoid making eye contact with him, let alone say anything to him or engage him in conversation
>make it to the succubus' chambers without real incident
>being the scout I accidentally start up a conversation by way of tripping over the doorway
>succubus gives me generic "I was wondering when you'd show up, I've been waiting since you left the guard captain's office/barracks" line
>reply with generic "thanks for confirming you were behind everything up till now"
>autist starts squealing like it's the most badass thing he's ever heard
>not even interested in hearing the rest of the conversation
>just want it to end
>some kind of furry creature, forget what, attacks us at her behest
>being informed that the demon had powers of mind control we decide to take her out first
>furry things stop attacking us, everyone is elated
>autist starts waxing lyrical about how important he was to the mission
>despite the fact he used a total of 2 spells that did no damage to anybody, refused to get into character at any point, did nothing to help the party strategise at any point in or out of combat, and only seemed to be there so he could argue statistics and rules that nobody really cared about

Still not as bad as my PFS experience.

>Still not as bad as my PFS experience.

Please go on...

It's fantasy Sienfeld with cute explosion waifus

This reminds me of the two people I knew in college who were diagnosed with aspergers. One was social to a fault and the other was shy as fuck. They were still pretty fun to hang out with and they got along, but it was fascinating to see their polar opposite conditions.

>tfw youre the autist
feels bad man.

might be only me but my group do character descriptions, even if only basic ones.

Exactly one in every group?

Mental illness (to the point of "disability", so to speak), is like 4% in America.

Assuming we have 4 players in a group and they are randomly chosen from the population of adults (which isn't how shit works when you are looking for players/making friends), there's a 14% probability the group has a single mentally disabled player.

So um
pfff to you, OP

No one expects it to be literally 1+, but people who gravitate to these games have a higher tendency of not fitting with social norms. Most mentally ill fall within that set. So yeah, the numbers are a lot higher than a random sample.

You wouldn't happen to live in Eugene, would you?

And here's the autist now.

As long as you have a reason for your character to be where they are, and some kind of motivation, you don't need a huge backstory. I can't remember the exact quote, but someone once said something to the effect of not putting so much effort into your backstory that it overshadows the main story.

My general rule for a backstory is only a few questions:
>1. Who is your character?(name/age/gender/ class where appropriate)
>2. Summarize how they got their starting class level(s).(Typically one to two paragraphs)
>3. Summarize your character's motivation.(Typically also one to two paragraphs)

This comes out to, maybe, a page, page and a half. If someone handed me a stack of paper that looked like a final paper assignment and answered my question of, "What the fuck," with, "my character's backstory," and didn't give any indication that it was anything else, like a character sheet, character art, write-ups for the abilities, feats, and magic items they have, etc. I'd probably visibly throw it away. People like that want attention and to be treated like the best, most important person in the room. And I'm not going to humor them.

My group has a guy that argues small details that were explained earlier.

Like how long it would take for a pit with a child that we needed to save in it to fill up with water because the dm off handedly mentioned that their was water dripping into it. Took us 10 minutes to explane that the water was just ascetic.

Lol, how about that. I love this board

What was/is their name?

>PF players
Screw you man, I fill out a 100 question checklist when I make a PF character, I want to use every chance I get to role play the fuck out of my next character.

Glad I'm not the only one. I get that some people love making a detailed backstory, but if your backstory can't be condensed into five paragraphs or less, then it's too detailed for a level one character.

>level one character
Y'know, I like that distinction. A level five character might have a bit more detailed of a backstory, maybe an additional paragraph under both their backstory and motivation would make sense, but other than that, yeah. First level? You've got five paragraphs over ~two pages, use them wisely.

So you don't like bad or "convenient" back story. But backstop is important to role play an interesting character in that story, that's why almost all good pieces of storytelling have some bit of information on who a character was before.

As a DM I use it as a players first chance to shape the world they'll be playing in. I ask them about their hometown, and the or travels, and try to work it into my world. It helps them feel like they're in a real world, and their characters actually existed in it.

Nope. No idea where that is.

Found the autists.

>posts pic related in local RPG community forums before first session
>arrives at GMs small apartment
>Takes biggest seat quite clearly reserved for GM
>During char creation
>"Anons GM, can I take autism as a positive trait"
>"What would that give you, plus 5 to fanfic writing?" says other player
>"Actually, I AM AUTISTIC!"
>dead silence for at least 20 minutes
>Constantly abusing GMs furniture with massive weight
>Wont stop rocking in chair, despite multiple requests to stop
>New female french student joints
>"Is there anything traits I could take to improve my charisma?"
>"Well, my dear, you could take sexual magnetism, but I see you already have that"
>Dead silence again
>Starts falling alsleep midgame
>Loudly snoring
>Wake him up
>Falls asleep again in 5 minutes
>Have to speak in between snores


It's aesthetic, you dumb fuck, but even that wouldn't work in your case. You wanted descriptive, you retard.

That's actually fairly common.
If you don't live in 'murica that is.

What the goddamn fuck, how are filth like this even alive? You or the DM better have had kicked it out.


>seemingly actually scared to take a shower
I really hope he's being sarcastic. I take a shower everyday, if I can find the time at a reasonable hour of the day(before, like, two or three in the morning). I actually can't stand the feeling of my hair if I don't shower for a day(it's shoulder length, shirley temple-grade curly, and oily; if I don't shower, it kinda deflates, feels grimy, and starts to mat up), and I'm used to being, y'know, clean, so even my skin feels grimy, and that feeling makes my skin crawl.

Yep, after the second session. Our GM also ran half the communities in the country and demo'd games at conventions for publishers, so the autist never signed up for another tabletop game online again.

Cut the pointless hostility user, this isn't /v/. Besides aesthetics can apply to a scene too (as would narration or mood).

>all these actual fucking trannies


>short, weird-looking little guy
>smells funny
>NEVER showers, his foster parents literally have to bathe him
>never brings snacks (thank goodness) eats everyone else's snacks the minute they look away
>makes these weird little grunting noises all the time
>flat-out ignores most players most of the time, feigns ignorance whenever he's called out on it
>never drives, get's carted everywhere by his foster parents

what really started it was when in the middle of a game, he gets up and charges up the stairs, demanding to be let outside

and what does he do as soon as he gets outside? He pops a squat and literally SHITS all over my buddies lawn

on top of all this, girls fucking LOVE him.

not even kidding, this guy is messed right up

pic related, it's him.

If I end up playing DnD I don't treat it as video game. I treat it as a boardgame.

Comedy requires funny and jokes, Konosuba is not good at ether.

>Konosuba is not good at ether
Honestly, that's a good thing in my books. I'm not a fan of shows that put me to sleep.

I totally respect that. I like people who aren't so selfish that they think every thing needs to revolve around them. I've had games ruined because someone was so demanding of their backstory being important that nothing else could get done.

But, I think you still need some form of a backstory. Even if it's just one paragraph.

>Level 1 Kobold Paladin

> Grew up in a small kobold community in a cave near an ocean. Cave got ransacked by Sahuagin. Survived by sheer luck. Believed it was divine intervention. Devoted life to Dragon god and protecting others.

There. That's a backstory that doesn't demand the current narrative revolve around them. It explains where he came from, why he's a paladin, and why he's currently adventuring, risking his life every day he goes into a dungeon, instead of living a simple, risk free life doing simple work.

From this point, if anything needs elaborated on, I just improvise, and make note of said improvisation to be added to the backstory later.