Is it wrong to use some modern irl terms in a setting?
What games can I play a turbojew Merchant? I imagine a Bard with Craft skills would be a good start in DnD games.
No. They are only considered "Modern" term in THIS setting... real life.
There are terms in ancient languages that cannot be translated in current English. Just because you think it's a modern term doesn't mean the concept hasn't existed before.
Odds are you're already using modern English (or whatever) words for almost everythign in the setting, since you aren't talking and writing in an in-setting language when you play. So you already are using modern irl terms all the time.
That said, some terms will obviously fit poorly into some settings. So for example, talking about job-killing socialists in a setting which has yet to get to get to the industrial revolution or otherwise reach a somewhat modern labour market will probably just end up being fucking retarded.
1. Pick bard
2. choose guild merchant background
3. pick high charisma
4. instead of solving disputes with hostile groups with violence, negotiate and set up lucrative, exclusive trading deals with them.
5. ?????
6. Profit
Not wrong, obviously. Fuck that. But I do think modern words can diminish the immersion.
At the same time, they rarely have a good substitute when it comes to cursing and humour.
>What games can I play a turbojew Merchant?
D&D. Just get a Spelljammer ASAP and you're set to disrupt ALL THE ECONOMIES.
Ryuutama has a Merchant thing in it.
>Wealth is a stat you spend Exp on to raise instead of something you accumulate from roleplay
>scams, heists, bartering, treasure hunting, stealing and merchantry all have no reward and is pointless to even bother with because of this
Why do "story focused" systems do this?
Would you mind posting examples rather then shaking your fist at something I don't even assume a notable % of what you consider "story focused" systems do?
Sustainable resources vs one-shot influxes of cash.
Story systems tend to want to focus on things other than Making Money as the primary objective for the group - you can still scam/heist/barter/treasure hunt/steal/merchant, but it's either in the background OR it's part of getting something IMPORTANT rather than just Cash Money.
>DM makes a parody version of a rl person character
>It's atcually funny and hardly political
What if the parody version goes through serious character development and comes out the other side a badass?
Would it still count as a parody?
I don't KNOW user, I'm asking questions!
I think so?
>something IMPORTANT
>not Cash Money
I don't understand
WoD and Dresden Files
>money is never a motivation
>can't have crippling gambling debts from the local mob boss
>can't be struggling to make ends meet at the orphange
>can't be paying hospital bills for a family member
>can't be a greedy cunt that wants power
>nope, all money is used for getting that shiny +5 Vorpal Sword
You lack imagination senpai