Did you like it, Veeky Forums?
It's a perfectly accurate representation of the average D&D party.
I liked it but I subtly noticed that some of the dialog is forced.
it's aight
Would have liked it if they got more into it rather than being sarcastic all the time
Why do western cartoons always have to look so fucking disgusting?
I saw the first episode and it was entertaining, but the rest of them were behind a paywall. Does it get better or worse later?
The episodes can be pirated, I watched them an it gets really funny.
I liked it a lot, it was basically a good representation of a D&D game, but easily explained and presented so normies could understand the concept.
Because you touched yourself and made baby jesus cry.
Also, this isn't a western cartoon, it's short animated segments illustrating a live filming of an RPG session. The budget they have for making their whole season is less than the average Arbys commercial.
I would be annoyed if I'd paid for it.
low budget doesn't mean it has to have such an ugly style
Well, this explains why Veeky Forums has gone to shit.
I don't like Harmon, so I never watched it.
I'm watching it for the first time at the moment.
Saw the third episode last night.
It's decently watchable, and I think it's fairly 'accurate' as a group.
It does, however lack the spontaneity of the podcast as said, and both suffer from the sarcasm masturbation and focus problems that mentioned.
The podcast as a whole is only good for background listening anyway.
It was pretty good, but all the episodes have a pretty rigid format and the party didn't seem to have any real agency within the plot. Some of the guest stars were really damn awkward or cringy with their humour but there were some real gems of interaction along the way.
wrong. not enough dick jokes, and they're way too nice to each other
It was ok.
Lost my shit at the dead babies song.
I enjoyed it, but found it demonstrated a type of roleplaying that I personally find extremely annoying.
What's the problem with actually taking something seriously? Why do you have to ironically play D&D. Can't you just play D&D?
Stranger Things did a much better job at getting people interested in D&D.
Childish fun =/= Sarcastic insecurities
>gems of interaction along the way
torn between Hawaiian Coffee and the bard, good shit
>OP is definitely a faggot
On topic though I rate the show a solid 5 out of 10
Is season 2 out yet?
Best episodes are 1, 8 (the kobold), and the last one, especially the two guest stars.
>not mentioning the sandwitch wizard
it was the good guest
Loved it, can't wait for season 2
Thank me later
You get a month of free trial through Seeso if you sign up to watch it, you can make it through the whole season and cancel before you're charged. Totally worth.
some are better, some are worse